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Yearly Archives: 2005

Veterans Compare Baghdad To New Orleans

Night Patrol With The Vermont National Guard: In The Shadow of Katrina and IraqBy David Van Deusen Jefferson Parish, LA - The Vermont National Guard...

Did the U.S. government ever “support the troops”?

Did the U.S. government ever "support the troops"? A look back at the Bonus ArmyBy Mickey Z. "In the sad aftermath that always follows...

Gardens of Stone (1987): A Vietnam Movie Review

Gardens of Stone (1987):  A Vietnam Movie Review Is this movie the greatest Vietnam War Movie of all time?  Vote Now! Nearly a decade after peering...

Up Close: Military experience doesn’t help in job hunt

Up Close: Military experience doesn't help in job hunt Photo at  left-- Archie Advincula was a Marine for nine years. Some young veterans are finding...

Information for Recipients of VA Education Benefits

Information for Recipients of VA Education Benefits         (1)  If your school is temporarily closed this term due to Hurricane Katrina or Rita, we will continue to...

Hurricanes delay passage of spending for troops in Iraq

Hurricanes delay passage of spending for troops in IraqBy Diane M. Grassi  It has now become clear that the devastation done in the U.S. Gulf...

Bush military bird flu role slammed

WASHINGTON-- A call by President George W. Bush for Congress to give him the power to use the military in law enforcement roles in...

Army Lowers Bar for Recruits

Army Lowers Bar for RecruitsMiami Herald Army Secretary Noel Harvey and Gen. Richard Cody, the vice chief of staff, said Monday that the Army is...

Bush Considers Military Role in Flu Fight

Bush Considers Military Role in Flu FightBy JENNIFER LOVEN WASHINGTON -- President Bush, increasingly concerned about a possible avian flu pandemic, revealed Tuesday that any...

‘Israel will take out Iran’s nuke facilities if US does not’

'Israel will take out Iran's nuke facilities if US does not' Washington-- If Washington and its allies do not stop Iran's nuclear programmes by force...

Vets Group Declares War on Protesters

Vets Group Declares War on Protesters More bad news for the "support the troops but oppose the war" crowd. On Friday the American Legion said...

Why They Hate Us

Why They Hate Us A week after the World Trade Center/Pentagon attack, President Bush stood before a joint session of Congress and TV cameras...

USA Bars Journalist Robert Fisk From Entering Country

USA Bars Journalist Robert Fisk From Entering Country U.S. immigration officials refused Tuesday to allow Robert Fisk, longtime Middle East correspondent for the London newspaper,...

Bush a greater threat than Laden’

OPINION POLL FINDING IN ARAB NATIONSBush a greater threat than Laden' Large majorities in Arab countries view the US President George W Bush as a...

Army Says Better Training Could Have Prevented Abuse

Army Says Better Training Could Have Prevented AbuseBy Richard A. Serrano, Times Staff Writer WASHINGTON -- Army officers in Iraq told their superiors last year...

Hire a Hero and Stand Down

Hire a Hero and Stand Down By Edward G. Aulman The Nassau County Veterans Service Agency in association with the United Veterans Organization and the...

Ailing veterans blame their MS on Gulf War

Ailing veterans blame their MS on Gulf WarTheir mission now is to spread the word about other illnessesBy Mike Barber On a morning at Westlake...

MOVIE REVIEW: Full Metal Jacket (1987)

Is Full Metal Jacket the greatest Vietnam War Movie ever? 

Cindy Sheehan: Why I Was Smiling

Why I Was Smiling By Cindy SheehanI had a huge grin on my face when I was getting arrested. I have received a lot of...

The U.S. Has Plans to Invade Iran Before Bush’s Term Ends

The U.S. Has Plans to Invade Iran Before Bush's Term EndsBy Walter C. Uhler Bill Gertz is a right-wing national security reporter for the Rev....

U.S. Soldiers Swap Gore for Porn

In an echo of the Abu Ghraib fiasco, grisly images of dead, mutilated Iraqis are traded for access to pornography, an apparent breach of...

VFW Boots’ on the Ground Survey Hurricane-Damaged Areas

National Commander Thanks VFW/Aux Members Kansas City, MO.--The newly elected national commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars toured the hurricane-ravaged areas of Mississippi and...

Entire 101st Airborne Deploying To Iraq

20,000 Soldiers leave for 2nd Deployment this Friday The 101st Airborne Division is once again answering the call to serve in Iraq. Around 20,000 soldiers got...

Goodwill Industries and VA Working for Disabled Veterans

Partnership Aims to Expand Employment Resources for U.S. Veterans ROCKVILLE, MD -- U.S. veterans with disabilities seeking work assistance will have access to expanded employment...

Lynddie England found guilty of abuse at Abu Ghraib prison

Lynddie England found guilty of abuse at Abu Ghraib prison Lynndie England, the American soldier who was photographed smiling in photographs of Iraqi prisoners being...

War protester Cindy Sheehan arrested

Sheehan arrested while protesting outside Whitehouse US military mother Cindy Sheehan, whose vigil outside President George W Bush's Texas ranch drew attention to the anti-war movement,...

Major League Player to Introduce Baseball in Vietnam

NY Mets Pitcher Danny Graves to Co-Host Delegation with Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund WASHINGTON, DC Major League Baseball's first-ever Vietnamese-born player, Danny Graves,...

Immune to Mediocrity

Our Government is Failing UsRobert Schneider This country claims to be a government of the people and for the people and yet we seldom...

Halliburton serves contaminated water to troops

Don't Drink the Water, Troops! WASHINGTON-- Outrage overflowed on Capitol Hill this summer when members of Congress learned that Halliburton's dining halls in Iraq had...

US army plans to bulk-buy anthrax

US army plans to bulk-buy anthraxBy David Hambling THE US military wants to buy large quantities of anthrax, in a controversial move that is...

Iran’s next

The Inevitable War with IranBy Mike Whitney  "Since the result of any referral of the Iran issue to the Security Council is all but guaranteed,...

Protest converges on Capitol

Protest converges on Capitol Washington--Opponents of the war in Iraq rallied by the thousands Saturday to demand the return of U.S. troops, staging a day...

Army prepares for round two as Rita approaches

16,000 Troops poised to roll NEW ORLEANS - Three weeks after the Gulf Coast was pummeled by Hurricane Katrina, Army emergency responders there are preparing...

America’s mainstream analogy is off-base

Vets say there is no comparison between Iraq and Vietnam warsBy Stacy Neumann Too different to even compare, that's what the Bush Administration says when...

Cindy Sheehan: The Talk Show Titans Clash

O'Reilly Vs Donahue A Classic Showdown The Phil versus Bill Show Expose the fallacies of the Cindy Sheehan/Bush Clash by Joseph Allen In an amazing dichotomy of...

Uncovering the truth: Bush administration cheats wounded soldiers and veterans

Hidden casualties, horrifying storiesBy Tim Wheeler WASHINGTON Many soldiers wounded in Iraq suffer injuries so terrible they would have died in past wars. But...

Nazi hunter was a “deputy for the dead”

Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal dies BERLIN Simon Wiesenthal was very open about why he became a tireless Nazi hunter: He didn't want to meet...

Tuition assistance for veterans’ children in jeopardy

Tuition assistance for veterans' children in jeopardy Michigan--The family of U.S. Army reservist Kelly Matthews, killed during the Persian Gulf War, counted on promised state...

UP IN FLAMES: America may burn rations for Katrina victims

Tons of British aid donated to help Hurricane Katrina victims to be BURNED by AmericansBy Ryan Parry HUNDREDS of tons of British food aid shipped...

Disaster relief? Call in the Marines.

Bush suggests lifting the ban on using the military domesticallyBy Mark Sappenfield WASHINGTON As Washington picks through the lessons learned from hurricane Katrina, there...

Wake Up

We want our country back!By Cindy Sheehan  So we have come to cash this check - a check that will give us upon demand the...

Hamburger Hll (1987): a movie review

Hamburger Hll (1987):  a movie review Is Hamburger Hill the greatest Vietnam War Movie of All Time?  Vote Now! by JP War at its worst, men at...