NEO – Will the World Survive Obama’s Last Year?

We have come a long way from our Founding Fathers, who warned us to always be aware of what our government was really doing or we would suffer the consequences

… by  Gordon Duff, VT Sr. Editor,  … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

America used the scum of the earth to attack Ukraine, under the black flag of “pursuing our interests”

[ Editor’s Note: As we come to the close of 2015, it has been an exceptionally busy year for us. Despite the victories against the neoConzies, where we beat them by getting the Iran nuclear scam exposed for what it was — a complete fraud to set the stage for a war against that country — the Obama administration has kept several undeclared wars going.

Ukraine had turned into the slam dunk disaster that we forewarned about at the beginning of the Maidan CIA coup. Although all of the hoax claims of Russian aggression have been shot down in flames, no one at the State Department nor the US NATO command, nor the White House, has jumped off a bridge to make some moral restitution to the American people and the world.

But even worse, America’s institutions, have stood down completely from standing against the foreign policy insanity. This includes virtually all the veterans associations, where weaning them off their focus on benefits and their love of fluff stuff is like pulling teeth.

We find more interest among common citizens for fighting against the political criminals in the US power structure than we do in the military structure, where playing it safe seems to be their top priority. More than a few rubber stamp every aggressive foreign policy announcement with joy, similar to winning a modest lotto.

Frankly, they don’t see it as their job. They are philosophically AWOL, and have not suffered any negative publicity for it, so they see no reason to change. The church community is in the same boat… “not our job, man”, despite the huge moral issues at stake, with American foreign policy having become the biggest killer on the planet, and yet there is no real rage.

This puts all of us here at home at huge risk — those who are willing to fight — because it is proven that when “they” come for us, we can expect nothing from our American institutions, in terms of fighting back. They will keep their heads down to focus on their own skins, and yet wave tiny flags and chant “God Bless America” on cue whenever asked to… Jim W. Dean ]


– First published  …  December 27, 2015 –

Mr. Hope and Change

Why does the world have to be concerned about American politics? The answer is simple, if you are going to die in your home with your family torn to pieces around you, chances are it will be America killing you.

Americans are quite aware of this and although the majority don’t approve of America’s insane foreign policy, the right wing Republican Party, the “opposition” not only does, they don’t think Obama is doing enough killing and certainly not in enough places.

So, the world is stuck living and dying under the shadow of Washington politics, with Obama’s frightening policies representing the “moderate” point of view and, in the wings a dozen madmen await, promising American armies across Africa and the Middle East, American hegemony in the Far East and nuclear annihilation for anyone who objects.

Is this really how it is? The answer, which is a resounding “yes,” is only history repeating itself. You see, best information out there, leaked detailed investigative reports from the US government indicate that 9/11 was staged by an international cabal. Yes, Saudi Arabia was involved.

When these documents were sent from Russia in May of 2014, citing not only Saudi Arabia but a very different “cabal” of political and financial leaders — American, Canadian, Israeli and South African, backed by rogue groups in the CIA and Pentagon and backed by Saudi and Israeli intelligence — sent from Russia and published in VT only (after being refused by CNN), no one heard what they wanted to hear.

There were no Islamic extremists, no bin Laden, only the secretive and powerful, names like “Bronfman” or “Netanyahu.” Nobody was hiding in caves, not the real perpetrators, same as today with ISIS, the terror group run from boardrooms in Zurich and London, not from tunnels under Mosul.

The four horsemen of the apocalypse

Why we take a look at this now is that Bush-era history may well be repeating itself. His brother Jeb is a presidential frontrunner; Donald Trump, a total unknown may be elected as well, and so many others, all working for the shady Koch Brothers and Israeli gambling boss Sheldon Adelson, are looking for a world war.

All have one thing in common, war with Russia, a worldwide police state with universal surveillance and what is less understood, environmental collapse that will inexorably lead to world depopulation.

What we also need to look at, why I hesitantly mention 9/11 and the proven facts, nuclear weapons planted under the “triple towers,” arrests of Mossad teams across New York, radio jammers that block first responder communications, suspects flown out of the country, two planeloads of Saudis and Israeli…we are seeing it all again.

Now it is called “ISIS,” the exact same marriage of Israeli and Saudi intelligence, with Erdogan thrown into the mix, working hand in hand with the CIA and Pentagon, caught over and over commanding ISIS units, supplying their weapons and pouring in cash from what is now exposed by Russia to be a massive oil trade that everyone knew about all along.

Not only are the players the same for ISIS but the Ukraine as well, for Boko Harum, for al Shebab in Kenya and East Africa, for the new expanded war in Afghanistan and a new terror war now sweeping across Europe and into the US as well.

But then, what does this have to do with American politics? What does it have to do with Obama?

Can American Survive Bush Three - From a National Security View?
Would America survive a third wave of Bushes – from a national security view?

Seven years ago, Obama came on the scene addressing world Muslims, offering peace, offering Americans justice and a new direction. In America, Obama’s domestic policies have led to relative economic successes, while Obama and the Democratic Party have fought for worker’s rights, health and education and a return to voting rights.

Under Obama’s watch, however, police murders have either increased or have begun being reported after years of silence, we don’t know which is true, the “Arab Springs” have thrown a hundred million people into a political disaster – now clearly a CIA plot – and the Cold War is back on, based on another Mossad/CIA plot in Ukraine.

What is, or at least seems to be insane, are the moves in the opposite direction as well, the nuclear agreement with Iran and the recent Syrian accord with Russia, to name a few.

Thus, we have Obama and Kerry one moment spouting the most obvious and clumsy lies and following genocidal policies, particularly toward Iran, Syria, Russia and China, while only a short time later coming to the bargaining table with competent and rational initiatives.

This is pure schizophrenia.

There is no question that Russia has been pushed into drawing a line in Syria against American aggression. Whatever anyone says, particularly how Obama is failing to fight ISIS, those who voice the most concerns about ISIS are those who helped found ISIS and continue to support that terrorist group. We are talking not only Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey but America’s Right, the same people who helped stage 9/11 in order to create an atmosphere of fear.

As a minor aside, we ask a simple question: “What is the difference between the power mad NSA (National Security Agency) that intercepts world communications and Google Corporation?”

The answer to this is simple, “none.”

Thus, where in seven years, Obama failed to bring America into the light, pushing the world into a New Cold War and Europe into a period of political insanity not seen since August 1914. The same tired players — the American political gangsters, the McCain and Romney cartel, tied to Mexico’s Salinas family, the Adelson empire out of Macao and the Rothschild-Rockefeller “Federal Reserve Cartel” that controls world currency and banking — wield the real power.

This is what we are really seeing, an America ruled at an overt level by scamsters and criminals, oil, defense, insurance, nuclear power and coal, hand in hand with drug cartels and powerful families like the Walton/Walmart group.

Behind this, there is no “America” as such, only a thin “front” for channeling military power into the hands of worldwide organized crime, more than “multi-generational,” more like “millennial.”


Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War who has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades and consulted with governments challenged by security issues. He’s a senior editor and chairman of the board of VT, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.



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Jim W. Dean was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022.  He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews.