India Fast Becoming SuperPower

Shashi Tharoor

Hearts and Minds, a Truism!

by Debbie Menon

Classic exemplar of Jeff Gates’ (author of Guilt by Association: How Deception and Self-Deceit Took America to War) thesis on fighting modern war, ‘hearts and minds’ won by words.

India is fast becoming a superpower, says Shashi Tharoor — not just through trade and politics, but through “soft” power, its ability to share its culture with the world through food, music, technology, Bollywood. He argues that in the long run it’s not the size of the army that matters as much as a country’s ability to influence the world’s hearts and minds.

The Country that tells a better story prevails

The words do not always have to be accurate, or the concepts they project true, to be effective. They do not even have to mention the deed, as long as the deed can be repainted in the colors of new and finer words.

English Majors win!  There is employment opportunity for all of ‘English Majors’ in the world, after all!

Shashi Tharoor: Why nations should pursue “soft” power

  • shashi_tharoor.html

About Shashi Tharoor After a long career at the UN, and a parallel life as a novelist, Shashi Tharoor has become a member of India’s Parliament. He spent 10 months as India’s Minister for External Affairs, building… Full bio and more links


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Debbie Menon is an independent writer based in Dubai. Her main focus are the US-Mid- East Conflicts. Her writing has been featured in many print and online publications. Her writing reflects the incredible resilience, almost superhuman steadfastness of the occupied and oppressed Palestinians, who are now facing the prospect of a final round of ethnic cleansing. She is committed to exposing Israel's Lobbies' control of ‘U.S. Middle East Policy. Control’ which amounts to treason by the Zionist lobbies in America and its stooges in Congress, and that guarantees there can never be a peaceful resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, only catastrophe for all, in the region and the world. Her mission is to inform and educate internet viewers seeking unfiltered information about real events on issues of the US/Middle East conflicts that are unreported, underreported, or distorted in the American media. PS: For those of her detractors that think she is being selective and even “one-sided,” tough, that is the point of her work, to present an alternative view and interpretation of the US-Israel-Middle East conflict, that has been completely ignored in mainstream discourse. The purpose is to look at the current reality from a different and critical perspective, not to simply rehash the pro-US/Israel perspective, smoke and mirrors that has been allowed to utterly and completely dominate Mainstream discourse.