Tag: Finance
Talk of Raising Taxes on Millionaires as Fiscal Cliff Looms
Millionaires money is safe for now as talk of raising taxes for them has led to no actual legislation. With the fiscal cliff lurking in the shadows of the new year, cuts to social programs becomes imminent. However cuts to defense spending have received little support.
Free Trade, Trojan Horse Stole America
When I joined the Liberty Lobby and Spotlight Newspaper in early 1980s, the major issues were confronting Zionism and Stopping NAFTAFA (the North American Free Trade and Finance agreements—note how the “finance” part is conveniently left off in most media cases).
Monetary Revolution and Alternative Money
When libertarian and investment guru Harry Browne wrote, HOW I FOUND FREEDOM IN AN UNFREE WORLD, the prospects for a global monetary dictatorship was an imminent nightmare.
Military Families Expect To Reduce Spending For The Long Haul, First...
A recent survey of more than 800 military families making at least $50,000 a year reveals that 63 percent of respondents plan to curtail household spending for a year or more.
Times Reporter Hypes Story Line “Big Criminal Mobster Sweep,” Soft pedals...
Philadelphia, Pa January 2011......New York City April Fools Day arrives very early in January. NYT top national headlines "In Big Mob Sweep, Gambino Leaders Are Indicted."
Commonsense Money
Since 1913, debt has been the only way that we in the U.S. have known to create money. Choking on debt yet short on money, Americans are reeling from too much monetary theory and too little commonsense
Leo Hindery, Jr: Treasury Secretary Geithner’s Good-News Spinning Is Out of...
Mr. Geithner's rhetorical deceptions mask the ineffectiveness of the only two potentially meaningful job-creation initiatives -- aid to the states and the bailout of Detroit -- that he and Summers largely put together, while letting him ignore the several initiatives, including trade reform, which could actually create, relatively quickly, millions of jobs.