JB Campbell: War Crimes


In comparison with the father, the son hasn’t killed as many people yet. We seem to forget just how many Iraqis George H. W. Bush really killed with his Desert Storm and follow-up punishments of the Iraqi people, which were in the guise of “UN sanctions.” Ramsey Clark was claiming over a million victims back in the late ’90s, I believe. The sardonically-named Operation Iraqi Freedom is just a continuation of the Bush/Clinton years of Zionist sadism against the Semitic people – the only people entitled to live in the Middle East (plus the Persians). Zionists are not Semitic. Arabs are Semitic. Zionists are anti-Semitic. They are also the biggest liars on the face of this earth.

Bush War Criminal Back in ’91, when I was freshly outraged by Bush’s aggression against Panamanians and Iraqis, I was visited by three agents of the Secret Service at my home in Los Angeles. A couple of others named Silverman and Levine had pushed their way into my mother’s house in Carmel, looking for me, the day before. I had written something called Executive Action, a chapter of my new book, and had sent it out to subscribers who wanted to get the thing hot off the presses.

The CIA assassin, Bo Gritz, got a hold of it and passed it to his colleagues in the FBI, who passed it along to the Secret Service. In the piece I went over Bush’s role in the assassination of Jack Kennedy, just to show his CIA pedigree, and also his treachery against his Central American and Mesopotamian victims. I wrote that this country-club commando had an extremely sinister side: He was a client of the Nebraska child-sex procurer Larry King, according to John DeCamp and Ted Gunderson, and he was the assassin known as “Icepick,” according to Admiral Gunther Russbacher of the Office of Naval Intelligence and CIA, who was in a position to know.

The Secret Service didn’t care for my attitude and the three amigos who came to my house said they would kill me if I were seen anywhere near their boss. I had been classified as a terrorist by the Secret Service and FBI during the summer of 1990. I was probably lucky to survive the visit. The SS doesn’t operate under the same rules of engagement as do the regular police. They are truly licensed to kill, at their discretion. No questions asked. They just said they’d kill me if they saw me near Bush.

Bush sent Russbacher to prison around 1990 to keep him from talking about the October Surprise of 1980, in which Bush made a deal with the Iranian ayatollahs to hold on to their American hostages for a few extra months so that Jimmy Carter couldn’t free them in time for the November election. That was the birth of the Iran-Contra scandal in which Israel was given billions of dollars of military spare parts which they sold to the Iranians and gave some of their profits to Oliver North, who then set up the Mena, Arkansas operation to trade AK-47s for cocaine with the CIA mercenaries we knew as the Contras.

The Contras were “against” the people Jimmy Carter installed in Nicaragua the year before – the Sandinistas. Bill Clinton, then governor of Arkansas, ran “the Enterprise” for North and Bush until he got too greedy and it was shut down and temporarily run out of Guadalajara by North’s agent, Terry Reed, who described the dirty details in his astonishing book, Compromised. Oliver North, using his CIA name (“John Cathey”) and Bill Clinton flooded American cities with cocaine, which Gary Webb tried to describe in his series in the San Jose Mercury News before he was murdered.

Russbacher approached me from federal prison around 1992. His boss, a higher-ranking admiral, gave him my book, The New American Man – A Call to Arms, which called for the violent overthrow of the US government. (I couldn’t think of any other way to do it and I still can’t.) They thought I might be useful as part of their Faction 2 group to take over from the Rockefeller/Bush gang they called Faction 1. They released certain sensitive information through my column in the National Educator newspaper. Russbacher revealed to me that he was the pilot of a business jet who flew Bush and a dozen politicians of both parties to Paris in October, 1980 to meet with the Iranians to make the deal. And he flew Bush alone back to Washington DC in an SR-71 Blackbird at supersonic speeds that gave Bush the ability to deny that such a trip had ever occurred, with the help of corrupt, lying Secret Service agents faking his schedule that day. The hostages were held until his and Reagan’s inauguration ceremony, as agreed in Paris.

After he became the acting president following the near-death of Reagan, Bush started helping Saddam’s Iraq against the Iranians, which resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths on both sides. This was a world-class war crime by Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and their Zionist managers. No one in America knew that we were supplying the Iraqis against the Iranians until the USS Stark was attacked by Iraq in May, 1987 and thirty-seven US sailors killed. George Schultz assured us that it was a mistake because we were in fact supplying Iraq in its war against Iran. Fourteen months later, the USS Vincennes shot down an Iranian airliner and slaughtered two hundred ninety Iranian passengers. This was a notable war crime. What made it more notable was the aftermath.

In 1990, after an official enquiry, the captain of the Vincennes was awarded by President George H. W. Bush the Legion of Merit for “exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of an outstanding service.” Al Capone couldn’t have put it better!

One of Bush’s first independent actions as president was his 1989 invasion of Panama and the kidnapping and silencing of his cocaine stooge, Manuel Noriega. This is where we saw the secret mass graves of approximately six thousand Panamanian civilians, dug by US army bulldozers and shown on CBS’s 60 Minutes one Sunday evening in 1990. The next week, CBS apologized for showing that and said it never really happened. This was a major war crime and cover-up by the Zionist media/government combination.

I think it was around this time that the US press lost its guts in the realization that the Bush gang was a bunch of stone killers.

Right after Desert Storm, Bush nearly got killed by the Israelis. He always gave Israel about 99% of what it wanted, including 10 billion dollars in “loan guarantees” for allowing America to wipe out its Iraqi enemy in 1991. But when Bush and Baker told Israel to back off on the “settlements,” and threatened to delay the loan guarantees, the Mossad decided to assassinate Bush, according to Victor Ostrovsky, who wrote about the plot in his second book, The Other Side of Deception. Ostrovsky himself warned the Secret Service that Bush would be killed in Spain at the G-8 conference. They believed him, since Ostrovsky was a career Mossad officer. The loan guarantees, obviously, were given to Israel after that.

Bush was a conflicted guy whose voice was a combination of John Wayne and Liberace. Russbacher told me that the bisexual Bush started out after Yale as an assassin for the CIA, and liked to use an icepick on his victims. Russbacher was also an assassin for the ONI and CIA and the son of a founder of CIA, and was thus in a position to know his colleagues and their resumes.

Bush came from the Yale sex and power club known as the Brotherhood of Death, or Skull & Bones. His penchant for killing became apparent to us all in 1991, less than a year after he bragged on television about the New World Order (on September 11, 1990). His version of it began with the illegal invasion of Iraq and the subsequent mass murders of over a million souls on behalf of the Zionist entity and his own powerbase, Big Oil. Bush was himself a one-third partner in Pennzoil and as that an owner of Getty Oil and Texaco.

As I wrote in Jewish Rule, our criminal invasion and occupation of Iraq is for the purpose of keeping Iraqi oil in the ground, and out of the gas tanks of consumers, where it would lower the price of fuel due to its fabulous abundance. Proven Iraqi reserves place it in the Top Five, along with Saudi Arabia, Iran, Venezuela and Gulf States. That’s the admitted Top Five. There are other Top Fives that are kept secret and include the Beaufort Sea, Colorado, MacKenzie River and the Falkland Islands. Fact is, there’s just too much oil and something has to be done to keep it in the ground. The first place to do that is Iraq. To add to Big Oil’s problems, a Florida man has recently patented a device that alters water molecules slightly for use as a clean and virtually free replacement for gasoline as fuel. He has prudently withdrawn his brilliant invention from the market for a few years.

Anyway, the subject is War Crimes, which are the most serious of all crimes as they include murder, rape, torture, kidnapping and general aggression and lying. The murder is mass murder and this cannot be overemphasized. Our government employees are mass murderers and they do it in our name. Some Americans still justify the nuclear bombing of Japanese civilians by citing the brutal behavior of their soldiers, sailors and airmen, all of which was uncontrollable by the civilians. Many Americans still insist that collective punishment in the form of evaporation for most and agonizing slow death for some was proper. But because the women and children and old men of Hiroshima and Nagasaki didn’t disarm the Japanese army, they deserved to be incinerated.

I disagree. I believe that only the guilty should be punished. And the punishment should fit the crime. But by the prevailing standard in this country, we are all due for collective punishment for sponsoring and supporting our warlords of Washington.

George W. Bush is a certified war criminal. He’s a chip off the old block. When I say “Bush,” of course I refer to the whole organized crime syndicate under – and over – him. Every single person in the Bush Administration is subject to prosecution for war crimes and this is demonstrated by the actions of the sinister little character known as Alberto R. Gonzales, our 80th Attorney General, when he warned Bush of their exposure and then went to GOP lawmakers seeking an exemption from the War Crimes Act of 1996. Gonzales is a Harvard Law School graduate and he knows how to read a statute. It is easy to see why he is worried:

“The War Crimes Act of 1996 was passed by the United States Congress and signed into law by President Clinton. The law defines a war crime as a violation or grave breach of any of the Geneva Conventions. The law applies if either the victim or the perpetrator is a national of the United States or a member of the US armed forces. The penalty may be life imprisonment or death. The death penalty is only invoked if the conduct resulted in the death of one or more victims.” (Wikipedia)

Gonzales is the one who advised Bush to ignore the Geneva Conventions with regard to kidnap, torture and murder of Moslems. He’s the one who called those protections “quaint.” He recommended the building and staffing and use of offshore torture centers in Cuba, Iraq, Egypt, Jordan and throughout Europe. They’re all modeled on the Israeli torture centers. Alberto Gonzales represents a dangerous specimen of humanity – the highly educated professional who sells his skills to rich and greedy murderers such as George W. Bush, Richard Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld.

Now, this might not affect the Bush crime syndicate as long as he remains in office, but it could. These Bush hoodlums are all subject to the death penalty, according to the War Crimes Act of 1996, because their conduct has resulted in the deaths of thousands and thousands of victims. They waged aggressive war, something so heinous that our own government made it a hanging offense right when they declared it illegal. And our government hanged a bunch of people who hadn’t known about the law, because it wasn’t against the law when they went to war (to defend themselves from us). We call that an ex post facto law, and at the time of the kangaroo court in Nuremberg, such a law was illegal for the US to enforce. But that was then and this is now. Now, everyone knows that if you wage aggressive war you can be hanged as a war criminal. That’s why we’ve got Saddam in that kangaroo courthouse in Baghdad – for waging aggressive war against the Kurds. It’s the most serious crime with hanging as the expected punishment. Knowing well how the Germans were abused at Nuremberg, Saddam has asked to be shot rather than hanged.

Gonzales knew all this and he warned Bush that taking the US to war in Iraq under false pretenses was going to be judged as a war crime and that they all could be arrested, tried and hanged as war criminals. And he went to the Republican Party leadership and begged for some kind of exemption for them all. Maybe he got it, but I don’t know how.

But let’s say he got it. Let’s say that Senator Bill Frist and Senator Pat Roberts and the GOP warlords somehow stymie a special prosecutor that the Democrats might appoint if the elections go sour. Or that the Democrats lose their nerve and let the war criminals off, since most of them voted for the war crimes to take place, although they now claim ignorance. The question is, what are we going to do about it? Let the politicians handle it?

Keep on voting?

I say no. No more voting. No more Elephant and Donkey puppet shows. See where voting has got us? Voting has got us into the slaughterhouse. Next stop: the poorhouse. Voting is for cowards. Voting is weak people hiring strong people to boss them around and steal their money and make all their decisions for them.

Voting is for cowardly fools who will not take responsibility for their own lives. And that’s ignoring the subject of vote fraud and our rigged elections. Even if the vote was honest, and it’s not, it’s still a cowardly practice.

How do we regain our honor and dignity now that we know that we are led by sadistic war criminals who have ordered the torture, rape and murder of thousands upon thousands of harmless and friendly people? War criminals whose only hope to escape the hangman is more corruption by lawmakers and police and prosecutors and judges, most of whom are corrupt Freemasons?

Voting is the trademark of Democracy, right? So, what is Democracy? I’ll tell you.

Democracy is what we could call Jewish rules of conduct. Last month I wrote something called Jewish Rule. It was a warning of the horrors involved in allowing Jews to rule a society, as they ruled Russia after 1917, all of East Europe after 1945 and Palestine since 1948. By Jewish Rule I referred to Communism and Zionism.

Democracy, however, is a transition stage from liberty to Communism in which Jews make the rules of society by controlling the currency and credit and virtually all media of communication, thereby keeping public criticism within bounds acceptable to Jewish censors, and they censor everything. Practically every special interest group in America has a Jew in it who tries to control the group’s actions and policies. No group is exempt, not even the Toy Train Collectors’ Association, for example, or the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association or your homeowners’ association. Certainly no group devoted to anything remotely connected with politics does not have a Jew in it who gravitates to a position of power very quickly and makes his or her position even more powerful.

Nowadays, all these Jews are Zionists who demand support for Israel, or prohibit criticism of Israel.

Israel is called “the only democracy in the Middle East.” This is true, because “democracy” now means Rule by Jews, or at least Jewish rules of conduct. It doesn’t mean majority rule, it means minority rule. Our craven politicians vie for the crucial “Jewish vote,” even though it represents only 2% of the population. Notice that in Israel, the Semitic majority does not have a political voice at voting time. The Semitic majority doesn’t get to vote in that democracy. They can’t even vote in their own Palestinian elections the way they want, as we see in the case of Hamas being voted into power by a landslide in the little sliver of land that is still called Palestine. Israel simply nullified the election and started arresting and murdering the newly-elected representatives. Now, that is pure Democracy!

It has just been revealed that the Bush crime syndicate is behind the invasion of Lebanon by the inept Israeli killers and that the invasion has been in the works for over two years as a run-up to an invasion by joint US/Israeli aggressors against Iran and Syria. Bush’s neo-con geniuses figured it would be another cakewalk, as they figured the invasion of Iraq would be a cakewalk. As this is written, Israel is begging for some kind of international force to replace its battered killers in south Lebanon. America can’t do it, due to its little misadventure in Iraq. How these Zionist planners figure to take over Syria and Iran, even after they nuke them, is beyond this cowboy’s imagination.

Have you heard talk radio lately, since the invasion of Lebanon by Israel? It is like something out of a William Pierce novel. All the hosts I’ve heard in the past month, Jew and Gentile alike, are united in their snarling support of Israel’s “right to defend itself.” They are also united in their desire that Syria and Iran be attacked with nuclear weapons. In other words, they are all war criminals. We hanged a man at Nuremberg named Julius Streicher because he had a tabloid in the early days of the NS period that was critical of Jews.

He was no more a part of the Hitler government that Sean Hannity is of the Bush government, but he was hanged in the most sadistic fashion by a Jewish hangman. It is something that I have warned Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh about, because they have exhorted Americans and the American government to wage aggressive war against the enemies of Israel on behalf of Israel and as such they are subject to arrest, prosecution and hanging as war criminals.

They’ve done far worse than Julius Streicher ever did. All Streicher did was tell the truth about Jews, and print political caricatures of them. Hannity, Doyle, Coulter, Limbaugh, the Savage Wiener, O’Reilly and the rest are paid liars who owe their stinking careers to the Zionists at Fox, Clear Channel and the Anti-Defamation League. Their favorite new buzz-word is “Islamo-fascist,” which Bush copped from the Savage Wiener. Now, “fascist” is a real word with an actual definition. But that’s not how Jews and their useful idiots use it.

For example, thirty years ago, Clint Eastwood’s script-reader, a Jewess named Sonia Chernus, told me that my first screenplay was “fascist.” It was about my anti-terror work in Rhodesia which by its nature was anti-Communist. Jews hate anti-Communists because to them it is the same as anti-Jewish. So, while the average Birch anti-Communist didn’t know it, the Jews knew that he was anti-Jewish and their dirty word for that is “fascist.” It is the next step up from “anti-Semitic,” which can lose you your job. “Fascist” can get your house burned, depending how active you are, and “amalek” can get you arrested and killed. This is because the Amalek not only didn’t like Jews, they didn’t like the Jewish god.

I personally want to see them all hanged. I want to be the hangman of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and all the Zionist liars on radio and television who have helped to get so many people killed. The damage they have done is really beyond calculation. I realize that there a lots of guys such as myself, but I want to be the first to put it on the record.

The other night the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, gave a masterful interview to CBS Television. The next day and ever since, the Zionist gasbags have been united in their condemnation not only of Ahmadinejad but of Mike Wallace, the old Zionist who interviewed him, mainly because Wallace was half-way polite, in his own obnoxious way. “Answer the question!” [about the president’s demand that Israel disappear] Ahmadinejad finally asked him, “Are you the representative of the Zionist regime? Or a journalist?” Wallace answered, “I am a journalist. I am a journalist.”


The point is that our government is apparently planning to wage nuclear warfare against Iran and possibly Syria while Bush is still president. The Zionists know that the Democrats may win next time and that they won’t be as easy to manipulate. The Zionists are desperate to seize the entire Middle East NOW. They blew their best chance in 1967 when they failed to sink the USS Liberty and blame it on the Egyptians. That one would have worked because many people admired Israel then. This current one is a messy failure that no one is buying because Israel has been revealed as a tiny nation of liars, psychopaths and pirates. They may never have the opportunity again in their lifetimes to steal the entire Middle East and call it Eretz Israel. So they’re going for it now. They want to control all the oil.

So we must make it clear to the war criminals that we shall punish them. We must punish them or we are not men. All those who have committed war crimes in our name must be punished in ways that match their crimes. This is the only way that America can be saved. There must be public executions of all the men and women who took us to war based on lies, who ordered the slaughter and torture and kidnap of totally innocent people who offered not the slightest threat to our precious American way of life.

The sadists of Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay must be punished for crimes against humanity. The bomber pilots must be punished, the infantrymen who destroyed homes and slaughtered the people, the ones who launched the cruise missiles from ships at sea. All of them. Our government already established at Nuremberg that “just following orders” is no excuse when it comes to war crimes and crimes against humanity, which are one and the same thing.

These people must all be hanged, which is the accepted and traditional American punishment for capital crimes and especially for war crimes. They have already committed the crimes that call for their hanging, so they feel they have nothing to lose by nuking Iran and Syria for their Israeli masters. How the nuking of Iran and Syria would be good for the Jews is another question that we can’t examine here because of its mind-numbing insanity. We are up against a combination of cunning, greed and insanity that is hard to describe, let alone argue with. It can only be exterminated, as we do with dangerous or filthy insects and vermin in our homes. And when we’re dealing with rats and cockroaches, we don’t take any of them prisoner.

If we don’t hang our war criminals then we are subject to collective punishment by our victims down the road. This is obvious, because that’s what we have done to everyone else. We must show the rest of the world that we are responsible for our leaders’ crimes. We must take total responsibility for the direction of this country before our war criminals destroy the Middle East and probably Europe. This is the only way we can avoid being destroyed ourselves by those who must do something in self-defense. The Iranians know that Bush and Olmert are contemplating their nuclear annihilation. They therefore are justified right now to attack us anyway they can. That is the law of survival and everyone is entitled to defend himself. Everyone has the right to survive, except aggressors. Aggressors deserve to die. Traitors must die because their treachery puts all countrymen in deadly danger. It is the law of survival.

As this is written, while we have thousands of soldiers defending South Korea’s border, thousands more defending Israel’s borders, Bush has smeared the defenders of the Mexican border as “vigilantes.” Bush really hates those guys. They’ve shown what a rat-fink he is, especially when he gave their locations to the Mexican government so the wetbacks could be diverted around the Minutemen. Remember that? That has to qualify as a text-book example of Treason, for Mexico is waging war against us, sending illegal invaders day and night, with the aid and support of George W. Bush.

The question is probably being asked: How can our war criminals be punished if we get yet another sell-out special prosecutor such as Ken Starr or this useless Fitzgerald, who talked so tough about Karl Rove and then faded? That’s the point of this essay, which is that war criminals must be hanged. It doesn’t matter anymore if the government won’t protect us from war criminals. We’ll do it ourselves, since we pay the bills. War criminals may be above the law of the American Bar Association but they are not above the law of frontier justice, the dreaded law of the vigilante or the law of our survival.

To survive as Americans, to demonstrate our responsibility to the rest of the world and to take charge of this shipwreck before it sinks into the murky depths, we must take the law into our own hands. All war criminals must be captured, tried in a manner that reveals the true nature of their crimes and hanged by the neck until they are dead. From this time forward, there is an open season on war criminals. If we don’t do this then it shows the world that we endorse the war criminals. And payback will be a bitch because these guys have made some very bad karma for us.

The reasons for this should be obvious. However, these same war criminals are the ones who have designed the North American Union, scheduled to take effect in 2010. This will be a martial law style of dictatorship over us, run by the ubiquitous criminals of the Council on Foreign Relations, located at 58 E. 68th Street in Manhattan in the building known as Harold Pratt House. This building is the de facto seat of government of the United States, soon to be known as the Central District of the North American Union.

This building, for symbolic reasons, should be reduced to ashes and rubble at our earliest possible convenience. It houses the world’s most dreadful war criminals who have been and are now responsible for the untimely and terror-filled deaths of millions of people around the world since 1914.

Their little private ministry of war wasn’t officially formed until 1921, but the same war criminals seized power in Wilson’s administration and started World War I and the Bolshevik Revolution. The CFR was just their method to guarantee continuity and control of the staffing of the State Department and the White House under all presidents after Wilson, most of whom were also CFR members. The Council on Foreign Relations is the Rothschild central control of our country and it reportedly has a membership that is 70% Jewish, which is pretty good for a group that has only 2% of our population.

The various agencies of the gangster state of Israel must be similarly disposed of. No more Jewish rules of conduct, and no Jewish Rule under the North American Union. Do we want to be the laughingstock of the world? I should say, do we want to continue to be the laughingstock of the world? To be big, tough Americans who let a bunch of creepy Jews run us like cattle? Right now, they’re the cowboys and we’re the cows. They make us commit war crimes against their enemies. They make us as hated as they are because the two governments are in lock-step.

The issue now is War Crimes. Some of us require a just cause to take the law into our own hands (where it truly belongs). That just cause is War Crimes, whether or not we need a just cause. War Crimes give us the power we need to seize control of our lives.

We can never be real men until we accept total responsibility for our government’s crimes. Our government cannot be changed or turned into a positive force – it can only be dismantled and outlawed and prohibited from ever forming again. Government can only destroy us, never help us. Study the Masonic US Constitution and try to find any way that the American government was designed to do something good. It was only designed to keep the powerful men in power. It took the Bill of Rights to protect us from the Constitution.

Most people don’t understand this basic fact, that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are in mortal opposition. And now the Bill of Rights is technically dead, thanks to Bush’s so-called PATRIOT Act, which has been declared “Constitutional” by the Gang of Nine, by the simple fact that it has not been declared “un-Constitutional.” Almost all crimes committed by the government have been declared “Constitutional” by the Supreme Court. Where is the “check and balance” on the Masonic Supreme Court, if it should, say, appoint a demented war criminal as the President of the United States, even though he didn’t get enough votes? Because that’s exactly what happened six years ago.

This government must be dismantled and the war criminals removed from society before they kill us all.

This essay may have shocked some readers. It is high-time to face reality and the reality is that the US government is the main enemy of mankind. Its little puppet state, Israel, is the American “force projection” against the oil-producing countries of the Middle East. Whether America controls Israel or vice-versa doesn’t matter. What matters is that the combination of the American government and Israel is the malignant tumor that will kill this world if it is not taken apart and crushed, piece by piece.

* The article was originally published in 2006.  It has been reposted by the author because it’s relevant today.


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