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Tag: Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF)

Civil Right Org Files Fed Lawsuit, Seeks Injunction Against Air Force...

Albuquerque-based Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) has just filed a formal Federal court complaint and will imminently file a companion Motion for Temporary Injunction today in Federal District court (Colorado) demanding that the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) cancel its upcoming National Prayer Luncheon, on the grounds that it is a blatant violation of the plaintiffs' Constitutional rights as guaranteed by the First Amendment.

Onward Christian Soldiers … To Dangerous Hypocrisy

Talk to Mikey Weinstein for even a few minutes, and you get the definite sense that the man must have gills. It is the...

Veterans, The Military, and Religious Freedom

Rightwing, sectarian Christians are embedded at the DVA,  the Pentagon, all branches of the U.S. military, and the military academies. They want Christian armed forces. And they have...

United States Air Force Responds in Defense of Christian Dominionists and...

Updated: The Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) and its allies waged a new line of attacks towards Lt. Gen. Michael Gould, the Superintendent of the U.S. Air...

Air Force Academy: Lies, Lies and More Lies

From: USAF Academy Staff Officer's E-mail Address Withheld Date: January 21, 2011 12:44:00 PM MST To: Mikey Weinstein Subject: Air Force Academy: "Lies, Lies and More Lies" Mr....

VT Supports MRFF’s Demand to U.S. Air Force Academy

Veterans Today supports the January 20, 2011, letter written by the Military Religious Freedom Foundation to Lieutenant General Michael Gould, the Superintendent of the U.S....

Veterans for Common Sense Supports Civil Rights Group Against Military Proselytizing

Veterans for Common Sense (VCS) supports the January 20, 2011, letter written by the Military Religious Freedom Foundation to Lieutenant General Michael Gould, the...

Air Force Academy Taps “Member of Lord’s Army” Veteran to Speak...

During the first two weeks of February, military bases and schools across the country will join dozens of other organizations is holding annual "prayer...

U.S. Army Troop’s First-Person Story: I’m a “Spiritual Fitness Failure”

... Before I tell you, Mr. Weinstein and the MRFF, of my total outrage at the U.S. Army for grading me as a "Spiritual...


Christian Zionist John Hagee Draws Fire ALBUQUERQUE – Mikey Weinstein, Founder and President of the Military Religious Freedom Foundationand member of the JewsOnFirst advisory board, and...

Mikey Weinstein with Keith Olbermann Hits Forced Religion in Army

U.S. Army to Sgt: "You lack a sense of meaning and purpose in your life." MRFF Founder and President Mikey Weinstein discusses the unconstitutional, mandatory U.S. Army “Comprehensive...

Army’s “Spiritual Fitness” Test Comes Under Fire—Designed by Psychologist Who Inspired...

An experimental, Army mental-health, fitness initiative designed by the same psychologist whose work heavily influenced the psychological aspects of the Bush administration's torture program...

Letter from Australian Army Warrant Officer to American Mil Officers

Combining religion and military life is inherently dangerous, and all steps should be taken to ensure the two are not conflated, either by those...

“Impotent little mouse of a Jew”

Seems that many self-professed Christians are less than thrilled with the efforts of Mikey Weinstein, the Military Religious Freedom Foundation and its allies working...

Family’s Fight Against Air Force Academy Intensifies Over “Baa Baa Sisterhood...

Lauren Baas, a US Air Force Academy graduate, was the victim of proselytizing by Cadets for Christ. This cookbook (pictured at left) entitled "Baa...

Nein! No Gays! Christian General Tries to Set the President Straight

Gen. James F. Amos, the commandant of the Marine Corps, says he believes gay and lesbians are a detraction that would cause Marines " 'to break or potentially break ... focus. I don't want to permit that opportunity to happen. And I'll tell you why. If you go up to Bethesda [Naval] Hospital . . . Marines are up there with no legs, none. We've got Marines at Walter Reed [Army Medical Center] with no limbs," said Amos.

Cadets for Christ Proselytizing Draws Protest from Cadet Parents

- Do we have a secular military? - As many families write annual holiday letters to update relatives and friends of noteworthy events over the...

OIF Troop on Coercive Christian U.S. Military: “I Refuse To Be...

- Speaking out against proselytizing Christian Dominionists - From: U.S. Army Soldier's E-mail Address Withheld Date: October 6, 2010 1:34:31 AM MDT To: Mikey Weinstein <mikey@militaryreligiousfreedom.org> Subject: I Refuse To...

Former USAF Academy Professor Slams Christian Bigotry

The cadets don't harass other cadets under religious pretext on their own; they take their cues from officers, junior and senior, a core of whom believe, or at least behave as if, the USAFA is the seminary of God's Air Force

Military Religous Freedom Group to Donate a New Qur’an to Afghan...

The Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) will not let the Qur'an-burning Islamophobia and plain bigotry go unchallenged. From the Military Religious Freedom Foundation: After being contacted by...

Officer Thanks Religious Freedom Org for Help Against Extensive Bible Training...

- Army pressured Soldiers to attend Christian concert, Anti-Discrimination Officials Pressured Soldiers Not to File Discrimination Complaints, the soilders did what they wanted and many supporters...

Military Religious Freedom Head Blasts NY Mosque Opponents

"This is an incredible outrage. Our allied commander in World War II was a German. His last name was Eisenhower, I looked it up. But no one ever came up to him and said, ‘you can’t lead because you’re German'. The anti-Mosque mentality is horrible but it’s nothing new.”

Mass Baptism of Marines Used by Jihadist Website As Proof of...

Surely the Taliban and Al Qaeda will be sending bountiful fruit baskets to Lt. Col. Kaifesh, and his entire culpable USMC/DoD chain of command, for so magnificently advancing the cause of their "U.S. as Crusaders" propaganda machine.

Vets for Common Sense and Religious Freedom Org Slam Christian Proselytizing...

- Attempts to reverse the Dr. Sally Satel-Dallas Theological Seminary School of Treatment for PTSD—stressing belief in a Christian God over disability benefits and professional medical...

No Dominion: The Lonely, Dangerous Fight Against Christian Supremacists Inside the...

By Matthew Harwood, t r u t h o u t | Report In his fight against British imperialism, Mahatma Gandhi described the life cycle of...