My Soldier – My Witness




by E. Paul Newell


My civilian life here, down in the murky layers of con and lies, appears to be clouded however my view is not so. The stain of guilt lies everywhere.

Each step that a leader takes in the wrong direction is just one more ounce of guilt upon them.

Each signing that they endeavour is a signature of guilt.

Now the records are there in the paper annals of human life.

This massive mountain of evidence is clear. Archived now for the future generations to see.

and look back in shame.

The guilt stains now need to be addressed. The citizen is weary now but

also waking from the dreary rain of lies, murder, deception, and abuse.

The citizen now wants accountability and retribution for damages

wilfully subjected upon their person and their families by the

(alleged) perpetrators.

The perpetrators by all rights will have fair trial. Now we have this mound of paper documented evidence. What goes nicely with evidence?

Eye witness perhaps?. Yes. – My Soldier – My Witness.

In the USA there is in the neighbourhood of one half million or more

homeless Veterans. Each one a very real eye witness.

Let the witness testimony begin. Once the testimony begins active Veterans will then realize the grave

situation. Connect the eye witness testimony to the not so classified paper trail

of guilt. And you will have the guilty in sight.

It is now all but hinged on a “tipping scale” very finely balanced to

the point of a heavy breath.

Now then each man from every division, every company, and every arm of

the forces has the right and really the duty to make clear that they too

have been victimized by the very same perps that are victimizing the

entire planet. The Vets need to come clean and make clear how they were

transformed into autonomous pawns for the big boys to play with.

Everything has been played out now in front of the whole world.

Again all the papers signed and everything has been recorded on video, film,

digital, what have you.

Every move made by every leader is just evidence of the grave acts that

have led to the mass slaughter of humans all over.

With the basic decencies of life all but stripped, again by the same


Here is a little testimony of a real foot soldier against the vile

threats to all of us.

Some of the last words of Rachel Corrie to her parents: “I’m witnessing

this chronic, insidious genocide and I’m really scared, and questioning

my fundamental belief in the goodness of human nature. This has to stop.

I think it is a good idea for us all to drop everything and devote our

lives to making this stop. I don’t think it’s an extremist thing to do

anymore. But I also want this to stop. Disbelief and horror is what I


RIP Rachel Corrie, a true hero of all humanity.

Rachel was crushed by a bulldozer while protecting human rights for all.
What will you do next?


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