The Veterans Project provides free acupuncture treatments thru-out USA


Acupuncturists Without Borders (AWB) provided hurricane relief services to approximately 8000 people in the New Orleans area starting in October 2005. The free community acupuncture brought hope, promise, and peace of mind to the people of New Orleans. With the experience and expertise of bringing community style acupuncture to the people of Louisiana, AWB is now bringing this service to veterans and their families. The Veterans Project provides free acupuncture treatments for veterans returning from Iraq or Afghanistan, but also welcomes veterans from all other past conflicts or wars as well as the veterans’ family members.

The Veterans Project began in 2006 with a pilot clinic in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Other locally run clinics are now operating nationwide in locations such as the Boston area (several clinics), Chicago, Fort Myers, FL and Grants Pass, Oregon, among others. There are currently sixteen clinics in operation and many others in areas such as Charlottesville, Virginia and San Francisco are in the process of opening.

As in Louisiana, treatments are based on the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA) ear protocol, which has proven to be extremely powerful in alleviating symptoms of stress and trauma. During treatment, people sit fully clothed in a circle of chairs, and the licensed acupuncturist places 5 tiny needles on each ear. The recipients are invited to close their eyes and rest for 30-45 minutes, as the acupuncture does its work.


Veterans at these clinics are experiencing benefits such as a full night’s sleep for the first time in years and fewer bad dreams. They are reporting improved mental clarity, less anxiety and a reduction in stress. Acupuncture is currently being investigated by the Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington D.C. as a viable treatment modality for PTSD in returning veterans and the military has started using acupuncture in the battlefield to help with pain.

The potential of this program is enormous. History has shown that the long-term impact of war takes a tremendous toll for decades. By providing free acupuncture treatments to veterans currently returning from war, we can play a part in preventing history from repeating itself, and by providing treatments to veterans from past wars and conflicts, we can take part in helping mend the psychological wounds of the past.

The beauty of acupuncture is that it is a simple, low-cost modality offering immediate, effective, and easily accessible treatment for large numbers of people. Acupuncture is a tool that can work harmoniously with other more conventional treatment modalities such as counseling and medication.

If you are interested in getting involved with the Veterans Project please send an email to or call 505.266.3878 or visit their web site


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