Christians Worship Authority of the State


by Yukon Jack

With the rapid awakening of the world on the internet, the state mind control program of Christianity is being exposed as an integral part of the political power structure. Christians worship authority and state power, they defend the state even when the state commits genocide and does false flags to start wars. They say they oppose killing citing the Ten Commandments “Thou Shalt Not Kill” but they are comfortable with war and state sanctioned violence. They vote for the most vicious of state killers like Dick Cheney and GW Bush. They are against murder if an individual does it but mightily approve if the state does it especially if the state kills non Christians or non white peoples. Almost no fundamentalist Christian will admit that 911 was an inside job or the war was based on lies. Christians are obviously living within a lie and thus are comfortable with lies of state. With this essay I shall examine what Christians are actually doing and not what they are claiming, how Christianity is actually a state religion, and how Christian behavior negates the Gospel teachings of Jesus.

Militant Jesus
Before we dive into this topic we must examine what the state is. Wikipedia defines the state (political) as:

“A state is a compulsory political organization with a centralized government that maintains a monopoly of the legitimate use of force within a certain geographical territory”

Wikipedia does not define a lawless state, like rogue America, one that doesn’t follow its own charter or laws. The American state does not respect the sovereignty of the individual nor does it respect the sovereignty of the states that created it, nor does it respect the sovereignty of foreign nation states and routinely flies drones and shoots missiles at anyone it wants.
The State is the Monopoly on the Use of Force
The state has a monopoly on the use of force in any jurisdiction. If you try to use force to solve a conflict, you will condemned, labeled a terrorist, and eliminated or jailed. The state takes this monopoly very serious. The state creates no wealth, it is a parasite that controls a group of people in the confines of a jurisdiction, when the state gets into trouble financially it may try to exterminate those people in order to hold onto power.
States do not respect individuals or other states unless they are ruled by benevolent leaders, but all states are dictatorial because they enforce laws and only respect power. Israel wants America to attack Iran, American politicians do not respect the Iranian State or her people, but are hesitant to attack because they fear reprisal. Because of this lack of respect, all geographic areas have militaries that must be raised in order to protect themselves from predatory nations, especially capitalistic and imperialistic ones like America. America’s behavior forces the world to protect itself from predatory capitalism and Jewish hegemony.
In a revolution, such as the Bolshevik Revolution, the new state is robust in consolidating its power base. The Bolsheviks under Stalin killed anyone that was deemed a threat. Stalin even killed political rivals, he murdered his friends and intellectual buddies like Trotsky. The Bolsheviks killed over 60 millions until they felt they had established sufficient control. It appears that the same situation is facing the United States, a post 911 bureaucracy has been established to militarize police and establish a police state.

The Christians collectively agreed on the creation of a state but foolishly allowed Jewish supremacists to take control and now a post 911 terrorist organization has been set up and is in the late stages of gearing up to attack and possibly kill millions of Americans.
The Christians collectively agreed on the creation of a state but foolishly allowed Jewish supremacists to take control and now a post 911 terrorist organization has been set up and is in the late stages of gearing up to attack and possibly kill millions of Americans.

Currently, the Department of Homeland Security is pre-positioning ammo and supplies to take control of America. These new Bolsheviks are implementing the next stage of the Neoconservative coup, they are taking the continent by force. This strategy is being done by deception, they are currently devastating a series of Muslims states that has bankrupted America. About the time you figure out that your financing will be ruined by this New Order they will unleash DHS on America. The engineered collapse of the American economy, the unpayable debt bill was done in deception, they are going to attack you, because you are just as much the enemy as the Taliban freedom fighter.
The DHS is not concerned about your safety, in fact you are the enemy. You are the enemy because you dare to resist Jewish supremacism and have a different idea about how things should be. You believe in the Constitution, they believe in absolute despotic Torah power. They are canceling the previous contract (Constitutional rule) and substituting the new order, they are in charge and you are the slave. Prepare to be decimated.
So this new totalitarian state that is being formed does not want you to have the ability to resist which is why they must have your gun. Thus they staged Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon false flags as cover to confiscate weapons. Once they have the weapons then like a cat they can play with you like a wounded mouse, kind of bat you around until they get bored then remove your head with brand new guillotines freshly shipped in from Zionist Occupied France.
Voting is an Act of Violence
There is a new meme going viral on the internet, that voting is the most violent act any person can commit. The state kills more people than any other entity, it gets ‘permission’ to do this by the act of voting. So the logic goes like this, voting is cited as evidence of consent and thus agents of the State need your vote to legitimize their authority to tax, war, and judge.
Message To Voting Cattle (Shortened edited Version)
[youtube nolink]
Why would you submit to the ‘authority’ of the court and the judge unless their was an elective process and an impartial system of courts? Voting is an integral part of deriving consent from the governed, voting gives the politicians the right to write laws you must obey and taxes you must pay. If you resist, they can legally arrest you, take away your possessions and even kill you. They do it everyday and they get away with theft and murder because of voting. By voting you are allowing the state to commit theft and murder. That is a fact Jack.
Everyone agrees that when the state goes to illegitimate war, it commits mass murder. Thus in order to maintain the air of legitimacy the state must work hard to justify its murderous war actions and destruction to property. The state goes through incredible difficulty in order to pull off its criminality, it hires scores of pundits and talking heads that defend its behavior and maintain the lies of its false flag deceptions. Rush Limbaugh makes tens of millions because he does his job well, he maintains the official lies while acting as conservative opposition.
911 was an engineered pretext in order for the state to wage never ending pre-emptive war. With American failing economically from excessive debts it became inevitable that she would do 911. An empire in economic trouble will always find itself in external war in order to maintain its power but this only accelerates its decline into tyranny, the executive has now become the judge, jury, and executioner. The bad joke of drones is their use has negated the rule of law, this is good because the legal system is one of the biggest Jewish scams that needs to be exposed.
The state commits murder everyday but if you built a drone and took out corporate executives who build the missile then you are a terrorist. The state has legalized murder for itself and outlawed it for you. Nevertheless when the President uses drones on Pakistani tribal villagers, he commits murder of women and children and the legal system protects him from prosecution. But you can drone them because now there is no law, because the government no longer follows the Constitution making it open season on them.  They have violated the contract with us, and thus become a lawless government and no longer have a monopoly on the use of force and anyone can use force against them.
"In the first few decades since 1492, it was thought that Indians did not have souls because they were "animals" in human form. Therefore, it was believed they could be hunted down like animals, which they were. It was only in 1530 CE that the Pope declared that the Indians were human. Having established their humanity, it was decided that they must be inducted into Christianity. As the Indians were unwilling, this was accomplished by force. Though the change in their status from animal to human might appear to be an improvement, in reality, little changed in their plight." (
“In the first few decades since 1492, it was thought that Indians did not have souls because they were “animals” in human form. Therefore, it was believed they could be hunted down like animals, which they were. It was only in 1530 CE that the Pope declared that the Indians were human. Having established their humanity, it was decided that they must be inducted into Christianity. As the Indians were unwilling, this was accomplished by force. Though the change in their status from animal to human might appear to be an improvement, in reality, little changed in their plight.” (

For Christians, murder is a sin, at least that’s what they want you to think about them. They are taught not to kill, murder is a grave sin, in the Catholic faith it is one of the mortal sins that can get you a ticket to hell unless you get forgiven by a priest. But if a Christian joins the United States Army and kills Muslims then he doesn’t consider that a sin or murder but duty. Christians can kill and be praised for killing so long as they do it for the state. Thou shalt not kill has exceptions, brown or black skinned people, Muslims, infidels, Native Americans, Mayans, Japanese, Germans, etc. Christians do not follow Christ because they are not worshipping Christ, they are worshipping the state, its authority, its power, its use of force. Jesus is just a cover story, a fictional deity that blinds them to what they are really doing. Like sheep being led to the slaughter house, the Christian sheep believe in the farmer (i.e. the state) and are following him into the barn, all the while they believe they are saved.
Christians are taught to vote and taught to obey and taught not to think. So if the voting process is corrupted like it is now the dumb Christian population still accepts the legitimacy of the state, they still respect and obey the authority, and the courts, the legislator and the wars of state. This is the current case in much of the world, the state does not represent the people and Christians are the biggest block of blind supporters because they are under sophisticated mind control.
Christians Worship Authority

Dispassionately examine the behavior of Christians. Christians are not really against murder, they are very ok with it and all through Christian history they have engaged in massive amounts of wars and genocides. So what are Christians really doing because it blantantly obvious they are not following the rules of the Holy book. They are worshipping authority and power, and they have made the state their god. All the songs to Jesus and praising the Lord is a sham. They worship the authority unto the state because their god is not real.

Romans 13      Submission to Governing Authorities   New International Version (NIV)

13 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. 4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.
6 This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. 7 Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.

But this god they believe in doesn’t actually exist like they think, what they are doing is (for most it is subconscious) agreeing collectively to a set of rules and giving away their personal authority to the state which acts as an arbitrager. You can argue all you want but the American state is a Jewish-Christian collective farm of goyim slaves. This is religious tyranny, what about all those that do not agree with their viewpoint and want nothing to do with Jesus and the Jewish god of vengeance? Sorry, all shall be brought under their knee bending tyranny:

Philippians 2:10 (New International Version)
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth
Romans 14:11 (New International Version)
It is written: “‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God.'”

The real meaning of god's authority is the establishment of the state supremacy in the believer's mind.
The real meaning of god’s authority is the establishment of the state supremacy in the believer’s mind.

The Jesus Fiction, the God Who Never Was and the The Indoctrination into the Cult of Supremacy

Joseph Atwill, author of the Caesar’s Messiah, informs us that the Roman Flavian family invented Christianity as a way to control the masses, but especially a way to control the Messianic cults budding in the Judea province. After Rome put down the Judean uprisings they sought an easier and less expensive way to quell the zealous monotheists.

Titus (Latin: Titus Flavius Caesar Vespasianus Augustus;[2] 30 December 39 – 13 September 81) was Roman Emperor from 79 to 81 and is now credited with the invention of Jesus (as himself) and Christianity.
Titus (Latin: Titus Flavius Caesar Vespasianus Augustus;[2] 30 December 39 – 13 September 81) was Roman Emperor from 79 to 81 and is now credited with the invention of Jesus (as himself) and Christianity.
Kenneth Humphrey, author of Jesus Never Existed, ( proves this fictional nature of the savior, constructed from numerous savior gods at that time.
These two authors have brought to light how and why Christianity was created. The Romans took every available mythos and weaved a new one, the created out of whole cloth a new savior god and named him Jesus.  Jesus is 100% literary invention, a composite of all previous sun and salvation gods.
The primary reason for doing this was to establish authority in the minds of conquered peoples, since the Judeans wouldn’t submit to Roman authority they created a religious authority.  The purpose of Christianity was to convert Jews to a new religion, one that would bring them under the wings of Roman rule.  Their experiment was wildly successful, Christianity is the dominant religion on the planet with over 2 billion adherents.

But there is a problem, Christianity allowed the rise of the superstate, one that seeks to negate all human autonomy.  Thus we must examine the basis of Christianity, the establishment of authority.  The biggest secret of all time might be that Jesus is the carrot on the stick luring the goyim into authoritarian dominance, the elite have gotten control of the masses by using their fear of death as a lever into their consciousness.
Does anyone have any authority over anyone else? Think about that and the answer is absolutely not. Look at the person next to you. Do you own that person, are you allowed to boss that person around, give them orders, take their money by force? If you are a normal gentle soul you will know the answer is absolutely not. No person owns or controls another and that is self evident, so ask yourself how is that some people can order others to their deaths in war, how they can force others to pay taxes, how they can send letter in the mail and take their property with court orders. Those that do this evil are under the spell of authority, because if you remove authority from the equation then they won’t behave this way.
Do you agree that slavery is evil and wrong? Why is slavery wrong? Because no person owns another. But with the Bible it can be used to justify slavery because it is a supremacist literature. What about debt slavery? Do you think it is ok for banks to create money out of nothing and then lend it at interest and if you can’t pay, even if it is your last payment, take possession of the asset? Most people would say that is wrong unless you are a supremacist and thief like a Wall Street gangster.
So how does evil manage to get away with the evil of human slavery or debt slavery? Bible indoctrination. With the Bible you are made to believe that authority exists and that you must submit to governing authority even if that political authority is slaved to greedy hate filled Jewish Rothschild bankers. Why must you obey even if the system is corrupt? Because the Bible says god hand picked the government:

Romans 13 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.

Looking at the corrupt rogue state called America that claim is a laugh. The most corrupt and most psychopathic evil bastards ever spawned on earth compose the state. God must be on a vacation or very evil. Of course there is another more rational reason, god doesn’t exist and the state wrote the text.
Christianity is the indoctrination to accept authority, either the church or the state or both. Bible indoctrination is about accepting Jewish authority over the self. The ‘rule of law’ is the ‘rule of Jewish law’ unless the state modifies it by reason. For instance Jewish Law demanding the stoning of your bride on your wedding night if she wasn’t a virgin. Currently the earth lacks many virgins, in fact in Los Angeles I’ve been told there are none, so no one follows that law otherwise 98% of the current brides would be stoned to death.
Cognitive Dissonance
The number one problem with most Christians is their complete inability to think. Why is that? Public schooling? Many Christians go to private school or are home schooled and are unable to think. So Jewish controlled education agenda can be ruled out, public schools are for the dumbing down of non-Christians.
The Bible has schizophrenic messages throughout, many Bible passages contradict one another. If you approach the Bible as a book of memes used to get power only then can the Bible be rationalized. It is a book of stories taught as a way to get and maintain power.  There’s no time for play with Christians who are fervently saving souls.  But no soul needs to be saved, only converted into a system of subjugation.

Love thy neighbor as thyself?  Christians like to level threats of eternal hell to anyone living free.
Love thy neighbor as thyself? Christians like to level threats of eternal hell to anyone living free.

The Bible is a book of memes, a meme being a cultural unit of information. A meme is analogous to a gene, a short term adaptation. The Bible is a collection of memes bound in a book. These memes can be factual or not, metaphysically true or not, historically accurate or not. They are just words and sentences written by human authors. Since the Bible is invented by very sick minds, it has many memes that contradict one another and if you believe the Bible literally true then that can cause cognitive dissonance, or a state of confusion in which you try to equate apples with oranges.
So a Jewish supremacist might write that god commands you to genocide all those in coveted tribal lands but later another writer claims god is love. These two memes are polar opposite, but to a believer both are true if they believe god wrote the Bible and it must be taken literal. Thus a good Christian can commit genocide and then rationalize this act as of love.
Christians love to glorify war and denigrate free behavior. A Christian is a controlled asset of state and to be a good Christian warrior you must not be wasting time pursuing freedom or love. It can be easily shown that Christianity wallows in darkness, they are ashamed of their bodies, oppose nudity even though the Greco-Roman Empire nudity was common, they condemn lovemaking yet are proud of Christian soldiers killing non-believers. You will never see a nude Christian sun worshiper.
The Bible is a Book and in this Book Lives the God Parasite
God is a meme, and when a meme travels from mind to mind it is considered parasitic. God, is therefore, a memetic parasite. In this world god only exists in only two places, in a book and in human minds. Now because the human mind is creative and that thought energy transcends the human 3D brain, god is also a thoughtform. Each god is its own thoughtform, so the way the gods battle is when humans war, all wars are wars of competing god, if one tribe can kill the believers in another god then that god will die once the energy pumping that thoughtform diminishes. That is the current New Age explanation of what is going on, it may be true, and it is another meme.
God has no independent existence outside of the books and humans that describe him. God can not predate humanity because humanity is casting the thoughtform that births god. God doesn’t exist on this plane except in a book and in your mind, and the possibility that god exists on a higher mental plane, another dimension. Now this sounds fantastic but it is a good theory to describe the phenomenon of god. With this theory we now can postulate why a god needs your worship, if worship is energy projected toward the god, then that thoughtform is energized. Humans can also send energy to one another, it is currently a common practice for people to pray for the sick or someone that needs healing. There are thousands of books on the power of prayer.  This might seem fantastic until you realize that your thoughts are not solely contained in your head, they are everywhere and manifest our reality including the god entities that we worship superior to us.
Because god is not in this plane and can not influence it directly, the god consciousness can target another believer and get that believer to do something on behalf of god. The god thoughtform can move his pieces around on the grand chessboard. If you pray to god for help then god may influence another to help you, if you objective about how prayers are answered from ‘god’ you will observe it is always through another. Thus a scientist might conclude that prayer is a form of person to person communication via the god satellite that orbits collective human consciousness.
But what about the evil blood thirsty gods?  What happens if humans create a destructive entity? What if a god is empowered by animal or human sacrifice? Then as that god grows in power it might demand more and more sacrifice. When Hernan Cortes and his band of Conquistadors reached the Aztec capital city they were shocked to witness the level blood sacrifice to the sun god, the blood was knee deep. The Aztec priests communicated daily with their god named Left Handed Hummingbird and what I intuit is that they possibly could see/hear the rapid vibration of their god thoughtform and gave it the meme of a bird that rapidly beats its wings making them semi-invisible. Does ritual sacrifice power up a god to the point that its vibration transcend dimensional realms?  Why are the elites doing baby sacrifice if the phenomenon wasn’t real?
Cortez original route of 1519 was a beeline to the offending god, when Cortes conquered Mexico he ended the ritual human sacrifice to Huitzilopochtli, the Aztec Hummingbird god.
Graham Hancock – Hour 1 – War God & Spanish Conquest of the Aztec Empire
What nobody has done yet is make the connection of Titus to Cortez. Both essentially were heroic in destroying bad blood thirtsy gods.  When Titus sacked Jerusalem in 70 A.D. he also stopped the daily ritual sacrifice in the infamous Second Temple. In case you haven’t deduced, ritual sacrifice of humans or animals to appease a god is evil and should be stopped. Millions of Christians are hopeful that the Jews restart their barbaric practices. The Romans considered the Jewish animal sacrifice rituals to be barbaric. Zionists everywhere are excited about rebuilding Solomon’s Temple and bringing back the ritual sacrifice of red heiffers.

The greatest hope of Zionists is the rebuilding of Solomen's Temple and the return of animal sacrifice at the Temple Mount.
The greatest hope of Zionists is the rebuilding of Solomon’s Temple and the return of animal sacrifice at the Temple Mount.

The Primary Falsehoods of Christianity
It is hard to believe that so many people have been so duped by the Holy Bible. The beliefs of this group are incredible, I can understand the belief of the Jews (meaning those that practice Judaism) who believe they are chosen by God because that appeals to human ego. A supremacist being a supreme egoist surely believes he is better than everyone else and thus easily latches onto the idea of being the chosen one. If you are taught that from birth and in your group everyone agrees then it sticks easily.
Who doesn’t want to be special or chosen? Christians also want to be chosen and have an exclusivity meme, they are chosen to go to heaven because of their belief in Jesus. Me only sells. I am going to heaven and you are going to hell is a very popular meme with those in ego consciousness. It is like associating with the winning sports team but better, my team is better because we go to heaven and you lose, forever.  This is also an effective meme for the state, it can be used in warfare to motivate a population to kill the other group, who are not chosen.
Christians imagine that Jesus controls the world yet the world is a mess.  As things get worse and worse Jesus comes back only to finish destroying.  This is completely psychotic reasoning.
Christians imagine that Jesus controls the world yet the world is a mess. As things get worse and worse Jesus comes back only to finish destroying. This is completely psychotic reasoning.

Jesus coming back to save us is a convoluted meme, since when he comes back he destroys everything. If Jesus is ‘god’ who already controls the world then why does god have to wait to fix the world? Why doesn’t god fix his creation now since he already controls everything? But god waits, till everything is really bad, then he comes back and destroys what’s left. Sounds perfectly psychotic.  Why leave a single stoned unturned, let’s plow the world under with our beliefs.
But if Jesus is state created fiction that is being used by the state to get people to stand down from state aggression then we have a good reason why Christians are taught the Jesus is coming back meme. With Jesus every knee bends for the state. With Jesus the state can build an empire unto itself. With Jesus the state can rob the people blind. As things get worse and worse from rampant statism and empire building hundreds of millions of Christians are looking to the heavens for the return of the Lord and the Jewish supremacist banker owned state laughs all the way to the vault with all the world’s gold.
Jesus never was and can’t make it back and its high time people wake from this trance and start defending themselves instead of waiting for a proxy savior. Jesus can not save you from your sins. Hell doesn’t exist and neither does judgement. There is absolutely no proof of either. Both religion and state tell monumental lies. It is the nature of the state to lie and since Christians live in the lie of authority the two are comfortable with one another.

When humans interact they can do so in honesty or deceive. All of us have done both at one time or another. The marketplace favors those that tell the truth because when someone is stiffed the word gets around and the liar becomes exposed and loses sales. But the state has little reason to be honest because its trades are by force, it issues edicts and backs them by force. For instance, say the state levies a road tax on fuel but then spends the money on boondoggle, the consumer finds out is outraged but unable to do anything about it, because they need fuel and have no alternative means of buying fuel outside of the tax.
Criminal liar Jewish psychopath Diane Feinstein wants to remove your ability to resist the official lies she maintains.
Criminal liar Jewish psychopath Diane Feinstein wants to remove your ability to resist the official lies she maintains.

In order to maintain the corrupt relationship the state employs the media and church to maintain the pack of lies that surround it. The media tells the lie over and over until the populace is worn down and doesn’t resist the lie, accepts the lie as truth. This goes on until the lie becomes so outrageous, like the wars based on 9112001, that a groundswell of opposition forms to oppose the official lies. The state now has to ramp up fear in order to maintain power, it can not admit that it took part in a false flag that killed the citizens it purports to protect, it gears up to use brute force and pound the population into submission. The state becomes tyrannical when it can no longer maintain the lies through the media, it attacks the population to root out the resistance.
The Real Purpose of Christianity
Christianity is a state religion says Joseph Atwill, he cites the conversion of Emperor Constantine as part of the process of building a theocratic state.
How can we be sure that Christians are worshiping authority? Consider the commonly used Christian phrase “Jesus is Lord”. If Jesus is a literary fiction like Kenneth Humpreys says then we can postulate that when Christians purport “the Lord” they are talking about a system of authority, Christian authority, and since Christianity is locked arm and arm into Judaism and Jesus upheld Jewish law then the Lord ruling over us is the Jewish legal system.
A legal system is an arm of the state, it is where the state forces the citizen to obey its laws. If you disobey the court then the state will try to apprehend or kill you. The one thing the state can not tolerate is disobedience. Where does the state find employees to enforce it laws? From those groups indoctrinated into obedience training like Mormons, Catholics and Baptists, etc. How many anarchists or free thinkers are cops. Zero. You can’t be a cop if you an anarchist because an anarchist doesn’t believe in authority. But a statist does, a Christian does, so this is why are there so many statists and so few anarchists. Religious indoctrination is widespread because it is promoted by the state with tax free status.
Cops kill people all the time, those that disobey. JB Campbell writes that any interaction with a cop could turn deadly in an instant and you must be ready at a drop of a hat to defend yourself from the armed state thug. Why are cops like this? Because they believe in authority, because they have been indoctrinated into authority memes and are trained to force you to obey. This is religious tyranny, many people want nothing to do with religious authority, the state, its wars and programs of theft or it’s militant agents. I know I don’t, I consider all cops to be armed and dangerous criminals and choose to be armed as protection from them.
There is a metaphysical side to religious indoctrination. I am going to suggest a new hypothesis that Christianity is more than an authority indoctrination program into the Jewish rule of law, it may also be a brain patterning used by an alien parasite used to get control of human minds. Indoctrination is the process of neural patterning on the brain circuit. Once the human brain is sufficiently ordered a spirit moves in, an alien spirit. Christians claim to be of the Holy Spirit, they are admitting to being possessed. Believing Christians might be humans possessed by alien entities or aligned with an alien mind. Thus the alien god thoughtform may be able to move ‘his people” around like chess pieces. From personal experience I believe many cops, judges, politicians and Christians are possessed by this evil spirit. I have learned there is nothing good behind a Christian smile, behind that smile is a human robot working against humanity who has forsaken their self for an alien entity.
The real purpose of Christianity is to bring hierarchical control to the world and establish supreme authority of the state over the individual.  All humans will be forced to bend their knee to this power structure.  Is it all human in construction for the benefit of the ruling class or are alien energies involved?  Everyone now agrees the end times ‘beast system’ is the New World Order which is the Rabbinic directed Jewish World Order, a world state where every knee bows to Jewish supremacism.  All agree that this end days world state will be the most thing ever experienced and Christians are onboard fully promoting the authority of the system that spawned it.


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