The Sinking Of America


by Allen L Roland


Not only are over 50% of U.S. Homeowners under water but America itself is underwater, owing more than we are worth, while Obama continues to offer false hope and promises while preparing the country for an Imperial presidency and the New World Order

A national telephone survey of American homeowners conducted by Rasmussen Reports has found that only 49 percent of those surveyed believe their home is worth more than their mortgage~ meaning that 51% are underwater. It is the third time this survey has fallen below the 50 percent mark since late 2008.

The good ship America is sinking fast and the downgrade by ratings agency S&P from AAA to AA+ is a correct assessment that President Obama and Congress are not serious about debt reduction ~ particularly when it comes to shrinking the out of control defense budget.

Everybody knows that the ship is sinking and everybody knows that the captain lied and continues to lie.

For example, before getting too excited about the modest uptick in net job creation and a slight downward move in the unemployment rate, it’s probably worth a peek under the deck. The government does not count “discouraged workers,” or those who were unemployed but not out looking for work during the reporting period. This is where the numbers showed a really big spike ~ up from 982,000 to 1.119 million, a difference of 137,000 or a 14 percent increase.  As Jeff Cox reportsThe average duration of unemployment rose for the third straight month and is now at a record 40.4 weeks ~ about 10 months and now double where it was when President Obama took office in January 2009. The total number unemployed for more than half a year now stands at 6.18 million, 130 percent higher than when the president’s term began.” 

The mighty USS America is now the USS Debt and it’s sinking fast!

Here’s a visualization Of the U.S. $14.5 Trillion dollar Debt ~ which everyone needs to see ;

Some interesting facts about our growing national debt ~ 

1. If you spent $1 million a day since Jesus was born, you would have not spent $1 trillion by now…but $700 billion ~ which is the same amount the banks got during the recent bailout.

2. 114.5 Trillion dollars ( Unfunded U.S. Liabilities)  is the amount of money the U.S. Government knows it does not have to fully fund the Medicare, Medicare Prescription Drug Program, Social Security, Military and civil servant pensions ~ it is the money the USA knows it will not have to pay all its bills. If you live in the USA this is also your personal credit card bill; you are responsible along with everyone else to pay this back. The citizens of the USA created the U.S. Government to serve them ~ and this is what the U.S. Government has done while serving The People and the greed of the corpocracy.

3. The estimated population of the United States is 311,072,294 so each citizen’s share of this debt is now $46,847.80.

Here’s a Visualization of individual American families increasingly hefty debt load and how many are living on their credit cards ~

Some interesting facts regarding family debt:

  1. The average American family has 13 credit cards.
  2. 75% of American households are in serious debt.
  3. The average credit card interest rate is 14.26%
  4. Over the past decade, Homeowners pulled an average of $30,000 in equity out of their homes but only 15% of that money was used for home improvements.
  5. In addition to their primary mortgage, the medium American Homeowner also owes $26,000 on their home equity line of credit.

Balance that with the fact that according to the US Commerce Department data ~ real private sector wages have grown just 4% between 2001 and 2010. That’s less than the 5% that wages increased between 1929 and 1939 ~ the decade bracketing the great depression.

Today, the richest 1% owns 40% of the nation’s wealth, and the top 10% owns nearly 75% of it.

So let’s face it ~ America is in the midst of a growing Depression and the question is why does President Obama continue to ignore this glaring reality?

As Matt Taibbi writes in Rolling Stone ~ “It strains the imagination to think that the country’s smartest businessmen keep paying top dollar for such lousy performance. Is it possible that by “surrendering” at the 11th hour and signing off on a deal that presages deep cuts in spending for the middle class, but avoids tax increases for the rich, Obama is doing exactly what was expected of him?”

The answer is YES ~ Obama was selected by the global elite to not only protect their illegal financial dealings and self serving wars in bringing down the economy but to captain the sinking ship ~ thus paving the way for an Imperial Presidency and the implementation of a New World Order which will arise from the shattered wreckage of our once proud Republic.

The next step in this clearly designed imperial power grab is bypassing Congress and the voice of the people by instituting a SUPER congress (the Council of 13, which includes the President) ~ the last step before we have an Imperial presidency.

This so called Super Congress will include 6 Republicans and 6 Democrats who, along with the president, will have total control of the budget slashing process. It has even been announced that members of Congress who voted against the debt ceiling compromise will not be considered for a position within the Super Congress.

Ryan Grimm, Huffington Post,  explains how this “Super Congress” would work ~ a joint committee that both House Speaker Boehner and the President are in favor of; ” There is some very alarming news coming out of the debt negotiations. Hidden in any deal may be the creation of a “Super Congress” that would result in more power being placed in the hands of the super-elitists and dilute the influence of the average congressman. The left is most up in arms about this development, as it would likely mean that cuts to Medicare and Social Security would be easier to get through Congress, but it could also result in the elimination of tax credits for retirement savings plans and the elimination of the tax deduction for mortgage interest payments. The “Super Congress” would place more power in the hands of Washington D.C. power players and limit the power of the average congressman. Bottom line: What the entire D.C. crowd is really looking for is a way to screw the elderly and also raise taxes, while not get caught doing it.”

Thus, the voice of the people would be effectively subdued and an Imperial presidency, beholden to the global elite, would firmly be in control.

Fewer voters than ever feel the federal government has the consent of the governed.  A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 17% of Likely U.S. Voters think the federal government today has the consent of the governed and for good reason ~ the corpocracy rules and money talks.

It’s increasingly apparent that Obama will rely on his corporate base in his 2012 re-election bid ~ versus the increasingly disillusioned Liberals, Independents, seniors, women and youth who once willingly drank the 2008 Obama Kool- Aid in the vain hope for real change. Witness the president’s obvious allegiance to the bailout tainted Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, Obama’s chief of staff and former J.P. Morgan top exec William Daly and the recent appointment of his crony capitalist friend John Bryson to be the next Commerce Secretary. Over the years, Bryson has used his Wall street connections to game the political process and receive billions in bailouts and subsidies.

The die is cast, the stage is set and only an informed and outraged public stands in the way ~ but steps are already being taken by the global elite to deal with that possibility through military intervention.

So while the public sits idly by wondering if their social security checks are on the way, huge troop movements have been seen ~ possibly in anticipation of large scale public outcry over the massive power grab now being called The Council Of 13 or Super Congress.

Regarding the troop movements ~ Clyde Lewis, a veteran radio host, has had multiple callers report military movements seen in both Portland and Oregon City, Oregon and throughout the West Coast..
Another listener sent Clyde three known videos of this train From You Tube and the shots from witnesses are nothing short of breathtaking. Each video shows the movement of Military vehicles not painted for desert operations, but with digital or city camouflage. The question is where are these hundreds of vehicles going and for what reason? Here’s the third of seven Southbound Military Trains from Portland, Oregon headed to Yermo, CA through downtown Red Bluff on July 25th around 08:30. See video

Something is terrible wrong as America sinks ~ Defense contractors are awash in profits, lines lengthen at soup kitchens, foreclosed families sleep in shelters, 20 million are jobless or underemployed, food stamp use sets records and Seniors can barely stay afloat ~ even with their increasingly threatened Social Security checks.

The current Obama debt sellout is Obama’s final capitulation to Wall Street and the Global elite but it is, in reality, filled with hypocrisies.

Here’s truth teller Keith Olbermann’s lowdown on the The Four Great Hypocrisies of the debt deal including the Super Congress ~ and the necessity of taking the governance of this nation back from politicians.   9 Minute must see video

As to the proposed super council of 13 ~ In the traditional tarot deck, the 13th card is the Death card. It also represents not merely death, but rebirth and renewal. These were obviously pivotal concepts to ancient cultures, the understanding of which has faded down the centuries, but perhaps pivotal again if it leads to the death of the American Republic ~ as Abraham Lincoln once so forewarned.

“I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. . . . corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.” ~ Abraham Lincoln, 1864

If you’re not outraged, you’re on life support.

About the Author: Allen L Roland is a Freelance Alternative Press Online columnis. He is also a practicing psychotherapist, author and lecturer who also shares a daily political and social commentary on his web site at He also guest hosts a Truthtalk, a national radio show that airs monthly. He is available for comments, interviews, speaking engagements and private consultations via email at


The Roanoke Times (Roanoke, VA) July 1, 2003 | GEOFFREY ROGOW THE ROANOKE TIMES Besides coupons for groceries, now Kroger shoppers can save on gas.

According to a Grocery Headquarters trade magazine article in September 2002, at least 30 percent of all gasoline sales will occur at supermarket locations by 2006. this web site free coupons for groceries

Most Kroger locations in the Roanoke Valley are trying to be at the forefront of that trend.

In conjunction with Centego Marketing group, Kroger is offering free-gas coupons at nine of its stores. Some products carry coupons for as much as $3 off gasoline at three Kroger fuel stations in the valley.

The Kash 4 Gas program, which began in Roanoke about a year ago, is subsidized by some manufacturers and allows customers free gasoline for buying certain products, said Archie Fralin, advertising manager for Kroger.

For example, Tyson offers $1 off gas for buying a roasted 23.2- ounce whole chicken. Also, Private Selection offers the same rebate for buying 6-ounce crab cakes. These are just two of the more than 700 items for which gasoline coupons are available.

The coupons can be redeemed at Kroger locations in Vinton, Lakeside Plaza in Salem, and Towne Square Mall, which have gasoline pumps on site. Also, the Smith Mountain Lake Kroger, to open in late August, is planned to have a fuel station.

Customers at six other Kroger locations are offered gasoline vouchers to be redeemed at any Kroger-operated pump in the valley. Three Kroger locations do not participate in the program.

Signs explaining the program are posted at each pump, the front door and throughout the store. Shelf tags underneath the products inform customers about gasoline savings, and wire baskets in the store lobby contain Kash 4 Gas shopping lists. These lists outline each product that is on the program, and what section of the store to find it in.

Tony Caputo, fuel center manager for Kroger, said informing the public about Kash 4 Gas has been one of his most difficult tasks. Caputo has 137 stores in his division, 25 of which have fuel centers. Another 29 participate in the coupon program.

Managing the program for Kroger is Centego Marketing Group, a Dallas-based startup founded by Peter Jacoves. He began the company when a friend, who was building gasoline stations at grocery stores, complained about not making money.

According to Jacoves, neither the gasoline station nor the grocery store were seeing increases in revenue because of proximity to each other. He decided to contact product manufacturers to see if they’d be interested in rewarding customers with free gasoline.

“When I started it five years ago, everyone thought it was ridiculous because it hadn’t been done before,” said Jacoves. “Now, manufacturers are selling 30 percent more product across the board.” Manufacturers like the program because it allows them to sell more products, according to Jacoves. Also, manufacturers liked the fact that consumers got used to paying full price for products, unlike traditional coupons where the savings take place on the item itself.

Several manufacturers refused to comment about the program.

Wayne Purcell, economics professor at Virginia Tech, said manufacturers generally do not want to discuss their strategies with anyone. website free coupons for groceries

Purcell said this program may be one more way Kroger can battle Wal-Mart in the retail food industry. Wal-Mart is forcing new strategies in the industry because it keeps lower prices than everyone else.

Fralin said the program is not targeted at Wal-Mart, but it does help give Kroger a competitive advantage in selling fuel and groceries.

Usually for manufacturers, a major drawback in coupons is slippage, or the percentage of coupons actually redeemed. In a typical Sunday paper, 1.9 percent of the coupons printed are actually redeemed. However, in the fuel rewards program, 20 percent of the people who get the coupons redeem them, according to Renee Rubin, marketing communications manager for Centego.

Expiration for the receipts is typically 30 days, but Jacoves would like to move that down to 48 hours in the coming years.

In other locations around the country, grocers have partnered with major gasoline station chains such as Exxon. Caputo does not foresee needing to do that. He said much of the program’s strength is with customers who can stay within the Kroger family throughout the buying process.

Geoffrey Rogow can be reached at 981-3235 or



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Allen L Roland, PhD is a Freelance Alternative Press Online columnist. He is also a heart-centered spiritual consultant, author, and lecturer who also shares a weekly political and social commentary on his website at He also guest hosts Truthtalk, a national radio show that airs monthly. He is available for comments, interviews, speaking engagements as well as private consultations via email at Roland is a twin who was born in Boston, Massachusetts, survived a dysfunctional family, pursued and lived his dreams, including becoming a Navy supersonic carrier pilot, finding himself by fully opening his heart, writing three books, siring four children ~ and still living his ultimate dream by making a difference from a place of love, celebration, and service. His Ph.D. dissertation THE UNIFIED FIELD was chosen by Common Boundary and Noetic Science Institute, in their 1998 national dissertation contest, as one of the top three finalists for combining spirituality and psychology. His ongoing heart-centered work as a consultant with veterans with PTSD is the most satisfying work of his life. Allen's online newsletter, columns, and radio broadcasts are committed to the truth ~ as he sees it ~ for only the truth is revolutionary.