Press TV – a Loss for the Good Guys

The "Broken Record"
The “Broken Record”

… by  Gordon Duff,  Senior Editor


When we began working with Press TV, Israeli threats of a pre-emptive attack were common
When we began working with Press TV, Israeli threats of a preemptive attack were common

[ Editor’s Note:  We have fond memories of our early days with Press TV when the Zionist Lobby in Europe was pressuring satellite media distributors to illegally pull them off the air.
The courts have ruled several times against over zealous sanctions interpreters like the British who were tripping over themselves  to earn favor with their Friends of Israel cronies to get some cheap shot in on Iran.
The website became the focus for a flanking move to pull as much of the lost satellite audience back in through the website as possible. Starting with Gordon and effort began to beef up the sleep Viewpoints commentary section on a back page where no one knew where it was.
Other followed to create an international group of writers supporting Iran having it’s views heard in a world where corporate media was becoming known for censoring coverage and being a propaganda conduit on call.
After a year the commentary audience had grown in leaps and bounds, helping us to break big stories there, as we had our own problem with a mass media black out on on VT in the US.
Our interview work helped build commentary readership, and vice versa. And cross-posting our Press TV articles and then their news stories on VT began and two way leveraging effort to gain us both wider exposure. But the media business is a stressful one, with pressures on it from many directions.
The Bush (43) found VT staff working to expose false flag attacks to blame on Iran...via Gwenth Todd
Bush (43) found VT staff working to expose false flag attacks to blame on Iran… via Gwenyth Todd

As Gordon will cover below we, have watched with great sadness that the audience that took two years  of hard work to build has been slipping away due to no one minding the store.
Content volume is way down, the regular readers have moved on. The commentary section seems to be a sixth finger now at a time when the world is in as much turmoil as in the past two years.
We have been emails from readers for two months asking what was happening at Press TV and all we could say is we just don’t know. It could be management changes, nuclear talk jitters, our coverage of Israel and Turkey backing ISIL along with the US and Gulf States, etc.
We had always stood shoulder to shoulder with Press TV is exposing the phony nuclear threat hoax used to threaten them with a “defensive strike”. And we had a lot of good sources helping us who were tired of seeing the American military and taxpayers used and abused by the NeoCon War meisters and their AIPAC friends.
We long to get back to doing that work with them once again like in the good ole days. Much more  remains to be done, and we opened a new front at the Syrian Counter Terrorism Conference in early December… Jim W. Dean ]


Iran’s Press TV is still a force to be reckoned with, from a broadcast standpoint.  They are still blocked from most satellites, from most service providers and from many entire nations.  Their staff, the producers and presenters are world class.  The problem is with the Press TV website.  It has almost “gone dead,” a big win for the controlled mainstream media.
There may well be factors involved.  The most telling of which is the recent New Horizons conference in Tehran.  Those managing this conference got “suckered” into inviting Gareth Porter and several others Iranians mistakenly saw as “great thinkers” and “intellectuals.”
Though the conference had Ken O’Keefe and Kevin Barrett in attendance, people with strong reputations, many were simply hacks or, as was proven out, “paid opposition.”  Conference organizers were warned but failed to heed and when Porter turned on the conference, attacking it as being “anti-Semitic” and filled with “conspiracy theorists” most of us in the West expected it.  Porter as with Christiane Amanpour, were known quantities, part of the Israel lobby.
Amanpour is key  as she had long been a favorite in Tehran despite her reputation in the US for being wildly anti-Iranian.  When she published bizarre falsified interviews with Iranian leaders, the feel of betrayal could be felt throughout the media community.
You can really name the disease, those who consider themselves “alternative media,” and some at Press TV and other institutions in Iran qualify as such, continually look to “mainstream media” for approval.  The insanity of this never sinks in.
The other game Press TV has fallen for over and over is believing “anti-imperialists” are an independent group.  The “bolshie” America haters are invariably either closet Zionists or full blown “Israeli firsters.”  Promoting anti-Americanism is too often promoting extremist elements within Israel as well, elements glad to have access to Iranian media.  Fooling the Iranians is considered a major prize in Tel Aviv.
Others who had written for Press TV had simply rehashed the work of others, developing a formula based on plagiarism and dogma, hitting messages Iranians were unaware made them seem inept.  You see, giving a platform to those reviled in their own nation, not just by the media but the public at large, always backfires.  Americans hate the “smarmy” and weak, the whiny and tedious.  To some extent, Press TV’s website had been hijacked by such as this.
Today, readership at Press TV’s website, once among the leading news sources in the world, is down to a trickle.  Those in Iran don’t know how much their efforts are missed by a world starving for truth.
VT sources have told us that a veritable army of Zionist stooges have “wormed” their way to Tehran.  Their goal is to get Iranians to turn on each other and mistrust the real “truth tellers.”  The message is always the same, those willing to take on Israel have been banned while those within the pro-Israeli “Alex Jones” camp, conveniently beating the drum about police abuse and racism, always a favored distraction for the Israel lobby, became preeminent.
Then it all fell apart.  When the important security conference in Syria was covered by regional Press TV, nothing was reported by Tehran.  When excerpts of the keynote went viral on YouTube, Press TV had the entire speech but never released or even reported on it.
Too many in Iran made it easy.  After all, how could Israel run the United States?  How could they?

[youtube jE2_qmlKFVU&list=UUaMH8-gD-ZYyC93vY6GlnCQ]


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Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades. Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world's largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues. Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than "several" countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.