Daily Archives: July 8, 2010

The Government is Intentionally Attacking Your Wealth and Financial Independence!

When war strategies to vanquish enemies wind up killing innocent civilians, it’s called “collateral damage.” Similarly, when political strategies to vanquish debt wipe out your wealth, the same term applies, and right now President Obama and Fed Chief Bernanke know that there is ONLY one way they can ever hope to make good on their massive debt obligations and that is to devalue the U.S. dollar! Only then can they hope to repay Washington’s debts — by doing it with cheaper dollars. Words: 2094

Option ARM Reset Payments to Explode with Devastating Consequences

The U.S. federal government and states are beginning to prepare themselves for the next foreclosure crisis in our housing malaise – payment option ARM resets are about to explode with devastating consequences. Words: 529

Might Uncle Sam Want You – and Your Gold Bullion?

The laws of gold confiscation are very clear in the U.S. During any time of national crisis, it becomes illegal to buy, sell, or “hoard” gold bullion in any form. It is delineated under an Executive Order and can be re-administered as quickly as the assets in your checking account can be frozen. The penalties for violation are 10 years in prison, $10,000 fine, or both. Words: 807

The Israeli raid of the Freedom flotilla, 31 May 2010

- U.S. Marine Ken O’Keefe said that two activists were already dead when he helped to disarm the first commandos that boarded the Mavi...

U.S. Department of Defense Announces Latest Contract Awards

No. 588-10 ------------------------------------- CONTRACTS: DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY                 Refinery Associates of Texas*, New Braunfels, Texas, is being awarded a maximum $122,798,741 fixed-price with economic price adjustment, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity...

House Veteran’s Affairs Chair Hails PTSD Rules

Carmel, NY– Congressman John Hall (NY-19), Chairman of the House Veteran’s Affairs Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs, applauded the news today that...

Report: Secret document affirms U.S.-Israel nuclear partnership

- According to Army Radio, the U.S. has reportedly pledged to sell Israel materials used to produce electricity, as well as nuclear technology and...

Commodore Tariq Majeed: London Bombings; Looking Back at July 7, 2005

London Bombings: Looking Back At July 7, 2005 By Commodore Tariq Majeed for VT and Opinion Maker  London was rocked by a string of suicidal attacks...

Legal group: Gays don’t answer Pentagon survey for fear of being outed and kicked...

By PAULINE JELINEK WASHINGTON – An advocacy group for gays in the military is warning them not to answer a Pentagon survey seeking opinions on...

The Monumental Incompetence of the TSA

-  The Monumental Incompetence of the TSA by Lew Rockwell According to GAO, TSA inspectors spend 33% of their time inspecting, 8% on incidents, 5%...

Camp Lejeune Informational Meeting Saturday July 10

By Mike Partain I hope everyone had a safe and pleasant holiday weekend. We are sending out this email to all of the TFTPTF members concerning...

Combat Relief Helps Returning Combat Troops Reconnect with Society

By Steven Van Yoder The Grant Humanitarian Foundation announces new programs to care for America’s military men and women returning from Iraq and Afghanistan The cost...

New York National Guard Units Scan Vehicles For Gun Confiscations

by Paul Joseph Watson The New York National Guard is working with local law enforcement authorities to perform sophisticated scans of vehicles entering the New...

Veterans Affairs to Ease Claim Process for Disability

Rightwingers are upset that the VA would try to make things easier for our veterans! Dr. Sally Satel, a psychiatrist and fellow at the American...

Regional Veterans News 7/08/10

Regional Veterans News 7/08/10 Regional stories on veterans’ health, education, benefits, legal affairs and other issues today from: SALT LAKE CITY, Utah - In Utah visit, VA...

Brig. Asif Haroon Raja: India: Dominance of Hindu Taliban

 INDIA: Dominance of Hindu Taliban By  Brig Asif Haroon Raja for VT and Opinion Maker  A famous Indian proverb about its mean mentality, “ooper say raam...