Home 2012 January

Monthly Archives: January 2012

Sunday Morning: Gossip and Intel and Welcome 2012

All we hear all day long is one side telling us to bomb Iran while the other side tells us that there is no proof whatsoever they have any weapons program.

Housing Market 2012

If you're like most first-time home buyers, you've probably listened to friends', family's and coworkers' advice, many of whom are encouraging you to buy a home. However, you may still wonder if buying a home is the right thing to do. Relax. Having reservations is normal. The more you know about why you should buy a home, the less scary the entire process will appear to you.

Islamophobic Harry’s Place thanks its Jewish Anti Zionist Collaborators

The message for every Palestinian solidarity person is pretty clear-Beware!

Raid on Egypt NGOs: The Old Regime is Back in Business

“The Foreign agenda” …whenever you hear of it, be sure that the people in power are in trouble.

2011 : The year that changed the world

The eventful 2011 did not just change contours of Middle East, it leaves behind a world transformed. What an extraordinary, truly game-changing year has it been! Who would have imagined this time last year that hope would break out of the darkness of a dying year? by Aijaz Zaka Syed.

Is Hamas Really a Mean-Minded Christmas Scrooge?

The headline said Hamas had “cancelled Christmas”. Could this possibly be true? When I visited Gaza in late 2007 Fr Manuel Mussallam, the feisty old priest in charge of the Catholic community, took me and others to meet Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh and some of his colleagues.