IAEA Exposed as Israeli Spy Front


IAEA Cries ‘Wolf’ Over Iran Nukes


By Gordon Duff,  Senior Editor


This week, the media, all of it, traced stories about Iran’s nuclear weapons program to its real source. 

The IAEA, which has been unable to locate the vast Dimona nuclear facility in Israel or even begin to ask questions about Israel’s illegal nuclear arsenal, has put together a “rigged” report built of rumors and spin. 

The IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), a “quasi-official” group is, in fact, an Israeli intelligence organization, long infiltrated, long engulfed, long ago a force for propaganda and, primarily, an organization tasked with helping Israel “hide” its nuclear arsenal “in plain sight” while fabricating evidence.

To make it more plain, the IAEA is, in fact, a clandestine intelligence organization tasked by Israel to bring about a conflict between the United States and certain European powers and Iran.

It is a conflict that may eventually involve Russia, China, a conflict that is intended to manipulate fuel markets, crash currencies, sell arms and do everything but make the world more secure.

Were the IAEA to put out a report based on known falsehoods and spin under such circumstances, and we believe this fact to be easily supportable, members of the IAEA would be war criminals and should be considered combatants were any conflict to be entered upon based on their transgressions. 

It is now proven that Israel fabricated the “evidence,” 99% wild conjecture and 1% conspiracy theory, that makes up the current IAEA report on Iran.  There is much, however, that is still being kept from the public. 

With all the tales, going back decades, of nuclear proliferation, Iraq and their WMDs a prime example, reports fabricated from Israeli sources, 2 million Iraq’s dead based on what Israel sees as a successful intelligence operation.

America got suckered into invading Iraq, supposedly to find WMD programs.  This is a cover story. 

Haaretz, the Israeli news agency, reports that the IAEA received a letter from Iran this week regarding IAEA spying activities, including targeting nuclear scientists for assassination:

A senior Iranian envoy is accusing the head of the United Nations’ nuclear body of security leaks that expose his country’s scientists and their families to the threat of assassination by the U.S. and Israel.

In a letter to by International Atomic Energy Agency chief Yukiya Amano, Ali Asghar Soltanieh said the leaks in a recent report have made Iranian scientists “the targets for assassination by … [the] Israeli regime and United State[s] of America intelligence services.”


The US invaded Iraq based on Israeli intelligence reports that said Saddam had 3 nuclear weapons, stolen weapons sold on the black market.

In reality, however, Israel was working with the individual mentioned by Peter Eyre, one of the “go betweens”  in the Iran Contra affair who simply transshipped the three nukes to Israel.

Investigative Journalist - Peter Eyre

One issue the IAEA neglects is that the nuclear weapon exploded in 2009 by North Korea was identical to the South African/Israeli nukes. 

By “identical,” we mean that the uranium was produced at the exact same facility from ore from the same mines in a bomb built at the same factory.

Only Israel could have sold North Korea their only successful nuclear weapon, there is no other trail, certainly not from Hizbollah. 

Other weapons have shown up, weapons sold or given to Israel, in North Korea also, American cluster bombs, German submarines, all “consigned to Israel” for their “defense” but, as with Iran/Contra, on the “black market.”

It’s time to admit that Israel is the international weapons black market.

Since that time, Israel, knowing they have always had the weapons themselves, continually invents stories about them, how the Gaza Flotilla had them or the original lie, that Saddam had them, had shipped them by 3 ambulances to Syria who then gave them to Hizbollah who stored them in a hospital x-ray facility for use, eventually, against Israel. 

On several occasions, Israel has put out highly classified warnings of “terror attacks” in Haifa harbour using these “missing nukes” which they say will be deployed in small boats.

Righteous Jews Participated in the Gaza FlotillasThis is one of the ways they have gotten the western powers to overlook their acts of open piracy in the Eastern Mediterranean. 

They announce they are blockading Gaza but they tell Washington, London and Paris that they believe they are under possible nuclear threat.  When will they have “cried wolf” one time too many?


We will discuss these weapons and the continued use of Israeli fabricated intelligence, fed directly into the highest levels of America’s government through their AIPAC spy network. 

They don’ t just steal secrets and sell them to the Russians and Chinese but they also “plant” them as well. 

Six  thousand dead American troops can be attributed to Israel as can the 500,000 wounded and disabled, all due to a “War on Terror” that was totally orchestrated, a phony chase for “stolen nuclear weapons” and the bigger mystery of 9/11, now known by insiders to have been staged by Israel as a terror attack on US soil.

The website, Wikispooks, lays it out pretty clearly.  Nothing about the story is “pretty,” but it is, certainly ten years later, totally clear. 

Behind the claims Wikispooks makes is hard evidence by the ton, waiting a decade for a grand jury, a real investigation or even a civil suit, something where the truth can gain a public voice.

South African Bomb Casings

Thus far such a thing has proven impossible in the US.  During this same period, coincidentally, millions of Americans formerly on the “left” and “right” have awakened to the fact that America is a police state. 

“Wall Street” is being blamed but Wall Street is only a front. 

A closer examination of how the issue of missing nuclear weapons was, not only hidden but used to start wars as well, puts Israel in the picture as a co-conspirator with “Wall Street,” minimally that. 

We are finding Israel’s “finger prints” on all of it, spying, nuclear proliferation, 9/11, numerous terror acts, 7/7 in London for one, and the driving force behind the financial crash as well.

Today, the story of the missing nuclear weapons, based on Israel’s frantic efforts to push the United States into an attack on Iran and our evidence of Israeli involvement in the execution of both 9/11 and 7/7, has given us reason to fear that Israel may be planning a nuclear terror attack on the United States.  

South African Plane Mountable Nuke

It would be the natural response to the failure of the IAEA report failure. 

The last real attack on the US was 11 years ago and there is also increasing danger that Israel is being tied to that attack and this will soon be made public. 
Many, more in the mainstream media than anyone would guess, have come to discover Israeli complicity in 9/11. 

Additionally, as the “open mike” incident indicates, US/Israeli relations and general anti-Israeli feelings in the US have never been at such a point since the Nixon administration.

Last week, VT, while investigating the IAEA, found documentary evidence of a nuclear weapon that had been sent to the United States back in 1991 but had disappeared from inventory.  Eyre describes the background on this as does VT. 

The 10 nuclear weapons had been built, one exploded in a test by Israel and South Africa in 1979 as described.  A number of serious issues of arithmetic come forward here:

South African Medium Range Missile for Their Jointly Developed Israeli Nukes
  • 10 nukes were built, highly illegal nuclear proliferation by Israel, a country the US would be obligated to militarily disarm were there to be proof of this crime, proof now part of the public record but ignored anyway or to possess the nuclear arsenal President Kennedy worked so hard to prevent Israel from building.
  • 1 nuke was tested on September 22, 1979, though the US has tried to claim its VELA satellite system had failed, much as with NORAD on 9/11, a “failure of convenience.”
  • 3 nukes were shipped to Oman. loaded from Durban, bought by Maggie Thatcher and stolen.  One exploded in 2009 in North Korea.  Do they have all 3 or are 2 still “in play.”  Israel said that Iraq had these weapons.  This is the real reason Iraq was invaded, multiple confirmations have been gained on this.  This is why Dr. David Kelly was murdered.
  • 6 nuclear weapons were shipped to the US in 1991 to be disassembled.  This information was “classified” but leaked by everyone.  Then something strange happened.
  • 5 nuclear weapons are now openly admitted to have been unloaded in Chicago, not 6.  Openly leaked documents, some in Wikileaks, others in news stories, listed in the addendum of this VT story, reference the number “5.”  This not only means one more weapon is missing but that it is likely to be in the United States.  Then, a years ago, we got the following story, which now makes even more sense.

We have another suspicious death in the UK but we also have the Delta Force hitting a furniture warehouse in Indiana.

We had no idea at the time that they were had been tracing weapons that had been inside the US for 9 years, a search I am certain had been hampered by the powerful lobby in Washington that was protecting those most likely to have been involved.

There are a lot of things you can lose, car keys, glasses, a contact lens but a nuclear weapon?

The count didn’t escape us and the “fast shuffle” in rewriting a piece of history, a 13.2 kiloton piece as lethal as the day it was built by Israeli technicians in one of their endless violations of IAEA regulations, in violation of US agreements which would restrict any aid to Israel, financial or military…

We could also ask why supplying nuclear weapons to North Korea, a nation that actually does threaten the United States on a daily basis, is overlooked.  In fact, it is more than “overlooked,” it has disappeared from the news entirely.

The fact that it exploded an Israeli nuke is not all that secret.

South African Nuke Being Transported - But to Where?

Three were purchased by Britain in a financial scam that, we believe, led to the murder or Dr. David Kelly and to David Cameron being “appointed” prime minister because of his early role many years ago, something that might well be subjecting him to blackmail.  We hold some proof related to this, proof best kept for a “rainy day.” 

Eyre describes this:

It is fairly obvious why Israel is totally consumed in trying to find these stolen weapon and needless to say the US and British Governments are equally as concerned and yet are not in a position to admit to their loss as in doing so would incriminate past and current very senior politicians including our current Prime Minister David Cameron.

The records we uncovered in our story indicate that only 5 of the 6 South African/Israeli nuclear weapons shipped to Chicago were dismantled. 

One disappeared, then one more disappeared, leaving 4 missing, one almost certainly inside the United States, a 13.2 kiloton “Hiroshima type” bomb that needs no servicing and would still be totally functional. 

Gun Type Fission Nuke

These are “gun type” nukes, primitive with no safety or trigger mechanisms, no “tritium degradation” problems that fusion weapons have, simple, dirty and devastating.

These are capable of being set off by any terrorist or of being made to appear the work of any terrorist, something far more valuable than any real terror attack.

As with 9/11, no real terrorist group, real or imaginary as most have proven to be, such as “Al Qaeda,” would want to put the focus of a dozen deadly Raptor drones and America’s system of spy satellites on their trail. 

The only rationale is for this to be orchestrated by a nation or group that have found multiple ways to profit from simulating terrorism.

The motivations would included such things as selling Afghan heroin or stealing oil, perhaps even peddling airport scanners, bomb detection or using the misdirection to loot the world’s financial system. 

Early on, the BBC “debunked” Al Qaeda as phony, not knowing it was the cash cow of the Mossad, CIA and MI-6:

[youtube mztfFdpd1Rk]

From that day forward, the BBC has totally
reputiated what they exposed in this documentary.  In fact, what you
just saw you must have imagined.

Eyre describes the purchase of 3
weapons by Britain under “dodgy”circumstances at best and the
disappearance of these weapons into the “black market.”  Eyre makes his
case, “slam dunk” proof of a British political conspiracy that turned
into a worldwide security nightmare:

then (1991, Cameron was 25 years old) ordered her Page Boy, David
Cameron, to go down to South Africa along with what was believed to be
the only technical man available (non other than the now( Sir) Kenneth
Warren). Others also believed to be implicated was David Wilshire and
many other senior members of government. In actual fact as we follow
this charade up to the current time we could possible include other very
senior person such as Lord McAlpine, Peter Lilley, Alan Clarke and Ken
Clarke and others I have previously named in other articles. The late
Dr. David Kelly was also involved.

We have to remember that
this was almost a private sector deal with many political figures
implicated some of whom became share holders in the illegal nuke
purchase. We are talking here about an extremely high risk deal, with
little security for the weapons themselves as everything had to be done
in a low key covert way.

As we already know David
Cameron was able to secure a deal for his lady mentor, Maggie Thatcher,
and returned with a deal for three nuclear weapons. They were shipped to
Oman whereby they were put in private sector storage and eventually
stolen by John Bredenkamp, the arms dealer who sold them to Britain and
then stole them back to sell on the Black market and the rest is now

We have to understand
that British Tax Payers money was then placed in the Conservative Party
Electoral Fund (£17.8m) which to this day has not been accounted for and
other money was made available to Tony Blair (£1m) compliments of
Bernie Ecclesone. On top of this a slush fund was also developed to
silence other third parties that knew of the deal and our dear Mr. Ken
Clarke then implemented his gagging orders to those involved!!

I guess you do not
believe this story……why don’t you check it out yourself it is written in
Hansard 22nd June 1993, and starting at Col. 197 when Lord Doug Hoyle
raised the issue in the House as follows:

“Mr Hoyle: If the hon.
Gentleman will allow me, I shall tell him what information is now given
to us. We understand the expenditure and what Tory central office
receives. In 1992, central office received £20.7 million. When we asked
about that and about company donations, the Tory party told us to look
at company accounts. I repeat: in 1992, the Tories received £20.7
million. When the records were checked by Companies house, only £2.9
198million was shown in company accounts. That means that there is a
deficit of £17.8 million. We want to know where that £17.8 million came

Mr Tim Smith: The hon.
Gentleman has made the suggestion about the accounts of the Conservative
party that was made by a member of the Select Committee last week: that
no accounts had been published between 1979 and 1983. They were
published, and I undertook to send copies to the Select Committee.

Mr Hoyle: I gave way to
the hon. Gentleman because I expected him to tell me where the
difference of £17.8 million came from. I shall give way again to him. I
am told that he is a treasurer of the Conservative party. I give way to
him now so that he can stand up and tell us where the £17.8 million came
from. Does the hon. Gentleman care to do that? I am waiting. I do not
think that we shall get the information from the horse’s mouth. We
certainly did not get it from the Secretary of State.”

I could write article
after article on the many levels of corruption that occurred in both the
US and the UK (not forgetting Israel) and the terrible consequences of
this greed resulting in the death of many of our own troops and innocent
civilians….all for their own pocket.

The general public has its suspicions but they don’t go
far enough, not nearly so.  Missing nuclear weapons, WMD terrorists are
“Hollywood,” not “real life.”  However, the truth, something some of us
have worked on for years, is revealing a network of systematic
deception, missing nukes, sold nukes, secret new bomb technologies being
tested in Iraq and Afghanistan, as much proof that the press is
carefully controlled and orchestrated as of crimes at the highest levels
of governments.

In a revelation that will mean almost nothing to all
but a very few who have been “briefed in” on such things, VT
has added a 4th missing nuclear weapon to the list of the missing 3
that have led the world’s intelligence and counter-terrorism forces on a
merry and too often blind and misguided chase.  If you feel you have
walked through a mirror into a different world, take my word for it,
this one is real and the other one a dream.

Today, with Press TV, Peter Eyre, journalist and
“retired civil servant” put forward revelations regarding missing
nuclear weapons.  Both VT and Eyre have been following this story, one
that has been a chief security concern for both the US and UK for years.
Eyre’s story ties former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, to
knowledge of the missing nuclear weapons, perhaps the most serious
terror concern in the world today, one being kept from the public as
though it been a “flying saucer” alien picnic in Central Park.

Thus, the Chilcott Inquiry in Britain, ended up being
little but deception and cover for some serious “finger pointing” as to
how, not only one British prime minister, but 3, could be involved in
“misplacing” nuclear weapons and using the profits as laundered campaign

The story goes black in the press, showing up in The Guardian in May last year, equally “laundered” of details.  From Peter Eyre’s story today:

McGreal of the Guardian newspaper published an article 24th of May 2010
revealing how Israel offered to sell nukes to South Africa during the
apartheid era. What he failed to reveal was that Israel struck up a deal
with South Africa to move its technicians down to the high-security
weapons research and development facilities at Pelindaba.


Back in June, 2010, VT released a parallel story.
We knew Eyre was on the trail also, we saw signs of his efforts at
every turn.  We were receiving reports saying some unusual things.
First of all, these were from what is generally referred to as “highly
placed sources in the intelligence community.”

Reports when several directions.  They confirmed the
murder of Dr. David Kelly.  They tied Cameron to Kelly and Kelly to the
missing nuclear weapons in South Africa.

The North Korea sale was blamed entirely on John
Bradenkamp.  We received no documentation tying Bradenkamp to North
Korea but we were given a plausible scenario tying money from the sale,
as leaked by MI 5 as tying Bradenkamp to a large “contribution” to the
Tony Blair campaign.

From there we were led to sources in the MOD (Ministry
of Defense) that said they could prove Blair had knowledge of the sale
to North Korea.  The documents offered as proof were seized in a
Derbyshire police raid and, we are told, withheld from the Chilcott
Inquiry, which might have used them to prosecute Blair for criminal

Two more mysterious deaths cropped up of those
involved.  Seemingly anyone getting close to Blair and Israel’s role in
the nuclear “black market” was likely to die from a 2 mile per hour car
collission or have a heart attack while running a marathon.

Today, however, none of this would be possible without
the IAEA taking its orders from Tel Aviv.  As with any search, even
looking for terrorists that are thought to be friends and allies,
freedom to follow the evidence and deal with facts would be helpful.

There are actually public minded individuals who would and have given their lives to protect the US and Great Britain.

That many, especially those in authority and wealth
look on the “long game” of false flag terrorism as healthy for “chaos”
or “game theory” warfare, based on their sophisticated “modeling” of
world affairs, models that have one one goal, survival of the few and
suffering for the many, are in control is unfortunate.

Years ago, Osama bin Laden had 116 Stinger missiles in a storage building in Peshawar, Paksitan.

He called the CIA and asked them to send trucks to take them away.  One of those who met with him that day was a good friend.

Had “America’s closest ally” gotten ahold of one of
those missiles, or perhaps all 116, the exact number as some who read
this will know, any of us might well have an airliner plummeting into
our backyards.  Fox News would be saying Osama bin Laden did it or
perhaps Pakistan or Iran.

This pattern of guessing, always getting things so very wrong isn’t going to continue working much longer.

One can only cry “wolf” so many times.

So just what is this wonderful new world of Widdecombism? If economics drove Mrs Thatcher, moralism seems to be what finds the Widdecombe G-spot.

The Independent (London, England) August 25, 1999 | David Aaronovitch I SEE that the words “icon” and “Widdecombe” are increasingly being used together. And Miss Ann Widdecombe certainly passes the Aaronovitch iconic test, which is that she is as recognisable seen from behind as she is from the front. this web site beaches in florida

Marilyn Monroe, Mrs Thatcher and Elvis Presley were also icons; William Hague and Camilla Parker-Bowles, say, are merely famous.

And what is so remarkable about Ann? Well, one fact is that she – like a lot of us – looks like the back end of a bus. In an era of crushing physical stereotyping, where youth, slimness and symmetry are what we are all told to desire and to try and purchase, it’s pretty affirming to have Ann doing so well. We are fond of her. This kindly feeling reminds me of happily walking the beaches in Florida, surrounded by people mostly older and much fatter than me. I loved them all. In fact, the fatter they were, the more I liked them.

So, she doesn’t arouse competitive vanity in others, which we translate as meaning that she isn’t herself vain. Most of us too feel ourselves to be both prisoners of, and rebels against, the world of image making and public relations. So the Widdecombe refusal to know what the Phantom Menace is, to enjoy EastEnders, or spend her summer holidays abseiling with Geordie judo-instructors, looks like a great two fingers to the forces of darkness. She is, in that sense, the Tory Clare Short.

This, we then imagine (or at least we do south of Berwick and east of Abergavenny) is very English. The Anglo-Saxon virtues are straightforwardness, doggedness, common sense and an aversion to diet and exercise.

True, in Ann this does sometimes shade over into a slightly willful eccentricity. In an interview with an admiring journalist this week she spoke of her schooldays at a Catholic convent school in Bath (where her parents sent her despite being Anglicans themselves). “There was no sex education,” she said of La Sainte Union, “The school had no attitude to sex, and neither did we.” Things have obviously changed in Catholic girls’ schools, because I remember convent girls having a very highly developed attitude towards sex. Indeed, they understood with a sickening precision, the exact point at which a dalliance became a mortal sin. Is it possible that the adolescent Ann Widdecombe misread the hearts of her fellow pupils?

This is not such a silly question. A lot of perfectly sensible (if slightly excitable) journalists and MPs are beginning to ask whether Miss W could be either the next leader of the Conservative Party or – failing that – William Hague’s Keith Joseph. Some of them are even coming round to the view that she enjoys a communion with the voters that other more political politicians do not share.

Since there may never be such a thing as Hagueism (unless the appellation is given to a disease in which the victim suffers precocious aging), what about Widdecombism? Is there something half- way coherent there that might offer an alternative to the ubiquitous Third Way? go to website beaches in florida

After 1997 a lot of us thought that the best way ahead for the Tories was to become the party of unashamed personal freedom. New Labour was bound to be nannyish and didactic, so there would be room for a political orientation that was both economically and socially liberal – a party of low taxes, small state and take-drugs-if you- really-want-to. Such a party, we reasoned, would appeal to the young and to the aspirant.

But Ann Widdecombe is not socially liberal, so she wouldn’t fit that bill. Yet didn’t a mix of free market economics and social authoritarianism work very well for Mrs Thatcher? She wasn’t exactly Roy Jenkins, with all that talk of “swamping” and the “enemy within”, was she?

Here’s my argument. What really drove Thatcher was economic radicalism. She had bought the monetarist store, and was determined – above all things – to restructure the British economy. Insofar as authoritarianism might have impeded her economic reforms, I do not believe she was at all interested. Had she invested it with her authority she could probably have ensured the restoration of capital punishment. She didn’t.

She never took up the issue of abortion, seemed unconcerned about sex on the telly, and liked the Jews more than she liked the church. She was not – in other words – a moralist.

Ann is. If economics drove Mrs T, moralism seems to be what finds the Widdecombe G-spot. And her response to the summer’s events in Dover and elsewhere have suggested a kind of Pat Buchanan politics. At the weekend she characterised the people of Dover as saying about asylum seekers: “`We’re very happy to help, but it isn’t fair to expect us to take the entire burden’. That’s a perfectly reasonable attitude, that is not racial intolerance.” But she must know that such sentiments have been accompanied by virulent xenophobia. It just seems not to shock her. Indeed she encourages it by proclaiming that Britain is now seen as a “soft touch” for illegal immigrants. Actually, of course, it’s seen as a place where the economy is relatively dynamic, and hard workers can better themselves. That’s why the US finds itself absorbing tens of thousands of illegal immigrants every year.

Widdecombe’s moralism extends to issues like the PM’s holiday: she professes herself genuinely shocked that Mr Blair should “scrounge” villas etcetera, from various Tuscans. Such asceticism is rare, and seems to proceed as much from a dislike of sybaritism as from a concern about favours possibly being done. Mr Blair, she has declared – as one practising Christian to another – is a canting hypocrite.

And now we are getting close to it. Miss Widdecombe is religious in an old way. She sees Mr Blair supposedly suspended between Anglicanism and the Catholicism to which she has converted, yet he seems to approve of birth control, sex before marriage, the ordination of women, and to tolerate abortion – all without appearing to be a soul in torment. He is, therefore, inherently untrustworthy – a constant semi-apostate.

This also tells you why Widdecombism is a political blind alley. Ann Widdecombe is, if you like, a sort of democratic Francoist, a reactionary authoritarian, whose slogan might well be patria, familia, iglesia. She is incorruptible, frugal and morally certain. Like many anti-abortionists, for instance, she believes that abortion is not a matter to be left to the individual’s conscience – any more than murder should be. It is equally hard to imagine that a Widdecombe-led Tory party would let the issue alone.

It is hard to imagine anything being more of a turn-off for young voters, than a party leader explaining why women are not fit to be priests – or why they should go to Holland for their terminations. They’d almost certainly decide that some icons should be left in the convents or the churches – where they belong.

David Aaronovitch


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Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades. Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world's largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues. Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than "several" countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.