Lessons on “Who-less” Ranting, Duff on Ratigan


The More That is Said, the More that is Hidden


By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor


The big news here in the United States is that, one mainstream news show, Dylan Ratigan, almost began to speak the truth before he reined himself in. 

He got some of it out, lots of “what” and no “who.” 

Days later when “who” started to trickle out, Ratigan had obviously been “spoken to.”  We take what we can get.  However, as is always the case, what is “not said” is always most important.  Sometimes “not saying” is the loudest rant of all.

For those who have not heard “the rant,” here it is:

[youtube gIcqb9hHQ3E]

All better now?  Ready to go back to watching the game?  Got that out of your system?  Bet you didn’t notice that “you’ve been had.” 

Why did Ratigan say ” Tens of trillions” when those figures don’t come to the surface, not unless we enter the ethereal world of derivatives, which we did not.  Ratigan has that right, not $700 billion, not ever $2.3 trillion but many times that has been secretly pumped out of the Federal Reserve to places unknown.

He knows it.  I know it.  He even said it.  But how can it be true, our national debt is only $15 trillion.  We can’t even pay the interest on that.  What did Ratigan “let out of the bag” that doesn’t fit any story we have ever been told, $30 or even $80 trillion dollars of public debt created by the Federal Reserve, done on a “whim” at the bidding of who or what?

Why didn’t everyone at the table leap to their feet and say, “What the hell are you talking about, how many trillions, have you lost your mind?”

The Federal Reserve - Is Who?

What Ratigan is saying is that the Federal Reserve, yes that private group of banks, mostly foreign, that “prints our money” has gone totally friggin’ nuts and simply invented or imagined “tens of trillions” of dollars.

Congress never authorized it, nobody “raised the debt ceiling” to allow it, China certainly didn’t say we could do it and they hold the mortgage on America.

Then we wonder, but the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed last week at over 12,000.  Who owns Dow Jones?  Is it Rupert Murdoch of Fox News?

Were you aware that there is an entirely new “Dow Jones” that no longer includes the same companies, one rigged to make things appear OK while they really aren’t?

Please, someone explain, not just what is going on but why nobody is asking real questions.


The Real Eliot Ness

It all sounds so attractive, crooked congress, bad Wall Street, pointing out the obvious foibles of our useless congress, something 88% of Americans (average) agree upon in every poll.

Why all the talk about the symptoms and none about the disease?

Is this why we have actors and why this “rant” is nothing but a minor sub-Shakespearean drama?

Here are a couple of analogies:

1).  Imagine seeing a Kaposi Sarcoma, a symptom of full blown AIDS and calling it a tattoo.

2).  Imagine Eliot Ness arresting a candy store owner in Chicago for selling a pint of bathtub gin and getting his paycheck from Al Capone.

Are you getting the picture?

Wall Street?  They did it?  They bought congress, they are hiding tens of trillions of dollars in their insolvent/bankrupt dens of iniquity?

Or, is Wall Street just the “candy store” and our actors and their stage play nothing but misdirection.


Show Me the Money !!

Anyone with a television knows any investigation follows the money. Now we are told an investigation or a protest involves “pointing the the finger” for 15 seconds and then moving on, hoping the public has been adequately “inoculated” with controlled dissent.

A major network trying to buy its way into a major story when, of course, the network itself, is an organ of the same unspoken and certainly unseen “dark forces” the actors in their stage plays threaten to, some day, think about alluding to.

Don’t hold your breath.

First of all, Dylan, I have to say “good energy there.”

As a continual guest on “marginal” TV and radio, no pay and occasionally warned what to say and what not to say, his rant is where I go when the Valium and caffeine levels go wrong.

We are supposed to be thankful that someone notices these things:

  • Some utterly unknown entity, later misidentified as the “tax code” and “Chinese” are stealing all the money in the world like a Willy Wonka gone bad, perhaps it’s the Grinch?
  • American has no economic policy.  Thank you for pointing that one out.  You get “5” out of 5 on that one.
  • “Congress has been bought.”  There we finally begin going somewhere and mainstream media can’t “take it home.”  It is like you are describing a sale, which is exactly what happened to America’s government but never mentioning the buyer.   Good move there.

Dylan , just as a beginning, a minor one, let’s go one step further:

  • Where has the money gone.  You say “tens of trillions of dollars” are missing.  Where are they now?
  • Who took them?
  • Why did they take them?  Who could spend that much?
  • Let me ask this again.  Why?

There is another problem, Dylan, “understatement.”

  • A couple of weeks ago, Merrill Lynch, the “gutted” subsidiary of the nearly bankrupt Bank of America tried to “launder $79 trillion into the FDIC.
Merrill Lynch- A Mirage on the Water Now

I can’t even make other points.  I have to stop right here.  Merrill Lynch isn’t worth anything, it has no value, it went under in 2008.

How in the name of all that is holy, could the bankrupt subsidiary of a bankrupt bank be holding enough money to buy China, actually a couple of times over.

Are we all dead here?

Doesn’t anyone ask questions?  ML claims they are holding more money than exists, more than the Federal Reserve has every printed since its inception in 1913, in “bad securities,” some call them “toxic derivatives.”

There is no evidence that this “money” or these “derivatives” ever existed, no evidence of where they came from, nobody bought them, no government issued them or regulatory entity ever authorized their issue.

Could someone, please, just mention this, or part of it.  You do realize that, when the scope of this is looked at, no conspiracy theory in history comes even close.

Here is the beginning of what we are finding out:

  • The “bailout” wasn’t $700 billion but $7 trillion or more, money “lent” to the banks which they made huge profits out of.
  • We know that congress never authorized this and the actions of the Federal Reserve in doing so were criminal acts requiring arrest, trials, incarceration, things like that.
  • We now know this illegal “looting” that went on, made billions which were paid out to certain individuals, now estimated to be $13 billion, no taxes were paid, the money never went into banks, the money never even went into the United States.
  • In fact, most of the “bailout” is not included on any list of our “national debt” or any legal transaction of our government at all.  It was a private, “under the table” deal cut between individuals, not really banks at all, and a group of individuals best described as what they are, organized crime, who are allowed to do anything, no matter how illegal or damaging to America, because they are above any law.

Nothing on this scale has ever been done before.  The official estimate for “money” stolen, the stuff Ratigan is talking about, is $1,450 trillion dollars, money in excess of all wealth on earth.

It isn’t just America’s congress but the EU, Russia, China and Japan who are covering this up.  What we want to know, as I ask again:

  • Where is the money?
  • Why was it stolen?
  • What is the plan, world domination,  turning the planet over to lizard aliens or something worse, though my imagination is now beginning to wear thin here.
There Seem to be Holes in the Accounting

I can’t even begin to imagine what congress or the Federal Reserve or all these organizations, and there are so many, are thinking.

How can there be “debt” when nobody sold anything to anyone, nothing changed hands.

Do you think this money is all “bad mortgages for evil Negroes” as the Republican Party tried to tell us 3 years ago, when only they knew and were busy lying to all of us?

With public and private debt across the world estimated at over $2500 trillion dollars, do we owe all that money to China for VCRs sitting in Salvation Army stories, unwise purchases made during the 1990s or is it all owed to Verizon Wireless for “data overage” charges on Android phones?

You do understand that the numbers we are tossing around are considered “real” by major financial entities and are sufficient to “collateralize” the purchase of the sun?  Is someone planning to sell it?  What would you wrap it in?

Any other suggestions?


Ratigan talks about “bought congress.”  Here is who bought congress:

  • The “Israel lobby” is the single biggest holder of financial leverage on congress with a continual agenda involving support of a) Protecting financial criminals, b) Staying at war continually for reasons that are now “unclear,” c) Laundering foreign aid to Israel back to the US in the form of bribes to congress, a form of “pump priming.”
  • Drug cartels:  $100 billion per year, 80% from Afghanistan, some from Mexico, is pared down to about $2 billion in election financing laundered through “corporations” now allowed unlimited and unaudited political contributions
  • The Same Old Guys:  The oil, drug, pollution and, let’s not forget, the Republican Party’s love affair with filling America with illegal aliens to push down wages.  Leading this effort?  The US Chamber of Commerce, keeping America’s borders unguarded for decades now.

Ratigan, next time you rant, do remember to use a teleprompter.

Ratigan describes the biggest crime wave in history, obviously something done by an organization that is above any government.  I can understand him not wanting to put any name on it.  I feel the same way.  Every time I say “New World Order,” I can see eyes roll back into heads.


Project For a New American Century - It's Imperial Wizards

Let’s talk about “when.”  This wasn’t done before, it was done when Bush came into office.  Bush had a advisors and planners.  His advisors were PNAC, a largely Israeli based group that planned, they claim, to position the United States to “rule the world” after a “Pearl Harbor” type incident would allow the government to enact new laws and start a chain of wars in Central Asia.

More of the PNAC Gang

The “in place” management was to be Donald Rumsfeld and Richard Cheney, who would control the military and intelligence operations during the Bush presidency.

Less formally were a group of financial criminals who were appointed to stop all financial regulation.

In fact, all oversight and regulation, from environment to working standards to veterans health and welfare came to a virtual halt after the Supreme Court appointed Bush to the presidency, an power denied that body by the Constitution of the United States.

In fact, this is the last time we saw any evidence of there being a constitution.

Since 2001, no branch of government, be it legislative, judicial or executive has made mention of other than the most minor constitutional abuses.

Cases involving torture or violations of speech are brought before the court but the only substantive action was the bizarre move to endow corporations, multi-national “deathless” entities with a special superhuman status, no legal restraints to suddenly be empowered with very special and unique political rights.

These rights that have allowed them to use their financial leverage, leverage gained through operating in an illegal and unregulated environment, to repay the politicians who very simply ended all enforcement of criminal and civil law.

There are exceptions.  Laws against the poor are “alive and well.”  Selective enforcement against political enemies, whistleblowers and “mavericks,” real ones anyway, is also “alive and well.”


Whether we are talking to “Occupy” activists, or simply the citizens of the world, there is one watershed that changed everything.


For over 10 years, beginning the second “the incident” began, a carefully scripted cover story involving violations of every scientific principle and dozens of laws and well established precedents went into motion. 

Hundreds of thousands of tons of steel vaporized in a small fire, two towers were hit but three collapsed and a missile hit the Pentagon.

For 10 years, the lies have been sold and resold, news but mostly movies and TV shows, all peddling everything but the truth.


Did You Just Here Something? - No...Did You ?

Evidence exists that Israelis ran the 9/11 attack exists, enough evidence to convince any jury.  In fact, there was a trial in Britain regarding their “9/11” which they call “7/7.”

It was proven during the trial that the London attacks by “Muslims” was actually done by Israeli intelligence.

You won’t read about it anywhere else but all you will ever need to be convinced is here:  Suppressed News: “False Flag” Whistleblower Acquitted in Britain

For those who have managed to avoid dealing with the controversy of 9/11, those subjected to the controlled media barrage that I believe is very much a part of the orchestrated effort to steal enough money to buy the sun, this Tony Lawson video is a reasonable “baby step” toward becoming sane again.

If  a twinge of return to reality is stimulated here, we can help.

[youtube YT28hCyXsLs]

A critical issue is Israeli involvement in 9/11, something we believe we can prove.  This is, in itself, a problem.  If one speaks about Israel doing wrong, one is attacked as an “antisemite.”

In fact, a flurry of name calling and personal attacks seems to have been part of the plan from the beginning and, for awhile, it worked quite well.

Disappering Like Grains of Sand - But Where Is It Going?

What if those who use the term “antisemite” with such regularity, often against people who never show the courage of even pointing out evidence of Israeli complicity, are attacked as “antisemites” anyway?  It happens every day.

Some might call it “proof.”  Others might be simply made suspicious.  Suspicion is a good place to begin, it was where I started.  Now, for reasons none of us know anything of, the world has changed, black is white, white is yellow and, as Dylan Ratigan tells us, “tens of trillions of dollars have vanished.”

They vanished like hundreds of thousands of tons of structural steel on 9/11, the like United States Air Force vanished.  All these mysterious “vanishings” are related, if you hadn’t guessed already.

Did you see when the constitution vanished?  It is gone also, vanished like our government, the one that Dylan Ratigan says has been “bought.”

Is that a form of “vanishing” too?  Is it, just maybe, our “freedoms” and “rights” that disappeared?

Now, and I am not sure why, Americas relationship with Israel, despite superficial claims to the contrary, has fallen apart.  We actually get along with Pakistan better than we get along with Israel.  Can I explain why?

Of course not, all I know is what the news tells me and I know the news is “invented,” at least any part involving issues Israel is involved in.  Why is that?

This takes us back to the Ratigan rant.  He said someone “owned” congress but never mentioned who.

I am saying someone “owns” the press but I am not mentioning who.

Why would Dylan Ratigan claim that congress is “owned” and Gordon Duff claim the press is “controlled” and yet refuse to name who “owns” and who “controls?” Why indeed?




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Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades. Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world's largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues. Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than "several" countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.