By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor

The war in Afghanistan was planned long before 9/11, that war and Iraq too, wars were planned we haven’t even started yet and certainly will never live to finish.  War is a business and creating war, manufacturing reasons for war including staging acts of terrorism and promoting worldwide strife is seen by “insiders” as “business as usual.”

If you wonder why those who start wars never fight them, why their children never fight them and why everyone around them grows rich and fat from war, you haven’t been paying attention.  There is nothing to wonder about.

Today, an Afghan pilot killed 9 of his NATO allies.  This story is a breaking one as is the announcement of the musical chairs in Washington’s “land of deceit,” Panetta going to DOD and Petraeus to CIA.  These two stories and every other one, from the spurious collection of “cherry picked” and, as we now learn again, censored Wikileaks, to the endless reports, scares and conspiracies that pour into our heads the second we choose to expose ourselves to any type of media, these stories are worse than any narcotic.

Drinking poison would be safe, perhaps healthier too.

After 10 years in Afghanistan, nobody is really asking why we are there, we simply pick up the body bags and deliver the cash.  I am told we haul out tons of heroin in the process, but we can let that go for now.  The devastation of the drug trade that the corrupt press is told to blames on the Taliban, an idiotic assertion to anyone with common sense, is a minor issue.  This year, that “minor issue” will generate $80 billion dollars in revenue.  The Afghan heroin trade has its own air force and, most important of all, may be one of the largest banking and investment firms in the world, centered in Zurich, Dubai, Tel Aviv and New York.

Imagine that people are supposed to believe the Taliban do this?

This week, while Wikileaks is telling us that “terrorists” have hidden a nuclear weapon in Europe somewhere, set to go off at any time and has reconfirmed the usual rubbish, chickenfeed and carefully ‘seeded’ war mongering, congress has been discussion billions stolen by military contracting firms. (Intelligence reports indicate that the nuclear threat is greatest at airports managed by a company called ICTS.  Heathrow was mentioned.)

Don’t mistake the former soldiers working for these firms as at fault.  In fact, most of these firms were created specifically to bilk the government out of money, set up by political types, staffers, party officials and big contributors as conduits for fraud.

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If you are wondering why you didn’t see this story in the papers or on television, you aren’t the only one.  It is a story, not only of theft but of cover-up as well.  How much is missing?  By 2005, the official figure was nearly $300 billion.  With the nation tearing itself apart over $75 million for Planned Parenthood, money primarily spent for cancer screening and prenatal care for the poor, well, you see where this is going.  America’s infant mortality rate is heading for “3rd world’ status while $300 billion, probably much more than that, sits in foreign banks, laundered through the offshore corporations that have been outsources to handle the spurious “War on Terror.”

The question isn’t just theft, it’s that nobody seems to care.  From the Press TV report:

The commission discovered that billions of dollars are missing, misspent, or defrauded by private contractors in Afghanistan, and questioned why companies caught cheating the US taxpayer have not been barred from doing business with the government, the Press TV correspondent in Washington reported on Monday.

So you say, “This very important story was reported and told very well.”  Yes, you are right.  However, are you aware that it was reported only in Iran?  Press TV is Iran.  What else is Iran telling the truth about?  Perhaps, is that why they are being called an “enemy?”  Oh, they have a nuclear program that is a threat against Israel, you say?  Really?  Now where did you read that?  See where this is going?


Some people called Korea “The Forgotten War.”  If ever the was ever a war the American people have forgotten, it is Afghanistan.  Many reasons were given for attacking Afghanistan.  Our current Wikileak is still selling the fiction of Al Qaeda and bin Laden, inventions of the collective psyches of Karl Rove, Dick Cheney and the gang at Project for a New American Century.

Others talk about Karzai and his connection to oil companies and gas pipelines and still more tire more every day of seeing photographs of American Marines walking through poppy fields, supposedly funding Taliban terrorism. Do note how carefully the Marines step, under threat of punishment if they damage leaf or stem.  But even opium wasn’t a reason but rather a side benefit.


Why did we attack Afghanistan?

The answer is simple.

Afghanistan is the worst place on earth to fight a war with the best trained and best armed citizens in the world, a people who would die before surrendering to a foreign power.

Bush and his cabal of criminals walked in there, put “Karzai incorporated” into power, the “Mayor of Kabul” and, ever since, it has been a given.  America will lose, just as Russia and Britain before them.  Nobody has beaten Afghanistan.

America has no vital interest there, there was no other reason than to start a war that was accepted from day one to be permanent, a meatgrinder that would create a backdrop for fascism at home, an endless stream of caskets returning to Dover Air Force Base and a minor distraction to keep the military busy.

After all, the Pentagon needs somewhere to play, somewhere to give out medals, somewhere to hide crimes, somewhere to kidnap and torture the innocent, somewhere to live out the sick fantasies that seem to affect so many that love flags and love uniforms but hate the world so much.


No-Fly Zone Over Gaza — Petition from Anthony Lawson on Vimeo.


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Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades. Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world's largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues. Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than "several" countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.