A Young Jodie Foster


By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor

Sirhan Sirhan the accused and legally convicted killer of Robert Kennedy filed legal documents in Federal Court in Los Angeles this week.  His attorney, William F. Pepper, alleges that his client had been subjected to hypnosis and mind control and had been “handled” at the murder scene by an unidentified woman who helped stage the assassination.

Pepper’s filing include significant references to witness statements and forensic reports that were systematically suppressed during the investigation.

Pepper alleges that Sirhan Sirhan is innocent and that Kennedy was murdered as part of a conspiracy in which his client was involved as a “patsy” though use of hypnosis and other means.

Harvard University professor Daniel Brown, a noted expert in hypnosis and trauma memory loss, who interviewed Sirhan for over 60 hours, is believed to have “broken” Sirhan’s “programming.”

This is what was learned;

Sirhan was taken to the Ambassador Hotel by handlers.  At some point, he was given a tap on his shoulder by the woman witnesses say ran from the building taking credit for the murder, the woman, for some reason forgotten by the investigation. Sirhan reported that he found himself at a pistol range, holding a gun he had never seen before.  He heard firing, two shots rang out.  He says he never fired the shots.  Numerous witnesses support this.

Willam Pepper and Sirhan
As for Sirhan and the woman, interviews revealed that Sirhan had a deep sexual obsession her.  What we are not told is how he came to know her.  In fact, interviews tend to establish that Sirhan himself didn’t know how he came to know her or the basis for his strong feelings.


Sirhan also has no conscious knowledge of visiting the pistol range that his reported “hypnotic delusion” placed him at during the Kennedy shooting.

An almost identical shooting occurred in 1981. John Hinckley Jr., shot President Ronald Reagan outside the Washington Hilton Hotel.

The reported reason was Hinckley’s “sexual obsession” with actress Jody Foster.  The Sirhan Sirhan “sexual obsession” aspect of the Kennedy assassination was known to authorities and members of the press but no connection was ever made. It is being made now.

Are there other relevant facts that should have led to a further investigation?

John Hinckley - Looking into His Future
  • Hinckley, a Mormon, belonged to a family closely aligned with the Bush family.  Then Vice President George H.W. Bush, was a former CIA Director and had been named by the Warren Report as a person of interest unless there was another “George Bush of Texas” that moved in CIA and political circles.
  • Reports from close associations of President Reagan now tell of his total distrust of Bush and his deep resentment at having Bush on the ticket with him.  Insiders report that Bush was “frozen out” of all White House and national security functions.  Stories to the contrary, including those stating that Reagan showed an onset of Alzheimer’s as early as 1983 are said to be wildly inaccurate.
  • “Reagan was ‘on his game’ and took personal charge of foreign police and security issues.  He ordered that Bush be kept out of
    A Young Jodie Foster
    everything.  He didn’t trust him. “
    Lee Wanta.
  • The 1968 murder of Martin Luther King, under close examination, seems equally spurious with reexaminations of the case and mock trials favoring the direct involvement of police and intelligence agencies in the killing.

When you add the 1963 assassination of John F. Kennedy into the mix, something emerges that is far more than a simple pattern. What you have is an epidemic of carefully conceived political killings with one theme that runs throughout, that of the “patsy.”

James Earl Ray, John Hinckley Jr., Sirhan Sirhan and Lee Harvey Oswald are more than just ‘unlikely’ killers.  They were ideal candidates for “framing.”


Robert Kennedy's Last Moments
It was 1968 and Robert F. Kennedy was a shoo-in for president.  He had just won the California primary and was at a party function at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles.  Shots rang out, and Sirhan Sirhan was wrestled to the ground by footballer Rosy Grier.  Sirhan, if we can call him by one name only, was not the shooter, this has been long established and easily proven even without heading into the area of conspiracy.  The shooters were pursued out of the building, reportedly a woman screamed out, “We killed Kennedy!” as she ran out the rear exit.


Police had an “all points bulletin” out for suspects, there were descriptions and witness statements, it was in the newspapers then, for some strange reason, as though the hand of G-d reached out, reality was erased and the manhunt was as though it had never happened.

Forensic evidence showed Kennedy was shot from behind and that Sirhan Sirhan could not have been the shooter.  This has never been disputed.

Court documents allege what can only be described as “mind control.”  Nothing attributed to the defense claim, as submitted by attorney William Pepper, who also represented James Early Ray, departs from the strict definition of “hypnosis,” though the CIA had spent millions on programs that strayed into that region, mind control and, in fact, well beyond.  “Mind control” was considered pretty tame stuff compared to the “remote viewing” and “psycho-kinetic energy” studies that went on for over a decade.

The CIA became obsessed with mind control after prisoners of war held by the Chinese, Russians and North Koreans returned showing symptoms of something far beyond simple indoctrination.  Some had been successfully programmed as deep cover agents.  Because of the classification level of all documents and studies involving this threat, even to this day there is only fiction to draw upon, films such as the Manchurian Candidate and Telefon or the recent blockbuster video game, Call of Duty Black Ops (spoiler alert) which “alleges” Kennedy’s murder was directly tied to “mind control.”

Is “pop culture” bridging the gap between disinformation and reality?


Reagan Security Caught From Behind
There are several issues that may tie the 3 shootings together.  Despite the conspiracy theories, reports from many directions indicate that all three men shared one powerful and very “third rail” belief.  All wished to see an end to the privately owned banking system that they believed was pushing America into financial insolvency.


All three, Reagan and the Kennedy’s had sought economic counsel regarding the dismemberment of the Federal Reserve System.  All three shared this one belief, that the Federal Reserve represents a threat against American sovereignty and is an instrument of defacto foreign control of a vital element of American security, control of currency and debt.

Could there be a greater motive than this?  In 1963, Kennedy had ordered the Treasury Department to prepare to issue non-Federal Reserve currency.  That order was never carried out.

A second Bush president tripled America’s debt in a 5 year period.  Was this what Reagan had foreseen also?  This is what we are told, perhaps it may be time to “really” reassess Reagan also.


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Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades. Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world's largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues. Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than "several" countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.