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Congressman Criticizes U.S. Mint for “Disappointing and Concerning” Inaction on Counterfeit...

U.S. Secret Service Also Frustrated with U.S. Mint’s “Lack of Supporting Action” Washington, DC (March 12, 2018) – Congressmen Alex Mooney (R-WV) criticized the United...

For America’s Veterans, the War Never Ends … Only, Now the...

Written by Katharine Russ for VT ANOTHER YEAR OF SAMEOLD, SAMEOLD--As 2015 comes to a close, veterans are still on the “losing end” when it...

Humor: Seymour Hersh, Pentagon Secretly Passed Intelligence to Assad Government

____________ Sputnik Moscow: In a nearly 7,000-word piece in the London Review of Books, Hersh says that the Joint Chiefs of Staff, America's top military leaders, decided to deliberately...

Poland’s New Government Raided a NATO Intel Facility in the Dark...

lido_302 Poland woke up today (Dec. 18) to news that officials from the country’s new right-wing government tried to enter NATO-affiliated counter-intelligence offices in Warsaw after midnight, using a copied key and accompanied by military police, in order to replace the head of the office.

Why Pakistan wants a weak government in Afghanistan

By Masud Wadan for VT The relation between two neighboring countries having ethnic, tribal and linguistic affinity, mostly on border region, has remained strained since...

Syrian Government Spy within Ranks of Free Syrian Army

TEHRAN (FNA)- A former Syrian Army officer that defected to the Free Syrian Army (FSA) in Dara’a province in 2012 has returned to Damascus...

US government deporting Central American migrants to their deaths

  Guardian investigation into consequences of Obama’s migration crackdown reveals US deportees have been murdered shortly after return to El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, with...

What does the capture of Musa Qala signify about Taliban and...

The Taliban are winning as US puppet regime stutters

Syrian minister: government troops cooperating with Kurdish forces

Military cooperation between Syrian government troops and the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) has been instrumental in pushing back Islamic State (ISIS) militants from the town of Hasaka in Syria’s northeast,

Free American: Clay Douglas and Joshua Daniels

Join Clay and his guest Joshua Daniels for another 2 hour special on The Free American.

4 Arab States Planning to Help Syrian Government to Fight Terrorism

Syrian officials have repeatedly criticized Turkey over links to the militants, including Turkish involvement in buying oil from both the ISIL and al-Nusra Front, and providing a corridor for thousands of terrorists to get into Syria.

Lavrov, Kerry discuss US plans to bomb Syria government troops

Recent intelligence received from highest level sources in the Russian government confirm that, in the meeting outlined below between Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov and Saudi Foreign Minister Adil Al-Jubayr, Saudi Arabia indicated that they are preparing to end all aid to ISIS and al Nusra

Taliban’s talk with the Government: Official people without a mandate

No one from the Taliban Political Office participated in the Islamabad peace talks.

Afghanistan: Why Ghani is Adamant His Government Does not Collapse?

Mohammad Nabi son of Khairuddin was our classmate in Grade 9

Hot Off The Press: How Israeli Government Subverted Solidarity Movement

Israel and Jewish pro Palestinian organizations have been acting in concert to subvert the solidarity movement.

Kremlin wants Kiev to say whether it considers itself legal successor...

Viktor Yanukovich, who was Ukraine’s president at that time in 2013 was toppled in an illegal and anti-constitutional state coup

Who set Fire to Malmand town in Sangin; Government or Taliban?

Fazal Mohammad said that the local people hide in their homes when they learn about the Special Forces attending the area, because they arrest the villagers and the local people and make them to walk in front of them in order to become targeted by the mines,

Syrian: France and Britain Aid ISIS Thru EU Sanctions

  Nahed al Husaini – VT Bureau chief- Damascus   Syria officially lambasted the decision of the Council of the European Union (EU) to extend the...

Afghanistan: Government by Thuggery

Nazar Mohammad Mutmaeen Afghan writer and political Analyst based in Kabul Since several years, Afghans said that some of the High Peace Council (HPC) members are...

Afghan government is a dead horse

I believe the U.S. is heading down the same path as the former Soviet Union.

Power, Pedophilia and the US Government

My first memories as a child are of being raped, repeatedly.

The China and Taliban talks; is it the government success?

Taliban can to meet with Chinese officials before 2009, on that time the ministry of Mines announced the bid of the Ayank copper mine, lastly the contract awarded to Chines company, America request the detail of meeting, China can’t refuse it, America had proof of the meeting, the America Afghan spay participated on that meeting, and the meeting minutes was already presented to America.

Celebrating Christmas or Hanukkah in Government Buildings?

Jeffrey Goldberg: “[Obama] is the most Jewish president we’ve ever had (except for Rutherford B. Hayes)."

U.S. Government: Rap Music Means Covert War in Cuba (and around...

"The sad truth is that so many female ‘artists’ — almost all of them rabid feminists and sexual exhibitionists — have nothing to sell but vaginas"

Government Siege and National Rape

- BATR Editorial on the State of the Nation

Christians Worship Authority of the State

With the rapid awakening of the world on the internet, the state mind control program of Christianity is being exposed as an integral part of the political power structure.

Blanket Immunity For American Taxpayers… A Plan to Dismantle Debt Lawfully

In the United States House of Representatives, the “Jubilee Act for Responsible Lending” (otherwise known as H.R. 2634) was passed on April 24, 2008.

Justice Caps Announces "Dusk 'til Dawn" Video Surveillance Protection

First of eleven products designed to protect citizens from their own governments attempts to monitor their every movement.

Justice Caps Announces “Dusk ’til Dawn” Video Surveillance Protection

First of eleven products designed to protect citizens from their own governments attempts to monitor their every movement.

Why It’s Worse Than It Looks and Why We The People...

All that Power cares about is keeping it for themselves and time is NOW for We The People to be The Boss!

Hate Crime or Terrorism? The Ku Klux Klan Still Kill At...

Once upon a time in America back in the nineteenth century, there was a far-right organization known as Ku Klux Klan that adhered to primitively radical and hidebound ideas including white supremacy and brutalized and persecuted the colored race through an act of terrorism.

2012 Intergalactic Space Probe Landing – Earthling Contact

What would happen if we intercepted a report from an intergalactic space probe expedition that has been collecting data on Planet Earth for some time?

A Brief Lesson in History That Foretells of America’s Rise and...

If we are going to hell as a country, it shouldn't surprise any of us

Government Secracy Which Runs Afoul of The Constitution

How can secrecy and security exist in the same society?

The Decline of America And The Cause

The decline of America and its global stature probably began with the implementation of our modified capitalistic society, though I choose to discuss the decline from the end of the Second World War when it is far easier for us to view and for us to remember.

The Wars We Fight To Protect Freedom Have Lead Us To...

I began this series of articles on the forty facts you should know about why many see America as being on the decline.

Voluntary Ignorance

An old cliché states that ignorance is bliss. If this were really true, the US would be a very happy country.

Leaving Every Citizen a Reflection On The Year in Government

It is time to flush the toilet in Washington

Being “under the bus” with COLA

Keeping your fingers crossed about COLA for veterans won't make it happen

The National Personnel Record’s Center has “New Digs”

Locating military personnel records should be easier with the new National Personnel Record Center in St. Louis

Jesus Christ, PIA’s and Nuclear Resistance

Today, the third of The Y-12 Thirteen were sentenced. They were arrested on 5 July 2010 after crossing through the thin strands of barbed wire at the Y-12 Oak Ridge.

Federal Mafia Traps Us Like Man Stuck Under Burning Car

With the Global Elite Congress posing as a Peoples Congress burning us like the man under the car, we need a rescue. But there is no one heroe. There is no Captain America. Just us, ja people.