DU Effect Hits International Debate Again



By Denise Nichols

Depleted Uranium use since Operation Desert Storm is not just a health issue for Gulf War Veterans in the US but all coalition forces and endemic populations that are left to deal with the affects for billions of years.  This is an international issue that has seen the UN and WHO involved. 

Currently the UK and Scotland are once again in the debate, what many do not realize is that Italy, Germany, Greece, Japan, and many other countries have visited this issue.  While the suffering continues.

We did better with Landmine Disposal than we have done on addressing the issue of Depleted Uranium. 

This issue has had doctors and researchers that have spoken up at great risk to themselves, their careers, and yet the veterans and the everyday citizen does not speak up.  This release shows a bit of the story that has been occurring quietly behind the scenes.  Agent Orange took 20 years, Atomic Veterans issue took longer, have we made a difference with this issue? 

Well it is twenty years and counting and our troops are still not getting adequate training or prompt and effective cutting edge diagnostic testing within a month of their return and exposure.  Is there adequate counting and statistic data being collected on all the Cancers that are occurring in our troops or our veterans or is this an orchestrated attempt to not have the data?

How about the most proactive screening for cancers in our troops and our veterans so at least they have a fighting chance in a timely manner?  The troops and the veterans want to live, see their families grow, to have a productive job, and a chance to fulfill their life’s missions. 

We could at least help that along by raising our voices and helping each other and to educating our fellow citizens, to educating health care providers, to seeking out researchers to help, to getting our elected representatives and senators to do their jobs for the troops they send to war, and to getting the media to cover the issues of troops and veterans that is more important than a sex scandal in Italy, a hollywood celebrity that is big in the fashion world, than a dog that wins a dog show, and so many other news items daily.  But it takes all of us raising our voices to make it happen.  Again Twitter campaign NOW Veterans the topic!  140 characters each message, we were warriors so show it daily!

Here is the latest on the DU situation that I reported on several days ago.

16 February 2011

Scottish Parliamentarian asks US ambassador re “character assassination” of depleted uranium (DU) activists and US compliance with DU health directives

Member of the Scottish Parliament, Dr Bill Wilson, is raising the issue of depleted uranium (DU) with the US ambassador to the UK.  In a letter to Ambassador Louis B. Susman, he has asked whether a person who has been “scurrilously attacking the credibility of [DU] informants” is or was employed by any wing of the US Government or military.  He has also asked Ambassador Susman what the US Government is doing to ensure compliance with various US and international regulations, directives, bulletins and medical orders pertaining to DU, and drawn his attention to reports of a US Army order to destroy military records.

Dr Wilson said, “In the course of campaigning for openness and justice with regard to the use of DU weapons, I have been contacted by an individual who seems intent on discrediting those seeking to expose the impact of this hideous radioactive substance and to champion the health and welfare of those affected by it.  I have seen enough evidence to be convinced that DU shells have been widely used by the USA and the UK, with grave consequences for the health of both civilians and service personnel, in flagrant breach of numerous medical orders etc.  I therefore suspect the motives of the individual who has been attempting to assassinate the characters of my informants and would like to know if he has any official connections with the US government.

“If DU has a fraction of the health impact that I believe it does, then the moral, legal and financial ramifications of its use, and of any attempts to cover these up or obstruct their investigation, would be enormous.  If those in positions of authority in the USA and UK have a shred of integrity they will act now to thoroughly investigate the situation, to comply with all regulations and recommendations, to clear up the mess they have left behind in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere, and to diagnose and treat those affected.

“I have spoken of the impact on women in Fallujah – advised not to have children because the risk of deformity is so high.  It’s not only civilians who are suffering, however.  Not least affected are UK and US service personnel, who, I am led to believe, have been badly let down by the countries they risked their lives for.  At least the Italian Ministry of Defense was previously held to account in court for its failure to protect its troops against DU.  If our governments do not act now to remedy things then they will certainly be condemned by history.”

– ends –

Dear Ambassador Susman

[NAME REDACTED] and the US approach to depleted uranium regulations

In the course of campaigning on the issue of depleted uranium and its effects on civilians and service personnel (the last press release may be found here), I have got to know many dedicated scientists and campaigners.  However, I have also made the acquaintance of someone calling himself “[NAME REDACTED]”.  He has, on more than one occasion, sent me emails scurrilously attacking the credibility of my informants.  I know, from various documents I have seen, that his attacks are baseless.  I have also been supplied with other information on [NAME REDACTED], which suggests his stock-in-trade is character assassination and his mission is to do whatever it takes to discredit those working to uncover the truth about depleted uranium and to protect the health of civilians and service personnel.  The suggestion has been made that Mr [NAME REDACTED] even adopts the identity of those he seeks to discredit in some of his correspondence, the better to spread confusion and disinformation.  I am led to believe that he is, or was, associated with the Pentagon.  I would be very grateful if you could let me know whether he is, or was ever, employed by any wing of the US Government or military in any capacity and, if so, in what capacity or capacities?

I would also be grateful if you could tell me what the US Government is doing to ensure compliance with:

  • Army Regulation 700–48 (Management of Equipment Contaminated with Depleted Uranium or Radioactive Commodities)
  • Department of the Army Pamphlet 700–48 (Logistics Handling Procedures for Equipment Contaminated with Depleted Uranium or Radioactive Commodities; Headquarters, Department of the Army, Washington, DC, 27 September 2002)
  • TB 9-1300-278 (Supersedes Copy Dated 28 September 1990, Department of the Army Technical Bulletin, Guidelines For Safe Response To Handling, Storage, and Transportation Accidents Involving Army Tank, Munitions or Armor Which Contain Depleted Uranium; Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited. Headquarters, Department of the Army July 1996)
  • Task number: 031-503-1017 (RESPOND TO DEPLETED URANIUM/LOW LEVEL RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS (DULLRAM) HAZARDS; STP 21-1-SMCT: Soldiers Manual of Common Tasks, Headquarters Department of the Army, Washington, D.C.)
  • United Nations UNEP DU directive
  • Medical care orders:  June 1991 (3rd U.S. Army Medical Command – CENTCOM),  June 1993 (issued by the Deputy Secretary of Defense), August 1993 (signed by General Eric Shinseki who is now Secretary of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs), which contained the words:
  1. Provide adequate training for personnel who may come in contact with depleted uranium equipment.
  2. Complete medical testing of personnel exposed to DU contamination during the Persian Gulf War.

Develop a plan for DU contaminated equipment recovery during future operations

  • October 1993 (the Somalia DU medical care order issued by the Pentagon)
  • May 2003 (signed Assistant Secretary of Defense, Dr. William Winkenwerder)
  • April 2004 (signed by LTG Peake) (attached)

I would further be obliged if you could let me know why the United States appears to deny that there are significant adverse health and environmental effects from the use of uranium weapons when Colonel J. Edgar Wakayama clearly stated that there are serious adverse health effects and adverse environmental effects in his Pentagon briefing. Read full document.

Finally, you will find attached a report from the Army Times website, dated Friday 11 February 2011 and titled “Army told units to trash Gulf War docs”, which includes the words:  “Not just the after-action reports have been destroyed or are missing. According to some files, when some veterans come to the Veterans Administration to get help for service-related disabilities, records show they served, but medical records are missing.”   This looks like an attempt to prevent veterans seeking compensation and proper medical treatment for the hazards to which they may have been exposed.  Furthermore, it is obvious that the destruction of records would make it more difficult to prove any links between exposure to certain substances, including depleted uranium, and ill health.  This has relevance to everyone who has potentially been exposed to these substances, be they civilians or service personnel from other countries, including Scotland, and their families.  The destruction of US Army records could thus be viewed as an act with serious international repercussions.  I would be interested in your comments on this matter.

Many thanks.


Dr Bill Wilson MSP

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