Tag: Vietnam
Where have all the Flower Power Protesters Gone?
This past August the 45th anniversary of the Woodstock music festival took place, and I was so glad I did not have to see any news coverage of the event on the national nightly news.
Vietnam Celebrates National Day
Vietnam celebrated National Day in Paris, France on September 2, 2014.
The Last Bayonet Charge in Vietnam… Continues
- A Memorial Day retrospective for Gordon and his squad, sent to Vietnam to kill impoverished, illiterate Asian agricultural workers deemed a national security threat to the US
The Sacrilege of War
I will spend this Memorial Day weekend grieving the suffering of all who have been touched by war remembering that I am both a victim and a victimizer.
NEO – School Text Book Wars in Asia
- Under the new political conditions, there is another ideological shift, which is immediately reflected in freshly corrected textbooks.
Meeting with Enemy
Though, as a member of Veterans For Peace and a philosophy professor with a focus on war and ethics, I have often discussed my impressions and insights about war and its aftermath in the classroom, at conferences and with civic groups, I had never had such discussions with someone who had been my "enemy."
Ghosts of Vietnam
- I managed to catch malaria, get hit by a handful of scrap metal and gain a permanent distrust for the US government
Inside Beltway IV: Left Behind, Treason Beyond Measure
The amount of lying, deceit and murder required to keep this BIG LIE and treason secret is astounding and beyond the imagination of most normal Americans.
America At War – Home and Abroad.
Though the government (prosecution and defense) rested its case and the judge ruled on the evidence, the public jury remained unconvinced that the September 11, 2011 attack was not an inside job, a false flag Coup d’ Etate to justify America’s declaration of war on the world and on its own citizens.
Vietnam Video
The video is a conversion of a Powerpoint I received from Jimmie (Col. Jim Hanke, USA SF), an A Team Leader in Vietnam. I served with a Marine Special Landing Team.
Old Women Derail US, Cyber Ops Spending, New Bush Library
$4.7 billion is budgeted for 2014 – up about 17 percent or $800 million from last year.
Hackers have stolen an estimated $400 billion in trade secrets from the United States in recent years.
Intel Drop: Sunday, February 10, 2010
Primary among them is the CREW DUKE system used by the US and NATO to protect troops from IEDs. It is killing more than it is saving.
The Last Vietnam War Ambassador
With another White House consecutive contender saddled with the State Department as a consolation prize, it’s hard to shake off an impression that it is rather a creeping trend than a propitious fluke.
Many U.S. My Lai-Type Massacres in Vietnam Covered Up by Pentagon,...
Massacres of civilians by U.S. forces in Vietnam were not rare aberrations but everyday occurrences, an authoritative new book on the subject charges.
Press TV: US Veterans Treated Like Garbage (video)
The video below is less than three minutes. It was a short interview on a news program from Press TV, the Iranian network that I have found to be the best overall news available.
Gordon Duff on Press TV: The Land Mine and UXB...
The following video is a short interview with Gordon Duff on the issue of Secretary of State Clinton's interest in helping solve the issue of unexploded ordnance in Southeast Asia.
Others-First Charity Awards Grant to “Vets Workshop”
The Veterans Workshop is grateful to the organization "Others First" for their generosity and help.
EXCLUSIVE TO VT: Message To The Churches From: USS LIBERTY Survivor,...
“Does this pain ever go away? Not when it remains unresolved does it ever really go away, and of course the Liberty matter still remains unresolved."
Supreme Court Chucks “Stolen Valor,” Too Little, Too Late
Yesterday, the "Stolen Valor Act," a law that made it illegal to wear phony medals or tell war stories was overturned as a violation of the First Amendment.
Vietnam Promise – It Was to be Our Last
Raised on war propaganda, political claptrap and only mildly suspicious that America had been overthrown in the Coup de Etat on November 22, 1963, I was going to do my part.
Support These Troops and Remember The War on LIBERTY
The attack was the easy part; the aftermath in not being able to get our government to address this cover up has been the bastard
The Attack on the LIBERTY
"The Untold Story of Israel’s Deadly 1967 Assault on a U.S. Spy Ship" blows apart the only American investigation that was ever conducted: the U.S. Naval Court of Inquiry's white wash rush job that confirmed Israel's claim of "mistaken identity."
VFW Supports Expanding Service Members’ Housing Protections
Yesterday afternoon the VFW joined Sen. Jack Reed, D-R.I., at the U.S. Capitol, where Reed formally introduced the Servicemember Housing Protection Act, S. 3179, alongside Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., Mark Begich, D-Alaska, and Dick Durbin, D-Ill., as well as Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden and leading veterans’ advocates.
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News May 02, 2012
In the continuing effort of ensuring a safe and secure environment, while still providing open and accessible service, the Department of Veterans Affairs would like to remind you that possession of firearms is illegal, under Federal law, at all VA facilities and properties.
Former Navy Doctor spearheading “Remote Medicine Initiative” to Pakistan
Let me introduce you to Dr. Gary Levin. Dr. Levin was in the US Navy from 1969 to 1971 serving as a general medical officer. He was in an amphibious group, and served on the USS Jeneau, LPD 10.
Google+ Plus and the L-Shaped Ambush (Part two)
In my earlier writings about the Google+ platform I suggested to my readers that this Google product was perhaps the most significant leap in social media technology since the invention of the telephone.
With LOVE To Vets with PTSD
"I have seen way too many OD’s from alcohol, but I have never seen an OD from cannabis. My opinion is that cannabis is a hell of a lot better than alcohol, Valium, or any synthetics because it is natural.”-John Fleming, MD.
Google+ Plus and the “L-Shaped” Ambush
I was invited to attend a symposium at the US Naval War College in Newport, RI last summer to learn something about how our Navy deals with terrorist threats to our fleets worldwide.
Minnesota Veteran Returns War Medals in Protest
“My ex-wife didn’t serve in Vietnam, I did. She wasn’t forced to killed people, I was. She wasn’t the one severely wounded, I was.
Connecting the Military Dots
She walked onto the campus of the West LA Veterans Hospital in her Anne Taylor outfit and instantly could feel her throat tighten. "You OK Ma'am?" said one of the VA tour guides, a young male half her age.
CIA – DOD – Panetta and the Hidden Truth
Former CIA Director Panetta condemns Marines peeing on dead Taliban with "utterly deplorable" comment. Ain't that the pot calling the kettle black? .
Pissed off Marines
As many of you already know, I volunteer at the "National Veterans Hotline" a few nights per month. The hotline website can be found at www.Veterans911.com Last night, I was on duty for close to four hours and during that time I talked to over twenty callers.
Mitt Romney – Ted Kennedy and Veterans Milking Cows
Years later, I found out that the anonymous donor was Romney. Out of his own pocket he did this.
New Online Group for Out of Work Veterans
I was sent an email by a veteran who had lost his job last summer, and has been searching hard for a place to find work.
Sons of the Fallen from Iraq and Afghanistan
I seldom get moved about a movie, or a cause, beyond the confines of my own home, where I take time for my own kids every day, day after day, week after week.
Homeless Veterans, Cable TV and the FBI
Once upon a time, I ran the largest shelter for Homeless Veterans in the USA, located in Boston Massachusetts. Here is a story that I remember with a smile:
Muslim Christian Jew, Extremism is Extremism
I recently read a story online about a little 8-year old girl from Israel and the trouble she encounters just going to her local elementary school everyday because some ultra-orthodox Jews living in a city called Beit Shemesh take offense to the way she dresses .
They Wear Their Award For All
The untold stories behind Mel Gibson's movie, The Were Soldiers Once.
Homeless Veterans need to Stand Up – Not Stand Down
Almost 20 years ago I met a combat Vietnam Veteran named Robert Van Keuren and his partner in crime Dr. Jon Nachison both advocates like me doing work for homeless veterans in San Diego.
Syrian Dissidents Reach Out. Yes, Assad is Killing Children
"Yes, Children are being Killed the dissidents say"
by Ken Smith
I admitted upfront in an earlier post that I know even less than...
Israel and the Blame Game
I admit upfront that I know even less than you do (the reader), about the twisted and fragmented history of Israel and it's interactions with Arab and non-Arab neighbors in the middle east.
Veterans Support Organization
I was searching the internet the other day and came across a story online about a group collecting money for homeless Veterans outside a shopping center.