Warning: What Time is It?




By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor


A statement of fact, reasonable and sensible, today would be worse than any of the phony “Al Qaeda” videos foisted on the public by the neocon/bankster conspiracy.  What is that fact?  Using force, police, military or otherwise against the citizens of America, Israel, Libya, Iraq, Egypt, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Italy, France….

That time is over.

We are not going away quietly, no longer buying the lies, no longer divided by “left” and “right.”  We are taking our lives back, not just in America or Israel or across the Arab world but Europe as well.

We aren’t giving up our homes, our families’ security, our remaining savings, our ability to buy food and heat our homes just so a pack of criminal billionaire hyenas can run the world like a Monopoly game.

To those who have tried to play gatekeeper, play “divide and conquer” I ask, “How is it working out for you so far?” 

Is Dying For a Lie Someone's Crime?

We aren’t buying the war on terror anymore, we know better.  It has been a scam from day one.  Not everyone is ready to call it “murder,” not yet. 

I know it was murder, 9/11, Madrid, 7/7, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, the drones, the drugs, all of it, we know every bit of it.

For those who are a bit slow, the “right’s” attempt to save their “monkeyboy,” Gaddafi failed. 

Now the people of Libya want their $70 billion back that Saif is holding in his personal checking account.  Perhaps he needs it to pay for his lawyers? 

This is just one of the Gaddafi accounts that total over $1 trillion that were stolen from the Libyan people. 

From what I hear, they are going to get their money back.  I wouldn’t stand in their way if I were you.

Attempts by the “right,” which I mean “Republican Party” or those who claim to speak for the “Tea Party,” we are talking about the employees of the Koch Brothers and the Wall Street banksters, to mobilize police to slaughter demonstrators will more than backfire, much much more.

We also now have word that conservative organizations have contracted with an Israeli based “intelligence provider” to publish a statement, reputedly from “Al Qaeda,” stating that OCW is part of a terrorist organization they support.  This same organization, contracted by a well known neocon “think tank” also produced the myriad of false statements tying the Libyan NTC to “Al Qaeda.”  This “intelligence” organization actually keeps all “Al Qaeda” based websites on its servers.

It receives funding, not only from the FBI and congress but from the Koch Brothers as well. 

The real plan is to get the Army back from Iraq and put it on American streets.




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Some news for you:

  • That “army” isn’t the same one that went over in 2001 or 2003.  They have been treated like dirt, they are sick, they are exhausted and they are angry.
  • The greatest part of that “army” are now veterans.  You gave 26,000 combat vets dishonorable discharges to cheat them out of benefits.  500,000 more are waiting for benefits, put into an endless line that never moves, a line with well over 1 million in it already. 
  • Tens of thousands have killed themselves, an economic boon to the “right” who seem to wish everyone would die, hundreds of thousands are homeless and tens of thousands of veterans are in prison.  If the banksters who think they control the military believe our troops or veterans are behind them, let them test out that theory.  Good luck with that.
  • We recognize there are still enough mentally ill folks in America that buy in on the hate game, Jews against Christians against Muslims, black against white and everyone against Hispanics.  Securing our borders, stopping America from being flooded with “sweatshop/slave labor” goods isn’t the same as buying in on the divisive politics of the supremacists.

What else we know:

  • We know off duty police and private security are infiltrating OCW across the country, being seen with guns, staging violence and planning acts of terror.  At some point, we will be using facial recognition software (the wonderful benefits of being defense contractors) to identify those involved and see they are brought to justice.  Welcome to the world of making enemies of those who invented this equipment, wrote the software, this and things you can’t even imagine.
  • We know that the “right” is back to peddling its best selling product of all time, antisemitism, hoping to help keep its “base” together.  “Christian Zionism” seems to be a bit of a dead issue.  This is a fight for freedom, not one of the childish games of the Bush era.

We know this too:

  • Germany and France can’t protect the Euro.  It is a dead issue and currently balancing at the edge of total collapse, even worse than the dollar.  These “negotiations” going on in Europe are nothing but theatre.  Impoverishing the Germany people isn’t going to come up with the money to repay what the banksters have stolen from the EU.  “Nobody believes you anymore!”
  • The most influential Wall Street bankers are more than aware that, not only are their banks insolvent but their personal fortunes as well.  Some have contacted security companies for bodyguards, others are making plans to flee the country but have no idea where they can go.  The top Wall Street commodities today:  shotguns and canned goods.

 Not everyone is an economist.  Not everyone is informed, some still watch Fox or read the Wall Street Journal.  Worse still, those who get their news and opinions from email or phony NWO (New World Order) stealth websites pretending to represent “the people.” 

The fix?

  • Thus far, the Tea Party is under Wall Street’s spell.  That can and should change.  What’s going on is called “America” and if you can’t get onboard, then get out of the way.
  • The Republicans are “Wall Street”
  • We are watching Obama, his new moves on mortgages and student loans are either meant to “right wrongs” or to help keep the cap on things.  Pick one, we are still trying to figure him out.
  • As we have no courts, no justice system, no political parties, accept the fact we are going to have to start over and begin our own.  The others are “gangster/bankster” controlled, time we all admitted it and moved on.  This is not our America.  Israeli’s recognize the same, Egypt too….country after country. 


  • Under the control of the banksters are, not just the right wing think tanks and websites but most of those on the phony left also.  Remember Abbie Hoffman’s publication, “Steal this Book?”  We are here to tell you to believe nothing.  That could mean even what I am writing right now.  Welcome to that world!
  • Look for media people to “jump ship” and join planet earth.  I actually like Judge Napolitano of Fox.  I would vote for him for president, knowing how angry he is inside for not being able to say what he really thinks. 


  • There is always the desire to pick out a group and start hanging folks from lamp posts.  This may sound like a joke now but it is far closer than most think.  Those fearful of ending up at the end of one of those ropes know how close they are.  Fixing comes first.  Then blaming.  If we want to blame, then go after the Americans we believe we can prove planned and executed 9/11 and the invasions of Afghanistan and the two invasions of Iraq.  Yes, I said “two.”  We have since learned and are very ready to prove that the first attack to “free Kuwait” was a “set up job” too.
  • The justice system in the US, from the Attorney General and Supreme Court down needs to be discarded as corrupt and totally controlled by money.  Along with that, many of those rotting in prisons across the country are not guilty of any crime and should be released.  Most in prison are there because it is profitable, not for the odd concepts of “rehabilitation” or “punishment.”
  • There is a very real criminal conspiracy in this world.  That Bush has outlived Gaddafi shocks many.  The crew that captured Gaddafi included VT contributors.  It is not for me, who never lived under Gaddafi, to tell others how to react.  I wanted Gaddafi alive to hear him tell us how much he paid Bush and Berlusconi and Sarkozy and Blair and so many others.   This is my selfishness.  I want all of them, not a few, not one, I want all of them to pay for the suffering they have caused.  I have seen millions around the world enslaved, starved, kept in sickness and ignorance to make money for the few.  The scale of it is beyond anything I have yet to read, it is entire continents.

Now we care because “our chickens have come home to roost.”  This is what much of the world thinks and they are right.

But this is still something.  Awakenings happen when they do, not when they are needed, sometimes they are too late.

Should this one have happened in 1964 or 1981 or 2001?









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Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades. Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world's largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues. Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than "several" countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.