by Ernst Zundel
This article was written more than ten years ago – before Ernst Zundel’s political kidnapping and subsequent incarcerations in six prisons in three countries on two continents for his politically incorrect ways.
Those who know my husband personally know that he has many interests and talents beyond the one for which he was abducted and for which he is internationally known – the one that cannot now be mentioned on fear of life and limb in Europe!
I’ll let you guess what that is.
Instead, let’s talk of esoteric Zundel hobbies.
For one, Ernst kept a vivid interest in World War II technology inside the Third Reich – including “Flying Saucers”. When I showed him the write-up which I had pulled from the Net, we both had a good laugh, and Ernst, in a flamboyant mood, dashed off the following while sitting on our deck, enjoying the Tennessee sunshine:
I consider this a garbled account of the Third Reich’s best-kept secret weapons research and development – circular flying craft, commonly called UFOs.
The article gives one an insight into the state of the mind of at least a segment of the Russian reading public when one sees newspaper stories of this type, which mix pure speculation, propaganda tales of World War II and weird, far-fetched occult themes with the serious side of cutting edge technology.
There is also the usual misspelling of names, incomplete titles etc., and one wonders what original sources the authors consulted for this rather incredible tale.
Nonetheless, the goofy essay merits comment.
I believe I can claim at least some familiarity with the UFO topic, having authored and published some small booklets on Nazi UFOs in the late ’60s and early ’70s – before I was forced by Germany’s enemies to tackle [a politically sensitive topic] , which put an end to my youthful fascination and explorations of the esoteric.
This political derailing of my life caused me to become a serious activist and made me dedicate my life to clearing my people’s and country’s reputation by debunking an untrue accusation. Had my enemies left me alone, who knows what flights of fancy might I have indulged in instead? 🙂
Seriously, I personally corresponded with and interviewed some of the German UFO researchers in the 1960s still alive then, including Rudolf Lusar, post-war Germany’s most famous author on German secret weapons in World War II.
Nobody ever told me about a secret project code-named “Base 211”, although some, who were aircraft engineers – one attached to Hermann Göring’s Reichs-Luftfahrtministerium, was personally present when one of those circular crafts, being tethered to a concrete floor of a large aircraft hangar and propulsion-tested in Wiener Neustadt, Austria, broke its moorings and shot through the ceiling, damaging it and the aircraft severely.
I can say with certainty that advanced research, production and flight testing were definitely going on during World War II of these circular flying craft, some which could reach incredible heights very quickly and obtain high speeds in horizontal flight – well in excess of the speed of sound.
Some of the sanest descriptions of German secret weapons can be found in the bestselling books of Lusar, who was an aircraft engineer and whose books went through several printings in the 1950s and 1960s. The German title was “Deutsche Geheimwaffen des II. Weltkrieges und ihre Weiterentwicklung.” (German Secret Weapons And Their Continuing Development) At least one English translation was published in London at the time.
In a similar vein, the American Air Force’s Air Technical Intelligence Chief, a general named Simon, published a hardcover book about Nazi Secret Weapons he and his team had inspected and tested in the 1960s with a small publishing house called WE Inc., based in Connecticut. It is full of astonishing photos and rich in technical details.
When I spoke to the publisher, who had ordered some of the UFO books published by me, he said: “Very interesting, Zündel, but you have only scratched the surface!”
One more very interesting source was a mass-circulation book published in England and America, titled “Intercept But Don’t Shoot!” by Renato Vesco, who is alleged to have been Benito Mussolini’s Air Technical Intelligence Chief during World War II. Vesco lists an incredible number of sources, among them whole sets of declassified British intelligence and engineering assessments of German research projects, including weird alloys, completely new metals, and Rube Goldberg-like contraptions, all tried and tested by the Germans. In the 1970s, it was obtainable from the Queen’s Printer in London.
As to German Antarctic explorations – there was at least one publicly known German Antarctic expedition undertaken by the Third Reich in 1938 before the war broke out. The documentation is replete with lots of maps, flying courses, black-and-white photographs, and even a color photo section.
The title is “Die deutsche antarktische Expedition 1938”, published by the Safari Verlag. The book itself is long out of print – at least since 1945. However, the negatives of the aerial photos taken by the expedition and some newsreel film footage survived World War II and can be seen at Hamburg’s famous Hydrographic Institute.
The serious British publisher, W.R.D. McLaughlin published a book after the war called German Antarctic Raiders, which is about German naval activity in the Antarctic in World War II.
In the 1970s, a film documentary appeared about the German Antarctica expedition on prime-time German TV, which included filmed interviews of some of the actual participants of that expedition. This expedition team surveyed and mapped large areas and took soil, water, and ice samples. It charted the Antarctic waters and air currents. It left behind hundreds of Swastika flags driven into the Antarctic snow and hundreds of flags air-dropped to lay proper explorers’ rights of possession to that terrain. All of this is documented in the above-mentioned book.
This expedition claimed officially for Germany a clearly defined geographic area of the Antarctic Continent and named warm water lakes and mountain ranges they discovered you can read about and find on any map put out by the National Geographic Society, for instance. This claim is presently recorded in the Antarctica Gazetteer No. 14, available from the United States Board on Geographic Names.
There even exists a German Antarctic Foundation which, through its various chapters around the world, keeps alive Germany’s rightful claim to the area, known as Neu-Schwabenland – and trust me, I had nothing to do with the selection of that name, even though I am a proud, full-blooded Swabian. I was born in 1939!
Thus, Germany is far larger than the chopped-up, politically truncated, demonically maligned little piece of real estate in the very heart of Europe the Allies left behind after their defeat of Hitler. Germany’s Antarctic claim, never challenged, is three times the size of pre-World War II Germany. Many of its highest, Alp-like mountains as well as lakes and glaciers are named after those wicked Nazi crew and expedition members. Horrors!
In the 1990s I interviewed an American publisher and author from Florida who publishes a magazine, called Sharkhunters, devoted largely to WWII submarines with lots of famous U-Boat aces as contributors. He told a fascinating story, which I broadcast on my satellite show, The Voice of Freedom. He claims that he had, indeed, come across maps and photographs of German Antarctic bases in World War II in the Chilean and Argentine naval archives, one based in Tierra del Fuego, accommodating approximately 8,000 men.
One Japanese national TV program invited me to Princeton University in the middle 1990s where I was interviewed for hours and where some of my unpublished material was filmed. This television program was then enhanced with computer-generated, brilliantly done Nazi flying saucers, being shielded by icebergs at first, gracefully rising out from Antarctic ocean bases and glaciers.
They are some sight to see – what with the Swastika strikingly adorning these incredibly maneuverable, exotic flying craft wobbling out of the choppy, iceberg-strewn ocean, shaking off pieces of ice and trailing cascading water, as they elegantly zoom away at very high speed!
There is immense worldwide interest in this alleged German Antarctic UFO activity, borne out by the fact that large-circulation Japanese newspapers, magazines, and TV programs devote a lot of space, money, and time to this story.
One even came to interview me in Toronto and ended up hiring one of my own “Zundel-Haus Lieutenants”, a volunteer who helped around the office, but who had lived in Argentina many years and spoke several languages. This man had personal knowledge of the people and places involved. That expedition is as well a fascinating one – but too long to recount here. Perhaps another time!
Even in America, the topic is a sizzling one. Right after World War II, Admiral Byrd, the famous American Arctic Explorer, was sent to Antarctica by President Truman in 1947 with a military task force, equipped with the latest military hardware including aircraft carriers, submarines, helicopters, and even tanks.
What was he looking for – in, of all places, Antarctica? There are all kinds of articles, serious and otherwise, suggesting that he was sent to smoke out Hitler’s last stronghold there. National Geographic Magazine covered that Task Force in over 40 pages of photographs and texts in 1947.

When I was younger than I am today and learned about all these things in the 1970s, I tried to raise public awareness with my little easy-to-read books, which turned quickly into controversial bestsellers, going through numerous printings before I myself pulled the plug on the “Secret Nazi UFO Project” by not reprinting and not writing new material on this topic.
My Jewish detractors made me change course, but I want to touch briefly on a widely misreported story of my UFO exploits. It had to do with my last UFO project, a planned Antarctic overflight via a leased, extra-large, fuel tank-equipped, long-range Boeing 747 from South African Airways.
For political reasons, this airline had to fly non-stop from Europe to South Africa, not being allowed to land and refuel anywhere in Black Africa at the time, courtesy of apartheid. I had a lead on the plane and had tentatively found a crew of Australian and New Zealanders with 747 flying skills and training and also Antarctic overflight experience.
The idea itself was a bit of a publicity lark – we were going to toast each other with champagne over the South Pole and drop a Hitler flag onto some glaciers from the plane to send a greeting to whoever might have been holed up down below. It caused lots of media interest. I had already close to ten media and TV programs lined up whose executives had pledged the $9,999.- fee to send their staff writers and photographers along – to see for themselves what was down there!
I was young, rich and adventurous then – and we were all roaring to go. I had lots of fun and did up to three and four talk shows a week on that “Nazi-Antarctic-UFO-Find-the Führer’s Bases” story and sold lots of UFO booklets to boot – when tragedy struck! An Air New Zealand passenger plane crashed into Mt. Erebus, killing all passengers and crew members.
The subsequent, painstaking investigation came to no firm conclusions on why the plane crashed. The United Nations, in conjunction with the Big Powers – Russia, America, England etc. – got involved and declared the Antarctic Continent off limits to all civilian overflights.
Coincidence? It put an end to the Zundel UFO Adventure for good.
The last person to raise my “UFO past” and grill me intensely on it was the famous Mike Wallace of “Sixty Minutes” in the 1990s. Wallace seemed to be fascinated and not a little freaked out by the topic. What did he have to fear?
In the summer of 2000, Ingrid Rimland, my new wife, and I visited the famous, much-visited Roswell, New Mexico UFO Museum. Many will recall that a UFO allegedly crashed there in 1947 only two years after World War II – with little “aliens” on board etc. etc.
While there, I bought a nicely produced hardcover book by U.S. Col. Philip J. Corso, (Ret.), who worked deep within the Pentagon hierarchy on a secret UFO Project in the 1950s-60s. On the dust jacket it says this: “…With unprecedented detail, Corso divulges how he spearheaded the (U.S.) Army’s reverse engineering project that seeded Alien technology at American companies such as IBM, Hughes Aircraft, Bell Labs and Dow Corning.”
We toured the museum for several hours and talked with employees and tour guides there, and what do you know? Nicely protected by glass I spotted some diaramas – life-like models reduced to scale: “Nazi Saucers”, Swastikas, Balkenkreuze, Luftwaffe insignias and all – being refueled by tankers on the ground with Luftwaffe – and SS-uniformed and armed German soldiers guarding the “Nazi UFO base.” I thought I could not trust my eyes!
Allow me this thought as a German who has refused throughout a lifetime to make myself a slave to the Pavlovian Reflex and kick a long-dead Adolf Hitler in the shin:
The Americans captured and shipped thousands of German rocket, aircraft and other weapons specialists to the US immediately after World War II to “seed” exactly the same projects that Col. Corso described as their advanced weapons research.
While in Roswell, Ingrid and I also went to the American rocket pioneer Stoddard’s workshop/museum and looked at the tools and scientific gear displayed there – a shockingly primitively equipped place, compared to what Wernher von Braun had had to work with Hitler’s test facilities at Peenemünde at the end of World War II.
On that hot summer afternoon, I wondered to myself if what had really crashed in Roswell might not have been one of the German Flying Saucers, keeping an eye on what the competition was up to at Mr. Stoddard’s lab and test site – and that the “little green men” story was a false road flare, planted by US authorities at the time!
Why so? Would it not have been painfully embarrassing to admit to the American and world public that “… here we were, having clubbed the Germans to a pulp in massive bombing raids, monkeying around at Mr. Stoddard’s lab and other places with that outdated, old-fashioned, glorified firecracker rocketry the departing Hitler regime left behind, along with Wernher von Braun – while a still-undefeated bunch of high-tech Nazis are hot-rodding it around the globe and maybe even through the universe, snugly ensconced in their never-captured, Antarctic based UFOs?”
A man can speculate, can’t he? After all, this is America, isn’t it? And red-blooded Americans don’t fear – or do they? – that they will faint or turn into some frogs if they discover that a real live “Nazi” called Ernst Zundel – according to the ADL, the JDL, the Wiesenthalers, and other some such outfits that specialize in smears – turned out to be a human being after all who has just given them a publicly little-known piece of his mind.
Ingrid’s comment: Much of the information on Antarctica and German UFOs are in Ernst Zundel’s various UFO booklets, some a bit tattered and grimy after the 1995 arson of the renowned, world-famous Zundel-Haus in Toronto, set ablaze by Germany’s enemies 50 years to the day after Germany surrendered to the Allies, May 8, 1945.
They still sell, believe it or not! They need to be updated badly!
Visit and check them out yourself!

Ingrid Rimland is an award-winning ethnic novelist and documentary producer. Currently she works on a wide-screen feature movie (Category: Contemporary Political Drama) called THE EXPATS.
Born to Russian-German Mennonites in the Ukraine, she experienced World War II as a small child. Multilingual and gifted linguistically, she brings a unique perspective to the Patriot struggle, having lived under four dictators in her young years – Stalin, Hitler, Peron of Argentina, and Stroessner of Paraguay.
Ingrid is proudly married to one of the world’s most politically incorrect human rights activist, Ernst Zundel, kidnapped by America’s Zionist-beholden government goons on American soil in 2003 for having spoken Truth to Power about the so-called “Holocaust”. She has earned a doctorate in Education from the University of the Pacific and been a U.S. citizen since 1973.
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