JOE “RAGMAN” TARNOVSKY: Blumenthal, A Wannabe Warrior



By Joe “Ragman” Tarnovsky STAFF WRITER

People like Blumenthal are the reason that the Vietnam War continues to be debated in this country and will not fade from the public’s conscience. Vietnam Veterans will never forget what they did or went through on returning home and for those lucky enough to have lived through change of attitude by our country about us, we are forever grateful knowing most Americans view us with respect.

When Vietnam Veterans see a coward, liar and thief of “stolen valor” though, it brings back the negative homecoming, in which we endured deep emotional and mental pain from the memories of what many American males that came of age during Vietnam did to avoid our war.

This piece of dung, Blumenthal, assumed our identify to win elections and tried to be something he was not nor ever could be, a Vietnam Veteran. This sad example of a human being then says he “misspoke” when he talked about his military service to America claiming to be a Vietnam Veteran. Blumenthal, you are a disgrace, a wannabe, a coward and most of all, you are a DAMN LIAR! Go crawl back into your rat hole with your buddy, Clinton, you two deserve one antother!
Vietnam Veterans have seen and heard a lot of phony, wannabe Vietnam Veterans over the years, from people in everyday life to politicians running for elected office and claiming to have served in our war in Southeast Asia. There seemed to be a lot of imposters claiming to be Vietnam Veterans after we finally started to receive some recognition and respect from society. During the early 1980’s when the television show Magnum PI became a hit, I came across more Green Berets and Navy Seals then I ever encountered in South Vietnam and my helicopter unit worked with both groups. I have come across several of these pathetic individuals in my lifetime and when you start to speak with them and asking questions about their service to see if they are lying, the phony losers walk away and avoid eye contact while in your presence.

There will always be cases of “wannabe warriors” and they have appeared after every war this country has participated in but nothing is more sad and wretched than a politician that claims to be a Vietnam Combat Veteran when, in fact, the slacker went out of his way to acquire deferments to avoid fighting in the Vietnam War. Such is the case of the Attorney General of Connecticut Dick Blumenthal(D) that is running for the Senate seat being vacated by Christopher J. Dodd(D) of Connecticut.

Dick Blumenthal is a five-term state attorney-general who received five deferments from 1965 to 1970 and later he joined the Marine Corps Reserves. Blumenthal never served overseas, much less in a combat zone such as Vietnam, but in a 2003 in a political ad on television, Blumenthal says, “We have learned something very important since the days I served in Vietnam.” This liar, Blumenthal then goes onto state, “When we returned [from Vietnam], we saw nothing of this gratitude.” This lying wretch is running against Linda McMahon the Republican candidate and former executive for World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) for this soon-to-be vacated Connecticut Senate seat.

To add insult to disgrace, Blumenthal said he “misspoke” about his military service. This Blumenthal character is the “top cop” in Connecticut and is now apologizing for lying, excuse me, he said he misspoke, about his military career and taking full responsibility. He’s taking full responsibility all right, he got caught lying and for the last seven years that he has held office, one has to wonder how many times he has continued to lie and embellish his time serving in the Marine Corps Reserves and what other lies he might have told. He is guilty of stealing the valor of those men and women on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC that paid the supreme sacrifice for our country and all Vietnam Veterans that served with honor while this punk had a desk job somewhere and was a “week-end warrior” in the Marine Corps Reserves.

Not all military reserve and national guard units were an easy pass to avoid serving in the Vietnam War, as some of these units did go to Vietnam and served with honor and distinction in the defense of South Vietnam, but Blumenthal never left the States. The facts are that the vast majorities of military reserve and guard units were used as a way to keep out of the fighting in Vietnam and this is what the coward Blumenthal did. Not only did he weasel his way out of the Vietnam War, this puke had the audacity to tell the people of Connecticut that he fought in Vietnam and knew what it was like to come home to a country that did not respect him–DAMN LIAR!

Blumenthal had Bill Clinton campaigning for him the other day in Connecticut and I saw them both arm-and-arm on the stage waving to the crowd and having a jovial moment. The sight of that imposter, Blumenthal, and the draft dodger from Arkansas that lied, weaseled and said he loathed the military, made me want to vomit. I thought about the names on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial that I knew and all the names on that Wall and the families whose lives were shattered and changed forever.

Here we had a blowhard coward from Connecticut and another coward from Arkansas that were playing up to the crowd. Now for all the Democrats out there that are reading this in cyber world, let me be emphatic about my next statement, I have little or no respect for Bush W. and Dick Cheney and all the Republican chicken hawks as much as I do Blumenthal and Clinton. They are all from the same ilk, “what’s in it for me”, but yet the voters in this country view their past behavior as acceptable and put them in the highest elected offices are country has to offer. It is one thing to avoid going to war when you are young but then to lie about it is unacceptable.

Blumenthal and Clinton both lied and Bush W. and Dick Cheney later sent our young men and women into a war zone, something they did not have the guts and courage to do themselves when they became of age during Vietnam. I am proud of my service in South Vietnam for America and I am also proud to have protested Clinton when he visited the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in 1993 on the most hallowed of holidays for veterans and many Americans, Memorial Day. I got to say what was on my mind on CNN and I’ll be forever grateful to my late buddy, SGT Rick DeMarco, a United States Marine Corps sergeant that was a combat GRUNT (always capitalized in my writings out of respect for the men on the ground) who helped organize that mass protest and debated Jan Scruggs, he inviited Clinton, on the Today Show. I do not know why Vietnam Veterans and their supporters have not shown up whenever Blumenthal has appeared sucking up for votes to keep the public informed of what a liar and coward this guy really is and how he does not deserve to be their Attorney General, much less a Senator from their state!

People like Blumenthal are the reason that the Vietnam War continues to be debated in this country and will not fade from the public’s conscience. Vietnam Veterans will never forget what they did or went through on returning home and for those lucky enough to have lived through change of attitude by our country about us, we are forever grateful knowing most Americans view us with respect. When Vietnam Veterans see a coward, liar and thief of “stolen valor” though, it brings back the negative homecoming, in which we endured deep emotional and mental pain from the memories of what many American males that came of age during Vietnam did to avoid our war.

This piece of dung, Blumenthal, assumed our identify to win elections and tried to be something he was not nor ever could be, a Vietnam Veteran. This sad example of a human being then says he “misspoke” when he talked about his military service to America claiming to be a Vietnam Veteran. Blumenthal, you are a disgrace, a wannabe, a coward and most of all, you are a DAMN LIAR! Go crawl back into your rat hole with your buddy, Clinton, you two deserve one antother!

Vietnam Veterans have seen and heard a lot of phony, wannabe Vietnam Veterans over the years, from people in everyday life to politicians running for elected office and claiming to have served in our war in Southeast Asia. There seemed to be a lot of imposters claiming to be Vietnam Veterans after we finally started to receive some recognition and respect from society. During the early 1980’s when the television show Magnum PI became a hit, I came across more Green Berets and Navy Seals then I ever encountered in South Vietnam and my helicopter unit worked with both groups. I have come across several of these pathetic individuals in my lifetime and when you start to speak with them and asking questions about their service to see if they are lying, the phony losers walk away and avoid eye contact while in your presence.

There will always be cases of “wannabe warriors” and they have appeared after every war this country has participated in but nothing is more sad and wretched than a politician that claims to be a Vietnam Combat Veteran when, in fact, the slacker went out of his way to acquire deferments to avoid fighting in the Vietnam War. Such is the case of the Attorney General of Connecticut Dick Blumenthal(D) that is running for the Senate seat being vacated by Christopher J. Dodd(D) of Connecticut.

Dick Blumenthal is a five-term state attorney-general who received five deferments from 1965 to 1970 and later he joined the Marine Corps Reserves. Blumenthal never served overseas, much less in a combat zone such as Vietnam, but in a 2003 in a political ad on television, Blumenthal says, “We have learned something very important since the days I served in Vietnam.” This liar, Blumenthal then goes onto state, “When we returned [from Vietnam], we saw nothing of this gratitude.” This lying wretch is running against Linda McMahon the Republican candidate and former executive for World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) for this soon-to-be vacated Connecticut Senate seat.

To add insult to disgrace, Blumenthal said he “misspoke” about his military service. This Blumenthal character is the “top cop” in Connecticut and is now apologizing for lying, excuse me, he said he misspoke, about his military career and taking full responsibility. He’s taking full responsibility all right, he got caught lying and for the last seven years that he has held office, one has to wonder how many times he has continued to lie and embellish his time serving in the Marine Corps Reserves and what other lies he might have told.

He is guilty of stealing the valor of those men and women on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC that paid the supreme sacrifice for our country and all Vietnam Veterans that served with honor while this punk had a desk job somewhere and was a “week-end warrior” in the Marine Corps Reserves. Not all military reserve and national guard units were an easy pass to avoid serving in the Vietnam War, as some of these units did go to Vietnam and served with honor and distinction in the defense of South Vietnam, but Blumenthal never left the States. The facts are that the vast majorities of military reserve and guard units were used as a way to keep out of the fighting in Vietnam and this is what the coward Blumenthal did. Not only did he weasel his way out of the Vietnam War, this puke had the audacity to tell the people of Connecticut that he fought in Vietnam and knew what it was like to come home to a country that did not respect him–DAMN LIAR!

Blumenthal had Bill Clinton campaigning for him the other day in Connecticut and I saw them both arm-and-arm on the stage waving to the crowd and having a jovial moment. The sight of that imposter, Blumenthal, and the draft dodger from Arkansas that lied, weaseled and said he loathed the military, made me want to vomit. I thought about the names on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial that I knew and all the names on that Wall and the families whose lives were shattered and changed forever. Here we had a blowhard coward from Connecticut and another coward from Arkansas that were playing up to the crowd.

Now for all the Democrats out there that are reading this in cyber world, let me be emphatic about my next statement, I have little or no respect for Bush W. and Dick Cheney and all the Republican chicken hawks as much as I do Blumenthal and Clinton. They are all from the same ilk, “what’s in it for me,” but yet the voters in this country view their past behavior as acceptable and put them in the highest elected offices are country has to offer. It is one thing to avoid going to war when you are young but then to lie about it is unacceptable. Blumenthal and Clinton both lied and Bush W. and Dick Cheney later sent our young men and women into a war zone, something they did not have the guts and courage to do themselves when they became of age during Vietnam.

I am proud of my service in South Vietnam for America and I am also proud to have protested Clinton when he visited the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in 1993 on the most hallowed of holidays for veterans and many Americans, Memorial Day. I got to say what was on my mind on CNN and I’ll be forever grateful to my late buddy, SGT Rick DeMarco, a United States Marine Corps sergeant that was a combat GRUNT (always capitalized in my writings out of respect for the men on the ground) who helped organize that mass protest and debated Jan Scruggs, he invited Clinton, on the Today Show. I do not know why Vietnam Veterans and their supporters have not shown up whenever Blumenthal has appeared sucking up for votes to keep the public informed of what a liar and coward this guy really is and how he does not deserve to be their Attorney General, much less a Senator from their state!

People like Blumenthal are the reason that the Vietnam War continues to be debated in this country and will not fade from the public’s conscience. Vietnam Veterans will never forget what they did or went through on returning home and for those lucky enough to have lived through change of attitude by our country about us, we are forever grateful knowing most Americans view us with respect. When Vietnam Veterans see a coward, liar and thief of “stolen valor” though, it brings back the negative homecoming, in which we endured deep emotional and mental pain from the memories of what many American males that came of age during Vietnam did to avoid our war.

This piece of dung, Blumenthal, assumed our identify to win elections and tried to be something he was not nor ever could be, a Vietnam Veteran. This sad example of a human being then says he “misspoke” when he talked about his military service to America claiming to be a Vietnam Veteran. Blumenthal, you are a disgrace, a wannabe, a coward and most of all, you are a DAMN LIAR! Go crawl back into your rat hole with your buddy, Clinton, you two deserve one another!

Joe ‘Ragman’ Tarnovsky


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Joe is a Vietnam Combat Veteran, having served 26 months in the Republic Of South Vietnam, 10 months with Company A, 27th Combat Engineers, 28 August 1968 to June 1969, and 16 months as a crewchief/doorgunner with the 240th Assault Helicopter company on UH-1C Hueys, the Mad Dog Gunship Platoon from July 1969 to 22 October 1970. Joe graduated from Cuyahoga Community College in 1982 with a Associate Of Arts Degree and from Cleveland State University in 1986 with a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology; he also accumulated 12 hours of graduate work at Cleveland State. He lives with his best friend, his wife, and they have 34 rescued cats, 7 rescued dogs. Joe has spoken at high schools and colleges for 25 years about PTSD, war and how not to treat returning veterans when they come home to America after fighting for their country.