Friends of Yours, Mr Cameron?


David-CameronIsrael’s appalling crime-sheet for 2013…


Killed 56, injured 1385, carried out 8636 raids and attacks, demolished 172 homes…


by Stuart Littlewood


Friends of yours, Mr Cameron?

The Palestinian Embassy, for once, has done something useful and released figures that paint a shocking picture of Israel’s mega-crimes against their helpless Palestinian neighbours over the past year.

Of course, these statistics for 2013 barely scratch the surface. The stomach-churning story of the rogue regime’s inhuman conduct stretches back to World War 2, before its founding, when Jewish terrorists were attacking and murdering British soldiers of the mandated government right up to their departure in 1948. Subsequently the terror gangs and militia massacred or put to flight hundreds of thousands of Palestinian villagers and townspeople in order to hugely enlarge the territory allocated for a Jewish state in the UN Partition Plan.

Their programme of ethnic cleansing and land theft continues to this day and has even accelerated during so-called negotiations, making crystal clear Israel’s contempt for peace. Israel’s purpose, it is surely clear by now, is to establish as many ‘facts on the ground’ as possible under the cloak of a bogus peace process, engineered by the AIPAC string pullers of the US administration, in the hope of making their illegitimate territorial gains irreversible. To achieve this they resort to every foul murder, every mean theft and every barefaced lie; and they they get away with it thanks to the international community’s dereliction of its solemn duty to bring Israel to account.

Israel’s thugs, apart from being the darlings of the US Congress, are particular friends of our prime minister, David Cameron. According to the Jewish Chronicle , Cameron recently told Jewish leaders: “I am with you and with the Israeli people, genuinely. As far as I’m concerned, an enemy of Israel is an enemy of mine. A threat to Israel is a threat to us all.” He was talking on this occasion about Iran. He went on: “I can promise you this: Britain will stand with Israel, Britain will support Israel, Britain will keep the pressure up on Iran. We do not want you to have a nuclear-armed near-neighbour, a nuclear threat facing your country… We share that feeling and show you our solidarity.”

Who on earth was he speaking for? Certainly not for me, nor for anyone I know. And why has he got it in for Iran, which has no nuclear weapons and poses no threat to the UK? Why isn’t he anxious for our Iranian friends who face the threat of a nuclear-armed, power-freakin’ Israel, with its 400 warheads?

Israel’s enemies include Iran and Syria, and anyone else who stands in the way of Zionist ambitions for a Greater Israel dominating the Middle East. They aren’t Britain’s enemies by any stretch of a sane imagination. Cameron, only a few weeks ago, wanted clearance to bomb Syria but mercifully was stopped in his tracks by Parliament. He and his foreign minister Hague have nevertheless inflicted vicious sanctions on the Iranians intended to impoverish them and ruin their economy, for no particular reason except Israel and America wanted it. We haven’t been able to stop him on that cruel caper, unfortunately.

Where is his mandate for such objectionable policies? Has he ever consulted the British people on this pledge of servitude to the criminal Zionists? Cameron has declared himself a Zionist and that, it seems, is enough in his tiny mind to make the whole UK pro-Zionist. He and his government colleagues support and admire the criminals who are responsible for this……….


And they have the nerve to commit us British citizens to the cause of these Israeli delinquents.

Boycott Cameron

Interviewed in 2005 Cameron was asked why Conservatives should be friends of Israel. He replied, “Because Conservatives believe in supporting democracy, defending freedom and standing up against terrorism. Israel is in the front line in the international struggle against terrorist violence and we should show solidarity with all involved in that fight. Conservatives also recognise Israel’s unique position as a lone democracy in a region that currently boasts no others.” He admitted he hadn’t been to Israel (nor presumably to the occupied Palestinian territories), so one questions whether he knew what he was talking about.

By 2012 he was still talking bollox. Here are some of the things he said in a speech to a Conservative Friends of Israel lunch…

  • “I am a passionate friend of Israel – and that’s the way it’s going to stay.”
  • “We promised to stand up for Israel and in Government that’s exactly what we’ve done. We said it was ridiculous that Israeli officials felt unable to visit Britain because of the malicious and unfounded use of arrest warrants so we changed the law to end it.”
  • “We said we’d resist calls for boycotts on Israel and yes – we are going to keep on working with Israel, doing business with Israel, trading with Israel.”
  • “To me it is clear what needs to happen… We need the Palestinians to understand there is only one path to statehood, and that is through negotiations with Israel. We made that clear with that UN vote a couple of weeks ago.”
  • “We said that Britain could not support a resolution that set back the prospects for peace and that did not commit the Palestinians to return to negotiations without preconditions. Well: they did not provide the assurances that we asked for. So… we did not vote for it.”
  • “And I have made something else clear that needs to be made clear to the Palestinians. Britain will never tolerate the obscenity of a football tournament named after a suicide bomber who killed 20 Israelis in a restaurant. We will not tolerate incitement to terrorism.”

Cameron is clearly a danger to himself and our country. Worse, he will be seeking re-election in 2015. Activists for justice would do well to include him and his fellow friends of Israel at the top of their electoral boycott list.


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After working on jet fighters in the RAF Stuart became an industrial marketing specialist with manufacturing companies and consultancy firms. He also "indulged himself" as a newspaper columnist. In politics, he served as a Cambridgeshire county councilor and member of the Police Authority. Now retired he campaigns on various issues and contributes to several online news & opinion sites. An Associate of the Royal Photographic Society, he has produced two photo-documentary books - Also, check out Stuart’s book Radio Free Palestine, with Foreword by Jeff Halper. It tells the plight of the Palestinians under brutal occupation and explains to me why the Zionists who control Israel should be brought before the International Criminal Court. Stuart's Very Latest Articles:  2023 - PresentArchived Articles:  2010-2015 - 2016-2022