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Monthly Archives: August 2010

V.A. benefits topic of conference for 400,000 veterans in metro Detroit

Via Hometownlife.com Educating veteran advocates — and the estimated 400,000 veterans in metro Detroit — about benefits available from the Department of Veterans Affairs is...

Thank You Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin, Rightwingers Will Regret It

 - Stupid, white people do not mess with the memory of Dr. King and then get away with it - By mal I spent a lot...


CRASH OF AIRBUS 320 OUTSIDE ISLAMABAD NOW BELIEVED HIJACKED, HEADING FOR  NUKE FACILITY  By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor August 29, 2010 Islamabad, Pakistan (VT exclusive)  Informed...

COL. EUGENE KHRUSHCHEV: UNAMA HR devil’s advocate: part two. Afghan WMD collateral damage

UNAMA HR devil’s advocate: part two. Afghan WMD collateral damage By Col. Eugene Khrushchev (ret.) STAFF WRITER/Editor The Methodology section offers contradicting disclaimers that effectively negate...

President Obama: Why Are You Allowing Your Postmaster General to Run a Plantation?

I've also previously mentioned how much pride I took in supporting your campaign, both in my column, and through my very meager bank account. While the historic nature of your candidacy wasn't lost on me, I didn't support you simply because you were Black, however - Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are also Black, but I didn't support either of them. I supported you because I was inspired by your pledge to usher in a change that I could believe in. Well, frankly, especially in the current matter, I'm not seeing that.

Marine’s service dog and errand for daughter prompts call to police

- From America's VetDogs: America’s VetDogs uses guide dogs, service dogs, and innovative technology to help disabled veterans once again live the lives they...

48 Percent of the GOP Is … Not Brilliant

- United States Constitution, Article VI, paragraph 3: " .... o religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or...

VA/NIH Award $6 Million for Substance Abuse Research

The Department of Veterans Affairs is partnering with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to award $6 million in grants for research examining the link between substance abuse and military deployments and combat-related trauma. “VA has a commitment to meet the full range of our Veterans’ physical and mental health care needs, and that includes addressing substance abuse,” said Dr. Joel Kupersmith, VA’s chief research and development officer. “This coordinated research effort is one more way we are turning that commitment into action.”

Twenty-eight-year-old Army veteran killed, officer wounded in Salt Lake City shootout

Salt Lake City prosecutor Sim Gill, who recently started a program to help veterans who have minor brushes with the law get the mental health treatment they need, said the Friday incident is evidence of the pain soldiers often carry home from war.

The American Selective Sensitivity to the Mosque and to Israel

But then why did not the same sincere and patriotic Americans accuse a long line of politicians and presidents of the united states of being Zionists and cover up accomplices to a 60 year of committing war crimes and genocide against Palestinians? Where have the American sensitivity and wisdom been all those years? Or could the American sensitivity be the selective type?


"DOWNLOADED FROM THE INTERNET" LIKE SITE INTELLIGENCE DOES By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor Just in time for the 9/11 "celebrations" in New York, the "idiotfests" prostesting...

McCain Was Dishonest Flip-Flopper on Martin Luther King Day

As we mark the anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr's "I Have a Dream" address, it's not surprising to find that John McCain opposed making Martin Luther King day a...

Glenn Beck Is Not Martin Luther King Jr.

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter

The Dream Lives

I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history...

Free Gaza Mission Vows Escalation of Struggle Against Israel

We Americans are all Palestinians. From the two small boats that landed on August 23, 2008, we grew to six ships in the last flotilla, and will have nine to twelve in the flotilla this fall as we go back to Gaza. To borrow from Dr. King who gave a beautiful anthem for justice in Washington D.C., the Free Gaza movement knows that somehow this situation can and will be changed. Let us not wallow in the valley of despair. Let us see the day when we can say: "Free at last! free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"

Vietnam Vets of America Slams CIA stonewalling in lawsuit on experiments on troops

"Even more unbelievably, it appears that defendants have yet to search even the most obvious location for documents — Edgewood Arsenal itself," the motion states, referring to the location northeast of Baltimore where the experiments are said to have been carried out.

VA Sec Shinseki brings message of respect in visit to Providence

By Felice J. Freyer in the Providence Journal Providence, Rhode Island— Staff Sgt. Cory Remsburg, an Army Ranger, was on his 10th deployment last fall...

Review of Justin Vaïsse’s Neoconservatism Book

- The mainstream’s high praise of this book, however, would seem to be due in large part to its minimization of two taboo issues—neoconservatism’s...

U.S. Department of Defense Announces Latest Contract Awards

No. 773-10 August 27, 2010 --------------------------------------- CONTRACTS  NAVY               BAE Systems Tactical Vehicle LP, Sealy, Texas, is being awarded a $628,999,998 firm fixed priced delivery order #0009 under previously...

Army colonel in Afghanistan fired for criticizing PowerPoint

- And now NATO has fired a colonel serving as a staff officer in Afghanistan for daring to criticize the most important tool we...

Democracy denied: David Broder, John McCain, and the delusional politics of centrism

Aristotle, in his Book II of the Nicomachean Ethics sees virtue as an admirable character trait that is the mean between the vices of deficiency...

US military deaths in Afghanistan at 1,145

By the Associated Press As of Thursday, Aug. 26, 2010, at least 1,145 members of the U.S. military had died in Afghanistan as a result...

Mystery Deepens How Long Has XMRV and SAIC Been Involved?

Movement on New Retrovirus is Rapid! Mystery Deepens on XMRV Now SAIC Shows Involvement From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access ...


I am not against war. I am a combat Vietnam Veteran. I know war. Lives were stolen in Vietnam and we are doing again every day, maybe not in same numbers but the lessons of Vietnam have more than been forgotten. The brightest time in American history, another "greatest generation" may well have been the one that stopped an evil and corrupt war. That generation saw the cost. Only the young, the young and the parents of those the war destroyed knew Vietnam. America simply turned away, a nation of, do we call them, do we call us, cowards? Is there another term?

Gulf War Illness in the News Again With Dr Haley

Gulf War Illness newest study by Dr Haley is hot off the press.  More scientific proof of damage done to gulf war veterans.  The question...

Milligan to head Fla. VA Dept, Replaces the Esteemed Leroy Collins Jr.

- Big shoes to fill in Fla - TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- Former state Comptroller Bob Milligan will head the Florida Department of Veterans Affairs on...

Calls for Industrial Policy … ‘Socialism,’ Sarah Will Squawk … But We Need Massive...

It's apparent to all but the most blind policymakers that something is scary about this recession/recovery/recession [40 percent chance of a double-dip, says Roubini].

GOP plans wave of White House probes and paralysis, should it win either house

By Glenn Thrush at the Politico If President Barack Obama needed any more incentive to go all out for Democrats this fall, here it is: Republicans...

Sign VoteVets Letter on the Muslim Community Center

Iraq War Veteran and Chairman of VoteVets.org Jon Soltz contacted VT and asked us to forward this letter from Iraq and Afghanistan War Veterans...

DoD Suicide Task Force Contradicts Army Findings

- One suicide every 36 hours - Contradicting  the U.S. Army's suicide prevention report, an independent DoD report released this week failed to place the blame for...

Iraq and Afghan War Vets Defend ‘Ground Zero’ Muslim Community Center

By Ernest A. Canning  at the Brad Blog "The terrorists who attacked us on 9/11 do not represent Islam. Far better representatives of Islam are the...

Poll: Muslims Give Obama Highest Approval, Mormons Give the Lowest

- Mormons give 24-percent approval rating, Muslims 78, Jews 61 - Via the Political Wire - Gallup: "Among major religious groups in the United States, Muslims...

Krugman: This Is Not a Recovery

By Paul Krugman in the NYT What will Ben Bernanke, the Fed chairman, say in his big speech Friday in Jackson Hole, Wyo.? Will he hint...

PHILIP GIRALDI: Israeli Mossad Spying in America

- Israeli intelligence steps up its activity in the U.S. — and gets away with it. By Philip Giraldi - From the American Conservative via My...

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News

From the VA: Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News 1.      Shinseki To PVA: Department Will "Never Give Up" On Any Veteran. The Providence (RI) Journal (8/27,...

Government balks at covering treatment for painkiller dependency

By Joseph P. Kahn at the Boston Globe BRAINTREE — In the space of a few hours, on bomb-clearing patrol near Balad, Iraq, US Army...

VA Works Genetics and Colorectal Cancer

HAVE YOU HEARD? The ability to determine a patient’s increased genetic risk of disease and provide appropriate health care is emerging as a component of...

U.S. Department of Defense Announces Latest Contract Awards

No. 771-10 August 26, 2010 -------------------------------------------- CONTRACTS DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY                 Science Applications International Corp., Fairfield, N.J., is being awarded a maximum $500,000,000 indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for maintenance, repair and...

Harper Scott Clark: Robert R Rynearson MD HOPES HIS TECHNIQUE HAS FUTURE FIGHTING...

DOCTOR HOPES HIS TECHNIQUE HAS FUTURE FIGHTING PTSD By Harper Scott Clark Temple Daily Telegram – Staff Writer http://www.tdtnews.com/story/2010/3/9/64674 A technique meant to relieve physical...

Is it time to MOVE ON from the hardship WAR has caused YOU

This article, A Veteran Weighs the Costs of War, was sent into VT by Persian Gulf War Veteran Chante Wolf with permission to...

Dedicated Logistics, Inc. (DLI) Reaches Out to US Military Veterans

DLI teams with HireVeterans.com for a second year, US Veterans wanted By Randy Miller Dedicated Logistics, Inc. (DLI), prides themselves on being leaders in providing...

Scahill: Shhhhhh! JSOC is Hiring Interrogators and Covert Operatives for ‘Special Access Programs’

What has become abundantly clear is that the Obama administration has taken the Bush-era doctrine of the world as a battlefield and run with it. US special forces are now operating in seventy-five countries across the globe—up from sixty under Bush—and special operations sources say Obama is a major fan of the work of JSOC and other special operations forces.