U.S. Police Agencies Worried About Home Grown Terrorist Cells – A.P.


The Associated Press reports today on Yahoo News that American police departments and agencies are concerned about homegrown terrorist cells lead by native born Americans.  They are not sure how deep the problem is.  The story is here. 

With yesterday’s arrest of an American born jihadist cell leader, there are indications that this is the proverbial "tip of the iceberg".  It is well past time for American veterans of all political beliefs and persuasions to move away from Fox News and any other politically motivated "news" outlet or personality.  You have an obligation and civic duty to inform yourselves intelligently about what is going on in the nation.  This is a matter of survival now. 

You will need real news with real information from reputable reporters to be able to protect yourself and your loved ones.  No more Reich Wing nonsense in your home!  Get informed so that you can help the nation protect itself. Do you see where a non-reality based values system can lead?  Do you see where unswerving belief in any ideology can take you? This is dangerous now.  Get informed on a daily basis. Put the politically connected and ideologically motivated news media behind you.  We can’t afford that dubious luxury now.  Become an involved American again.  Research all sides.  Get an informed opinion.  The nation’s defense depends on your ability to separate ideology from reality.

CWO3 Tom Barnes, USCG (Ret.)



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