Salon: This week in crazy—John McCain


When it comes to John McCain, pick any week the last 50 years for the lying, self-entitled pip-squeak. Salon nails him this week.

By Alex Pareene in Salon

John McCain (R-AZ), a coward knowing he'll be found out -

John McCain has finally, inexorably stumbled upon the weirdest and most transparently troll-ish reason yet to oppose the repeal of the military’s ban on gay and lesbian service members: The economy sucks.

That’s it. The Senate can’t address a fundamental inequity, because the markets are down.

“I will not agree to have this bill go forward, and neither will, I believe, 41 of my colleagues, either, because our economy is in the tank,” said Sen. John McCain of Arizona, the ranking Republican on the Armed Services Committee and the leading opponent of an immediate repeal. 

For those playing along at home, John McCain conditionally supported the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell” until Barack Obama got elected and began pushing the Senate to do something about it. Once military leadership told McCain the policy should be repealed, he said, he would vote to repeal it, and now that the Republican defense secretary and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs have told McCain that it should be repealed, he is vowing to fight it with everything he’s got.

But, like, he had excuses before. Not great ones, but they sounded coherent on Sunday shows. Once the commanders came around, he wanted to wait for the results of the Pentagon’s review of how repeal would be implemented. That review is done. Then McCain just needed more time to read it. Then he had a problem with some of the survey questions. Then he was upset that more Marines oppose repeal than other branches. Then he was upset with the survey’s response rate. Transparent straw-grasping, but at least those objections had something to do with the issue at hand.

See the rest at Alex Pareene in Salon.


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