US Backed “Moderate Terrorists” Suffer Another Black Day in Syria

ISIS Top Commanders Evacuating Syria’s Raqqa, ISIL Changing Capital
TEHRAN (FNA)- The top leaders and commanders of the ISIL terrorist group were seen by locals and citizens to be escaping from the Syrian city of Raqqa after sustaining heavy casualties in the Russian airstrikes and long-range cruise missile attacks from its Mediterranean fleet.

Intelligence sources confirmed citizens’ reports on Thursday that militants’ leaders are fleeing the so-called capital of the ISIL terrorist group after hundreds of ISIL members escaped the city on Wednesday to save their lives.

Various sources from citizens of Raqqa to local villagers and intelligence sources have reported in the last 24 hours that the terrorist group has started hasty evacuation of Raqqa after the Russian strikers and long-range bombers intensifying airstrikes on the strongholds and command centers of the ISIL militants in Raqqa in recent days.

The Russian military has also been pounding the ISIL stronghold in Raqqa with cruise missiles fired from the Mediterranean Sea since Tuesday.

Meantime, reports disclosed on Wednesday that the ISIL terrorists retreated from the Southern parts of Hasakah province, located North of Raqq, as Syrian army and popular forces, backed by Russian and Syrian airstrikes, continue to strike heavy blows at the militants.

According to the Arabic-language al-Mayadeen television, ISIL terrorists are moving their families and heavy weaponries from the city of al-Shadadi in the Southern countryside of Hasakah to Deir Ezzur.

Hasakah is a region in Northeastern Syria mostly populated by the Kurds. The Kurdish and Arab fighters have recently pushed the terrorists out of the Northern parts of the region.

Following similar heavy strikes in the Southern parts of the province by the Syrian forces, the ISIL terrorists were forced to retreat furthern to Raqqa, the so-called capital of the ISIL terrorist group. But after the start of heavy airstrikes by the Russian and French air forces in the last few days, the ISIL is again on the move to retreat further to deploy its central command in Deir Ezzur.

Also on Tuesday, the France’s Le Monde newspaper, citing a French official, said that the Russian military has launched airstrikes against the ISIL stronghold of Raqqa in Syria with cruise missiles from the Mediterranean Sea.

The information that Russia struck the ISIL positions in Raqqa was also reported by a senior French government source.

US officials also confirmed on Tuesday that Moscow conducted a significant number of strikes in Syria using both sea-launched cruise missiles and long-range bombers.

In the meantime, different sources said that the French fighter jets carried out many sorties over the ISIL positions in recent day and targeted them heavily with scores of bombs and missiles in reprisals for the Paris terror attacks by ISIL.

Also on Tuesday, French President Francois Hollande told the French parliament’s emergency meeting in Versailles that the French nuclear-powered Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier will leave the port of registration on November 19 to join the operation in Syria.

Syria: ISIS Retreats from Hasakah to Raqqa And Then to Deir Ezzur
TEHRAN (FNA)- The ISIL terrorists retreated from a city in the Southern parts of Hasakah province as Syrian army and popular forces, backed by Russian and Syrian airstrikes, continue to strike heavy blows at the militants.

According to the Arabic-language al-Mayadeen television, ISIL terrorists are moving their families and heavy weaponries from the city of al-Shadadi in the Southern countryside of Hasakah to Deir Ezzur.

Hasakah is a region in Northeastern Syria mostly populated by the Kurds. The Kurdish and Arab fighters have recently pushed the terrorists out of the Northern parts of the region.

Following similar heavy strikes in the Southern parts of the province by the Syrian forces, the ISIL terrorists were forced to retreat furthern to Raqqa, the so-called capital of the ISIL terrorist group. But after the start of heavy airstrikes by the Russian and French air forces in the last few days, the ISIL is again on the move to retreat further to deploy its central command in Deir Ezzur.

Intelligence sources disclosed on Wednesday that ISIL militants are fleeing the city of Raqqa in hundreds to save their lives after sustaining heavy casualties in the Russian airstrikes and long-range cruse missile attacks form its Mediterranean fleet.

The sources said that the Russian fighter jets have stormed the strongholds of the ISIL militants in Raqqa in recent days in numerous attacks.

Meanwhile, the Russian military launched airstrikes against the ISIL stronghold in Raqqa with cruise missiles from the Mediterranean Sea.

On Tuesday, the France’s Le Monde newspaper, citing a French official, said that the Russian military has launched airstrikes against the ISIL stronghold of Raqqa in Syria with cruise missiles from the Mediterranean Sea.

The information that Russia struck the ISIL positions in Raqqa was also reported by a senior French government source.

US officials also confirmed on Tuesday that Moscow conducted a significant number of strikes in Syria using both sea-launched cruise missiles and long-range bombers.

In the meantime, different sources said that the French fighter jets carried out many sorties over the ISIL positions in recent day and targeted them heavily with scores of bombs and missiles in reprisals for the Paris terror attacks by ISIL.

Also on Tuesday, French President Francois Hollande told the French parliament’s emergency meeting in Versailles that the French nuclear-powered Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier will leave the port of registration on November 19 to join the operation in Syria.

Syrian Warplanes Crush Terrorists’ Weaponry Stockpiles, Command Centers in Damascus
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian warplanes pounded and destroyed the Takfiri terrorists’ arms stockpiles and command centers in Damascus countryside.

The massive airstrikes destroyed two command positions, two arms and ammunition depots and two heavy artillery positions of the terrorist groups in Douma and Khan al-Shih regions in Damascus countryside.

In a relevant development today, the Russian fighter jets bombed several positions of terrorists of al-Nusra Front in the Southern countryside of Damascus, inflicting heavy losses on them.

The air raids destroyed positions of al-Nusra Front terrorists in Khan al-Shih town in the Southern countryside of Damascus, killing a group of Takfiri militants.

On Monday, the Syrian army destroyed positions of Jeish al-Islam terrorists in Douma city in Damascus countryside, killing a large group of the Takfiri militants.

A large group of terrorists were killed in al-Hajaryia Farms and al-Quwatli Street in Douma city on Monday.

Khaled Ghazi, Younis Younis, Hisham al-Sofi, Samir al-Tabakh and Mohamed al-Habosh were identified among the dead terrorists.

The army also destroyed militants’ mortar launch-pad, weapons and ammunition in Alyia Farms, field sources said.

Earlier, Syrian Army alongside National Defense Forces (NDF) regained Tal Kurdi village near Douma from the militant groups and brought the Damascus-Homs Highway under their fire-control.

The pro-government forces stormed concentration centers of the militant groups in the countryside of Douma and recaptured Tal Kurdi, which was used by the terrorists as a start line of their logistic convoys to drive on the Damascus-Homs highway.

Scores of the terrorists were killed in the army attack and the highway is now under full fire-control of the Syrian mortar units.

Sources said on Saturday that the Syrian army is running military operations to secure the Damascus-Homs international road ‎near the suburb of al-Assad.

The army troops reportedly took two buildings on the international road from the Takfiri militants.

Scores of terrorists were killed in the military operations.

Russian Airstrikes Hit Nusra Targets in Damascus Countryside
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Russian fighter jets bombed several positions of terrorists of al-Nusra Front in the Southern countryside of Damascus, inflicting heavy losses on them.

The air raids destroyed positions of al-Nusra Front terrorists in Khan al-Shih town in the Southern countryside of Damascus, killing a group of Takfiri militants.

On Monday, the Syrian army destroyed positions of Jeish al-Islam terrorists in Douma city in Damascus countryside, killing a large group of the Takfiri militants.

A large group of terrorists were killed in al-Hajaryia Farms and al-Quwatli Street in Douma city on Monday.

Khaled Ghazi, Younis Younis, Hisham al-Sofi, Samir al-Tabakh and Mohamed al-Habosh were identified among the dead terrorists.

The army also destroyed militants’ mortar launch-pad, weapons and ammunition in Alyia Farms, field sources said.

Earlier, Syrian Army alongside National Defense Forces (NDF) regained Tal Kurdi village near Douma from the militant groups and brought the Damascus-Homs Highway under their fire-control.

The pro-government forces stormed concentration centers of the militant groups in the countryside of Douma and recaptured Tal Kurdi, which was used by the terrorists as a start line of their logistic convoys to drive on the Damascus-Homs highway.

Scores of the terrorists were killed in the army attack and the highway is now under full fire-control of the Syrian mortar units.

Sources said on Saturday that the Syrian army is running military operations to secure the Damascus-Homs international road ‎near the suburb of al-Assad.

The army troops reportedly took two buildings on the international road from the Takfiri militants.

Score of terrorists were killed in the military operations.

Syrian Forces Hit Militants Hard in Hama, Dara’a, Homs
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian army intensified operations against the Takfir militants in the provinces of Hama, Dara’a and Homs on Thursday, engaging in heavy clashes with the terrorists in various regions.

The Syrian army targeted terrorists’ concentration centers in the towns of Al-Lataminah and Morek and the village of Maarkaba in Hama countryside, according to the Arabic-language al-Alam news channel.

The Syrian troops also targeted militants’ positions in the town of Sheikh Maskeen, Attman town and Muzayrib town in Dara’a countryside.

There were no immediate reports of possible casualties among the terrorists.

Meanwhile, the Syrian forces also clashed with the terrorists in Talbiseh town and its vicinity in the Northern countryside of Homs, and killed and injured a large group of terrorists.

Several terrorists were also killed and injured in military operations on their positions in al-Waer district in Homs city.

Syrian Army Gains Upper Hand against Militants in Lattakia
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian army made great progress in Jabal Zahi (Zahi Mountain) in the Northern countryside of Lattakia after fierce clashes with the Takfiri militants on Thursday.

According to the correspondent of the Arabic-language al-Alam news channel, the Syrian army made great progress in Jabal Zahi in the Northern countryside of Lattakia after fierce clashes with the Takfiri militants, killing and injuring a large group of the terrorists.

There were no more details available.

On Wednesday, the Syrian army and its allies recaptured the strategic al-Rashwan heights in the Northern part of the Lattakia province which will limit the terrorists’ trafficking and attacks in the region.

The important al-Rashwan heights is located in Job al-Ahmar area in the Northern parts of Lattakia and was freed by the Syrian army assisted by the Iraqi resistance forces and the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) military advisors.

 During the operations to take control of the strategic heights, tens of Jeish al-Fath terrorists were also killed.

Early Wednesday, the militants’ defense lines near the hilltop village of Tal al-Rashwan in the prophet Jonah Mountains came under joint attack of the government forces whose heavy and rapid operation forced the terrorist groups to retreat their forces from the village and its surrounding.

Also on Tuesday, the Syrian army and popular forces pushed back the militant groups from a strategic area near Ghamam town in the coastal province of Lattakia after killing and wounding scores of the terrorists.

The militants’ defense lines in Bakdash mountain came under attacks of the government forces, whose offensives was so heavy that caused the militants to retreat from the fighting area.

The mountainous area is now under full control of the Syrian forces.

Syrian Forces Hit Militants Hard in Hama, Dara’a, Homs
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian army intensified operations against the Takfir militants in the provinces of Hama, Dara’a and Homs on Thursday, engaging in heavy clashes with the terrorists in various regions.

The Syrian army targeted terrorists’ concentration centers in the towns of Al-Lataminah and Morek and the village of Maarkaba in Hama countryside, according to the Arabic-language al-Alam news channel.

The Syrian troops also targeted militants’ positions in the town of Sheikh Maskeen, Attman town and Muzayrib town in Dara’a countryside.

There were no immediate reports of possible casualties among the terrorists.

Meanwhile, the Syrian forces also clashed with the terrorists in Talbiseh town and its vicinity in the Northern countryside of Homs, and killed and injured a large group of terrorists.

Several terrorists were also killed and injured in military operations on their positions in al-Waer district in Homs city.

Homs: Al-Dawa Region Taken Back by Syrian Army
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian army, backed by the Lebanese Hezbollah fighters and the National Defense Forces, seized back the al-Dawa region in the city of Palmyra in Homs province.

The Syrian forces launched a large-scale attack on ISIL positions in Al-Dawa, killing over 20 militants and destroying the terrorists’ primary weapons hub in Western Palmyra.

Later, the forces managed to take full control over the Al-Dawa region in Western Palmyra.

Also on Wednesday, local sources said that the ISIL terrorists are fleeing Palmyra (Tadmur) in Homs province after different sources informed of an imminent large-scale operation of the pro-government force, including army, popular forces and Hezbollah, to recapture the militant-held city.

The sources said that the ISIL militants, who have heard about dispatch of hundreds of Hezbollah fighters to Palmyra to join Syrian army, are leaving Palmyra and its nearby areas in groups to find safer location inside or outside of the country.

On Tuesday, the Syrian army and the National Defense Forces (NDF) won key battles against ISIL terrorists in two key areas in the Western countryside of Palmyra after killing at least 25 militants.

The sources said that the pro-government forces broke through the ISIL militants’ defense lines in Tal Syriatel and Jabal Ma’ar and retook full control over these two important areas.

The Syrian forces are fortifying their position around the newly-recaptured areas to fend off the ISIL possible infiltration attempts.

Syrian Army Clashes with Militants in Jobar
TEHRAN (FNA)- Clashes erupted between the Syrian army and the foreign-backed Takfiri militants in Jobar district near the capital, Damascus on Thursday.

The Syrian forces also fired artillery shells at the terrorists’ positions in Jobar in Eastern Damascus. There were no immediate reports of the possible casualties among the terrorists.

On Monday, the Syrian army destroyed positions of Jeish al-Islam terrorists in Douma city in Damascus countryside, killing a large group of the Takfiri militants.

A large group of terrorists were killed in al-Hajaryia Farms and al-Quwatli Street in Douma city on Monday.

Khaled Ghazi, Younis Younis, Hisham al-Sofi, Samir al-Tabakh and Mohamed al-Habosh were identified among the dead terrorists.

The army also destroyed militants’ mortar launch-pad, weapons and ammunition in Alyia Farms, field sources said.

Syrian Forces Win Back More Villages in Aleppo
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian army, backed by the Lebanese Hezbollah fighters and the National Defense Forces, recaptured the villages of Umm Zilaylah, Tal Ayyoub and Umm Al-Marra in Aleppo province.

The Syrian army and its allies managed to retake the three villages located North of Jabboul Lake in Aleppo province after they launched a powerful attack on the villages and destroyed ISIL positions.

Scores of Takfiri terrorists were killed in the military operations.

The Syrian forces are now able to strike the ISIL stronghold in Deir Hafer, field sources said.

On Wednesday, the Syrian Army alongside Hezbollah fighters, who seem unsatisfied with a growing number of victories, stormed the ISIL gathering centers in the Southern side of Kuweires Airport again and recaptured Jamiliah village after fierce clashes with the terrorist group.

The pro-government forces’ operation against the ISIL militants in the Eastern countryside of Aleppo city ended in recapturing of Jamiliah village.

The militant group suffered heavy casualties in the clashes.

Syrian Airstrikes Hit Terrorists Positions in Aleppo
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian warplanes intensified their air raids on terrorists’ positions in Aleppo province on Thursday as the army continues to tighten noose on the foreign-backed militants in the province.

The Syrian airstrikes hit militants’ positions in the Journalists’ Association in the Western countryside of Aleppo.

The Syrian army also clashed with the Takfiri militants’ in the vicinity of Khan Touman town in the Southern countryside of Aleppo.

There were no more details available.

Earlier reports said the Syrian army, backed by the Lebanese Hezbollah fighters and the National Defense Forces, recaptured the villages of Umm Zilaylah, Tal Ayyoub and Umm Al-Marra in Aleppo province.

The Syrian army and its allies managed to retake the three villages located North of Jabboul Lake in Aleppo province after they launched a powerful attack on the villages and destroyed ISIL positions.

Scores of Takfiri terrorists were killed in the military operations.

The Syrian forces are now able to strike the ISIL stronghold in Deir Hafer, field sources said.

Syrian Airstrikes Hit Militants’ Positions in Idlib, Hama
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian air force intensified its airstrikes on terrorists’ concentration centers in the provinces of Idlib and Hama. On Wednesday, the air raids destroyed positions of the terrorists in Saraqeb city and al-Sheikh Yusuf in Idlib countryside.

The Syrian warplanes also bombed Takfiris’ strongholds in Ma’arkaba villages in Hama countryside. There were no immediate reports of possible casualties among the terrorists.

Also on Wednesday, the Syrian Army and its allies stormed a main stronghold of the militant groups at Hama-Idlib border and killed at least 50 of them.

The pro-government forces’ surrounded a group of militants in their position near the border of Hama and Idlib provinces, and killed most of them.

The Syrian forces also destroyed many military vehicles of the terrorist groups.

Deputy Commander of Jund al-Aqsa Killed by Syrian Army in Hama
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Army’s operation against the militant positions near al-Tamanna town on Wednesday, left nearly 35 terrorists, including the lieutenant commander of Jund al-Aqsa militant group, dead and many more wounded.

Imad Eddin al-Din Bakri was killed by the Syria army troops in a battle near Tamanna town.

The terrorist group’s military grid was also destroyed badly in the clashes with the army men.



Sources said on Tuesday that the Syrian government forces targeted a Takfiri terrorists’ convoy in Hama province, killing a group of the militants.

The Syrian army destroyed two vehicles and a van in Morek town in Hama province, killing all terrorists on board.

A terrorist who was in charge of the suicide bombers in the Jund al-Aqsa terrorist group was identified among the dead.



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