The Growing Complexity of Alex Jones’ Israeli Connections


Editor’s Note:  Ah, it’s almost Bibi time in Washington, a bit early for the cherry blossoms but not for Alex Jones. We have watched Alex for many years, back when there were a lot of evolving colorful characters carving out a presence on the Internet.

Alex always seemed to have guardian angel types behind the scenes, the kind no one else had. The Net was a free-for-all back then and you could spend your life trying to follow everything. But Bibi the Bombastic’s ploy to make an end run around Obama right through his Congress speech during the final stretch of the Iran nuclear talks put Alex back on the “look-see” list.

The piece below is dated but a good one for openers, as there are many many players in Alex’s playpen. I even enjoy Brother Fitzpatrick’s trip down memory road.

Some of our radio audience have asked if we were going to burn Alex Jones down. Sleeper agents, and even non-sleeper ones, are often put at risk of exposure during big events where their handlers consider losing them worth the potential gains. My reply would be that only Alex Jones could burn Alex down.  So we shall just have to see… Jim W. Dean

by Timothy Fitzpatrick

So much has been written and said about Texas radio host Alex Jones’ whoring for the Zionist establishment that one could write a fair-sized book about it. If people haven’t yet been convinced that he is an outright shill and operative for the Jewish money power in this world, then I am not sure what will.

Even so, here are yet more compromising connections that implicate Alex Jones in this never-ending rabbit hole of counter-intelligence, and, coupled with the already damning information available on him, conclusively show that he is not a legitimate patriot fighting against the New World Order but a Zionist shill.

The Khashoggi Connection

Saudi billionaire arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi has been implicated in almost every major conspiracy in the last 50 or so years. The average person would never suspect a rich Saudi of being involved with Israeli intelligence, let alone being a paid agent of Israel’s sophisticated (spy) terror organization, Mossad.

But that’s exactly what Khashoggi is, according to at least one former Mossad case officer, Victor Ostrovsky, and two Jewish journalists, Dan Raviv and Yossi Melman. The Mossad has a term for people like Khashoggi—an Arabist, a Mossad field agent who poses as a Muslim.

Aside from these three sources on Khashoggi and Mossad, most of the available information linking Alex Jones and the 9/11 Truth movement leadership with Khashoggi (and Mossad) has been compiled by investigative journalist Daniel Hopsicker.

Hopsicker makes the first connection through 9/11 truth leader John Gray (Texas born) and another self-proclaimed truth movement patriot in these October 2004 articles,

A MadCowMorningNews investigation into allegations that “Mars & Venus” author John Gray and Saudi Billionaire Adnan Khashoggi’s bankrupt has been used in an effort to spread disinformation about the 9/11 attack on the Internet uncovered evidence last week that the firm had numerous underworld connections….[I]

Here’s what happened:  Men Are From Mars was not an instant hit when it was first published. Almost ten months after its release, Gray’s flagship book had received little acclaim and climbed no best seller lists.

Enter Adnan Khashoggi and lieutenant Ramy El Batrawi, who, we learned, has also used the nom de guerre “Remy Al-Batswani,” while running an air carrier for Khashoggi used in illegal shipments of arms to Iran which was eventually placed on the State Department’s list of “unsavory” companies and barred from doing business with any agency of the U.S. Government.

“It took a year to get on the best-seller list,” said Jack McKeown, president and publisher of HarperCollins trade group, in an interview.’ John Gray is the beneficiary of a turbocharged marketing campaign, in which the author is an active partner.”

So John Gray owes his huge success and resulting fortune to Khashoggi’s “Saudi Genesis,” an intricate web of rapidly changing corporate fronts and dummy corporations with the word “Genesis” in their name, involved in wholesale criminal fraud that looks to be a textbook example of a Continuing Criminal Enterprise.

Saudi money picked up John Gray’s book (and Gray himself) and ran with it; creating infomercials that drove sales up until they became a worldwide publishing phenomenon. Michael C. Ruppert and the phony 9/11 ‘Truth Movement’ are defending taking money from someone who owes his fame and success to Saudi money from Adnan Khashoggi, provided through a company incorporated by Barry Seal’s attorney, the same man currently suing us for ‘emotional distress.’

No doubt this is just a freak coincidence.

Gray is even alleged to be involved, in papers filed in a major lawsuit in Federal Court in Minneapolis, in the recent $200 million looting the Genesis principals engaged in while on their way out of town. His trading account was used in the scheme, alleges the suit.

But apparently, that doesn’t make him a close associate of Adnan Khashoggi…not at least for the purpose of taking money from him. Not in Michael Ruppert’s book. But then the proof is something the former detective appears to disdain, as witnesses his incessant pushing of 9.11 Red herrings from “Bush Knew” to “No Pilots” to “No Planes” to “Peak Oil,” his latest “The End of the world as we know it” pulpit-pounder.[II]

Speaking of Michael Ruppert (Mr. Peak Oil), in his book Crossing the Rubicon (2004), he claims Deutsche Bank head Mayo Shattuck III was involved with Khashoggi in an insider trading scandal just before 9/11. Deutsche Bank is a Rothschild bank that also has a stake in Zions Bank, which was involved in a failed Khashoggi venture in Utah in the mid-1980s.

Adnan Khashoggi, perhaps the best-known Saudi billionaire, controls his investments through Ultimate Holdings Ltd. and Genesis Intermedia, which was reported to have been connected to suspicious stock trades around the time of the September 11 attacks.[III]

Ruppert, who became a prominent 9/11 “truther” around the same time as Alex Jones, has also had personal dealings with Jones.[IV] It’s troubling enough that the Mossad, through Khashoggi and Genesis Intermedia, were possibly involved in insider trading with prior knowledge of the September 11, 2001 attacks. But what about Alex Jones and his prior knowledge?[V]

Was it just an educated guess, or were Jones, and his handlers, in the know as well? And what about Genesis Intermedia and Alex Jones’ network Genesis Communications? Were Khashoggi and friends the Mossad informants who tipped Jones off? According to Hopsicker, possibly.

“From their base in Tampa Florida, Khashoggi and El Batrawi controlled a network of companies, all using the word “Genesis” in their name. The number of Khashoggi-owned Genesis companies we’ve found keeps growing. There is, or was, Genesis Aviation, Inc., Genesis Aviation II, Genesis Diversified Investments, Genesis Studio and Production Corp., Genesis Media Group, Genesis Properties, Genesis Intermedia; and; Genesis Delaware; Genesis Florida… The list goes go on. And on.”…

And then there’s the Genesis Communications Network. There are actually two of them, seemingly unrelated, but they’re so extremely similar in the fraud department to each other and to “Saudi Genesis” that the relationship appears strongly familial. We’re still uncertain as to how close they all are; kissing cousins, at the very least.

The first GCN is a so-called “patriot” network hosting Alex Jones and Dave Van Kleist, the, ah, the individual fronting for the latest See the Flash extravaganza, advertisements for which are spamming the Internet at a rate that must be causing concern among conservationists of our digital landscape of ‘1’s and ‘ 0’s.’

VanKliest is our pick for Disinfotainer of the Year… a special honor, considering that there was some fierce competition. Of course, “See the Flash Dave” from The Power Hour, like Alex Jones, is part of the GENESIS Communications Network.

Hopsicker doesn’t give us anything really substantial here, and since the Khashoggi dummy corporations have disappeared so quickly, we may never find the proof linking the various Genesis companies. However, the dealings of Khashoggi’s Genesis dummies bear a striking resemblance to Alex Jones’s Infowars and PrisonPlanet infomercials, dozens and dozens of which belong to Jewish-owned companies.  (See Alex Jones’ Jewish Sponsors)

Hopsicker continues, The “Saudi Genesis” companies specialized in marketing to the masses, through infomercials, and on the internet. Everything from Plastic Surgeons Crème to ab-energizers to fraudulent get-rich-quick schemes like “Trade Your Way to Riches,”  created after Ramy El-Batrawi of Genesis approached Jake Bernstein at a seminar in Burbank, California about the possibility of marketing Bernstein’s futures trading products through the creation of an infomercial.

Jake Bernstein billed himself as the world’s foremost authority on pattern recognition and cycles and the author of over 25 trading books. (He must be pretty good at recognizing when it’s time to leave town, at least, cause he hasn’t gone to prison recently.( Bernstein website )  “Jake found an easier way to get rich. Instead of trading futures he would trade on investor gullibility,” wrote a whistleblower.

Hopsicker points out that the same shady dealings of Khashoggi’s Genesis have occurred with Alex Jones’ Genesis and the John Joseph Gray (different from the 9/11 truther John Gray) and his family.

Christian Media has repeatedly sought to expose the treachery at the Genesis Communications Network for several years now. They stole their original equipment from another patriot network named Republic Radio. Fraudulently claiming they had purchased the network, the management of Genesis literally backed up a U-Haul, and loaded up the broadcasting equipment while the rightful owner was out of town![VI]

Hopsicker says the executive vice president at Genesis Communications Network in Minnesota is (Midas Report) shares the same address as another website called “BRIDGES FOR PEACE,” where you can “VISIT ISRAEL WITHOUT LEAVING YOUR COMPUTER.” It appears to be a Christian Zionist organization.

Keep in mind that Alex Jones has admitted on air to being a Zionist and claims that his Jewish-born wife, Violet, is a Christian—obviously of the Zionist-based Protestant strain. Jones is surrounded by Jews in his daily life, whether it’s by his sleazy Jewish friends in Hollywood like Charlie Sheen or Joe Rogan, or his Jewish lawyer Elizabeth Schurig, who also represents the ultra-Zionist Bronfman dynasty, one of the most powerful families in the world.

The Bronfmans are also connected to Khashoggi in several ways, including through the Iran-Contra affair and Barrick Gold, the world’s largest gold mining corporation, founded in 1983 by Khashoggi and Peter Munk (Jewish). Interestingly, Alex Jones got wind of the accusation that he and Khashoggi may be in cahoots. Foolishly, Alex Jones publicly commented and revealed some of his cards.

There is absolutely no way on God’s green earth that Jones doesn’t know who Khashoggi is. He is the conspiracy king, right? He should know who all the big players are.

Here’s a look at some of Khashoggi’s other disturbing connections. Is he not a big player?

  • Adnan Khashoggi’s father, Mohammed Khashoggi, was Mohammed Bin Laden’s (Osama’s father) family physician
  • Adnan Khashoggi attended college in Alexandria, Egypt, with some of Osama Bin Laden’s siblings.
  • Joseph A. Ball — the principal author of the Warren Commission report — represented Khashoggi in his 1980 divorce from Soraya Khashoggi. Author Michael Collins Piper, in his book Final Judgment, makes a good case for the JFK assassination being orchestrated by Israel and Mossad.
  • After the death of her second husband, Jackie Kennedy was romantically involved with Khashoggi.
  • Khashoggi secretly contributed to Richard Nixon’s 1968 presidential campaign. He attended Nixon’s funeral in 1994. Remember that Nixon also attended the Bohemian Grove. Alex Jones first became famous for allegedly crashing the Bohemian Grove and publishing video footage from one of the rituals.
  • Khashoggi was implicated in the Iran-Contra scandal as a key middleman in the arms-for-hostages exchange along with Iranian arms dealer Manucher Ghorbanifar during the administration of US President Ronald Reagan.
  • Convicted in absentia of fraud in Thailand over the 1996 collapse of the Bangkok Bank of Commerce
  • Khashoggi’s daughter Nabila, his former wife Lamia Khashoggi (formerly Laura Biancolini), and Ali Khashoggi are high-level members of the Church of Scientology. Alex Jones’s PrisonPlanet website is a Scientologist term. He is also friends with Hollywood Scientologists like the half-Jewish Charlie Sheen (See: Alex Jones Promotes Scientology-Affiliated Leaders)
  • Theresa LePore was the supervisor of elections in Palm Beach County during the disputed 2000 election. In the 1980s, when she was chief deputy supervisor of elections, she moonlighted as a “flight attendant” on private planes owned by Adnan Khashoggi.
  • Robert G. Morvillo was the lawyer who got Khashoggi acquitted for siphoning money to Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos. (Morvillo was not so lucky with Martha Stewart). In the 1960s and 1970s, Morvillo served in the U.S. attorney’s office for the Southern District of New York where he mentored a young assistant U.S. attorney named Rudolph Giuliani.
  • While Manhattan U.S. Attorney, Giuliani once tried (unsuccessfully) to prosecute Adnan Khashoggi for fraud in connection with a real estate venture.
  • Khashoggi met with Richard Perle shortly before the American invasion of Iraq in 2003. Perle was a member of the Jewish-dominated PNAC, the Project for the New American Century, which is widely believed to have been intimately involved in carrying out the 9/11 attacks. (See 9/11 PNAC perps still whining for the US to fight Israel’s wars)

Interestingly, there are even more associations between Khashoggi, the Israeli Mossad, and, as we shall see, the Lansky crime syndicate, which incidentally murdered President John F. Kennedy. According to Dean Henderson, in The International: Oil, Drugs, Guns & Kissinger,

Tibor Rosenbaum’s Geneva-based Banque de Credit Internationale (BCI) was the predecessor of BCCI, skimming profits from Meyer Lansky casinos and drug deals to finance MI6 and Mossad skullduggery, including Permindex. [11]  Lansky got his start in organized crime with financial help from the Rothschild family.  Robert Vesco got his wings from the Rockefeller-financed Mary Carter Paint Company.  Santos Trafficante is their successor. (Ch. 18)

The Israeli Rosenbaum’s BCI was a predecessor of the BCCI (Bank of Credit and Commerce International), which financed Khashoggi and his dealings. Rosenbaum, a director of finance and supply for Mossad, was intimately involved with the Jewish Lansky-Permindex crime syndicate that conspired to assassinate Kennedy.

BCCI also inherited and vastly expanded Khashoggi’s use of money to influence and corrupt American politicians. BCCI’s Pakistani president, Agha Hasan Abedi, rescued Jimmy Carter’s Treasury Secretary Bert Lance from bankruptcy and thereby developed a relationship with Carter himself. (Ch. 18)

To tie things up, it wouldn’t at all surprise if Midas Resources, Inc., headed by Ted Anderson (supposed owner of Jones’ Genesis Communication), were an offshoot of Khashoggi’s Barrick Gold Corporation.


Enter the Israeli intelligence front Stratfor (Strategic Forecasting, Inc,), which purports to be a global intelligence company, founded and headed by Zionist George Friedman. It was founded in Austin, Texas in 1996.

Alex Jones, also from Austin, basically started his radio and TV career in 1996. On November 20, 2012, a YouTube account holder by the name of MsSherrieLea revealed that Alex Jones and Infowars had hired a former Stratfor intern named Molly Maroney as editor.

Several months prior to that, American journalist David Chase Taylor wrote a piece saying Jones was likely a Stratfor operative. Given Jones’ Zionist sympathies and his multiple Jewish connections, it’s difficult to believe that Stratfor isn’t more intimately involved in the Infowars media empire as well as with Gray’s 9/11 Truth movement, which also avoids discussing anything Israeli like the plague.

Taylor believes Infowars and Jones’ affiliates are not only spreading disinformation but also gathering intelligence on patriots and have been since Stratfor’s founding in 1996 (See Alex Jones Cancels Speaking Tour 3 Days After Exposure As Possible STRATFOR Double Agent).

Needless to say, there certainly seem to be a lot of “patriot” leaders coming from the Texas area, a hotbed of Israeli intelligence activity since at least the JFK assassination in 1963. So, that raises the question: Is Alex Jones’ media empire a Stratfor honeypot?

Is his mission simply to monopolize and discredit the resistance with his widely publicized lunacy whilst harvesting IPs and other information from his followers? As one blogger observed in a Dec. 24, 2012 post, Planet Infowars admits in its privacy policy that it may hand your information over to government entities and other third parties.

3.2. “we may use your personal identifying information” “when complying with an order” from “..other government entity…”

3.4. “We use cookies, log files, and third parties to create a profile of our users and the information gathered is personally identifiable as belonging to you…”

3.7. Any information you disclose to third parties on our Website or other websites becomes public information, and you should exercise caution when deciding to disclose any personal information.

What’s more, I noticed this past summer a suspicious photo that Alex Jones uses on his website. The map in the background looks exactly like the map used in a photo with Stratfor chief George Friedman. See for yourself here.

Wikileaks release of emails sent from Stratfor from 2005-2011 reveals exchanges between Stratfor and Jamal Khashoggi, who is reportedly a cousin of Adnan Khashoggi. Jamal is the general manager and editor-in-chief of Al Arab News Channel.

In fact, Stratfor head George Friedman personally thanked Jamal Khashoggi for joining him in Istanbul for a Stratfor function. All of this tends to corroborate Hopsicker’s assertion that Adnan Khashoggi and Alex Jones are connected.

So far, we have so-called 9/11 truthers John Gray, Alex Jones, and Michael Ruppert all avoiding and denying the Israeli engineering of the September 11 attacks.

Now, thanks to the investigative research of Christopher Bollyn, we know that Alex Jones crony Greg Palast, a BBC reporter, and 9/11 gatekeeper, is related to Israel’s Mossad spymaster David Kimche. Palast is a regular guest and contributor at Alex Jones’ Infowars media outlet. Bollyn writes,

GREG PALAST markets himself as an “investigative journalist” but he always misses the Israeli elephant in the room. Could it be because his father’s cousin was David Kimche, a “founding father” of Israel’s intelligence agency – the Mossad?

Looks like Mossad has their little gatekeepers at every corner of the Earth protecting their dirty secret. And it’s no surprise that Kimche met with Khashoggi in Kenya on May 13, 1982. Both were key players in the Iran-Contra affair. Incidentally, Zach Roberts from Greg Palast’s office was caught feeding Stratfor with information in 2008. What a web these shills weave!

And guess who worked at least one special operation for Kimche and the company? Adnan Khashoggi. According to Gordon Thomas in Gideon’s Spies: The Secret History of the Mossad (2005),

…Kimche assembled a colorful cast of characters to initiate the operation (Iran arms deal). There was Adnan Khashoggi, the Saudi petro-billionaire, with a habit of eating caviar by the pound and an eye for the current cover girls; Manacher Thorbanifer, a former agent in the Shah’s notorious SAVAK secret service who still behaved like a spy, calling meetings for the middle of the night. There was the equally mysterious Yakov Nimrodi, who had run agents for Aman and had once been Israel’s military attaché in Iran during the Shah’s regime. (page 153)

The Jewish Hedge Fund Connection

Now things get even weirder and more suspicious. Seventy-seven-year-old Jewish billionaire Carl Icahn was in the press in April this year for defending a multi-level marketing company called Herbalife, which hedge-fund investor Bill Ackman called a “pyramid scheme.”[VII] Herbalife appears so similar in nature to Alex Jones’ Youngevity (Jewish-owned) sponsor, that it’s difficult to tell them apart.

As of February, Icahn owned approximately 13.6 percent of Herbalife’s shares. In 2001, before the 9/11 attacks, Icahn gave Khashoggi a $100-million line of credit for the money-losing Genesis Intermedia.[VIII]

Icahn is also loosely linked to 9/11 truther John Gray, who is linked to Khashoggi, through the 1990s Heaven’s Gate Cult.

“The cultists threw themselves a final going-away-to-Hale Bopp party in January of 1997; they held the bash at Icahn’s Stratosphere Casino in Vegas, which he was then in the process of purchasing out of bankruptcy,”

Hopsicker says. Gray personally knew cult leader Marshall Applewhite and Khashoggi’s networks may have provided internet service to Applewhite.[IX]

Thus the saga of Zionist shill Alex Jones continues. I expect there will be a lot more coming out on this topic. Recently, Alex Jones has been dropping hints that he may be ducking out of the patriot scene as Michael Ruppert did. This will become more and more likely as the pieces of this puzzle fall into place.

[I] COINTELPRO 9.11: John Gray and Saudi Genesis

[II] COINTELPRO 9.11 pt III: Khashoggi, Cults, Cover-ups, & Mars and Venus Doing Lunch

[III] Michael Ruppert, Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire At the End of the Age of Oil,, page 144, Gabriola Island, Canada, New Society Publishers, 2004

[IV] Ibid, pg. 198.


[VI] The Alex Jones Affair: A Christian Patriot Family Betrayed

[VII] Ackman, Icahn Hurl Accusations, Insults

[VIII] Icahn to Be Paid $275,000 by Genesis, Los Angeles Times, July 4, 2001

[IX] COINTELPRO 9.11: John Gray and Saudi Genesis

Related Articles:

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  • Is Alex Jones externalizing the hierarchy?
  • Alex Jones follows in the footsteps of Vladimir Zhirinovsky
  • Alex Jones promotes Zionist heretics, Jeffrey and Missler
  • Hypocrite Alex Jones is as fake as Obama when crying
  • Illuminati Agents – Series IV
  • Jewish mathematician caught editing Alex Jones Wikipedia page
  • Invisible Empire references NWO 140 times ad nauseum, not one mention of Zionism


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