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For the Love of Money: 5 Financial Consequences of Divorce

Divorce is a messy process, not just emotionally but financially. There are many costs associated with divorce that are often unanticipated, causing more stress to those involved.

Overcome the Inflation Rate with Appropriate Financial Plan

Structured settlement can provide great security by guaranteeing a monthly income. Whether you get $500 or $5000 a month it is a great relief...

Smart Buying and Investing: Six Reasons Why Fiat Made the Right...

Some may be confused at the joining forces of Fiat and Chrysler, however, from a business perspective, this was a good move (for the...

How to Lower Your Auto Insurance Premiums

Auto insurance is a legal requirement of all licensed drivers in Canada, and driving without insurance can put you at great risk. In the...

Jack Comeau – 4 Tips on Understanding a Client’s Risk Tolerance

Undoubtedly, one of the most important skills a financial planner can have is the ability to correctly ascertain a client’s financial risk tolerance.  It...

4 Ways To Protect Your Assets Regardless Of Global Markets

The last few years have been discouraging for a lot of investors. Ordinary bank savings accounts and certificates of deposit produce dismal returns.

Tips to becoming a Personal Finance Expert

Developing an expert view on personal finance may not come easy for most of us. Some might find the whole topic hard to digest or too complex to not be bothered about it at all, but knowing about personal finance is important for each individual or family. And it’s not as complicated as you think!

AIPAC's Federal Reserve Vice Chairman

The hand that gives is above the hand that takes. Financiers are without patriotism and without decency.

Five Reasons You Can't Get a Loan

Getting approval for a loan is a long process that looks at many financial and personal areas.

Obtaining the best insurance quote possible,what are the steps you need...

Nobody knows what may happen in the future and so, a smart person will make it a point to buy adequate insurance beforehand.

Things to Know Prior To Getting Your First Mortgage Loan

Getting the first mortgage loan is undoubtedly a new pretty pleased accomplishment. Household title can bring about a growth within you and is also generally seen as a positive step with regard to individuals and households both.

Hire an Expert Criminal Lawyer for Financial Offense

In many cases, people are used with their own habits and traditional family system. When someone in the family goes beyond the limit, it is called harassment and legal remedy is there for that affected person.

How to Reduce the Cost of Your Car and Travel Expenses

Most people are unable to avoid the cost of travel. We need to travel for work, for family commitments, and for our own essential requirements such as shopping.

The Mysteries of Life Insurance Claim Denial

Insurance, especially life insurance, can be a topic of extreme perplexity for most of us. In fact, life insurance claim denial is regarded as...

Bad Credit Borrowing How Does Bad Credit Affect Your Borrowing?

While you could wait for five or ten years to save for the project, approaching a lender for the amount will speed up the actualization of the project while repaying of the loan is as agreed.

American Money Problems – Shutdown Resolution Explained

America has finally extended its borrowing limit, but why did it happen and how has it affected the other global economies? This article looks...

The Essence Of Using Services Of Critical Illness Advisors Website

There are several reasons why critical illness insurance should be the top priority of any person who has a chronic, terminal or any other...

Do Payday Loans Help People in Emergencies?

Payday loans meet the urgency of the individuals who look for various ways of getting fast cash. Interest rates imposed on the loan by the lender may be high but the loan amount surely helps in paying off unexpected medical bills or tuition fees or heavy taxes.

Money Holes in Your Current Financial Structure

You may be surprised to find that you have less in your accounts than you estimated or even calculated. Most of the time, this happens because of money holes in your current business structure.

Rules and Restrictions for Your Employer and the Workplace Pension Scheme

Pensions in the UK are changing and starting in 2012, your employer has been required to take certain steps to ensure you have a...

Healthcare and Your Finances

Healthcare spending represents 2.5 percent of household income, according to a study done by the Center for Studying Health System Change. This amount is even higher for low-income families when factoring in prior medical debts (i.e. unpaid hospital bills, lack of health insurance, etc.) causing a financial burden that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA or Obamacare) seeks to address. As out-of-pocket spending on premiums, deductibles, prescription drug co-pays, and other expenses grow the choice between getting healthy and staying sick becomes an unfortunate one for those without the financial means to pay for healthcare.

Payday Loan Advice

Be honest with yourself and assess the situation with a level above shoulders.

The Retirement Rainbow

Lack of financial planning for retirement is one reason that individuals need to continue working.

Why is horse insurance a must?

Whether you are a horse owner, a trainer, or have an equestrian business. It is a must that you have stoneways horse insurance.

Car Insurance Deductibles Demystified

Whether a driver is seeking Pennsylvania auto insurance or insurance in any of the other 49 states, he will have to determine what amount of deductible his financial situation makes him comfortable with.

How to Save Money on Your Commute

No matter how far your commute is, getting to and from work can be stressful and expensive.

What To Do With A 1099-K Form

In 2012 the federal government enacted a new tax law that required companies like StubHub, Amazon, and PayPal to track and prepare a 1099 for individuals who sell products or services online.

How sensible budgeting helps your peace of mind

Keeping everything under control is vital.

Living American Dream Makes No Cents

How much is enough? When do you stop chasing the material? Get life's operating manual from a man who reached the American dream and then fell forward and found the real paradise!

The science of finance holds application in diverse areas as below

Financial trading is executed in the financial markets. Financial securities, commodities and other items are sold and bought through financial trading in the financial markets.

The two most important charts you are likely to see all...

Two charts that can expand your opinion of the market!

Tips On Using Bankruptcy To Battle Foreclosure

The choice between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 makes all the difference in the world of foreclosure. Read the following post to know better.....

Co-eds Guide to the Financial Galaxy

Financial world overwhelming you? Read this article and drop the stress.

7 Tips For Better Life Insurance

Life insurance is the much needed protection for oneself and family for the unpredictable future.

Financial Planning and The Importance of Managing Your Money

Buying a particular investment product could possibly help you to pay off your mortgage faster, but on the other hand it might cause a delay for your retirement.

Smart Financial Solutions from Noble Loans

Supporting your higher education needs too is necessary in order to face competition and secure a plum job. This is possible only when you obtain a suitable loan from one of the reputed institutes as per the exact requirements you have got.

Gold And Silver – The End Is Near; Just Not In...

Whatever expectation[s] you may have, expect the unexpected and unlike what you may expect. So far, that has been playing out quite nicely, and one of our expectations is that it will continue to unfold in the same manner, and to the ongoing surprise of most.

Another Dismal Jobs Report

Part-time employment rose. It did so at the expense of high pay/good benefit full-time jobs.

Scandal Hits Cyprus

The hunt's on. In recent weeks, at least three people tried fleeing with more than 200,000 euros in cash on their person. They were caught. Funds were confiscated.

High Noon in Cyprus

What is ahead bodes ill for Cypriots. Predatory bankers assure it. So do Eurocrats. Corrupt politicians go along. Financial tyranny is policy.

How Merchants of Venice Created Modern Finance

Double Entry: How the Merchants of Venice Created Modern Finance is filled with colorful characters and history. Double Entry takes us from the ancient origins of accounting in Mesopotamia to the frontiers of modern finance.

Austerity American Style

Prioritizing peace over war, using US resources responsibly, enacting sustainable economic growth legislation, re-industrializing America, and job creation would do so in perpetuity.