International Tribunals
Based on a book by Jackson H. Ralston
By Suzanne Broussard
“International Arbitration from Athens to Locarno” was published in 1929. It was written by the late Jackson H. Ralston, member of several international arbitration panels. He is described as the Late American Agent of the Pious Fund Case, Umpire of “Venezuelan Arbitrations of 1903, and author of “The Law and Procedure of International Tribunals”.
The book opens with a discussion and definition of ‘natural law’, which is law that prohibits any act which has obvious evil consequences to society. Natural laws would include laws against murder, theft, fraud, arson or other forms of violence against innocent persons, activities that are universally and permanently considered to be crimes worldwide.
Mr. Ralston writes:
“If this be true as to individuals considered singly or in small groups, at what point does it cease to be true as the groups enlarge their numbers? The fact is that so long as human beings are human beings, and governments and nations represent but aggregations of human beings, the whole can not lose the basic human qualities of the units; and just as an individual is controlled by laws, so are governments likewise limited.”
“When we turn from the individual to the nation we have not abandoned natural law but rather have widened its operations. The qualities which, in the individual, have been demonstrated to be anti-social and as such contrary to law, are equally anti-social and infinitely more dangerous and contrary therefore to natural law when given development by the nation”
“When however we advance to the size of a nation…we believe the injurious consequences proving the wrong character of the act may now be ignored. Such is not the fact, though international tribunals treat it as such, as is illustrated by the solemnity still alleged to belong to treaties imposed which involve the virtual slavery of unborn generations of members of the vanquished nation…Should a court be called upon to enforce the will of the victor in carrying out—not law in any true sense but—the power of violence which in itself may breed further violence in exchange thereafter?
…We assume therefore…that there is a natural law governing individuals, [and] there is a like natural law extending to groups of them. Its enforcement in international tribunals has been, to say the least, scanty….that many of the so-called principles applied even in international courts of justice are not principles at all, but are perversions of natural law and are pregnant with evil consequences.
Cicero in his De Officiis says:
True law is right reason, conformable to nature, extending over all eternal. It prescribes duty, forbids fraud. It is not one thing in Rome, another in Athens, one thing now and another later. It should cover all nations and all times. It is unique, eternal, unchangeable.
Hautefuille says:
“Divine or natural law is the only basis and the sole source of international law. It is in going back to it that one exactly determines the law of nations. Any other way leads infallibly to error”
Murder was no less a crime because not denounced in the codes.
William Ladd says:
“The same moral laws which ought to govern individuals ought to govern nations. What is wrong for an individual is wrong for a nation. In the intercourse of these moral persons, disputes will arise, injuries will be done, retaliations and revenge will follow, and unless some other means of terminating their disputes by amicable and rational methods are devised, war will be the consequence.”
Quoting Revon:
&The independence of the tribunal, someone has said very justly, is but a practical consequence of the proposition of legal theory that the law itself is not simply a product of the state but a distinct principle in the life of nations.
The legal fictions that have to be dealt with by an international tribunal are described as:
1. That which creates an individual unit, which is to say a corporate entity, out of a whole body of separate individuals that is a country, is a fiction.
2. That which creates sovereignty over this fictitious corporate entity is a fiction.
3. That which makes each of these fictitious corporations all equal in terms of power and right to stand before a tribunal is a fiction.
4. Geographical barriers are fictions when they are imaginary and imposed by fictional sovereigns to make artificial separations between people who are related historically, culturally and genetically.
Our acceptance of all of these fictions results in use of ‘law’ to force humans to murder each other in wars fought for fictitious reasons. None of this would be fiction if it weren’t imposed by force or fraud on an unwilling or unknowing populace. Where the relationship is mutually agreed upon and mutually helpful, the fiction ceases and truth begins. The last society that based itself on a mutually helpful relationship between government and governed is to be found in the Middle Ages.
International Tribunals have been used generally in the case of war or boundary disputes. Nations and people today have not been conquered by warfare, but by financial fraud which provides funds for foreign mercenaries, assassinations, torture, false flag acts of terror and blackmail as part of an organized conspiracy that would fall under the statutes dealing with international racketeering crimes rather than international war crimes.
“It has often been argued that great difficulty would be experienced within commissions between nations governed by various systems of law because of contradictions and confusions which might arise between them…
The remark of Judge Riddell has great substance: ‘There is no great difference between the laws of the civilized nations if you leave aside the accidents.’”
The section dealing with Ancient Arbitrations of Greece brings up the subjects of how to choose the judges and what is admissible as evidence.
“As to the manner of selecting judges, it is to be noted that in default of a compromise, the question of nomination of a tribunal of arbitration was left to the decision of the parties between themselves”
Other methods mentioned were to choose a third town or nation, or several other nations, use of lottery among qualified candidates, a tribunal of three or five was most common, sometimes the entire people of a town would judge, sometimes women specifically were chosen as judges, at times the Delphic Oracle was consulted. There was once a sporting competition held and the winner of the contest won the border dispute.
As for evidence, archaeological appeals were made, such as existence of tombs and manner of burial to prove land boundaries, in other cases old letters, old documents, judgments, decrees and citations of known works of history,. In one case, habitation on the land for many generations was rejected as proof because during that time the defendants had pillaged the land.
In one case ancient poems and songs were used as evidence in a territorial dispute.
During the Medieval Period international arbitration was common and there are many cases where the disputing parties requested a third party decision.
The Middle Ages, which subversive propaganda misleads people to believe was a time of poverty and ignorance was, according to factual evidence and many eyewitness accounts, actually a great age of commercial and artistic achievement that was the result of many thousands of years of social development. The term Feudal, according to a mid 1700’s French dictionary, means family kinship as it is manifested by the spirit or ‘fire’ that inspires people to defend and nurture their homes and communities.
This family-based economic system can be traced back at least to the Hittites and it represents the longest lasting, the most functional, stable and civilized economic system known. It was a system that fused small scale agriculture, artisan shops, trained soldiers and government into one manageable, locally controlled structure that cooperated for peaceful trade with neighboring groups.
According to eyewitness accounts, the Middle Ages had a pace that was leisurely, at the same time that innovation and quality were encouraged. Government was made up of local people who were well known to the community over many generations. They gave tax breaks and other help to talented people who were working on innovative projects, they set up ‘fairs’ or large markets for trade and used their combined military forces to create a protected trade route that extended from Scotland to China. Women with children were able to weave and make other products at home and sell them in the market. Hemp was cultivated and used for many items of necessity. The governing families or guilds supported innovations in production by setting up wineries, silk production, salt works and other small factories that encouraged high quality, gave employment to people and provided necessities.
Some of the biggest lies and cover-ups in history books today concern the fact that the obscene wealth of many families now in power is a result of fraudulent issuance of monopolies based on abuse of the Patent Laws of England. Issued in the late 1500’s and early 1600’s, these monopolies made it illegal for the people to manufacture just about every item of necessity used by the community, even though these items had been in the public domain for millennia. Between 1550 and 1600 French patents of monopoly were granted on an average of one every two years. Yet in the two centuries between the years 1600 and 1800, 1,868 patents were issued in England. (see
Monopoly Patent Laws destroyed the economic system and forced productive people to sell themselves as slaves for 7 years just to get passage to America. The passengers on the Mayflower were indentured slaves, people who were bought and sold by their owners in England. Monopoly Patents were issued to people with surnames that are still prominent today. Since all of the people who received these patents were household staff of the Queen at the time, poisoning was suspected, and in fact the Queen was being given opium by her doctor to treat pain. Documents belonging to members of the Illuminati, seized by the Bavarian government, gave instructions to their agents to use a poison that could be sprayed in the air, and various teas that would cause miscarriage or slow death, as means to kill off the true Monarchy and Nobility. (“World Revolution: the Plot to Destroy Civilization”, by Noah Webster, Owens Publishing, 1921).
Here is an excerpt from “The English Patents of Monopoly”, (William Hyde Price, Ph.D., 1906, Houghton, Mifflin and Co. p. 16 [HD 2845 P74 1978])
“The evil features and abuses of the monopolies owe their origin rather to the importunity of influential and unscrupulous suitors than to the fiscal interests of the crown. The very possibility of securing exclusive privileges was an invitation to those at court to join in the race for favors. The courtiers were not attracted by the patents for new inventions, leaving those for the poor and often chimerical inventors, but they sought to secure the more valuable licensing patents or else lucrative new monopolies in old industries. The frugal queen, though loath to part with her treasure, was willing to bestow valuable patents upon her pensioners, favorites, personal servants, petty officers and clerks.”
For example, Walter Raleigh, in 1576, was given a monopoly patent to make tin, which had been made since time immemorial. A “groom of the privy chamber” received a patent for vinegar in 1584, making it illegal for anyone else to make or sell sour wine! Thomas Wilkes received a patent for salt as if he’d invented salt. There is a story about the Bushnell family defrauding the Myddleton family out of their saltworks at that time.
In the book, Masks and Facades, (Published by George Allen & Unwin LTD. London, 1974), the story of John Van Bruge, the architect of Blenhiem Palace, details how the ‘Duchess’ of Marlborough defrauded Van Bruge by bribing the courts to rule that she didn’t have to pay his workers. Van Bruge, from a very old and active noble family, tried to protect the Heraldry Archives in England because the coats of arms were such a valuable source of true history, but he was prevented from doing so despite his qualifications. The usurpers took control of the Heraldry office, refusing to give ‘official’ recognition to the ancient coats of arms, and instead created and sold new ones which are fake. To this day the pretended “aristocracy” of England make extravagant claims of superiority based on this fraud.
Starting at that time censorship of the press, of the arts, theft of genealogies and outright terror of the type used in Acadia/Nova Scotia, was used to cover up the identities of the true ancient noble families. Legal stipulations within Royal Patents and Land Grants nullified these grants in the case of injury to the settlers or in the case where settlements were already established. It is evident that the American Revolution was subversively instigated in an attempt to over-ride these legal stipulations which the English Crown intended as a means to protect settlers against the precise type of violence and fraud that did in fact take place.
Many genealogists have noted a total absence of information from around that time, and lately I have seen genealogies published on the internet where the names of the old families have been purposefully misspelled in misleading, insulting and derogatory ways.
For an idea of what the true nobility was like before the fraud, here is a portrait of François I, one of the last great Kings of France, by Jean Clouet in the early 1500’s and now in the Louvre:
Here is a portrait of one of the most recently assassinated royal families. Several members of this family, generally loved and respected by their country, were murdered in the late 1950’s during an insider military ‘coup’, leaving the little boy alone with a very sad crown.
King Farouk, Queen Farida and King Faisal of Iraq.
This is not something that can be ignored any longer. There is a plethora of evidence that every revolution at least since the 1600’s has been part of a concerted and planned attack on lawful government by a quasi-religious group with centralized authority, operating undercover, with intent to defraud and undermine legal governments. Their methodology can be traced, the perpetrators can be located, evidence can be presented in court, and reparations can be made. This is all within the realm of the possible. If property rights have been usurped based on fraud, then civil courts can provide damages. There is no lack of precedence, evidence or means to attain justice.
Consider student loan debt for a simple example. It can be shown that intentionally subversive lies are printed in required college textbooks in order to mislead students and cover up crimes. University classrooms are used for negative indoctrination that undermines society, students and their families. These facts can be documented and presented as evidence of fraud and extortion in court. Not only is it possible that all student loans be cancelled, but also that students who have been the victims of this fraud can be reimbursed in civil court for damages, and furthermore, required use of these fraudulent textbooks and the extortion associated with them can come to an end.
An international tribunal can restore society to a functional system. Our world wide legal system is based on thousands of years of precedent, in an on-going project to create a just and equitable society. All that remains now is to make use of enforcement of natural law through an international effort. A perfect society may never exist, but we can at least keep going forward in our attempt.
Excerpts taken from “International Arbitration from Athens to Locarno” Published 1929
Stanford University Press
Stanford University, California
London: Humphrey Milford
Oxford University Press
The Maruzen-Kabushinki-Kaisha…
The Baker and Taylor Company\55 Fifth Avenue, NY
HD 194.35 Land Title Origins, A Tale of Force and Fraud by Alfred Chandler 1945
Robert Schalkenbach Foundation, Inc
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