Putin Playing the Game


by Katherine Frisk

This is what I think. Rightly or wrongly. Time will tell and history will most probably either bear me out or discredit me long after I have gone home.

Putin is behaving like a gentleman. Strange concept I know. Must say I have not seen one of those in a long, long time.

The Chinese have a similar social etiquette. It is called not making someone else lose face, which  is considered the height of bad manners. The West on the other hand has no such ethic.

When you are sitting with a winning hand and your opponent is in the corner, you offer them a polite way to save face and the situation is defused. This is adult, intelligent and responsible behaviour.

The West on the other hand, kicks over the table, flips out the lights and all guns are blazing. This is childish, irresponsible and spiteful behaviour. Good sportsmanship is not one of their strong points. Lying, cheating, stealing and winning at all odds, is. So much for making friends and influencing people.

At every turn I do believe Putin has made this offer to the West. And I might add, I think he has also done it because he is supported by and has very good ties with many in the West who have literally gone to him for help, because all else has failed.

This is what I think is happening now on many levels. Some examples being that the Russians can prove that the Moon landing was a fake. That 9/11 was an inside job. That for the last 15 years the US has been building vast underground facilities in Iraq, Afghanistan and in the last four years in Syria.  The list goes on and on. The vast amounts of money spent on these projects while the USA as a country has and is falling into total decline is mind-boggling. That climate change and global warming are a lie. And that Russia can also create tsunamis, earthquakes and hurricanes for the purposes of weather warfare and can use them any time they like. Nobody is impressed by the US showing off their fancy toys. Least of all those who have been subjected to this terrorism in order to force them into agreeing to TPP free trade agreements. Or to host US military bases.

The shock in the West when Putin started bombing in Syria was not so much that he was destroying Isis. Think about it. Almost two months of constant bombing raids, do the math. Isis could and should have been totally destroyed within four weeks at that rate.

What he has done is pin point underground bases and he has wiped them out. And he has read the riot act to Saudi Arabia and Israel as well. One move from either of them and their underground bases will also be gone in a flash. The same goes for Afghanistan.

I think that there is a lot that will not be said. Much to the disappointment of many I am sure. Instead I think in the interests of international co-operation and peace, there will be a slow but sure unravelling. One hopes so. Because the alternative will only create more acrimony and disharmony. Or worse. And Russia is clearly the equal if not more than the equal of the West in military capabilities.

In an article I wrote some time ago, I recalled that when Snowden had arrived in Russia, Putin said to him:

“Do not embarrass our friends.”

I think the same is equally true the other way around. Many owe Russia a huge debt for their stance against a system in the West that is clearly corrupt, criminal, Satanic and devoid of any responsibility to protect and defend anything other than their gross accumulation of wealth at the expensive of everyone else.

None of them have shown any social responsibility or are truly representative of the people who have supported them and voted them into power. Instead they have worked for and pander to the corporations and banks who pay them for their services. They have bent the law at every turn in order to rob, pillage and plunder.

They have been the Sith Lord. They have been Sauron. They have been Voldemort. They have been Scar. With one exception. The horror that they have wrought on humanity is a far cry from the fiction that represents it.

Many in the Independent media are fully aware of the full depth, breadth and scale of their depravity. Most people are not. And never will be. We all know this here. How many of you have lost friends, lost family, possibly even lost spouses for trying to expose the truth? People have turned their backs on you. The fact is, they really cannot handle the truth.

There will be no revenge.

I pray I am right.


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Katherine Frisk is or was an enigma. We know that the amazing world-changing book, Jesus Was A Palestinian, was authored by a "Katherine Frisk" but there is NO other information on "Katherine Frisk".  We don't even have an active email for her. Many say that Katherine was Catherine "Kate" Frisk who was born in Malta in 1933 and lived in the USA where she passed away in 2018. But that's NOT confirmed. It may be that "Katherine Frisk" is a nom-de-plume. Considering the subject matter in our book, it would NOT be a stretch to imagine that some would take offense to her truth-telling and so going full anonymous would make survival sense. We simply don't know.  And so we cannot 100% confirm her identity. What we do know is that Katherine submitted over 50 articles to VT and wrote a great book. That all stopped in 2018.  VT periodically does a few re-publishes of her work.