Breaking – Putin in Tel Aviv, Sharpening the Knife (updated)

Ground Zero for these two: America

VT Hard Proof – Syrian President Bashir Assad is an Israeli Agent


Ground Zero for these two: America

 …by  Gordon Duff, Senior Editor


There are two basically communist countries in the Middle East, Israel, mixed Communist, Socialist and military dictatorship and Syria, a military dictatorship that was Baathist, a mixture of Communism, Socialism and “Arab identity exploitation.”

Putin loves them both equally but is forced to visit Israel so as not to appear to be, well, deeply involved in a plot against the United States involving Israel, the Soviet Union and Syria.  Some call the Soviet Union “Russia.”  They believe the US won the cold war.

No wonder Putin chooses his best friend, “Bibi” for his first overseas visit.  They have a lot to talk about.  Their problem however is that we now know the whole dirty story.

Putin hates America more than anyone in the world, any terrorist, were such things to really exist. There might be some, but there is little or no existing proof that international terrorist organizations exist except for those simulated by governments for reasons of need to respond with violence against innocent civilians.

Munich - Who really did what to whom, and why? And has this kind of thing been done before?

Ain’t never been no Al Qaeda, the others, even the famed PLO little but an Israeli front organization.  Would Israel kill it’s own Olympic athletes to gain sympathy? In a New York minute they would, and have done little else for some time.

Below we are going to expose the 2003 Israeli attack on Syria’s imaginary nuclear program and categorically prove it could never have happened.  Then we can explain why the two nations worked together to deceive the world that they were enemies when, in fact, they were fast friends.

Next week, new Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin will be making his first overseas trip.  It isn’t to Germany or China or America.  He is visiting the man he says is his closest ally, and for that he travels to Tel Aviv.

While the world is nearing war over Syria, he is visiting Benjamin Netanyahu.

What has also been mysterious is the pattern of communications between Israeli intelligence and the wife of Assad, the current president of Syria. Here, we have a verrrryyyy interesting story.

Daddy Hafez Assad - Mass murderer, but only one of many

Bashir Assad’s father took over Syria and established it as a military dictatorship in 1971.

His primary enemy was the Muslim Brotherhood, the same political party that won the recent elections in Egypt but is being prevented from taking power by highly illegal interference by a military long under the control of Mubarak and his friends in Israel.

At one time, Syria and Egypt were one Communist nation, called The United Arab Republic.  After 1961, with multiple government overthrows, this arrangement was dissolved.

The elder Assad, Hafez, exterminated the Muslim Brotherhood, finishing with the massacre of 30,000 civilians at the massacre of Hama in 1982.  The video below is in Arabic from 1982, 30 years ago.

The scenes are almost identical to those seen today yet some of the world acts as though this wasn’t all predicted so long ago:

[youtube Zlr_Ot1muO4]

From that point forward, extremely tight controls were maintained over the population where one in five people were government informants.  This continues to this day.

In 1994, 33 year old Basil al Assad, eldest son of President Hafez al Assad “died” in a minor traffic accident almost identical to the one that killed Lady Diana 3 years later.  This was a one car accident where an armoured limousine struck a barrier leaving the driver unhurt but killing Basil Assad, the choice to take over the presidency.

Syria denied these killings, estimated at 38,000 and protested by the population every year since.  Maybe they can go back in history and blame NATO.  This is what the current  revolution started as, if anyone listened, a protest of the 1982 massacre was met with the 2012 massacre.

Did the Arab Spring really start in 1982

Syrians have had the Assad name hanging over them since the 70’s. They look on the family as Awat extremists, a brutal dictatorship. More have died in Syria than any place but Iraq. (American killing.)

Both nations, at one time Baathist, are among the most advanced in the Middle East, people capable, if allowed, of electing free governments without interference, said to be NATO but increasingly looking like good friends in Moscow and Tel Aviv.

We have so many whose beliefs are all based on the propaganda that Israel is an American ally and free, ask the 60,000 Israeli’s of African origin who are being expelled by gunpoint after years of working for $2 per day, ask them about freedom.

More of why the Assad name is despised by all in Syria, undisputed photos of Assad butchery from 1982, almost identical to those we see today:

[youtube sXsUPVy_Ryk]

Calling this a new revolution is insane?  This has been going on for 30 years with over 100,000 dead.


Bassel Assad - A mysterious and convenient death for whom?

Assad’s oldest son Bassel was his father’s choice to succeed him, a strong military leader who would have been legally old enough to assume the presidency in 2000 when his father died.

Instead, Bashir al Assad, an opthamologist from London who was finishing his residency became president.

Bashir’s personal accomplishments are primarily having been propelled through medical school in Damascus, and when it became necessary, was given the rank of Colonel in the Army with less training than Uganda gives a private security guard.

A few odd things happened.  Bashir became president in 2000 running unopposed and getting 97.5% of the vote.

He also married a beautiful young lady from London that he met while doing medical training there. Some believe her to be an Israeli agent and Bashir’s handler. We think that is outrageous and irresponsible.

Her job, prior to marrying Bashir was working as an investment banker for J.P. Morgan/Rothschild, the largest Jewish controlled financial institution in the world.

Between 2000 and 2008, there was considerable bluster and even a reported bombing strike on Syria by Israel. However, we have pieced together (our staff, sources and readers) some new confirmed information on the Syrian nuclear plant that Israel claims to have bombed in 2007.

At the time of the bombing, Syria was undergoing political turmoil much as it is now, with the demand that Bashir resign and leave the country. The only thing that saved him was the Israeli attack on a “reactor” that absolutely no one believes ever existed.

Open Intel in the Guardian Observer -Thank You.

Then it happened. A newspaper in Qatar, interviewing Bashir, confirmed he had been in negotiations with Israel with Turkey as an intermediary, for a number of years.

This was 2008 and was confirmed by Israel, meaning they had been negotiating long before that.

The UK Guardian confirms but private sources place the date at 2003 rather than 2007.  It was highly profitable both nations to fein conflict.

What was most important was that Iran not be told of the talks nor the part Turkey had taken in aiding Israeli plans to attack Iran.

The Republic of Georgia

Turkey had allowed Israel to use their air space for training because their terrain closely resembled areas of Iran that Israel planned to attack. 

However, Turkey was unaware that planes involved in this effort were being relocated to forward staging areas in the Republic of Georgia, making Turkey, technically, fully complicit in this planned illegal attack.

Helping coordinate the attack are intelligence units forward stationed in Azerbaijan, under the guise of technicians, trainers and advisors under the broad armaments agreements with that small nation.

Supply operations, moving necessary ordnance, much of it supplied by the United States under ammunition storage agreements, is being moved through the Black Sea to the Georgian Port of Poti, a major site for exporting coal and manganese ore.

Also, when looking at the Israeli bombing, dubbed Operation Orchard, it fails to take into account that, in 1991, Syria purchased an S300 air defense system from Russia, which was manned by their personnel and was the most modern version available when online some time before 1996.

It could have shot down the Israeli planes on the runway, much less have been defeated by any technology Israel had.  No technology America has currently, stealth or otherwise, can operate in that  environment.

In fact, the S300 system from 1996 is superior in performance to the current Patriot 3, our top level air defense system.  Let’s go further, this is what Wikipedia says about the system operational in 2003 in Syria and why Russian technicians were used:

S-300PMU-1/2 (SA-20)

S-300PMU-2 64N6E2 acquisition radar (part of 83M6E2 command post)

The S-300PMU-1 (Russian С-300ПМУ-1,US DoD designation SA-20A, NATO reporting name SA-20 Gargoyle) was also introduced in 1992 with the new and larger 48N6 missiles for the first time in a land-based system and introduced all the same performance improvements from the S300FM version including the increased speed, range, TVM guidance and ABM capability.[11] The warhead is slightly smaller than the naval version at 143 kg (315 lb). This version also saw the introduction of the new and more capable 30N6E TOMB STONE radar.

The S-300PMU-1 was introduced in 1999 and for the first time introduces several different kinds of missiles in a single system. In addition to the 5V55R, 48N6E and 48N6E2 missiles the S-300PMU-1 can utilise two new missiles, the 9M96E1 and 9M96E2. Both are significantly smaller than the previous missiles at 330 and 420 kg (728 and 926 lb respectively) and carry smaller 24 kg (53 lb) warhead.

The 9M96E1 has an engagement range of 1–40 km (1–25 mi) and the 9M96E2 of 1–120 km (1–75 mi). They are still carried 4 per TEL. Rather than just relying on aerodynamic fins for manoeuvring, they use a gas-dynamic system which allows them to have an excellent probability of kill (Pk) despite the much smaller warhead. The Pk is estimated at 0.7 against a tactical ballistic missile for either missile.

The S-300PMU-1 typically uses the 83M6E command and control system, although it is also compatible with the older Baikal-1E and Senezh-M1E CCS command and control systems. The 83M6E system incorporates the 64N6E (BIG BIRD) surveillance/detection radar. The fire control/illumination and guidance radar used is the 30N6E(1), optionally matched with a 76N6 low altitude detection radar and a 96L6E all altitude detection radar. The 83M6E command and control system can control up to 12 TELs, both the self propelled 5P85SE vehicle and the 5P85TE towed launchers. Generally support vehicles are also included, such as the 40V6M tow vehicle, intended for lifting of the antenna post]

S-300PMU-2 vehicles. From left to right: 64N6E2 detection radar, 54K6E2 command post and 5P85 TEL.

The S-300PMU-2 Favorite (Russian С-300ПМУ-2 ФаворитFavourite, DoD designation SA-20B), introduced in 1997, is an upgrade to the S-300PMU-1 with range extended once again to 195 km (121 mi) with the introduction of the 48N6E2 missile. This system is apparently capable against not just short range ballistic missiles, but now also medium range tactical ballistic missiles.

It uses the 83M6E2 command and control system, consisting of the 54K6E2 command post vehicle and the 64N6E2 surveillance/detection radar. It employs the 30N6E2 fire control/illumination and guidance radar. Like the S-300PMU-1, 12 TELs can be controlled, with any mix of 5P85SE2 self propelled and 5P85TE2 trailer launchers.

Optionally it can make use of the 96L6E all altitude detection radar and 76N6 low altitude detection radar, just like the S-300PMU-1.[12]

Israeli F-16s

It gets worse.  Israel says it used planes.

This system shoots down ICBMs and cruise type missiles.  To it, planes are a joke.

America’s top F22 pilots, were that platform safe enough to fly, which it isn’t, a stealth aircraft decades beyond what Israel was flying would not have survived Syria’s air defenses.

The entire attack was phony, a set up, so pitiful and obvious that even the controlled press must have been embarrassed at having to pass on such swill.


Asma Assad

Someone is lying here, lying about when negotiations began with Israel, about an attack that could never have happened, one that represented convenient aid to Syria when under threat internally.

We seem to be seeing this again as Washington PR agencies, one after the other, sign up with Syria to make the Assads, the inexperienced “eye doctor” and his Israeli spy wife, look like vicious victims of evil Jewish plots and NATO, the defense pact that died a slow death back during the 1990s.

So what are the real questions we should be asking about Putin’s trip?  Will they talk about Iran?  Iran who?  Not hardly.

They will be talking about how to either get Assad off the hook or make sure that Syria gets another pro-Soviet government and, best of all, how Egypt can get the same and still keep collecting money from the US while actually an enemy, like Israel.

What we can’t explain, the Rothschild wife, the secret negotiations, the phony attack, how much more?

Do we now know why the Mossad killed the brother and put Bashir in office?

Our only real question is Putin.  Does he or Netanyahu pull the strings?  Do the commies trump the secret societies and financial cartels?

What is for sure, billions will be spent to defeat Obama.  Both Putin and Netanyahu want Romney to win, they even sent half dead Henry Kissinger out to campaign for him.

What is Romney’s job?  He is going to start World War III, slated for very soon and make sure America loses. That’s his job.


Addendum (reader furnished)

Trish Schuh Reports From Deir al-Zur Monday, September 17th, 2007 Trish Schuh is the only Western journalist to actually go to Deir al-Zur, the area where Israeli planes are said to have attacked a missile depot. (Another phony attack, completed during cordial talks between Bashir al Assad and Netanyahu, a fact not known for another year.  Editor’s note.)


SYRIA’S SMOKING GUN by Trish Schuh Sept. 17, 2007 Written for “Syria Comment”


Dier Ez Zor - Western Syria

DEIR EZ ZOR, Syria-   On a bridge over the Euphrates River at sundown, neighboring mosques weave a chorus calling Muslims to prayer.

This destitute, ramshackle oil town on Iraq’s desert frontier seems calm, despite Israel’s recent raid on a military base outside the city to destroy “Syria’s nuclear program.

The Qamishli-Deir Ez Zor highway, alleged by Israel to be a weapons route for Iraqi insurgents, was also quiet, and there were no heavy construction machinery or building cranes visible in the opposite direction on the road from Deir Ez Zor to Iraq.

At the Syria-Qusayba checkpoint near the Iraq border, I was stopped by the Syrian military.  Across the road on the Iraqi side, sounds of American military operations puttered as blackhawk helicopters flew overhead. “No photos,” said the Syrian military captain. Cameras could draw US sniper fire.

The surrounding terrain is flat barren desert, with visibility extending for miles. It is difficult to see how smugglers, insurgents or anything that moves could penetrate here. This is also where CNN claimed Israel punched “a big hole in the desert” by attacking North Korean nuclear materials. But the big hole could be in CNN’s story.

As far back as 2002, Charles Duelfer of the United Nations Iraq Survey Group called then Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, John Bolton’s nuclear claims against Syria “exaggerated.”  It was also the assessment of the CIA. In 2004, Muhammad El Baradei chief of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reiterated that there was no evidence Syria had a nuclear program.

Col. Sam Gardiner - USAF, Ret.

After the invasion of Iraq, former US Air Force Colonel Sam Gardiner identified charges against Syria as one of 50 false news stories created by Israel and the White House to justify war.

“Saddam’s nuclear WMDs moved to Syria” was propaganda he said.

Several days ago, after the attack on Syria’s “nuclear program”, I spoke to western oil company officials in Deir Ez Zor.

One technician told me they routinely monitor radiation as part of the refining process.

They registered no heightened levels of nuclear residue in the area as there would have been if the Israelis had hit a North Korean atomic stockpile. Operations and technical foremen put it this way:

“The nuclear claims against Syria are pure bullsh*t.” . The Syrian smoking gun is the complete lack of any mushroom cloud.


VT Conclusions

With both attacks in 2003 and 2007 shown to have been staged to demonstrate a non-existent ire between Israel and Syria and with a Rothschild “first lady” in Damascus, Putin and Netanyahu’s upcoming funfest is obvious.

It is a coordinated assault on the United States through a series of continued surrogate wars, likely to be started by another terror attack overshadowing 9/11, one where “just add water” instant terrorists from convenient Muslim countries will be named 10 minutes after the first nuke goes off.

Expect it, as we have hard Intel that Putin has put four nukes on the world market, perhaps one for the 2012 Olympics as well.

The 2007 attack, one to build Israel’s “street creds” with American Jews was the last straw.  Nobody gets past this one, an attack staged during the middle of fully confirmed “very cordial” talks.

Our thanks to the UK Guardian and correspondents from Qatar for furnishing dates on the fumble that should take Bashir and put him on the bench.

 Editing: Jim W. Dean


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Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades. Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world's largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues. Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than "several" countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.