US Suffers Military Reversals, Another Black Day for Proxy War on Syria

US Backed Moderate Terrorists Acknowledge Defeat in Aleppo


TEHRAN (FNA)- The Takfiri terrorist groups acknowledged on their social media pages the death of a number of their members, including senior commanders, in Syrian military operations in Aleppo province, admitting that they retreated from vast areas on Monday.

The so-called “storming leader of special forces in Bab Amre battalion”, Ali al-Daloub al-Fa’ouri, and the senior commander of al-Sham Legion, al-Zaher Baibars al- Salmouni, have been identified among the dead, the terrorist groups said.


The terrorist groups also said Amer al-Omar from the so-called Jaish al-Sunna and Jumaa al-Omar of the so-called Islamic Union of Ajnad al-Sham have been killed in the Monday clashes.

The terrorists confirmed that they had to retreat from their positions following heavy airstrikes and massive ground operations by the Syrian army and popular forces.

Reports from Northern Aleppo province said on Monday that militant groups have sustained heavy casualties in the joint offensive of the Syrian Army and popular forces on their concentration centers.

The militants’ gathering centers and defense lines in Bashkoy and Hraytan came under attack by the pro-government forces, whose operations in the Northern part of the country pinned down the terrorist groups in their vulnerable positions.

Battlefield reports said the pro-government troops have seized a large number of weapons and military equipment in the attack.

The Syrian army and its allies have gained the upper-hand in different parts of Aleppo city and province in the last two months. Reports said earlier today that the Syrian army repelled the militant groups’ offensive on their military checkpoint Southeast of Aleppo province, and killed or wounded at least 50 of them in their counter-assault.

The Syrian Army’s military checkpoint near al-Aziziyah came under attack of the militant groups, who failed to infiltrate into the government defense lines and fled the battlefront after leaving scores of dead or wounded members as a result of the Syrian forces’ counter-assault.

Syrian Forces Target Terrorists’ Convoy near Turkey

TEHRAN (FNA)- Takfiri terrorists suffered heavy losses as the Syrian army targeted a long column of their trucks loaded with ammunition and military equipment on a supply route from Turkey to Idlib in Northwestern Syria on Monday.

Field sources in Idlib province said the army destroyed a long convoy of truck loaded with ammunition, weapons and military tools and equipment on a road that is used by the al-Nusra Front and other terrorist groups that operate under the umbrella of Jaish al-Fateh to supply weapons from Turkey through Bab al-Salem border crossing.

The convoy was moving towards al-Dana city, 36 km North of Idlib city.

Yesterday, some 94 wanted militants surrendered to local authorities in Idlib as the army, National Defense Forces and the Lebanese Hezbollah fighters, backed by Syrian and Russian warplanes, continue to advance against the Takfiris.

The developments came a few days after heavy fighting erupted between two rival Takfiri terrorist groups in Idlib province, leaving casualties on both sides.

A large group of terrorists were killed in exchange of fire between al-Nusra Front and Ahrar al-Sham terrorist groups in al-Rami village in Idlib countryside on Wednesday.

Syria: ISIL Terrorists Pound Rival Militant Groups North of Aleppo

TEHRAN (FNA)- The ISIL terrorist group launched heavy mortar attacks on the strongholds of other militant groups in the Northern part of Aleppo province on Monday.

After the continued victories of the pro-government forces against the militant groups, infighting has intensified among the terrorists groups in recent weeks.

Local sources said the ISIL’s mortar shelling was conducted in Marea town some 25 kilometers North of Aleppo city.

There have been no reports on the identity of the targets and their possible casualties.

Sources said earlier today that the al-Qaeda-affiliated al-Nusra Front has declared war on the ISIL militants after a dispute over the latter’s prisoner exchange with the Lebanese Army.

Prior to this turmoil along the border of Lebanon and Syria in Qalamoun mountains, there have been similar cases of fight between them in Northern Syria that included a war in Northern Aleppo and Raqqa.

On Wednesday, heavy fighting erupted between two rival Takfiri terrorist groups in Idlib province, leaving casualties on both sides.

A large group of terrorists were killed in exchange of fire between al-Nusra Front and Ahrar al-Sham terrorist groups in al-Rami village in Idlib countryside.

Earlier this month, fierce clashes also took pace between rival terrorist groups in the province of Dara’a, leaving scores of militants dead and injured as rifts widened between the terrorists after the Syrian army continued advance in more militant-held territories.

Clashes erupted between terrorists of al-Nusra Front and the so-called “Liwa Shuhadaa al-Yarmouk” terrorist group in al-Allan area in the Western countryside of Dara’a after al-Nusra announced on its Twitter account on Sunday that it had killed the chief of Liwa Shuhadaa al-Yarmouk.

Dozens of terrorists from both sides were killed or injured in the clashes.

Abu Ali al-Breidi, the leader of Liwa Shuhadaa al-Yarmouk, was reportedly killed in a suicide attack by al-Nusra Front that targeted one of the terrorist group’s positions.

Terrorist groups’ confirmed infighting between the Takfiri terrorist groups on their social media pages, and said that members of Liwa Shuhadaa al-Yarmouk killed around 50 al-Nusra Front leaders in less than one month, and killed and abducted 300 other al-Nusra Front members.

Hezbollah Troops Repel Terrorists’ Surprise Attack on Syria’s Zabadani

 TEHRAN (FNA)- Hezbollah forces prevented tens of Al-Nusra Front and Ahrar al-Sham militants from penetrating into al-Zabadani plains through a long tunnel they had dug under the city.

A sum of 100 Al-Nusra Front and Ahrar al-Sham terrorists were trying to infiltrate into al-Zabadani via the tunnels they had dug from the town of al-Mazaya, but they were pushed back.

The Hezbollah fighters received intelligence tips about the intention of the militants to enter al-Zabadani plains and launched a timely surprise attack on them.

The Takfiri terrorists were forced to retreat after sustaining heave casualties and leaving behind the bodies of their comrades killed in heavy clashes.

The Syrian army was also pounding terrorists positions on the other side of the tunnel since Sunday night. Reports said some 30 militants were killed in the Syrian army’s massive artillery fire from Sunday night to Monday afternoon.

On September 2, the Syrian Army and the Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance Movement took back Syria’s border town of Zabadani from the terrorists.

The border city was purged of the terrorists Wednesday midnight after two months of intense clashes, FNA dispatches said.

Hezbollah and the Syrian army gained full victory after the remaining gangs of Ahrar al-Sham and al-Nusra Front terrorists were forced to withdraw from the Southern parts of Zabadani towards al-Mazaya region.

Zabadani was freed after a ceasefire plan went into effect three times and the two sides accepted to hold fire in the border region.

Zabadani is located 50 kilometers Northwest of Damascus and 12 kilometers Northeast of Lebanon’s Masnaa border crossing.

Militants Retreat from More Areas in North of Syria’s Lattakia Province
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Army has made a major advance against militant groups in the Northern part of the coastal province of Lattakia, specially in its mountainous areas near border with Turkey, sources said on Monday.

The sources said that the Syrian army and popular forces’ joint operation in the Northern territories of the Lattakia province have ended in recapturing Kishkar mountain.

The sources further added that the militant groups have left behind many dead or wounded members and retreated from the battlefield.

On Sunday, the Russian Air Force traced several gatherings of the militant groups in the mountainous areas of Lattakia province and targeted them in massive airstrikes.

The militant positions and military sites in the Nuba mountains and Selma and their surrounding areas were heavily bombed by the Russia warplanes, which left scores of the terrorists dead or wounded.

The Russian air attacks have pinned down the militant groups in their almost destroyed positions without any chance to regroup.

Syrian Army Targets Militants’ Sites Southeast of Damascus

TEHRAN (FNA)- Terrorists’ military sites in Deir al-Assafir Southeast of the capital Damascus sustained heavy damage in a Syrian Army raid on Monday.

At least 13 militants were killed and nearly 20 others were injured in the army offensive near Deir al-Assafir.

Sources said on Sunday that the Syrian army troops intensified their military operations against the Takfiri militants of Jaish al-Islam in Damascus countryside, leaving a large group of the terrorists dead.

The army targeted fortified positions of Jaish al-Islam in Alyia farms and al-Hajaria in Douma city, killing a group of terrorists and destroying their vehicles and weapons.

Mo’amen al-Saour and Mohamed Ghazal were identified among the dead terrorists.

The army also targeted terrorists’ positions in al-Rayhan farms on the outskirts of Douma city, leaving at least two militants dead.

The Syrian army also killed Ahmad Mahmoud, one of the terrorists’ senior commanders in al-Fousoul al-Arbaa area in Darayya city in western Ghouta.

Clashes Continue between Army and Terrorists in Hama

TEHRAN (FNA)- Reports from Hama province said terrorists attempted to open their way into the town of Ma’an on Monday, but retreated after defeat.

The terrorists retreated after their wave of consequent attacks on army defense lines ended up in defeat and casualties and after their armored vehicles were destroyed, a military source said.

Field sources said at least 6 terrorist, most of them from the so-called “Ahrar al-Sham Islamic Movement” and “al-Izza Battalions and Brigades Coalition”, were killed in the clashes with the Syrian army in Markabeh and Ma’an towns.

According to the source, Saleh al-Saleh, Mohammad Nassan Agha, Rashid al-Alwan and Fadi Khaled al-Khaled were among the notorious terrorists killed in the battle today.

Earlier today, the Syrian Army troops repelled massive offensives of the terrorists groups on at least five of their strongholds in the Northern and Northwestern parts of Hama province.

The militant groups’ attacks on the positions of the government troops near town of Ma’an, and military checkpoints near Zelin, al-Zelabiyat, Tal Bezam and al-Boweida were repelled by the Syrian soldiers, who carried out several counter-assaults and killed or wounded dozens of militants.

The militant groups’ military vehicles were also destroyed or seized in the army counter-attacks.

Also on Monday, the Syrian government forces killed and injured at least 17 Takfiri militants in Hama.

The Syrian army targeted Takfiri terrorists’ positions and strongholds in Tal Taraa in Atshan village in the Northeastern countryside of Hama on Monday.

Syrian warplanes have been bombing terrorists’ positions in Hama province since this morning. The Syrian air raids destroyed positions and fortifications of militants in al-Lataminah, Latmeen and West of Ma’an.

The Syrian fighter bombers heavily bombed the positions of al-Nusra Front terrorists in the Central Province of Hama, killing a large group of the militants on Sunday.

The air raids also destroyed terrorists’ machine gun-equipped vehicles and other vehicles which were carrying ammunition.

The Syrian fighter jets on Sunday traced and targeted the ISIL centers in at least three key regions in Hama province, leaving many militants dead or wounded.

The Syrian bombers struck the ISIL defense lines in Qleib al-Thawr, Salba and Jurouh West of Salamiyah city, and inflicted heavy losses on their military vehicles and equipment.

Also on Sunday, the Syrian warplanes continued pounding the ISIL military sites in Hama province in heavy airstrikes, inflicting heavy damage on their military equipment.

The ISIL concentration centers near Eidoun village came under several strikes of the Syrian warplanes, which inflicted heavy death toll on the militants and destroyed most of their military hardware.

Hundreds of Fresh Forces Heading to North to Join Syrian Army Operations near Aleppo

TEHRAN (FNA)- Military sources announced on Monday that large groups of fresh popular forces, trained in the Syrian Army’s military camps, are heading North to take part in the final phase of large-scale operations to complete control over territories in Southwestern Aleppo province.

The sources said that the Local Defense Force (LDF) has dispatched hundreds of the ready-to-fight combatants to the Aleppo province to take part in large-scale operations with the Syrian forces in the Southwestern countryside of province.


Sources said earlier today that the Syrian Army and the country’s National Defense Forces (NDF) pushed back militants from the surrounding areas of the Air Force Academy in the Eastern countryside of Aleppo in a raid.

The pro-government forces’ operation in the Eastern countryside of Aleppo has brought about significant results and the strategic area of the Air Force Academy is now under the full control of the Syrian forces, army sources said.

The militant groups, mainly the ISIL, sustained a heavy death toll in the joint operation of the army and its allies.

Syrian Forces Hit Militants’ Centers Hard North of Aleppo

 TEHRAN (FNA)- Reports from Northern Aleppo province said on Monday that militant groups have sustained heavy casualties in a joint offensive of the Syrian Army and popular forces on their concentration centers.

The militants’ gathering centers and defense lines in Bashkoy and Hraytan came under attack by the pro-government forces, whose operations in the Northern part of the country pinned down the terrorist groups in their vulnerable positions.

Battlefield reports said the pro-government troops have seized a large number of weapons and military equipment in the attack.

The Syrian army and its allies have gained the upper-hand in different parts of Aleppo city and province in the last two months. Reports said earlier today that the Syrian army repelled the militant groups’ offensive on their military checkpoint Southeast of Aleppo province, and killed or wounded at least 50 of them in their counter-assault.

The Syrian Army’s military checkpoint near al-Aziziyah came under attack of the militant groups, who failed to infiltrate into the government defense lines and fled the battlefront after leaving scores of dead or wounded members as a result of the Syrian forces’ counter-assault.

Dozens of ISIL Terrorists Killed in Syrian Airstrikes in Aleppo

TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian air force strikers hit ISIL command posts in several villages in the Northern Province of Aleppo on Monday as pro-government troops continue to advance against the Takfiri militants on the ground.

The Syrian air raids destroyed the ISIL headquarters and machine gun-equipped vehicles in the villages of Akolah, Rasm al-Abed, Humaymah al-Kabirah and Humaymah al-Saghirah, 40 km East of Aleppo city, a military source said.


The Syrian Army troops traced and surrounded a group of ISIL terrorists Southwest of Aleppo, a soldier who was in the operation said, adding that most of the militants were killed after hours of fierce clashes on Monday.

The ISIL terrorists came under siege by the Syrian soldiers near Zitan village, where most of the militants were killed or wounded in the clashes, the army soldier said.

Military sources announced on Monday that large groups of fresh popular forces, trained in the Syrian Army’s military camps, are heading North to take part in the final phase of large-scale operations to complete control over territories in Southwestern Aleppo province.

The sources said that the Local Defense Force (LDF) has dispatched hundreds of the ready-to-fight combatants to the Aleppo province to take part in large-scale operations with the Syrian forces in the Southwestern countryside of province.

Syrian Jets Pound Terrorists’ Positions in Homs

TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian warplanes launched fresh airstrikes on terrorists’ positions in the countryside of Homs on Monday.

The Syrian air raids destroyed concentration centers of the Takfiri terrorists on the outskirts of Bayarat and Tir Ma’aleh in the countryside of Homs.

There were no more details available.

Reports said on Sunday that terrorist groups sustained heavy casualties in Syrian airstrikes on ISIL strongholds Southeast of Homs province.

The Syrian airstrikes hit ISIL positions in Al-Quaryatayn city in the Southeastern countryside of Homs on Sunday.

The warplanes destroyed ISIL headquarters, killing all the terrorists who were inside them.

Also on Sunday, at least 12 ISIL terrorists were killed in Syrian army’s operations in the Province of Homs.

On Sunday, Syrian army destroyed a mortar launcher, an armored vehicle and four machinegun-equipped vehicles of the ISIL terrorists and killed at least 12 Takfiris in the al-Hayal mountain and al-Shaer oil field in Eastern countryside of Homs.

Syrian Army Fends off Militants’ Massive Offensives North, Northwest of Hama Province

TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Army troops repelled massive offensives of the terrorists groups on at least five of their strongholds in the Northern and Northwestern parts of Hama province on Monday after inflicting heavy casualties on the militants.

The militant groups’ attacks on the positions of the government troops near town of Ma’an, and military checkpoints near Zelin, al-Zelabiyat, Tal Bezam and al-Boweida were repelled by the Syrian soldiers, who carried out several counter-assaults and killed or wounded dozens of militants.

The militant groups’ military vehicles were also destroyed or seized in the army counter-attacks.

Earlier today, the government forces killed and injured, at least, 17 Takfiri militants in the province of Hama.

The Syrian army targeted Takfiri terrorists’ positions and strongholds in Tal Taraa in Atshan village in the Northeastern countryside of Hama.

At least 17 militants were killed and injured in the military operations.

Syrian Troops Detect Terrorists’ Tunnel in Damascus
 TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian army explored another tunnel used by the Takfiri terrorists in Harasta in Eastern Ghouta in near Damascus on Monday.

As the Syrian army engineering units were combing the areas near Harasta Highway, they detected a tunnel that extends from the Eastern side of the highway towards Douma farms, a military source said on Monday.

The tunnel is linked to a number of basements and trenches in the area, according to the source.

A number of explosive devises were found inside the tunnel.

The army also destroyed a tunnel of the Jeish al-Islam terrorists with the length of over 350 meters in Jobar neighborhood.

50 Terrorists Killed, Wounded in Army Counter-Attack South of Syria’s Aleppo
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian army repelled the militant groups’ offensive on their military checkpoint Southeast of Aleppo province, and killed or wounded at least 50 of them in their counter-assault on Monday.

The Syrian Army’s military checkpoint near al-Aziziyah came under attack of the militant groups, who failed to infiltrate into the government defense lines and fled the battlefront after leaving scores of dead or wounded members as a result of the Syrian forces’ counter-assault.

Informed sources said on Sunday that the Syrian Army and popular forces gained the upper hand in the combat against the ISIL terrorists in the Eastern part of Aleppo province and made remarkable advance near Deir Hafer region.

The Syrian army’s elite special operations division known as the “Tiger Forces” were at the time within 5km from the Western district of Deir Hafer, leaving the ISIL in a vulnerable position with very little reserves to combat the advancing army, the sources said.

Since losing the Kuweires Military Airport earlier this month, ISIL defenses have been falling apart all over the Aleppo province’s Eastern part; this has paved the way for the Tiger Forces and their allies to advance into areas that were once considered untouchable.

As a result of the loss of ‘Aqulah, the ISIL is facing a serious threat at the strategic hilltop village of Tal al-Ahmar, which is another gateway to Deir Hafer front as it sits on the seasonal road leading to the aforementioned city.

If Deir Hafer is captured by the Tiger Forces, the Syrian Armed Forces will be in position to reenter the Raqqa province after being expelled by ISIL in August 2014.


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