SUNDAY MORNING March 6, 2011



By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor

Sunday morning, here in snow covered Ohio.  Nobody interested in eating hash browns and various pork products that make up the American breakfast.  A few unrelated things came in overnight which may be of interest to some.

From Britain:

  • The SAS team, theoretically with a “diplomat,” a term the US has damaged beyond repair, is said to have been on a hunt for WMD’s in Libya when it was taken into custody.  Yesterday’s explosion, a kart load of shotgun shells that flattened half a kilometer seems to have gotten some attention.  This is an intel leak from Britain.  They are never accidental.  I am just passing it on.

From Bahrain:

  • In relationship to this New York Times story – the Shiite cleric leading the protests against the government there, Isa Qassim, has an interesting history.  In 2007, the Bush White House attempted to implicate Qassim in a false flag terror attack meant to start a war with Iran.  The intelligence the US has on Qassim comes from false reports crafted during the Bush administration when they tried to get him arrested as an Iranian agent.  The guilty parties in the US?  The DOJ under Gonzales wrote the false report at the behest of Cheney-Rove.  American policy in the region under Secretary Clinton is severely hampered by Bush misdeeds done at the behest of his Israeli masters.


  • I spent a couple of hours with Jeff Pragers “Dust I” and “Dust II” last night.  This 108 page E-magazine, mostly science with amazing photos of “ground zero” from 9/11 is an analysis of the nuke v. thermite theories on 9/11.  It is the first comprehensive piece on 9/11 that touches on absolutes, energy use, thermal energy and such.  Some of the “hard science” checks out, enough to debunk NIST certainly.  He is also fair and open on the thermite issue and leave the door open there as well.  Prager makes a strong case for 9/11 being a nuke event.  I sent it out to weapons science guys and will get back to you on this.  What is clear is that there are more government spies involved in 9/11 theories than infiltrated the militia movements of the 80s and 90s.  The medical evidence of radiation exposure at ‘ground zero’ is in already.  First responders were “zapped.”  Some reviews in this morning on Prager’s piece say he is abusing science more than a bit.  Perhaps we have a potential debate going here…always a good thing.


  • Susan Lindauers piece for VT on the CIA drug connection to Lockerbie was an eye opener.  I have always put it on Libya.  She says I am wrong.  This article alone is 10,000 “Wikileaks.”  Oh, that reminds me, I wonder who edited this out of the cables?  A trail would have come through both Tel Aviv and Beirut on this one….


  • Last week I picked up an article attacking a close associate of Julian Assange as an “Antisemite.”  Then the article attacked the New York Times and other papers for censoring Wikileaks.  Nobody asked why the cables weren’t simply put online.  This, and so many other things we have been seeing are part of the expanded Israeli attack on the internet, not their usual car bombs at churches and mosques but as much as they can do with a keyboard and a few semi-illiterates.  The purpose for this article and so many others that will be sneaking into your email is simple.  Wikileaks is an Israeli intelligence operation, long “busted” as such.  They are hoping the public will forget.  When Wikileaks was burned as an intel operation, a major “capability” was lost.  Imagine being able to spew any lie imaginable onto the front page of every paper in the world, branded by the suffering of poor Bradley Manning and accused “date-rapist” Julian Assange.  Wherever Wikileaks starts, it always comes back to one direction, Israel’s “game theory” war to take over Central Asia.


  • A “certain group” from a “special country” is making every imaginable attempt to sell the situation in Libya as either rebels under the control of the CIA and oil companies trying to overthrow “heroic” Gaddaffy or show how “heroic rebels” are in danger from the CIA and oil companies.  “They” are even using some of the same folks to peddle both imaginary sides.  Hey!  The rebels are “rebels.”  “Gaddaffy” is a nutcase and has to go.  There, I have had my “John Stewart moment.”



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Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades. Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world's largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues. Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than "several" countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.