DISCLOSURE: VT condemns the horrific tragedy committed by the NAZI Party against Jewish Citizens of Europe during Word War II known as the "Holocaust". VT condemns all racism, bigotry, hate speech, and violence. However, we are an open source uncensored journal and support the right of independent writers and commentors to express their voices; even if those voices are not mainstream as long as they do NOT openly call for violence. Please report any violations of comment policy to us immediately. Strong reader discretion is advised.
In the 1930s, funded by powerful industrialists in the US, Hitler and the Nazi Party took over Germany with a rigged election. Soon after, imaginary terrorists burned down the Reichstag. Hitler appointed a "Reichstag Commission" proving Communists were responsible and used this to form Reich (Homeland) Security organizations and pass patriot acts giving government nearly total control.
Everyone was warned to be on the lookout for terrorists of Middle Eastern background (this time it was Jews). The government stressed traditional conservative Christian values and continually talked of morality while top leaders chased young boys, prostitutes and set up private kickback deals with military contractors. Eventually Germany ended up in a war they couldn’t finish and collapsed.
If any of this sounds familiar, it would be worth noting that our current conservative political movement had its roots in the Nazi party. As many already know, the Bush family was the primary financial backer of Adolf Hitler. However, it was after the war that Republicans took up the Nazi cause. We teach our children a fantasy version of history, but if we told the truth about this period, we would admit that American conservatives saw war against Germany as a mistake and constantly spoke about how we should have supported Hitler against the communists. These are the founders of our conservative movement today.
Even revelations about the death camps were, and to many still are, disbelieved. Conservatives here used to hate Jews and cry for persecuted Muslims. Now they have to hate both. It must be pretty confusing for them. Thank goodness Rush Limbaugh is there to keep them straight. (NOTE THE CHICAGO AREA LYNCHING DOUBLE HEADER – OBAMA THE JEW/OBAMA THE MUSLIM )
Every Nazi we could find was brought into our intelligence organizations by John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles, the real leaders of the Eisenhower administration (Secretary of State and CIA Director). Prior to the war, the Dulles brothers had been Hitler’s lawyers. Keeping America "free" of communists, unions, a minimum wage, social security, civil rights, healthcare and a clean environment meant we had to become just a bit "Nazi."
Nazis jailed for war crimes were secretly released with many coming to the US. Conservatives were willing to overlook the murder of millions of Jews because Germans were, not only anti-communist but they were also anti-union and were used to living in a totalitarian society ruled by big business interests. This was the plan Republicans had for America which took many years to bring about and which came crashing down around them in only 8 years, not the 12 years that Nazi Germany lasted.
Bush, hardly a historical figure like Hitler, is, however, spending his last days hiding in a bunker too, though not a real one, but just as isolated from reality. Much of the election rigging and secret police regimes put into place for nearly 8 years are alive and well and likely to survive Bush escaping to his personal "Argentina" in Crawford, Texas. "Conservanazi Amerika" may yet rise again on a sea of debt, phony terrorist attacks and endless oil wars. The powerful don’t submit easily.
As the election moves on, both Republican party regulars and radical "McCartyite" fanatics like Limbaugh and Coulter are screaming about Roosevelt and Churchill being controlled by the international Jewish conspiracy. Oh, sorry, I mean Obama being controlled by the international Muslim conspiracy. Sometimes it is as though time is standing still.
If anyone believes that attendees at a McPalin "redstate riot", hearing the screams for assassination, don’t head down to their local "Joe 6Pack" bar and blather on about how Hitler should have killed all the Jews or how slavery should be brought back, they are bold faced liars. Every white person knows this talk goes on every day, all day in the South, the West and in much of "small town Amerika." Too few complain, sadly.
Not every Republican is a product of the methamphetamine/oxycotin belt, but it is a reasonable assumption that abuse of these drugs and inability to deal with reality go together. The last ditch redstates where McPalin support is strongest are the states with the lowest SAT scores and highest addiction rates. The ROBOCALL campaign is simply an expression of "meth rage" in political form. Why people living on SSI and food stamps see themselves as defenders of the "ignorich" elite is a curiosity.
The original German Nazi’s, like our homegrown version, were Christians, small town folks, people that hated big city intellectuals, elitists, Jews and people of a different race. They elected a combat veteran and war hero who gave them jobs, made Germany strong and worked to build schools, national health care and who protected the German people, or at least some of them. Our "flat earthers" supported a draft dodging "know nothing" who ended up betraying everyone.
Hitler also worked with industry, made them rich but also made them honest. If it weren’t for that minor problem of killing 50 million people, he would be a hero today, especially in the red states. Germany was run a hundred times better than Bush America and Germans had more civil rights, more personal freedoms and better treatment than many Americans, at least the ones Hitler wasn’t murdering.
Hitler was a patriot, a hero and a vicious psychopath. He would have been popular as hell in America. He was a man of action. We love that here. He might not have made it here, though, as he took care of at least some of his people while our government screws everyone but the rich. Hitler made the rich richer but slapped them down when they got out of line.
We still live in a country where common rhetoric about murdering Muslims, Jews, African Americans and/or Hispanics is more common than talk in Germany about Jews or the Holocaust, With a country filled with people who talk like the worst Nazi war criminals, who think like them and show a similar penchant for denial, do we have reason to be afraid of ourselves the same way the rest of the world is? If the extremist rhetoric of this election doesn’t scare the hell out of you, you are either off your meds or are under a rock somewhere.
Why do you think Russia and China are arming to the teeth? Do you think they would rather spend their money on drugs and broads (ok, rent boys too) like our wealthy do? If you start listening, we now sound just as totally nuts as Red China used to. Crazy people are not a joke, especially if they run a country with thousands of nuclear weapons.
Half a million Americans died fighting facism. The fight against a worldwide right wing conservative conspiracy headed by Germany and Japan but financed by American millionaires, is the biggest single event in world history. We beat the Nazis in Germany but the ones here at home, the ones who put Hitler in power, who built his armies, who backed his racist policies, stayed alive and well, safe in America, safe with their lawyers and judges friends in Congress. Every 4 years "they" try to sell us a new "pissant" version of "their" fuhrer. Every 4 years, the frightened, the hate filled and ignorant scream and rave, running toward the abyss, ready to push America into a sewer.
We have created a divided country where lies, hate and ignorance parade around as Christian righteousness. To those of us who pay attention to history, it is simply Deja Vu all over again.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Gordon Duff is a Senior Staff Writer for VeteransToday.com. He is a U.S. Marine Vietnam Combat Veteran and regular contributor on social and political issues. He holds a United Nations diplomatic post.
Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.
Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.
Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than “several” countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.
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