Services Offered by Divorce Lawyers


divorce-lawyerWhen you use a network of divorce lawyers like the ones at Woodgrange Solicitors, you will have a committed team of experienced legal professionals helping to make the process easier on you. When you contact a directory of divorce lawyers you will be able to get the help you need. Some of the services that are provided by a divorce attorney.
Missing Spouse Divorce
If you are seeking a divorce and do not know where your wife is located, the divorce attorney that you hire will file an original petition for divorce, which will be served to your spouse at the last address on record. The attorney will contact the spouse’s most recent place of residence, the landlord, the local post office and other areas that may have recent information regarding their whereabouts. However, after the process is complete and you have provided proof of “diligent effort” you will be able to file for the divorce publication.
If your spouse earns a significant amount more money than you, and you are facing a divorce, you may be able to receive alimony, which is support payments issued each month that one spouse pays to the other. Additionally, if you earn more than your spouse you may also be required to pay alimony. When alimony is ordered, you will likely have to pay a certain amount each month until a certain event occurs; contacting an attorney will help you determine if you qualify for alimony.
Quit Claim Deeds
This is not a product of divorce, but rather a tool. They are used to transfer the ownership interest that was purchased by a married couple from one spouse to the other. Once this is done, it cannot be undone and using a lawyer’s service may help you understand your rights in this process.
Enhanced Life Estate Deeds
This type of deed is more commonly referred to as a Ladybird Deed and is a document that transfers property to heirs upon your death. This avoids your property from being distributed by the court after your death and instead transfers it to a named beneficiary.
Out of State Divorce
If you are filing for a divorce out of your original state, having the help of an attorney will likely be necessary. It is crucial that the residency requirements for each state are considered, which may be difficult to understand for those unfamiliar with the laws.
Child Custody and Support
If you and your wife have children, an agreement for custody and support must be reached. If you and your spouse are not able to agree on this, it is essential that you have the services of an attorney to help you navigate through the process.
When you seek a divorce, you may decide to change the beneficiaries of your will from your spouse to another person. This is a common action and one that can be aided by the divorce attorney you hire for the other services.
Power of Attorney
A power of Attorney will provide someone else with the right to speak for you in a situation where you are unable to do so. After a divorce, you may want the power of attorney to be changed from your former wife to another trusted individual.
Seeking legal help will ensure that these services are handled in an appropriate manner, in accordance to all regulating laws.


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