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Tag: assassinations

Dead Bankers Society

So, if your backgammon opponent regularly casts a double six when she needs one, she is probably cheating

The Al-Sabbah Brigade

Roman oligarchs relied, among other things, relied on murders to safeguard their disproportionate power and wealth. In the long run, their success led to the moral, spiritual, economic, and political decline of their country.

Give me Logic or Give me Terror (Last Part of: A...

This sixth and final posting of "A Bird’s Eye View of Contrived Terror" furnishes additional grounds for believing that most 21st century incidents of terror in the USA have been acts of state.

Killing terror witnesses: Bin Laden, Todashev cover-ups discredit US

FBI lies about the Todashev killing parallel US government lies about the alleged killing of Osama Bin Laden.

Did "FBI" gangster hitmen silence Todashev to cover up Boston false-flag?

When witnesses (including FBI agents) start "falling out of helicopters" and getting shot execution-style while in FBI custody, you know something stinks.

Did “FBI” gangster hitmen silence Todashev to cover up Boston false-flag?

When witnesses (including FBI agents) start "falling out of helicopters" and getting shot execution-style while in FBI custody, you know something stinks.

Did CIA kill Malcolm X's grandson?

Was Malcolm Shabazz an "actionable threat" ?

Did CIA kill Malcolm X’s grandson?

Was Malcolm Shabazz an "actionable threat" ?

Election fraud storm-clouds loom over Presidential race

Will Mitt Romney try to steal the US presidential election? And if he does, will Americans – especially African-Americans – take to the streets?

Assassinations of Al Qaeda Leaders Designed To Keep Americans In Dark

It is hardly surprising that President Obama ordered the assassinations of Osama bin Laden and Anwar al-Awlaki since the last thing he wants is to bring any leader of al-Qaeda to trial.