The Military Solution


by J. Bruce Campbell


As a Rhodesian anti-terrorist in the early ‘70s, I figured that the combination of normal African cruelty with Jewish Communism was the ultimate in political sadism. The atrocities I witnessed were shocking and revolting.

It turned out that my education was incomplete. I was not fully aware of what America had done or would do in the decades to come. It took a few years after returning home to see what the future held for us Americans.

The American military has up to the present date not covered itself in glory. Military glory can only be obtained in the defense of the nation from unprovoked military attack by another country. Let’s disabuse ourselves of smug ideas that Ft. Sumter and Pearl Harbor were unprovoked attacks.

There have been no unprovoked attacks since the War for Independence from England. Starting in 1861 and ever since, the American military has been the aggressor, controlled and exploited by American politicians on behalf of private bankers.

We Americans were born in a country founded on a violent and treacherous land grab from the original inhabitants, who themselves did not deal in real estate sales or mortgage fraud. Virtually every treaty made by the US government was broken by the US Army, which conducted the first modern extermination program, today known as “ethnic cleansing.”

The legal system of a country based on African slavery and extermination of its natives can only be an exercise in fraud and hypocrisy.

The behavior of the American military in the 20th Century and now in the 21st has been shockingly savage and sadistic, with scores of millions of dead foreigners who threatened us not in the least. The suffering of the survivors cannot be calculated.

The American wars of the 20th and 21st Centuries were fought and are being fought for Jewish profit and for the artificial Jewish enclave known as Israel. This Jewish enclave appears to exert total power over the American military.

Back in 1979 I spoke with the former Wall Street banker and congressional investigator for the Reece Committee, Norman Dodd. In 1953 Mr. Dodd elicited the statement from Rowan Gaither, then president of the Ford Foundation, that his and the other tax-exempt foundations were committing their subversion to alter life in the US so that this country could be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union.

Mr. Dodd’s impatient first words in 1979 were, “We have over-diagnosed the problem.” These soon became this writer’s sentiments, which led to an attempt to form the basic resistance movement ten years later which I for political purposes called “the militia.” All of my contributions to VT have offered solutions rather than mere analysis, thanks to Norman Dodd’s advice.

The militia was a movement with a narrow window of opportunity to attack the Council on Foreign Relations and other Jewish agencies before the movement was infiltrated by FBI, military and police agents who would ultimately slaughter scores of federal employees and their children to stop this armed and potentially powerful phenomenon.

The merger contemplated by the Ford Foundation is obsolete in the literal sense. But the fact is that America has become the Soviet Union, so that an official merger became unnecessary.

The US Army is now the Red Army. The US Army and the Red Army were military partners from 1941 to 1945 and worked closely for another three years to slaughter millions of helpless Germans and Jew-wise Europeans until the lucrative Cold War was started. Suddenly, the partners became “enemies.” In a few decades, the Soviet Union had served its purpose and was dissolved. America then became the Communist monster with no counter-balance.

1948 was also the year that Palestine’s name was changed and that sad country became the poisonous Jewish headquarters for war, treachery, repression and chaos.

Obviously, this writer is anti-military. Anyone who would start a civilian resistance movement is anti-military. But there is only one organization that can remove Israel as the number one threat to life on this planet. That organization is the US military.

Now, Israel has not slaughtered millions of Iraqis or untold numbers of Afghans, Pakistanis and Libyans. Israel did not slaughter millions of Germans after World War II. The American military has done that, due to some mysterious control of it by American and Israeli Jews.

Again, the US military has not covered itself in glory. It is covered by Jewish slime. The US military is a disgrace and has always been a disgrace. It must be purged of its subversive agents of Judaism.

American and Israeli Jews exercise control of the US military via Freemasonry and homosexuality, both of which are rampant in the senior officer class of the Army, Marine Corps, Air Force and Navy, according to the courageous revelations of Kay Griggs, the former wife of Marine Colonel George Griggs. The colonel revealed to his wife that the senior officer class participates in the vilest forms of “male bonding,” done for the purposes of mind control and obedience to illegal orders, which include assassination.

Israel, with American Jewish permission, has threatened to unleash its weapons of mass destruction on the capitals of Europe. Reports persist here that Israel has planted nuclear weapons in American cities that will be detonated if Israel is not obeyed.

Other credible reports indicate that Israel was responsible for the Japanese nuclear disaster in retaliation for Japan’s support of the Palestinians in the UN. Also that Israel attempted to kill Germany’s president for the same reason (sabotaged helicopter) and that the Norwegian slaughter of children was for that country’s pro-Palestinian position.

This level of threatened and actual mass murder can only be thwarted by the masters of mass murder, the US military, which has been under the Jewish spell since at least 1861. There is only one way that the US military can redeem itself and rescue the world from the fruit of its sadistic behavior on behalf of Judaism. Judaism must be removed as a threat to life on this planet and prevented from ever rising again.

It is time that the US military cleanse itself of Jewish agents, Freemasons and homosexuals, all of whom serve Jewish finance capitalism and the state of Israel. The US military’s routine slaughtering of foreigners who are in the way of Jewish plundering must stop.

The US military must remove all weapons of mass destruction possessed by Israel, as demanded by John F. Kennedy in the months leading up to his assassination.

Humanity will never be safe until artificial Jewish domination is ended.

America must inevitably experience a military coup to rescue itself from Jewish Rule, which has saturated our political, social and legal systems. Jewish Rule is why America is so sick and degenerate and overrun by aliens.

This is not far-fetched, as we can plainly see with the sudden and unexpected fall of the House of Murdoch. This Jewish propaganda machine is self-destructing. The rest of the Hollywood /New York axis must also be dismantled. Jews must not be allowed in any positions of power or influence, ever again.

We can see what has happened in the past once this effort is begun. Jewish retribution comes in the form of mass annihilation. In those days, the true nature of Judaism was not understood. The “newspaper of record,” the New York Times, deliberately concealed from its readers the truth of what a bunch of New York Jews did to the Russian, Ukrainian and other peoples, with American help, starting in 1917.

Most Americans did not understand the Jewish declaration of war against Germany in 1933, or what it would lead to. Some did, the members of the America First Committee, but they were silenced by the FDR-contrived attack on Pearl Harbor.

The American military is the key to survival, just as it has been the key to Jewish Rule. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and an even more dangerous master. And, as with everything else in life, it depends on good men in charge – always a problem.

There just might be enough good men in the American military who have the guts and the brains to seize control of the murder machine and arrest the traitors who have been propelled to the top by bootlick, degeneracy and moral cowardice.

You lieutenants and captains and majors who aren’t on the make can seize control and end the slaughter and torture of innocents. You know damn well that no one in Guantanamo is guilty of anything other than resisting American barbarism. And that’s if he’s not just some cab driver you stupidly bought for three grand.

Think back on the disgrace of Abu Ghraib and reflect on how such a thing could happen. Abu Ghraib, Bagram, Guantanamo, prison ships, renditions, torture, mass murder, depleted uranium munitions that have produced deformed babies of your own, not to mention the horrors in Iraq. You are in total disgrace for your participation in crimes against humanity.

Of course, you were just following orders given by draft-dodging pukes in DC. You still are. Honestly, how could you take orders from a soft piece of chicken-shit such as Dick Cheney? Or an obvious lying spook such as Barack Obama? Are you that delusional? That impotent? Maybe not.

America is dead, and much of the blame comes from the crimes of the US military in the 19th, 20th and 21st Centuries. We can bring it back to life, which will take a while, but it can’t be done without the revolt of the US military and the overthrow of the war lords, the finance lords and the propaganda lords headquartered in Washington DC, New York and Tel Aviv.

The Orlando Sentinel, Fla., Nuts and Bolts Column.

Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News August 22, 2002 By Steven Cole Smith, The Orlando Sentinel, Fla. Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News Aug. 22–Car buyers fall into two categories: those who want to get where they are going and have fun doing it, and those who want to get where they are going, period. here 2002 honda civic

This latter car-as-appliance group buys vehicles the way most of us buy refrigerators or light bulbs. If it works, they seem to last, and the price is reasonable — what more do you need?

The sad part is that the car-as-appliance folks could have their cake and eat it too. There are plenty of vehicles available that meet all the practical criteria but still have enough verve and style to satisfy the enthusiast.

Here are three. Let’s take them in alphabetical order.

2002 FORD SVT FOCUS: Ford’s Special Vehicle Team consists of a small group of designers and engineers who take existing Ford products and make them go faster, such as the SVT Lightning pickup, and the new 390-horsepower SVT Mustang Cobra.

But since the Ford Contour was discontinued, SVT had nothing available for less than $30,000. Enter the SVT Focus. It starts with the Focus ZX3 hatchback, adds steroids, and still brings it in for $17,995, with transportation.

And that’s with plenty of features, including a 170-horsepower 2.0-liter four-cylinder engine (the regular ZX3 has 130 horses), a six-speed manual transmission, anti-lock disc brakes, power accessories, air conditioning, a rear spoiler, a good stereo, a beefed-up suspension, and big P215/45ZR-17 radial tires on alloy wheels. There are only a few options, including a power sunroof for $595.

SVT engineers have done an amazing amount of work to get 170 horsepower from the 2.0-liter engine without using a supercharger or turbocharger. The 2.0-liter is still a little rough-running, but not objectionably so. Handling is crisp, despite the Focus’ relatively high center of gravity. For the money, the SVT Focus is a real bargain, and it still gets 25 mpg in the city, 34 mpg on the highway.

The interior is handsome and functional, and the sport seats are excellent. My only disappointment: The six-speed manual transmission felt notchy and unsure when going into gear, and wrestling it into reverse was a minor ordeal. I’ve driven another SVT Focus that had a better-feeling shifter, so hopefully the test car was not representative.

Still, for $18,000, I’m not complaining. Be aware too that next year, the four-door hatchback Focus, the ZX5, also gets an SVT version.

2002 HONDA CIVIC SI: When Honda redesigned the Civic for 2001, they dropped the sporty Si model, promising it would return. It did for 2002, but in an unexpected form: As a hatchback version otherwise unavailable in the U.S., built in a new Honda plant in England.

Under the hood, the Civic Si has a silky 2.0-liter, 160-horsepower four-cylinder engine, with five-speed manual transmission. Fuel mileage is 26 mpg in the city, 30 mpg on the highway. Price is a flat $19,000, plus $460 in shipping. There are no factory options, nor are any really needed: Standard stuff includes air conditioning, a power moon roof, cruise control, an AM/FM stereo with CD player, a rear spoiler, and anti-lock disc brakes.

The Si’s odd looks extend to the inside, where the gearshift sprouts out of the bottom of the dashboard, rather than from the floor. The shifter worked quite well, and controls and gauges were well-placed. The bucket seats were supportive but seemed to place you higher in the car than you’d expect, especially since the moon roof limited headroom slightly.

I like the Si, but not quite as much as I expected. It’s quick, and handling, with the firm suspension and P195/60VR-15 tires, is quite good. But the Si and I didn’t quite click. I’d kind of like to see an Si version of the Civic coupe, which is what the 2001 Civic Si was. see here 2002 honda civic

Still, Honda is having no trouble selling this Si. And the styling is growing on me.

2003 MINI COOPER S: It’s the undisputed darling of the small-car set, a vehicle that extends the trend begun by the Volkswagen New Beetle, and continued by the Chrysler PT Cruiser, to make small, inexpensive cars fashionable.

While you can get a Mini Cooper for well under $20,000, that version will have the 1.6-liter, 115-horsepower four-cylinder engine, which puts it at a disadvantage with the 170-horse SVT Focus, and 160-horse Civic Si. So the test car is the higher-performance, higher-priced Mini Cooper S, which has that same 1.6-liter engine, but uses a supercharger to up horsepower to a competitive 163, while still getting 24 mpg in the city, 33 mpg on the highway. The S is available only with a six-speed manual transmission. That’s fine, because this is one car I wouldn’t even consider with an automatic.

The stiffer suspension with the S and the gutsy engine make this one of the most amusing cars to drive there is, at any price. The driver is in touch with the road, but never overwhelmed by a too-stiff ride. The leather-trimmed seats on the test car were superb, and interior styling manages to be retro and utterly fresh.

The S starts at $19,300, and that includes a lot of equipment, such as air conditioning, a stereo with CD player, power accessories, anti-lock disc brakes, and side-curtain air bags. Options on the test car were the leather ($1,250), silver metallic paint ($400), cruise and audio controls on the steering wheel ($350), and a $1,250 sport package that added 17-inch tires, Xenon headlights, stability control and a few other features I’d want. With shipping, the price was $23,100. Erase the leather and steering wheel controls, and that price is $21,500 — assuming you can find a dealer that has one, and will sell it to you for that. Such is the demand.

While the Mini is my favorite, I could live happily with any of the three. Good things do come in small packages.

Steven Cole Smith is the Sentinel automotive editor. He can be reached at or 407-420-5699.



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