The New SAVAK in Pakistan

Who stands to gain from “sectarian violence”?

by Zahir Ebrahim, Project


(February 18, 2013) – The Pakistani intelligentsia occupying front row chairs in the news media, and Pakistan’s so called intellectuals in its proliferating think-tanks, along with the bleeding so called liberals and the revolutionary so called conservatives, and not to forget the multiplying secular humanists and various and sundry human rights groups; all full of it. At least in my never to be humble view.

None are calling, or able to call, the systematic shia killing perceptively, forget forensically.

Labels such as “genocide” to “ethnic cleansing” to “shia-phobia” are bandied about by the erudite analysts and Pakistani expats writing all over the world; and the shia mullahs in Pakistan are evidently harvesting huge audiences from the misfortunes of the dead and their grieving families; إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ ; all blind to the geopolitical game being played in Pakistan with proxy service providers.

Yes, protesting these killings of the innocent is necessary; silence is a crime. But unless the game is understood, what the players are doing will never be understood – and therefore, never interdicted effectively in self-defence.

On the surface, the killing of the shias in Quetta, Baluchistan, appears entirely senseless. It is presented as the work of sectarian hatred by the odd terrorist and fanatic group who supposedly hate the shias.

Nothing can be further from truth. Mercenaries and assets do not hate. They follow handlers’ orders.

To understand what is transpiring in Pakistan, one must first journey to Iran of the 1970s when SAVAK roamed supreme and tyrannized Iranians, with an entirely predictable outcome — at least predictable for those at the RAND Corporation. The same strategy is being fomented by the various terrorist organizations in Pakistan. They are collectively, a replacement of SAVAK.

Just as the terrorist organization SAVAK was formed and trained by the CIA and worked for the Shahansha of Iran, the terrorist organizations operating in Pakistan, from Jundallah in Baluchistan targeting Iran, to its sister organizations (or itself) targeting Pakistanis with dumb jackasses being told to take the credit for killing the Shias in the name of religion, are trained by the same paymasters and work for those in charge of Pakistan affairs today. Some of them are the front faces duly elected, some wear uniforms, some turbans, some live abroad, and some remain occulted from the public eye. They all have the same master as Saddam Hussein and the Shahansha of Iran once did, and work in a compartmentalized and cellularized manner from each other towards a broader agenda about which each perhaps remains entirely clueless. Each is respectively led by the carrot of its own genius mind. The terrorists, organized in blue-teams and red-teams, also remain unaware of each others’ existence and do their assigned job. And part of that job is to divert attention to make it look sectarian and religious based.

This is the statecraft of modern warfare in the exercise of hegemony. There is not one general in the higher military echelons of Pakistan who can claim ignorance of these principles. Nor can the high-falutin defense analysts, the retired generals.

Yet, not once has Jundallah been mentioned by anyone in Pakistan in the targeted killing of the Shias in Quetta, and in the rest of Pakistan. The group’s name seemed to have been removed from media and military memory.

What the Shahansha’s SAVAK did, and what the West did to cultivate and protect the reaction to SAVAK’s excesses, finally bringing it to power on an Air France Jet Airliner that could have easily been blown out of existence in just the same way as Iranian passenger Airbus plane, Iran Air Flight 655, was shot down in Iranian waters in the Persian Gulf on July 3, 1988 by the U.S warship, the Vincennes, in a flagrant act of state-directed terrorism that killed 290 passengers on board; and yet “Revolutionary Islam” was brought to land safely after living through the safe-harbor in NATO controlled France, and that was after being deliberately evicted from Iraq by Saddam Hussein who also only marched to his master’s voice; all reproduced below in the retrospective on Iran.

Click on the links in the article Iran Today – Building Self Reliance Under Siege, study a little, analyze a little, and you shall perceptively begin to see the pattern of synthesis of “revolutionary Islam” — the best enemy no money can buy, but Islam provides for free to Machiavelli in the presence of Muslim sectarian cracks and lacunas, fifth columnists and mercenaries.

The Path Forward remains the same: Impacting Muslim Existence!

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Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist is one of America’s best-known critics of the War on Terror. He is the host of TRUTH JIHAD RADIO; a hard driving weekly radio show funded by listener donations at and FALSE FLAG WEEKLY NEWS (FFWN); an audio-video show produced by Tony Hall, Allan Reese, and Kevin himself. FFWN is funded through FundRazr. He also has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS, and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications. Dr. Barrett has taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin; where he ran for Congress in 2008. He currently works as a nonprofit organizer, author, and talk radio host.