It’s Time to Strike At the Root


by Preston James


Yes, it’s time to strike at the Root Cause of all the Evil that has engulfed the United States of America Our Republic and most of the World.


It’s time to take it home to the source of all of the World’s Evil

The City of London Banksters have used their main Cutout the Federal Reserve System to engulf the whole World in a sinister Web-of-Debt of US Petro Dollars that has led to numerous continuing wars accompanied by mass-death, maimings and unimaginable human sufferings.

This Web-of-Debt and its related pernicious usury now threatens the well-being and economic survival of the whole World including America and “We The People”.

“There are a thousand people hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.” —Famous quotation by Henry David Thoreau.

A very crafty Counterfeiting Scam run out of the City of London.

The counterfeiting scam is based on printing debt-notes presented as real currency, which must be repaid with pernicious accruing interest, that is, Americans pay huge amounts of their wealth for nothing, “for using what should be their own money” according to the US Constitution.

America has been asset stripped beyond imagination by a very crafty Counterfeiting Scam which is based on a very small and powerful group of Rothschild Banksters from the City of London Financial District hijacking the American Monetary Production and distribution System and pretending they are representing We The People when they are only scamming all Americans.

To give the reader and example of how vicious this asset stripping of the the American people has been, the Official figures of the General Accounting Office which reports to Congress but has no prosecutorial ability.

In 1981 the GAO reported that top 1% controlled 20% of the US economy, and the lower 99% controlled 80% of the economy. In June of 2012 the GAO reported that the top 400 men (which is far less than 1% of the population now controlled 95% of the economy which they accomplished in 31 years). Most of these 400 were either Banksters or associated with them. For specific names of the top twelve known as the “Commission” refer to Stew Webb’s website.

Thanks to the Internet, for the very first time Folks all over the World are now understanding how any Entity that controls the Manufacture and Distribution of Money is able to control the Top Policy-Makers in many nations and orchestrate History step by step.

And if this Entity that has control over most of the World’s monetary production and distribution systems  is notably Evil, it can do maximum damage to humanity because it has the money and accrued power to appoint and coerce Top Policy-Makers to enact a notably Evil Agenda on the World.

And if they have all the money they choose to issue at will, they can buy up and control the Major Mass Media and use it to dispense false narratives which effectively keep their crimes of State and incredible Evil hidden in plain sight.

Now for the first time in the last hundred years, the Worldwide Internet is creating a worldwide Consciousness and complete awareness of the Evil Power that the Rothschild private Zionist Banksters from the City of London and their main Cutout the Federal Reserve System have wrought against the World.

Johannes Gutenberg, Inventor of the Gutenberg Press in 1439 which brought previously hidden knowledge to the public-at-large for the very first time. The Worldwide Internet is the New Gutenberg Press and spreads information at the speed of light rather than the speed of paper and ink.

Thanks to the Worldwide Internet, the New Gutenberg Press, the Banksters Evil World Agenda has now been completely uncovered and is now in the Public Domain for all to study and know for the first time ever.

And it turns out this has happened and the Banksters Evil World Agenda is to asset strip the fruits of the labors of most humans, create continual wars in order to foment mass their deaths by the millions accompanied by incredible human pain, loss and suffering.

It is now known beyond any shadow of a reasonable doubt that this is all part of their Evil Agenda for the whole World.

And what is the Evil Agenda of the Rothschild City of London World Zionist Banksters, Insiders call the New Crusaders for their creation of Israel as their slave state, main action agent used to further their agenda and as their personal Masonic haven.

Without the support of naive Freemasons who want the fellowship, protection and jobs, the Rothschild Banksters could not have survived and held power this long.

And now these same Evil Banksters have deployed sophisticated means of Eugenics, soft-kill and hard kill against humanity designed to reduce the population of America and the World by 90%.

And now it is certain beyond any shadow of a reasonable doubt, that this Entity which has been in control of the Money Production and Distribution of most of the World since the 1800’s has either failed miserably in acting responsibly, or been the most evil, sinister group of men that ever walked the face of the Earth.

Major substantial evidence has been emerging for the last 100 years years now, especially the last ten that the latter is the case, that these Men who have been in control of most of the World’s production and distribution of FIAT money made from nothing have done so to gain more and more control over mankind so that they can attain their most Evil Agenda, an Agenda so Evil that it is unimaginable to most normal humans.

It is very difficult for this kind of truth to fit into a normal person’s consciousness because it is so bizarre, so inextricably Evil that only inhuman monsters would ever hold such an Agenda of Evil.

clip_image00120These World Banksters aka “the Moneychangers” have gained this control by their prolific use of pernicious usury and their imposition of debt-slavery on almost the whole World.

Rather than harness such incredible power over the People of the World for good, they have harnesses it and used it for grotesque, unimaginable Evil that is so deviant the average person just cannot fit it in to their head and has tended to reject such truth when Insiders have leaked it.

They have created the money which was supposed to owned by the nations using it, illegally lent it to them, and then charged them onerous illegal interest for folks using what should have been their own money in the first place.

Inside America these Rothschild controlled Banksters AKA the private Federal Reserve System, have hoodwinked the masses and had an easy time controlling Congress through an unlimited elastic checkbook filled with unlimited issuing of money with no real backing, that is no Gold, no Silver nothing but more Debt-notes and promises to pay with more debt-notes, each of which must be paid back with accrued pernicious interest.

In the United States of America these crimes of the Banksters are easily discernible because they are crystal clear violations of the US Constitution, Common Law and now RICO law which provides some real teeth necessary to take down these greatest financial fraudsters in history.

All we need is an honest US Department of Justice which has been compromised ever since 1913 when these City of London Banksters took over the American Monetary Production and distribution system and set up illegal practices including pernicious usury charged to We The People for using what was still actually our own money.

All this is covered in the article PuppetGate from which the following descriptive drawing is taken from:


These City of London Banksters aka the Rothschild World Zionists have been a very crafty bunch.

Bernie Madoff, was a Director of the the Nasdaq Exchange. When arrested for his massive Ponzi scheme that was crashing, he confessed and claimed this is what all the Wall Street banks do and if it hadn’t been for the recession he wouldn’t have gotten caught. Nobody bailed out Madoff, but US Public bailed out the the Wall Street Banks twice with over 20 Trillion Dollars.

US Dollars are no longer backed by Gold or Silver or anything but lots  more Debt-notes and “house-of-cards” derivative systems.

The US Dollar is a Debt-Note which you promise to pay back in principal and accrued interest, yes the Federal Reserve System fraudulently issues our money to us and charges we must pay back the principal and the interest to them.

This is the biggest fraud in history.

The private Federal Reserve System started out in America using US Currency backed by Gold and Silver. In progressive steps they removed the backing and converted the US Money to strictly paper debt-notes backed by nothing but access to future tax collections from We The People which have not become incredibly limited compared to the phony kited-up so-called deficit.

Technically, We The People cannot legally be charged to use our own money, for such to occur is massive Financial Fraud to which there is no statute of limitations.

And if the Federal Reserve System issues Our Own Money then we can take it back anytime we want and seize all their accrued assets which were taken by fraud in the first place.

The US Federal Reserve System is a private bank franchised from the City of London Rothschild Banksters.

297348_2536384613812_1390184655_n2And of course as many realize the Federal Reserve System, little more than the largest franchisee and Cutout of the City of London Private Rothschild Banksters, has issued so many debt-notes that the whole world is now engulfed in their Web-of-Debt which has actually diluted the value of the US Dollar (USD) to the point when all the USDs go into play they are essentially going to be worthless.

The US Dollar loses Gold and Silver backing and becomes the US Petro Dollar and the World’s Reserve Currency, but that is all coming to a sudden catastrophic end.

End of the hegemony of the Petrodollar system?At the time the USD was taken off of the Gold standard completely in 1971, President Nixon at the urging of Heinz Kissinger was able to negotiate that all Mideast oil Sales (and all world Oil sales) be made using the USD.

This established the US Petro Dollar as the World’s exchange currency and then all the Banksters had to do to create their worldwide Web-of-Debt was to radically increase the amount of USD in circulation.

Once the most of the World was caught up in this Web-of-Debt from their massive holdings of US Petro Dollars, many felt trapped. The Mideast nations had made an agreement to spend many of their massive oil earning buying American products, especially expensive defense related armaments.

What they got in exchange for supporting the US Petro Dollar System was a promise to be protected along with Israel which is the personal action-agent nation state established by the Rothschild family for their own World Zionist haven and location of the World Ruler they have planned to appoint for centuries.

Most of the World now wants out of the Rothschild/Federal Reserve System Web-of-Debt and the BRICS Development has arisen as a suitable counter-measure.

brics-logo-320x116Now that so many nations realize that they have been caught up in this pernicious worldwide Web-of-Debt of the Rothschilds, they have have been working hard to find solutions to free themselves from this debt-slavery without completely crashing out their economies forever, which has been the Rothschild’s built in system protection.

This rejection of the US Petro Dollar has already happened in some nations who have started the BRICS Development Bank. Unless Americans wake up and deliver justice to put the Federal Reserve System out of Business and fully prosecute its owners and chief officers the whole World will eventually turn against We The People and blame us for the massive Evil the Federal Reserve System has unleashed on the World as agents of the Rothschild City of London Banksters.

indexAnd when the financial bubble created by the Rothschild Banksters popped in Iceland in 2008 like it did in America,  the Icelandic Legislators prosecuted and jailed some of the top Banksters and granted mortgage forgiveness to almost every homeowner with a mortgage in Iceland because of fraudulent banking practices.

This action to enforce the financial fraud and counterfeiting laws in Iceland were the opposite of what was done in America because the American US Department of Justice was completely compromised and corrupted with all honest Federal Prosecutors either driven out or dis-empowered by the Banksters and their Cutout and kingpins.

And it was announced that even in England, home of the City of London Financial District where the Rothschild’s Banksters run their system out of, has now organized talks on how money is manufactured and distributed and if it is being done effectively.

This is an historical first and shows that everybody around the whole World has had enough of the Rothschild’s unimaginable evil imposed on them. Some believe that a few of the more sensitive Bankers in the UK who are shareholders of the Bank of England are getting afraid of the coming pitchforks and are attempting to come clean and be part of an equitable solution.

[youtube QjR6xRN0PjY&list=UUhZRoC9bMegevAxFmee1oSA&feature=player_detailpage]

The solution that 137 nations have selected, many more coming all the time is to establish their own Development Bank called the BRICS Development Bank (which will eventually operated without the use of any Rothschild produced money especially the US Petro Dollar). Some of the nations which have joined the BRICS have already started direct trading of oil, natural gas and other commodities without the use of any Rothschild manufactured money or use of the US Petro Dollar.

Numerous economists have claimed that this shift to BRICS will eventually doom the US Petro Dollar and probably bring the Rothschild Central FIAT Banks and Federal Reserve System into complete collapse. The purpose of the BRICS is to decouple now before this collapse takes them with it. Once this Rothschild Debt Bomb is detonated it could easily take America back into the stone age the collapse would be so total and so devastating.

The clear solution is to strike at the Rothschild/Federal Reserve System root now and enforce ALL the valid laws and the Constitution of United States of America our Republic.

“This is great fun shaking down the dumb American Sheeple for Bailouts to cover our Trillion Dollar gambling losses!”

This means we need to reconstitute the US Department of Justice. The most corrupt Attorney general in the history of America has resigned but hasn’t left office yet. He should be hauled off in leg shackles and cuffs for his Treason, Sedition and RICO crimes running protection for the Banksters and all their PuppetMasters, like the two that tried to shake down Lee Wanta for 30 Billions Dollars and then conspired to murder him.

There has been substantial evidence provided to Eric Holder of all the fraud of the Banksters related to the Mortgage Bubble and all he did was extract minimal “normal cost of doing business” proportionally small fines from these major Wall Street banks who defrauded millions of homeowners and sucked USG mortgage insurance programs dry. And now the evidence of his part in the criminal coverup is his new job at Morgan Banks for an annual salary of 77 million USD. This is a slap in every American’s face and must be mitigated by his prosecution and arrest under RICO and numerous other valid US Statutes.

What exactly is the unimaginably Evil Agenda of the Rothschild Banksters and their Kingpins, Cutouts and PuppetMasters?

imagesWhat is the incredible Evil that these Banksters have created and unleashed on the world to further their Agenda which is now known to be a completely Anti-human Agenda?

Their Agenda is now known because Insiders have leaked accurate information that the Agenda of these World Banksters is to minister mass painful death and destruction, repeated major wars and now perpetual wars, and a program of sinister practices of programmed Eugenics, mass Mind-Kontrol by ultra high-tech Psychotronics, accompanied by massive soft-kill and hard-kill programs.

Many now wonder how such a few Men were able to get control over the most of the World’s Monetary Production and Distribution and have been able to hijack History. But an even more difficult matter to understand is why such men just happen to be the most Evil creatures that ever walked the face of the earth caring only for themselves and their anti-human mass Death and Human suffering Agenda.


If an entity or person is so evil they will pay to murder any dissenter or whistle-blower that tries to make the Public aware of their immense evil, these perps can amass tremendous wealth with which they can buy almost every single Politicians and Federal judge.


The answer that has emerged from insiders at the periphery of this group is that it is their absolute evil and complete criminal psychopathology that has enabled them to kill anyone who got in their way, if they couldn’t buy them off first. It is their absolute evil and complete lack of feeling for any other persons that has enabled them to be absolutely ruthless in their lust for more and more Gold, Silver, and precious metals and complete control over mankind and all his institutions of government.

These are the most powerful, richest men in the World and undoubtedly by far the most evil that ever lived. It is their absolute Evil, lack of any workable conscience and complete lust for wealth and power that drives these men and makes it possible for them to create all the wars, mass painful deaths and maimings of war, starvations and endemic corruption that plagues most nations caught in their worldwide Web-of-Debt.

Once the World’s top Military Commanders and soldiers who are not part of their Occult Circles understand this, they will of course began to make plans to strike at the root of all this Hell on Earth.

Because the Rothschild run occult circles and this provides legions of those who protect them, many innocently naive about what these masonic organization really represent.

Once the lower ranked Freemasons find out that the very top Freemason refer to them as the “unwashed”, and “porch monkeys” and claim that they are all told inaccuracies to protect the real Secrets of their Craft and that these very top Masonic leaders have a completely evil agenda to destroy almost all of the human race, they will abandon Freemasonry in droves. It has been known for years that Freemasonry has been used for cover and for a means to exert control by the Rothschilds and their Federal Reserve System.

Once they realize they have been duped by those that intend to  mass murder them and their families and take everything they have worked for they will wake up and get free.

What needs to be done for We The People to take back control over what should be their own Monetary Production and Distribution System?

1-Eric Holder needs to be indicted and arrested under RICO and hauled off in leg shackles and chains. He needs to be made an example of never to use the US Department of Justice to cover up the crimes against We The People by the Banksters.

Capture2-The Rats Nest of corruption at US Department of Justice and the FBI needs to be completely cleaned out and numerous top officials and agents fired, many must be arrested under RICO for numerous prior crimes including coverups, cointelpro crimes, harassments and even murders of whistle-blowers, and some must be arrested for Treason for serving an foreign power such as Israel instead of honoring their Oath of Office to We The People and the Constitution.

3-The PuppetMasters, that is folks like the Two that tried to shake Ambassador Lee Wanta down for 30 Billion Dollars must be arrested under Rico, some for Treason for serving an foreign power such as Israel instead of honoring their Oath of Office to We The People and the Constitution.

4-If the US Department of Justice and the notably corrupt FBI cannot be cleaned up and immediately start doing their job, indicting Banksters for massive counterfeiting and financial fraud, then the US Military must step in because over 90% of Congress and five Supreme Court Judges have been bribed and/or completely compromised.

5-Many in Congress need to be arrested under RICO and espionage laws for aiding foreign entities in their espionage against America (Rothschild Banksters and their Federal Reserve System). Do not expect Congress to do anything because they are almost completely bought, owned, bribed and compromised (with between 39and 42% pedophiles according to prior investigations).

6-Give the Banksters 48 hours to reports to their nearest US Magistrate to surrender after a quick indictment, otherwise go after them with the US Marshals, the Provost Marshals assisted by the First and Fifth US Armies and navy Seal Teams.

7-Indict the Rothschilds and order them to return all the Gold, Silver and other assets they defrauded and stole from America. Given them 48 hours to make arrangements to surrender themselves and it. Then if they don’t comply, attack and subdue them with the full force of the US Military.

8-Using RICO and espionage laws, arrest all members and assets of the Bush Crime Cabal (BCC) and the International Zionist Crime Syndicate (IZCS) and all AIPAC officers and any other related groups members who have been buying, bribing, coercing and blackmailing Members of the US Congress and the USG and Federal Judges. Force all Israeli espionage fronts like AIPAC, the ADL, Bnai Brith to register as agents of foreign influence and espionage against America.

9-Fire and arrest all Federal Judges who have been corrupted by either the BCC or the IZCS using seized NSA raw Intel data including all phone tap evidence which clearly shows such corruption.

10-Arrest the secret CIA which is the center of the Bush Crime Cabal and which has been running massive private armies and terrorists to start wars (as under ISIS/ISIL cover in Iraq and Syria now) and which trafficks in massive amounts of illegal narcotics and illegal weapons.

11-Outlaw any Dual, triple or multiple Citizenship and deport any who have served another nation first, no exceptions. Make the rest take a loyalty oath  to the US Constitution and our Republic the USA and forbid them from ever holding any American public office ever.

12-Immediately declare the Federal Reserve System a RICO criminal enterprise specializing in financial fraud, theft of taxpayers assets, and is the largest Counterfeiting operation in History and the source of all wars and the mass suffering of many Americans, especially American Soldiers who they betrayed and used as mere cannon fodder. Their blood cries out from the ground for revenge and may it be granted asap.

13-Seize and federalize the Federal Reserve System, make it an asset of the USA and claw back all it profits, assets and all assets of those owners who gained from it. If they are foreigners go after them where ever they are and bring them back one way or another.

14-Immediately cancel all fraudulent elections such as any Bush because of the Preston Bush (Scherf) immunity agreement and immediately rescind all laws which Congress passed or any court concocted which are clearly Unconstitutional and Illegal. Congress cannot pass a law to break another pre-existing valid law.

American Hero Ambassador Lee Wanta, President Reagan’s Top Intelligence Adviser and Secret Agent under the Totten Doctrine

15-Immediately rescind the Federal Income Tax which was never properly ratified and immediately re-install Glass-Stegall. there will be so much money, gold and assets clawed back from the Banksters that there will be plenty of money for a long time.

16-Immediately enforce all Antitrust Laws and break up the Controlled Major Mass media comprised of six major international news corporations. Prosecute their key officers and owners under US espionage laws since they are either owned or controlled by agents of the Rothschilds.

17-Provide Ambassador Wanta his money and allow him to complete his Agenda to rebuild, revitalize and re-industrialize America and build his inter-coastal High Speed Maglev Railroad System which will produce an immediate 2 million good paying job opportunities. Offer him job as a top USG economic adviser.

18-Set up a new Congress made up of We The People and restrict terms to one term only and set up rigid rules preventing revolving door jobs used for bribery. Until a new honest Congress can be elected, the US Military High Command will be responsible for running all governmental matters.

19-Immediately prosecute all major Defense Contractor CEOs and Officers under RICO who have bribed Congress or offered extremely lucrative revolving door jobs promised to Members of Congress to induce cooperation.


20-Immediately cut off all US foreign aid and any US Dollars flowing to Israel which is a purely Freemasonic state set up by the Rothschilds as their own personal haven, main action-agent, and means to start wars and destabilize the Mideast and foment false-flag terror. Any American financial support of Israel is an international crime against the Palestinians to support the Israeli Apartheid and mass-murder/genocide against Palestinians. Europe and most of the World is now divesting and turning against Israel for this Apartheid, mass-murder and genocide against Palestinians and massive theft of their land in complete violation of numerous UN Rulings. And every day, more and more Americans are finding out Israel with the help of the BCC, IZCS and Traitors in the JCS, USAF, NORAD and the FCC attacked America on 9/11/01 by deploying “decommissioned” nukes stolen from the US nuclear arsenal.

21-Set up Peoples Grand Juries all over the USA run by We The People and not sidetracked by compromised, crooked prosecutors. Make sure that every single Jury is instructed of their right to nullify any charges they think are wrong and any judge who ever tries to stop this right of any juror or refuses to inform them of jury nullification shall be immediately arrested for obstruction of justice.

Note: Readers can create their own list, perhaps taking this list as a starter and adding to it. Hundreds of creative things can be done to “Strike at the Root” including sharing this story will all your family, your trusted friends and associates and numerous other constructive and legal actions such as mass campaigns with calls to the Whitehouse, Congress and the US Department of Justice. It’s a fact that the current Internet users that read articles like this are the brightest and the best students of USG corruption in history. If the public wakes up in mass, a firestorm of dissent can be imposed on this criminal system and they can be brought down.



Right now the USA is on the brink of total financial collapse and like most of the World has been caught up in a massive Web-of-Debt created by the US Congress and the elastic checkbook of phony FIAT dollars provided to them by  the Federal Reserve System, the greatest fraud in history. Unless this shell game is stopped soon this worldwide Debt-Bomb will detonate and could take the USA back to the stone-age.

And America is now fighting a secret Civil War in Iraq and Syria against ISIS/ISIL, which is a BCC/IZCS controlled CIA paramilitary group being supplied by a criminal portion of the US Military. This secret army is army made up of American purchased Mercenaries with support from Israel, the Saudis and others and is called Al Qaeda 2 aka “Al CIA Duh” version 2 by insiders who know all the details.

The rest of the World has already figured this out, that the Rothschild System and their chief Cutout the Federal Reserve System has generated a phony money Debt-Bomb comprised of a worldwide Web-of-Debt and is now working to de-couple from the Rothschilds and their Federal Reserve System. The Banksters are attempting to counteract this by goading President Putin and Russia into a nuclear WW3 which would provide suitable cover and advance their plan to mass-murder up to 90% of the World Populace and aid their installation of their NWO Ruler in Jerusalem, which was the same dream of the Teutonic Zionists aka the First Crusaders. The Rothschilds are viewed as the New Crusaders by Intel Insiders for their obsession with acquiring control over Jerusalem and all of Palestine and the setting up of their own private nation state called Israel in 1947.

If the Federal Reserve System and all the USG Officials and elected Officials it has corrupted are not stopped with many arrested under RICO and US espionage laws, the rest of the World has started de-coupling enough to probably survive any Debt-Bomb detonation. But unless these Banksters are stopped cold now, it is America and Americans that will suffer complete economic and financial collapse, accompanied by mass-starvation, internal civil war and mass death, all for nothing. For years starvation was the secret and official policy of the Banksters and their Kingpins, Cutouts and Top Policy-Makers. Now Population Reduction of Americans by 90% is the new goal of the Banksters.


Rather than allow our American families and children and countrymen to be destroyed as pawn in the Rothschild’s system of hatred for all Mankind, why not all work together to publicize what they have done to defraud America since 1913 and work together to route them out and bring them to justice? You can bet the rest of the World is going to do so some day, but why should be allow them to destroy America and Our people first?

1195437989469106298liftarn_Police_brutality_svg_hiAnd here is a suggestion for all Police Officers and their superiors. Be very careful to make sure you are known in your communities as being there to Protect and Serve the Community, rather than acting like Agents of a Criminal State or being there only to protect the Banksters and their criminal establishment.

If your citizens see you as an Agent of the State, part of a militarized machine built up by the same traitors that started DHS who work for a foreign power, you and your officers will likely be attacked as agents of the State when and if TSHTF.

If you act like you only work for DHS and are willing to oppress your citizenry with the enforcement of Unconstitutional laws and continue to misuse Swat Teams as many departments have, many will see you as the enemy and will act accordingly when TSHTF which in practical means many will target and fight your Officers who will be greatly outgunned and outnumbered, if everything collapses from the Debt Bomb becoming detonated. Start now and work hard to establish friendly, positive relationships with your citizens and let them know you work for them to Protect and Serve them, and then act like it.

It’s time for We The People at all levels to rise up and support our new High Militarily Command and demand that they strike at the root of the greatest financial fraud in History that has been parasitizing the United States of America since 1913. yes, it time for the Rothschilds and their Federal Reserve System to be taken down and for America to reabsorb all Federal Reserve System functions back into our own Government, where it should have always remained in the first place ass was the core belief of President Andrew Jackson.


For those who have time and want some soul healing entertainment, here is a performance by Beth Hart and primo guitarist Joe Bonamassa that is pretty amazing and about as powerful as you will ever hear. It is suggested you use a good headset or headphones if you have them and set your video to HD 1080 if you have that capability.

[youtube aLR_bSzPTiY]


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Social Psychologist with Doctorate from Major Midwest Big Ten University. Retired after serving the community for over 36 years during which time there were numerous contacts with those associated with Intel and Law Enforcement.