Nuke Cloud Over Europe Tied to Illegal Ukraine Arsenal Explosion

VT was right!


Introduction by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

The Sputnik News story, censored in the West, tells of a nuclear cloud over Europe, confirmed by the French IRSN (Nuclear Safety Institute). The Guardian called the cloud “harmless.”

Nobody knows where the radioactive cloud comes from despite a planet ringed with radiation tracking satellites and a massive network of monitoring stations that came online in the wake of the Chernobyl disaster of 1986.

The blame game, as with staged Syrian gas attacks, on the victims of course.  What is the truth?  Ukraine has kept nuclear weapons and one cooked off at 2:06 in the video above.

When the story was first on VT, March 25, 2017, YouTube videos hit immediately.  However, aggressive censorship at orders of the Google Jigsaw group headed by Jared Cohen, the man we allege planned and executed the 2014 Ukraine coup, pinched off the story or at least tried to.

Google is the biggest threat to press freedom in world history, mark my words.  Google’s covert policy of supporting regime change and its clandestine military organization, operating in dozens of nations, have long been targeted by VT.

The truth is simple, Ukraine kept nuclear weapons, many of which are dangerous, having been poorly serviced, now unstable and as you can see, with disabled safety mechanisms.  We allege that these weapons have been used against Donesk and even offered for sale to Iran and Saudi Arabia as well.

Below we include the March 2017 story and our Feb 13, 2015 story busting Kiev for using the nukes they so often claim don’t exist. (See Addendum I)

We are currently following more stories involving Ukraine and Georgia using local assets, stories that will soon reveal the use of biological agents and possible planned use of a genetically targetable biological weapon against Russia as well.

The following is from a Russia Today (banned in the US as an agency of a foreign government) story outlining President Putin’s reaction to what he has deemed a biological warfare threat by the US against Russia tied to the collection of genetic material that could be used for weapons research:

“Images are one thing, but do you know that biological material is being collected all over the country, from different ethnic groups and people living in different geographical regions of the Russian Federation? The question is – why is it being done? It’s being done purposefully and professionally. We are a kind of object of great interest,” Putin told the Council.

He never specified who was behind the shady dealings in Russians’ biological samples.

While the Russian president’s claims may sound like the stuff from X-Files, it’s actually grounded in fact.

In July, the US Air Force Air Education and Training Command issued a tender on FedBizOpps, a US government website, seeking to acquire samples of ribonucleic acid (RNA) and synovial fluid from Russians. All samples – 12 of RNA and 27 of synovial fluid –“shall be collected from Russia and must be Caucasian,” the tender said. What exactly was meant by ‘Caucasian’ is open to interpretation. It also wants information on the donor’s sex, age, ethnicity, weight, height, and medical history. Notably, the Air Force said, it would not consider tissue samples from Ukraine.

While such samples might be needed for purely medical research purposes, wanting only Russian tissue samples specifically, is what sent speculations into overdrive.

Is the Pentagon working on a biological weapon to target Russians? Perhaps unlikely speculated Franz Klintsevich, the first deputy chairman of the Federation Council’s Committee for Defense and Security, but adding that it’s a scenario that cannot be totally ignored. 

“I’m not saying that it is about preparing a biological war against Russia. But its scenarios, are, no doubt, being worked on. That is to say, in case the need arises,“  Klintsevich wrote on Facebook, referring to Putin’s revelations.

He went on to note that he believes the Russian President’s pronouncement of the practice was for good reason, claiming that although such practices have been well-known, it has taken on a “shameless” scale recently.


We begin, From Sputnik News, November 9, 2017

Kazakhstan, Russia Refute Claims They’re Source of Nuclear Cloud in Europe

French nuclear safety institute IRSN has reported that a cloud of radioactive pollution over Europe in recent weeks was the result of a nuclear accident in Russia or Kazakhstan.

Kazakh authorities have denied the recent allegations that a nuclear pollution cloud detected in Europe could have resulted from an accident at a nuclear facility in the country.

“A radioactive cloud? We’ve registered nothing like that. We don’t know anything about it. Our monitoring systems have not spotted a nuclear pollution cloud. We’ve had no reports about the issue,” Timur Zhantinkin, deputy head of the radioactive monitoring committee at the Kazakhstan Energy Ministry, told Sputnik Kazakhstan.

The emergency committee has also denied the information.

“We’ve contacted each of our regional departments and they haven’t confirmed this information,” committee spokesperson Ruslan Imankulov said.

Sputnik International has reached out to Rosatom, the regulator of the Russian nuclear sector. The company responded, saying that there is nothing to comment on because “everything has already been saying.”

Rosatom referred to its earlier statement when the first reports of a nuclear pollution cloud in Europe started to emerge. On October 11, the company denied the claims that the source of nuclear pollution was likely to be located in the southern Urals, in Russia.

“All energy blocks in every Russian nuclear power plant were working and are currently working under normal conditions and carrying out their scheduled load. No technical problems or safety rules violations have been reported. The radiation environment at all facilities is normal,” the statement read.

Earlier in the day, Reuters reported citing the IRSN that a cloud of radioactive pollution over Europe in September and October could have resulted from an accident south of the Ural mountains and between the Urals and the Volga River, which could indicate Russia or Kazakhstan.

The IRSN has also ruled out an accident in a nuclear reactor, suggesting it was likely to be in a nuclear fuel treatment or center for radioactive medicine. Ruthenium-106 particles were detected in several countries in concentrations not harmful to human health and the environment, according to the report. The particles disappeared from France in mid-October.

Editor’s note from March 2017: There is always the desire for fetzerian types to find something dramatic but fictional that will encourage readership and inspire conspiracies.  As a non-commercial news organization, VT would like to entertain but has chosen to resist.  Thus, when the opportunity came up, we kept silent on what we saw in Ukraine until Jeff Smith, the real professional, met with other nuclear physicists, and came up with a theory.

Remember, this is a theory based on very real expertise in nuclear fission/fusion and weapons detection and, moreover, a history of working in nuclear non-proliferation with Russia/Ukraine/Iran and others during this period.

We assert that a nuclear weapon went off in Ukraine and more than one may have “fizzled.”  Our expertise indicates that this is possible and expert observation says at least one device went critical.

Our knowledge, based on CIA and IAEA access at the highest security levels gives us the reasons listed below which we assert.  This is not proven but was we to fail to “assert,” it would be worse than not stating what we know.

Either way, we have nothing to gain.  Enjoy the ride… Gordon

by Ian Greenhalgh and Jeff Smith

As Jim Dean reported earlier this week, there was a spectacular series of explosions at an ammunition dump in the Ukrainian city of Balakleya, in a territory held by the Kiev government.

Powerful explosions at military ammunition depots in Ukraine

The cause of the holocaust has been attributed to sabotage and the finger of blame has been pointed at Russia, however, as of yet, no evidence of sabotage or Russian involvement has been forthcoming.

Our sharp-eyed nuclear weapons expert Jeff Smith studied the video footage of the explosions and noticed what we are certain is a nuclear explosion.

While we are certain this was a nuclear detonation due to the classic daytime white-out flashbang and shockwave followed by the mushroom cloud, we do not know if this was a deliberate detonation or some stored nukes were set off by the other ammunition exploding.

In the still frame below, you can see the plasma rain falling from the rising mushroom cloud, a clear sign this was a nuclear explosion.

Ukraine is supposed to have given up all of its nuclear weapons in the 1990s, however, we have good reason to believe that Ukraine illegally possessed SS-21 short-range tactical nuclear missiles.

OTR-21 Tochka

OTR-21 Tochka (SS-21 Scarab)

Below are two examples of pieces of SS-21 missile wreckage that has landed near the ammo dump after ‘cooling off’.

Gordon and Jeff reported in January that Tom Countryman had been fired from the US State Dept.

We believe that Countryman was covering up Ukraine’s illegal possession of tactical nukes. Perhaps Russia did sabotage this ammunition dump in order to destroy Ukraine’s nukes, if so, it looks like Trump gave Putin the green light on this one.

There is a backstory here as well.  It is said that Iran went to Ukraine after 9/11 and purchased a nuclear capability.  Iran needed “temporary insurance” while its existing nuclear weapons program was years from a successful test, a program the CIA has categorically stated was dismantled in late 2003.

Iran sought, the story goes, the ability to vaporize an American carrier battle group with a Russian/Ukranian 550KT thermonuclear weapon. We had been given evidence of the sale and transfer some years ago, but evidence can be faked. We had also been given evidence that Iran had the devices but sought, by 2007, to rid themselves of the liability of having nuclear weapons.

The rationale for the Bush/Blair sexed-up dossier that led to the attack on Saddam and the murder of Dr. John Kelly was the assertion that Iraq had purchased/stolen 3 South African nukes that disappeared from British custody in Oman in 1990.

If you don’t know this story, see what you can find “out there.”  If you find nothing, we will dig it up and retell it.

Related article on SSG movements

Trump Lied: Fmr. Ambassador Peter Ford Busts False Flag Gas Attack

Addendum I:

Kiev Missile Nuked Donetsk

By Jeff Smith and Gordon Duff

The video was supplied by Glen Canady.  The analysis was done by Jeff Smith, a nuclear physicist, and nuclear weapons expert, a former investigator for the IAEA.

The date is August 2014, location Donetsk.  The evidence indicates a nuclear missile attack, ground to ground, launched by the Kiev government.  No conventional, thermobaric, or otherwise, weapon could have done this.

There is clear evidence of a missile.  We waited for someone to act, do something, say something meaningful, then we acted.  We clearly have a nuclear war ongoing in Ukraine.  From Jeff Smith:

35 to 40 seconds in on the right-hand side of the video is the nuke going off. The Yellow-Orange flash is from alpha and beta radiation being generated in the atmosphere by the warhead detonation. The Radar proximity fuse detonated the warhead between 1,000 to 3,000 feet in altitude.

The primary then completed full detonation when it hit the ground. The nuke took about three seconds to completely implode. It was probably intended to be detonated at a much higher altitude. Based on the blast size it was 5k or less in size. The time delay in the shock wave velocity will also determine the blast size.

There were two detonations the first produced sounds of a conventional ammo dump being blown up. (The cover for the nuke) The second was a ground-launched mini-nuke. (A lance missile probably; or a similar type; this is how they are designed to work)

The angle of the yellow streamer will show the direction of the launch. Ukraine has no such weapons so somebody else provided it or sold it to them. These things are not cheap so what was the real target value and to whom? Someone paid several million dollars to use that weapon. So what or who was the intended high target?

Geiger counters on the ground and chemical soil tests are the only way to prove it. Again this is where the IAEA weapons of mass destruction unit should step in.

If it leaves a crater bigger than 5 feet deep then it was over 2 thousand pounds in size, thus it was not
conventional. Look at old WW2 and Vietnam 1,000 lb bomb blast crater photos for reference.

You need to get a freeze-frame of the video from 35 to 40 seconds in. (below)

The Effects of The Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima

“If a man reads or hears criticism of anything in which he has an interest, watch … if he shows concern with any question except ‘is it true?’ he thereby reveals that his own attitude is unscientific. Likewise if … he judges an idea not on its merits but with reference to the author of it; if he criticizes it as ‘heresy’; if he argues that authority must be right because it is authority …

The path of truth is paved with critical doubt, and lighted by the spirit of objective inquiry… the majority of people have resented what seems in retrospect to have been purely mattering of fact …

nothing has aided the persistence of falsehood, and the evils resulting from it, more than the unwillingness of good people to admit the truth …

the tendency continues to be shocked by the natural comment and to hold certain things too ‘sacred’ to think about. … How rarely does one meet anyone whose first reaction to anything is to ask: ‘is it true?’ Yet, unless that is a man’s natural reaction, it shows that truth is not uppermost in his mind, and unless it is, true progress is unlikely.”

Sir Basil Henry Liddell Hart, Why Don’t We Learn from History?, PEN Books, 1944; revised edition, Allen and Unwin, 1972

Frame analysis of nuclear missile impact

gg_129 gg_130 gg_131 gg_132 gg_133 gg_134 gg_135 gg_136

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Addendum II

Weaponizing viruses’? US Air Force places an ad for biosamples from Russians

Published time: 28 Jul 2017

The US Air Force is looking to acquire samples of ribonucleic acid (RNA) and synovial fluid from Russians, according to a government website used to place tenders. The reason behind the order hasn’t been specified.

The Air Force’s Air Education and Training Command has placed a listing on the Federal Business Opportunities website asking for at least 12 RNA samples from Russian people of European ancestry, as well as 27 samples of synovial fluid.

Suppliers of the samples must meet a number of requirements.

“All Normal Human Fresh Frozen (FF) Synovial Tissue and Normal Human Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) samples must be Russian / Caucasian origin,” reads the contract’s technical specifications. “All FF Synovial tissue and RNA samples must come from normal donors, who have no musculoskeletal injuries. This shall be confirmed by pathology. All FF synovial tissue must have a weight greater than or at a minimum of 0.25 grams.

“All RNA samples must be frozen. Synovial Tissues and RNA samples can be unmatched, meaning from different donors. All Synovial Tissue and RNA samples must be HIV, HBV, HCV, and syphilis negative.”

In addition, information on donors must be provided with the samples, including their sex, age, ethnicity, smoking history, medical history, height, weight and Body Mass Index (BMI). The samples must be delivered to the Lackland Air Force Base near San Antonio, Texas, within 10 days after the contractor receives the money.

All samples must “be collected from Russia and must be Caucasian. The Government will not consider tissue samples from Ukraine,” the contract added.

It was not immediately apparent what the Air Force needed the samples for. One reason could be purely medical research. RNA is found in all living cells and is needed to translate genetic information into proteins.

“The more you know about the genetic diversity of people, the more opportunities you have, in particular, to treat and diagnose diseases,” Professor Konstantin Severinov from Rutgers University told RT.

“All people are different from one another. That is, the genetic background and the reasons why genetic differences are responsible for some other differences between people are still not understood and are the subject of active study.”

But Igor Nikulin, a former member of the UN Commission on biological weapons, noted that the RNA samples can be used to develop viruses.

“New types of biological weapons are being developed. There’s nothing else that could possibly interest the military department. Most likely, they are weaponized viruses,” Nikulin told RT. “The US is trying to develop various types of biological weapons specifically for specific carriers of this gene pool, and Caucasoids are needed since they constitute the majority of the population of our country.

“This is the same focus group for which they are trying to find the samples. It’s necessary for the viruses to act selectively on one or another ethnic group.


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