"They Live" While We Suffer


by Yukon Jack
The movie They Live is science fiction but it is about us, all movies are about us, and their great appeal has do with where we are in our consciousness. Most films are markers in time of human consciousness, this one was a bit early, only now are we catching on to its true meaning.
John Carpenter based this movie from a short story called “Eight O’Clock in the Morning” and released it in 1988, the appeal of this movie is gaining long afterwards as America goes under economically and becomes a repressive police state.
With the police acting more alien everyday, the real life conditions are making They Live prophetic, especially Los Angeles where many drones are now flying overhead. Just like in the movie the people are under hypnosis of the media, as we wake up we are seeing who ‘they’ really are. Are we being controlled by an ‘alien’ specie or is it something far more mundane, like a supremacist philosophy?
Our very survival demands that we discover who they are and how to deal with them, the inability to name the enemy is a determining factor of our slow recovery from bondage and oppression.

The Southern Poverty Law Center is a Jewish terrorist fusion center, the SPLC wages war on American liberty and is a major source of Zionist propaganda in the news media. The SPLC demonizing traditional values everyday, they seek to overturn every thing normal and institute a Jewish supremacist mind control matrix on the American population. Who are these aliens that are trying to overthrow the American Republic?"
The Southern Poverty Law Center is a Jewish terrorist fusion center, the SPLC wages war on American liberty and is a major source of Zionist propaganda in the news media. The SPLC demonizing traditional values everyday, they seek to overturn every thing normal and institute a Jewish supremacist mind control matrix on the American population. Who are these aliens that are trying to overthrow the American Republic?”

Wikipedia on “They Live”:

“The more political elements of the film are derived from Carpenter’s growing distaste with the ever-increasing commercialization of 1980s popular culture and politics. He remarked, “I began watching TV again. I quickly realized that everything we see is designed to sell us something… It’s all about wanting us to buy something. The only thing they want to do is take our money.” To this end, Carpenter thought of sunglasses as being the tool to seeing the truth, which “is seen in black and white. It’s as if the aliens have colorized us.

That means, of course, that Ted Turner is really a monster from outer space.” (Turner had received some bad press in the 1980s for colorizing classic black-and-white movies.) The director commented on the alien threat in an interview, “They want to own all our businesses. A Universal executive asked me, ‘Where’s the threat in that? We all sell out every day.’ I ended up using that line in the film.” The aliens were deliberately made to look like ghouls according to Carpenter, who said: “The creatures are corrupting us, so they, themselves, are corruptions of human beings.”
‘They’ are those that own and control the media, because if we are under mind control the media would have to be part of it. They are part of the plot of 911 because if someone beside them did they would name that party. 911 is the litmus test of who they are, whoever is part of the system of control will not say who really did 911. Whoever ignores 911 or says it doesn’t matter are part of the matrix mind control grid. The SPLC, ADL, JDL and all Jewish organizations maintain the official storyline of 911, this proves that they are in on it, they are part of the authority structure. Many Jewish organizations knew about 911 beforehand and failed to warn us, many of the senior staff at the SPLC and ADL were in on 911.
This plethora of Jewish spy and control organizations employ disinformation specialists pretending to be patriots. In a previous post, I discuss how Alex Jones refuses to name the real controllers, just the other day on his radio broadcast he went through a list of euphemisms for names of the media whores, he correctly derides the main stream media, he runs off 14 names except the actual one because it is Alex Jones job NOT to reveal who ‘they’ are:
On the opening rant, Alex Jones describes the media: “the media, the controlled corporate media, the dinosaur media, the kleptocratic media, imploded media, the dead media, the fraudulent media, the state run media, the sewer stream media, the parrot media, the presstitute media, you know those people, the repeater media, the teleprompter media, the talking point media, …”
Alex puts on an enjoyable show for conservative right wing types, but what did Alex fail to say? What the media actually is, he did not say the obvious meme, that the media is Jewish owned and controlled. Alex Jones is a disinformation specialist, he knows damn well who runs the media is and refuses to say it. Alex Jones job is to insure that you never know who ‘they’ are and his refusal to name the enemy means that Alex Jones is no patriot.
money god
The readers of VT already know who they are and what they are up is discussed with much fervor. The reason I chose to write for VT was for the simple reason I am allowed to name who they are without beating to much around the bush. What this meant to me was that VT actually wanted to deal with the problem of Jewish control and would become a major player in the solution of freeing the United States from foreign control.
We can never be free until we name the enemy. In my camp the Jews aren’t even the real problem, it’s the Christians who vastly outnumber the Jews but are blinded by the myth. No one can control us unless we let them.  The myth is the mind control that keeps you from seeing the obvious, and Alex Jones plays to that audience, the conservative Christians who are waking up. Alex Jones tells a lot of truth except the most important truth, the one factor that ties all the conspiracies together, the central Jewish axis of all these conspiracies, Alex Jones is keeping the sheep in the pen.
They are those that control us. Once we see clearly who they are, then we note that they are the ones you are not allowed to discuss publicaly. They are the supremacist Jews who control the media. They are networked around the world and are the ones pushing us toward a New World Order, a worldwide police prison state gulag run by International Jewry. The NWO is Jewish, that is a fact Jack.
Why They Act the Way They Do, and Why You Are Acting Like Them

Are the Jews an alien race, from outer space, who came to planet earth and took control of all its resources? Are they like the aliens in the TV show “V”? Not a chance, not only that you can become one of them, you can breed with them, a male gentile can crossbreed with a Jewess and make lots of new Jews. All you have to do is convert to Judaism and starting thinking the way they think. So how do they think, anyways? Well, if you are converted to Christianity you already know because you already are thinking very much like them. Do you respect authority? Do you believe in the law? Do you obey the Jewish legal system? Do you follow moral codes of behavior that restrict your behavior? Christianity is Judaism lite. Zionist Christianity is Judaism porter. Christianity is a derivative memeplex of Judaism, it is, for all practical purposes, a Jewish religion. So what makes Christianity so Jewish?
Let’s start by examining the relationship of Christianity to Judaism according to the authoritative Jewish Encyclopedia

“Christianity is the system of religious truth based upon the belief that Jesus of Nazareth was the expected Messiah, or Christ, and that in him all the hopes and prophecies of Israel concerning the future have been fulfilled. While comprising creeds which differ widely from one another in doctrine and in practise, Christianity as a whole rests upon the belief in the God of Israel and in the Hebrew Scriptures as the word of God; but it claims that these Scriptures, which it calls the Old Testament, receive their true meaning and interpretation from the New Testament, taken to be the written testimonies of the Apostles that Jesus appeared as the end and fulfilment of all Hebrew prophecy. It furthermore claims that Jesus, its Christ, was and is a son of God in a higher and an essentially different sense than any other human being, sharing in His divine nature, a cosmic principle destined to counteract the principle of evil embodied in Satan; that, therefore, the death of the crucified Christ was designed by God to be the means of atonement for the sin inherited by the human race through the fall of Adam, the first man; and, consequently, that without belief in Jesus, in whom the Old Testament sacrifice is typified, there is no salvation.”

I would say that is a fair assessment, how about you? Christians are reading Jewish books and programming their mind to the Jewish way of thinking, a supremely dangerous thing to do. Christianity is based on the thought structure of Jewish writers, the central fictional character of the Bible fable is this angry psychopathic god, assigning god status to this character is a big mistake. The Bible contains supremacist rantings of the Jewish authors, the Bible god is a war god invented by Jewish supremacists, he instructs his people to wipe out the other tribes.
Christians believe this book to be the word of god, some take the book literal and even challenge established scientific ideas like Natural Selection. Since this god doesn’t exist, it is only a mind delusion, Christians are gentiles whose minds are framing reality in the terms of the Jewish book, a book of supremacy memes. People still imagine an angry god, even in this modern age preachers assign causality of natural disasters to god, when Hurricane Katrina destroyed parts of New Orleans, the TV preachers said god was angry with America for allowing homosexuals and abortions. They were unable to objectively see that the sexually licentious French Quarter was untouched by hurricane Katrina flooding.
Studying the Bible is a lesson plan on Jewish supremacism. Christians are unwittingly taking into their mind Jewish dominance memes that form a matrix in their mind. Could this be why gentiles gleefully fight Jewish authored wars of world domination?  The Bible is a book, its text is a pattern of information, reading and memorizing it is akin to uploading a program to your mind.  Like any book, the author(s) can imprint and pass ideas and emotions from one mind to the next. A good writer can make you see and feel as they do.  If the Judeo-Christian god was real then would he contact you from a book, would an omnipotent deity need mortals to pass the information of his existence along?  The Bible is a mind virus, being passed from person to person by the infected believers.
The Bible is a thought pattern, a holographic imprinting, that gets you to think like a Rabbi.  Once programmed you become the robot of Christ or the warrior for Jehovah, you become the psychopathic projection of the book author.  If Christians actually want to be followers of their passive god Jesus then they wouldn’t have the Bible they have today, they would not include the Old Testament and teachings of the psychopathic war god Jehovah. But they do which is why so many have been turned to the dark side of Zionist Evangelism, where they form they largest group of supporters of blood soaked Israel.  Iraqis were bombed, killed, tortured, mutilated, raped, pillaged, polluted by an invading army of Bible believers.  Atheists don’t sign up for religious conquest.
So why did the rabbinic class invent (or adopt) a war god? The rabbi is not the one doing the fighting, he has to motivate the unlearned members of the tribe to fight. So if you are a psychopathic rabbi what kind of god would you invent?  The Bible writers created a god that demands you genocide the other tribes, they created a god in their image. God is the out picturing of the Rabbinic mind, they invented  a monster god, one that allows warriors to kill without guilt. Most warrior classes do not kill women and children, they have strict codes prohibiting immoral behavior.
If you want total power then you pull out all of the stops and kill everything. No Mr. Nice Guy, just kill ’em all and let god sort them out. When you want to totally dominate you raze, you level, you carpet bomb, you genocide, you leave no stone unturned, you burn the compound to the ground, women and children matter not. Total war is a very Jewish thing and gentiles have signed onto it because they have been indoctrinated into the Jewish way of thinking.  Look at how American Christian soldiers behaved in Iraq.
The Old Testament and New Testament are written by Jews for Jews. Jesus was a Jew, the apostles were Jews, Paul was a Jew. Jesus came to save his people. If the Roman Flavian dynasty invented Christianity it is still Jewish because they employed Jewish scholars that wrote a tale of Jesus who fulfilled Torah prophecy. The Bible is 100% Jewish literature but for some reason gentiles think it applies to them. Most Christians know everything about the fables of Jewish origin but nothing of their own. Part of the indoctrination into the cult of supremacy is to forget your past and origin and learn all about the chosen ones. So why do gentiles love the Jewish Bible so much?
Imagine you want no responsibility, you think you deserve a ‘free ride’ through life because you are special. How does a human get to the point they disdain normal activities of making their way? By believing a holy book that teaches the adherent they are special, chosen by god, above all others. There is great appeal to the Bible message of specialness, with Bible philosophy you can wage wars without guilt, you can dominate others, you can get rich on the backs of others. With the Bible you can be a televangelist preacher and rake in millions from gullible sheep. With the Bible you can claim giant tracts of real estate and claim god promised you this land. Swindlers take note, the Bible is the greatest thieving con game ever invented. Maybe the Bible is the greatest scam of all time, one that dwarfs the Federal Reserve debit money scam.
Myth Memes Intersecting Our Consciousness in the Movies
Movies are about where our culture’s consciousness is resonating at any given time period, script writers are probing the edge of conscious space and sometimes lead the masses by decades. Hollywood makes great movies, foreign movies suck, admit it. Movies are markers in time just as art, you can guess the year when a movie is made or the decade of an artist’s painting.
The opening salvo of this mentality is the Genesis story of the Holy Bible, Adam and Eve are hanging out in the Garden of Eden, ‘being fruitful and multiplying’ (i.e. having sex). A hippie dream come true, no work, no clothes, just hangin’ out and having sex in a tropical paradise. But Eve, that naughty women temptress, listens to a talking snake and gets her lover Adam to take a bite of forbidden fruit, which just happens to be growing in their private paradise. Hundreds of millions believe this story literal, even though the logic of the story is laughably insane. Why so many buy it hook, line, and sinker is beyond me but they do. Here is a cartoon lampooning the Adam and Eve story, it is a wonderful way to see how ridiculous this story really is:

What is the message of this part of the myth? Women are framed for the downfall of mankind. Men have to toil for their labor because we were cast out of the garden. This mythological story explain how we got where we are, working like slaves for our daily bread while all the rest of creation just exists. Man is the only animal that has to pay for food and a place to live. You ought to ask yourself how you became a slave while all of Nature everything else is free. Do ‘ya think religion played a role in your personal downfall? Religion made you a slave because it taught that you must toil for your sustenance. Religion is a con game the elites use to make you a worker slave. Clearly, believing in the Bible is the downfall of mankind, not women.
jimmy buffet blame womenEven though the Bible was used to justify slavery it still has great appeal to blacks. Even though the Bible degrades women and makes them the origination of sin, half of Christianity is female. Why is this, do Christians even read their book?
The Holy Bible is the Blinder
If you want to ‘see’ who they are who must not be under the Bible spell. The Bible is about establishing authority in the mind of the gentile slave, since the Jews are named as the chosen ones in this self authored book the gentile can not see that the Jews are controlling them. Just like a fish that is unable to detect water, the Christian is unable to detect the Jewish controllers, Christian are taught that god is controlling the world and that his people are the Jews. As a result of this belief, the Christian is dumbfounded if you tell them the Jews did 911. When the world goes astray the believer will do everything to prevent their mind from confronting the reality of Jewish subversion, they will come up with incredible new myths, tying to understand why the omnipotent god was thwarted. What they can not do is confront their belief system.
This is also true for political myth, like the exceptionalist meme that America is the last best hope of the world, so if America is upside down then it must be the shapeshifting reptilians from the Draco star system, why it can’t be us and our beliefs. Can America be the beast destroyer of the end times myth, say it isn’t so?  Maybe the reason for our demise is far more simple, maybe its just regular humans working us over because they have an angle on our consciousness. Maybe the Jews are exploiting the blindspot in Christianity.
The Jews see the duped Christian population because they are not suffering the inferior status of the unchosen ones of the god delusion, so they take advantage of the situation, they make themselves god. Jews and atheist gentiles in government are thrilled by the duped sheep and do everything to take advantage of the situation. Many Hollywood movies portray gentiles confused about their situation, it is almost like the writers are mocking gentile stupidity. Authoritarians use the belief in authority to violate every right, as long as you believe they will exploit. This is the reason politicians love Christian indoctrination and public school. They couldn’t care less if you learn anything important, what they don’t want is you thinking, they want you obeying authority. Questioning authority prompts rage in these control freaks, the fact is they don’t have any authority over you unless you give it to them.
theylive_holybibleMost Bible believers are still duped, many that wake up and become ‘Jew wise’ still cling to the Bible like a toddler clinging to mommy’s skirt. They are so taken by the document they can’t let it go, this is because being indoctrinated into the Bible is memetic programming, the brain is patterned to the memes of the Bible and the believer is viewing reality through the filter of the Bible. The believer is put into a state of utter fear if they would go against god and become an independent thinker. A free thinker is the number one enemy of church and state, which is why it is discouraged and this quote is one of the greatest of all time (usually attributed to French philosopher Denis Diderot):
“Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.”
In the movie They Live Roddy Piper puts on the glasses that allows him to see the world as it really is. You don’t need magic glasses, you need only let go of myth memes that control your perception of reality, you must remove the filter that creates a false vision of reality. You must stop viewing reality through the lens of the Bible and see reality for which it is, that there is no god in charge of this world. There is no afterlife with Jesus awaiting your loyal subservience, this is it, and if you want to live free then it is you that must act. Jesus gets you to stand down and allows the world to be rolled by evil. Evil is stopped when good men act. I shock my readers by saying we should shoot cops in the head, afterall they are shooting us and we pay their salary. Freedom is won by the gun, not by limp wristed protest, when those with guns kill their controllers. When they are dead you are free. I also advocate bombing Israel because Israel is bombing the world, in order to stop this evil you bomb them back to the stone age. When the evil Israeli state is glassed over they won’t be making trouble for everyone else.
If You Really Want Freedom You Must Stop the Controlling Input Into Your Mind

They Live is continuously examined for who ‘they’ really are.  Forget about anyone in Hollywood or MSM doing an accurate review of this movie, if you work there you know who runs the show and you dare not mention their name or you might be permanently out of work or worse, dead, just ask Mel Gibson or Dennis Hopper. They can’t name the obvious fit for who ‘they’ are, but we on the outside of Tinseltown can. They are the Jews who corrupt society because they ‘sell out everyday’ for the almighty dollar god.

The process of selling out to get dollars is the corrupting process, it is a spiritual problem of corrupting the human soul for money, so obviously we shouldn’t have debt money because that corrupts us. But we do because they want to control us and make us slaves using money as the primary tool of slavery. So if we get rid of debt money and issue debt free currency we free ourselves from the unpayable debts and compounding interest and we allow ourselves to be spiritual beings once again, and that is how we get back to the Garden of Eden. We don’t get back by freeloading on the backs of others, suppressing others, enslaving whole nations to the wishes of a few. We are all in on this, we get back to the garden by refusing to play along with the control matrix, and to do that, everyone must transcend the myth.

holy shitThere is no angry sky god watching what you do and making a list to judge you.     That is something the Jewish owned government might do with their criminal spying operations, but there’s no god out to get ‘ya. No god demands animal or human sacrifice to appeal it’s wrath.
In order to be free you must free yourself of the evil Bible god. I would say you can still believe in a god, make one up, make one up in your image because that is all that god is, an image in your mind. Don’t rely on the the Jewish image of god, that is a bad god who destroys all.
The Jews control you if they control your mind. The television is called the Jewtube because Jews own 96% of the media and broadcast Zionist slanted propaganda 24/7. They also control you through the indoctrination centers called churches, so if you want to be free you must stop voluntarily attending their churches and stop viewing their reality on the tube.
You must stop believing in the invented Jewish version of god, which is only one of many. The problem with monotheism it is fascist in nature, a monotheist is intolerant of other gods, the monotheist thinks his god is the one true god. All gods are invented by the human mind, so if you enforce a singular god meme then you are fascist.
They are living it up at our expense while we suffer. We suffer because we chose to suffer, we collectively have agreed to be spellbound by a book that makes the Jewish controllers and their money system our god.  They live because you are playing along in this mind game, you are in on it with them.  Don’t like the wars and suffering?  Quit giving them your authority, quit voting for them, quit believing in their war god, quit thinking like a supremacist that must control the world because you are an exceptional American Christian.
they live we suffer


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