Nahida Izzat: Did the Age of Enlightenment Never Occur?


Introduction by Gilad Atzmon

The following is a must read expose by Nahida Izzat. Nahida is one of the strongest, most eloquent and profound writers in our movement. And yet, in spite of being an exiled Palestinian, she is terrorised, intimidated and harassed by no others than the Jewish ‘anti’ Zionists.

In the following piece Nahida brings the shocking details of the campaign against her and freedom of speech that was led by Liverpool Jewish ‘anti’ Zionist  Greg Dropkin and his clan.

I better say it clearly and loudly; we are not going to tolerate AZZ’s  (anti Zionist Zionists) repellent behaviour forever.

We are tired of Talmudic commissars. We believe in freedom of speech and freedom of expression.  

Did the Age of Enlightenment never occur?

by Nahida Izzat 

Recently, my article, this blog and myself have come under attack -not by Zionists, but by two members  of the our local Friends of Palestine group (FoP), as well as by a local  anti-Zionist Jewish group.

A letter, signed by Messrs G.D and T.B, which was explicitly  supported by this anti-Zionist Jewish group was sent to the chair and  secretary of the FoP. In this letter they accuse me of writing a “racist  [sic]” article “against the Jews [sic]“. Using this false accusations  as a pretext, they demanded the “urgent” and “nonnegotiable [sic]”  removal of my article and of the link to my blog from FoP’s website.  They also demanded the removal of articles by Stewart Littlewood and  Gilad Atzmon who both have also been victims of such accusation.

In the monthly meeting of FoP that followed, this local anti-Zionist  Jewish group expressed that they were “concerned that credence should  not be given to contributors who are holocaust deniers or racist”.

Interestingly, this group who demanded the removal of an article by a  Palestinian author and the link to a Palestinian website,  simultaneously demanded that links to Jewish-Israeli campaigning groups  should be added on FoP Website; “… links to Jewish campaigning groups  like ICAHD, New Profile, Combatants for Peace and Jewish for Peace.”

Obviously, defamation, libel, smear and character assassination are  used with the aim to filter information and to silence the debate. Such  methods are terribly detrimental to the analysis and evaluation of the  situation, hence it has the potential to limit and to dilute the  efficiency of the Palestinian Solidarity movement. The outcome of such  activities would primarily and effectively function as nothing less than  Controlled Opposition.

What is worse, is the departure from even the most elementary rules  of Justice and Human Rights. Indeed the methods used are reminding of  either Banana Republics or Totalitarian Regimes. The accusation is based  on lies, the accused has no right to defend him/herself (I was not  present in the meeting due to illness, recording was refused, and the  meeting was not adjourned) and sentence is pronounced on dubious basis  (no reasonable quorum membership voting) and executed (website was  effectively “epurated” of the article and links by the only Palestinian  member of FoP) and this by virtue of the libellous say-so accusations.

It is almost inconceivable to me to imagine that in our time we would  still -or again witness such methods, and this by people who claim to  be “human rights activists”

Forbidden words , taboo topics, witch hunt, smear campaigns,  excommunications, thought-policing and Book banning are no longer the  trademark of fascists and right wing extremists, the profession has been  shared now by “Jewish Anti-Zionist”, alleged “friends of Palestine”.

Did the age of enlightenment never occur?

Are we been thrust back to Medieval times, Inquisition period or stone age?

What is happening to our freedom of expression and freedom of thought?

And to whose benefit independent thinking has become a heresy?

What is shocking in this whole fiasco is the striking similarity of  the method, the timing, and the type of accusation between the  anti-Zionist Jewish “supporters” and hyper-Zionists. It is a carbon copy of the Anti Defamation League and the Board of Deputies of British Jews style that aims to “silence by slander” those who dare to speak the  truth or go deeper in their analysis by looking at motivation and  methods of operation of the criminal entity and it’s global supporters.

We are left watching in astonishment and disbelief some “anti-Zionists” doing the work for hyper-Zionists, the likes of ADL and BoDoBJ

It is worth mentioning that this sort of method is not new; some  years ago, I witnessed the ostracising and excommunication of two  activists, Paul Eisen and Gilad Atzmon, by my local group affiliated to  Palestine Solidarity Campaign.

The fiasco was triggered by a paper written by Paul Eisen, which  apparently hit some nerves; Paul Eisen and his paper were defended by  Atzmon.

With my usual frankness I attempted to defend Atzmon and Eisen,  explaining that in the writing of either men, I did not find any  evidence supporting the allegations thrown against them i.e  anti-Semitism or denial of the Holocaust. I defended their right to have  their opinion expressed and heard. I also suggested that if the group  nevertheless still has issues with the writing of the two men, they  should simply invite them to an open debate and listen and allow others  to hear from them directly. It was made obvious to me then that my views  are naïve and reflect political inexperience. The “Thought Police” at  the time decided that Nahida is in dire need of some “education”

A special meeting was organized to “educate” me – the Palestinian,  about the Holocaust (since every other member in the group was already  saturated with knowledge of it)

Consequently, the group voted to have nothing to do with  (excommunicate) Paul Eisen, Gilad Atzmon and “Deir Yassin Remembered”  organization, of which Paul Eisen was a co-founder.

It was an incredible experience to have witnessed mature, intelligent  and dedicated human beings, been dictated to what to read and what not  to read, and whom to have contact with and whom not. The audacity of  such gagging and filtering of information should have raised suspicion.

Desiring to keep the unity of the group, I respected their decision  and refrained from circulating articles by Atzmon for some years, even  though I remained unconvinced and very discontent with their medieval  method, attitude and of their decision. It clashed with my understanding  of fundamental concepts of freedom and respect of the intellect of my  fellow humans as well as my own. On a personal level, I continued  reading and kept in touch with both Atzmon and Eisen.

In 2009, soon after the most recent Gaza massacres, by sheer  coincidence I came across the word “Neshama” in one of the comments on ICH.  Curious, as anyone would be, I googled the word, and lo and behold  Pandora’s Box opened before my eyes; a new learning curve began; I  learned about a group called Chabad Lubavitch. I was horrified to  discover the supremacist ideology at the core of this group and the  level of influence accomplished by the Rebbe and his followers.

Horror-struck, I started investigating, studying then writing about  two main issues; the supremacist ideology and the high influence of this  prominent organization, attempting to alert our Jewish allies to the  danger of such ideology and influence… only to be faced with utter  silence.

Two years later, the deafening silence was abruptly and dishonourably  broken with the libellous letter of T.B and G.D in which they attempted  to silence me once and for all by throwing the archetypal Zionist  charge of “racism” and “anti-Semitism”

In their letter T. B and G. D have committed two main offences:

1) The first offence is personal, using the very same Zionist method  of character assassination by sticking the “racist”, “anti-Semitic”  label as a method of muffling truth. They attacked the messenger/  whistle blower who after two years of research and scrutiny of  Jewish-Zionist materials, came to discover then to expose a supremacist  ideology that animates many Jewish-Zionists in Palestine, and their  collaborators.

T. B and G. D put words in my mouth, words NEVER spoken or written by  myself. They proclaimed unfounded lies to suite and justify their  accusation, they completely falsified and misrepresented my views:

“Nahida … identifies the source of the problem as Jews and Judaism”…..

This to me is either total intellectual incompetence with severe  incapacity to comprehend simple written English, which I doubt to be the  case of T. B and G. D, OR it is nothing but blatant, calculated and  malicious lie, and that sickens me to the bone, coming from alleged  “friends” of Palestine.

Because I sensed that some Jewish members of the group had issues  with my articles, I invited them at numerous occasions to openly discuss  that troubling matter of Jewish Supremacist ideology and the high  influence of its adherents. Apart from one person, NO ONE accepted the  invitation. In fact G.D stated explicitly in the meeting that he was not  interested in discussion, he pointed out that “his priority” was to  deal with the allegedly racist material and “not to open up a discussion  with Nahida”

Furthermore, during the monthly meeting T.B allegedly a “friend of  Palestine” instead of expressing his support for the choice and will of  the Palestinian people, he essentially expressed his support to the  final materialization and the fulfillment of the main aims of Zionism;  i.e the permanent presence of FOREIGN OCCUPIERS, in a land they occupied  by military conquest. He exclaimed: “Nahida’s version of ‘one state’  would result in the expulsion of the vast majority of Jews which we  should not support”

Quotes from T.B and G.D’s letter:

“But our key objections are that Nahida

a) misrepresents the situation in the US, where Zionism is far more powerful, and conflates it with the situation in Britain;

and b) identifies the source of the problem as Jews and Judaism” [Lie #1]

“Nahida then slides from the US to Britain, as if Zionists here had  the kind of hold over MPs which AIPAC has exercised in US politics. It’s  not true.”

“For Nahida, Zionism and Jews are always intertwined” [Lie #2]

“We do not think that “all Jews” fit into any simple category. To claim they do is, in our opinion, racist” [ Lie #3]

“The bulk of Nahida’s article is an attack against Jews, who are mentioned 44 times with copious links” [Lie #4]

End quote

In one single letter, T.B and G.D have managed to come up with FOUR  LIES and clear falsifications of my views to justify their smear label.

One must ask, where is the intellectual integrity when critics resort  to such heinous methods of falsification and utter misrepresentation as  means of convincing their audience?

Moreover, I wonder how many times one is allowed to mention the words  “Jews/ Jewish/ Jewish-Zionist” in an article. Is there a limit after  which one can be classified as “anti-Semite”? Is it 3, 17, 21… or what?

For the sake of argument, if say the limit was defined as 21, and if  an article mentions it 21 times exactly, would the author qualify as a  borderline anti-Semite?

Furthermore, does anyone wonder how many times the word “Jew” appears in T.B and G.D’s letter?

For the sake of verification, here are the real numbers compared to T.B and G.D’s letter:

…………………….Jew ………… Jews ………… Jewish ……….. Jewry ……….. Jewish-Zionist
T.B & G.D …………2 ……………..25 ……………… 33…………………3…………………….0

Nahida ……………0 …………… 17 ………………. 24 ……………….. 2 ………………….. 7

And what if (as seen above) the forbidden word and its derivatives  are mentioned 63 times as it is the case of T.B and G.D’s libellous  letter?

Can we claim that T.B and G.D’s are staunch anti-Semites for exceeding the permissible limit by far?

How fair, academic and rational is their conclusion using such bizarre logic?

I invite people to READ the article in question and verify for themselves if such an expose that explores  the methods in which the Jewish-Zionist Networks organize themselves to  form effective lobbies and pressure groups, should be banned.

The accusation of being “racist” or writing “racist”, “anti-Jewish”  and “anti-Semitic” stuff is NOT a mere political disagreement, as T. B  and G.D try to present it. Such accusation is unlawful, it is an illicit  offence of defamation and slander that has the potential to ruin  people’s most valuable, their honour and reputation and even their  entire lives. It is designed to shun, excommunicate and ostracize  people. These are precisely the infamous methods used by ADL to silence  opposition. That’s why I am alarmed by such activity of unfounded  libelous accusations, as they raise troublesome questions about their  motives.

Those who resort to such accusations know fair well the dire  implications and ramifications of such labelling. They know because they  have done it before, the aim is to isolate, excommunicate and destroy  the life of the accused; I witnessed how they shunned and almost  destroyed Paul Eisen, and how they continue to campaign (though it’s not  working) to destroy Gilad Atzmon.

If there is a need to verify through external evidence, for example, that their accusations against Gilad Atzmon are unfounded, it would suffice to enumerate the long list of international intellectuals who are gradually coming out in support of Gilad’s work (despite the ugly campaign of attempted gagging and slander led by UK campaigners). Amongst those intellectuals are many Jews for whom I have only high praise and have expressed much admiration. So much for my alleged “anti-Semitism”.

2) The second offence that I see in T. B and G. D’s letter is far  more serious and its repercussions are far more reaching and far more  harmful:

Their letter is a sinister attempt to block intellectual discussion,  suppress Academic Freedom, obstruct rational and scholarly debate,  filter vital information and smother serious research that examines  three main identifiable problems:


  • The problem of Jewish Supremacism

Firstly; if we accept that Zionism is defined by the crime of genocide  and ethnic cleansing of a nation and has caused the wiping out of a  country, then investigating the motivation behind such crime is  essential to fight it and hopefully to defeat it. Without unfiltered  scrutiny, we would never know who are we dealing with and how to stop  them.

Secondly; supremacism in Jewish ideology is not above criticism; like every other ideology, it should be  transparent, accessible and not kept secretive. Without unfiltered  scrutiny we would never know what animates Zionists to act with such  aggravating cruelty and sadism.

Thirdly; to accuse of “anti-Semitism” and “racism” those who expose  Jewish-Supremacism, is the equivalent of covering up the ideology behind  the crime and dissuading people from learning about it, hence  challenging and fighting this form of racism.

Dismissing such supremacist beliefs as irrelevant and obsolete would  be a huge mistake because these views are the very motor that charges,  motivates and energizes the Jewish settlers in Palestine, and gives them  the sense of entitlement to do what they do without feeling any guilt  or remorse.

For us Palestinians and for our supporters in the solidarity  movement, it is a matter of extreme importance to inspect and scrutinize  the ideology that motivates and animates the Jewish settlers in our  occupied Palestine in order to better understand it, hence combat it.  Restricting our understanding of the occupiers, their ideology and  mindset cripples our ability to fight them back effectively and  intelligently. Furthermore, in our day and age, racism has become  outlawed, when people learn about the extent of the ideological racism  in the Zionist entity, it will enable us to fight them in their weakest  point, thus, bring the day of our Liberation closer.


Firstly; when we look at Zionism as a crime, again, then logically we must identify and investigate the modus operandi. Failure to do so would leave us unable to understand how our oppressors operate and succeed.

Secondly; with regards to the Jewish-Zionist lobby: investigative work that examines information, no matter how well concealed, and attempts to identify at least some of the culprits and the real criminals behind the fearmongering, the endless wars and the catastrophic conditions that our world suffers is neither racist nor anti Semitic.

Thirdly; devoid of proof or evidence for their false accusations, TB  and GD’s insidiously filter information through intimidation and  labeling anyone who dares to divulge vital facts. They disable FoP  members from understanding the animus and the methods used to install  and to perpetuate the criminal Zionist project, in particular the global  network of collaborators who organize and effectively manipulate world  policies by coercing world governments into continuous support of the  Zionist project in spite of its growing inhumanity.

Expecting to become myself sooner or later a victim of such smear and  filtering activity, I always make extensive scholarly links (T. B and  G. D snarlingly call it “copious links”) to the primary sources I quote,  mostly Jewish organizations. The network formed by these organizations  involves large sections of Jewish communities worldwide, and its  ultimate role is generally to support and vindicate the Zionist entity,  by inserting themselves in influential positions.

Whether willingly or accidentally, GD and TB’s activity participates  in a dynamic protection system (by peripheral concealment) of the global  Zionist network.

Usurping an authority they do NOT have over other members , T. B and  G. D attempt to impose on FoP their restrictive dogma, i.e. that a  majority of Jews worldwide, whether Zionist “diaspora” or “Israelis”,  are not the manipulators of international policy with regards to  “Israel”, but the complacent, docile instrument of American imperialism.

The logical implication of such nonsense, would be that Jewish  Israelis, all of them serving at least 2 full years in the Israeli army  (“the most moral army”) hence individually participating in Crimes  against Humanity, were just naïve and innocent victims. Thereby, this  nonsensical dogma exculpates the notoriously perverted cruelty and  psychopathy of IDF’s crimes, up and down the command ladder. To persist,  such dogma imperatively needs -again, to filter out glaring facts such  as the over-representation of Jewish-Zionist dual citizens in vital  areas of UK-US policy making, or the cross-pollination of racist and  supremacist ideology between many Talmudic Rabbis and many Secular  Jewish-Zionist Organizations supporting the Zionist project.

The persistence of this dogma requires also a strict and repressive  censorship and gagging of whomever tries to scrutinize, analyze and  discuss the facts, let alone expose them to an audience concerned by  matters of equality and humanism, such as FoP and the Palestine  Solidarity Movement in general was supposed to be. That is how and why  smear campaigns with killer words such as “anti-Semitism” or “racism”  are launched, in this instance it is against me.

At best, such activity on part of two alleged “friends of Palestine”  is irresponsible. For my part I find reason to suspect worse.


  • The problem of idolizing the Holocaust

Firstly; with regards to those who oppose the call for freedom to  examine and re-examine history: “Facts” do NOT need laws to enforce or  defend them, what they require is research to examine their narrative  and correct it for better accuracy and understanding. The denial of  these principles will invariably lead to the eradication of the Science  of History, and thus cause the blind repetition of more genocides, as we  already see in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan… Much like what we see with  the cover up and suppression of information about The Truth about 9/11, who benefited and how the event was used to create a climate of hatred and fear which  enables the power elite to continue waging wars of aggression and  extermination.

Secondly; without understanding of how the Holocaust has been used by  Zionists, from its onset til this very day, we would continue to  succumb to intimidation and give allowances that legitimizes and justify  the existence of a criminal entity. They insist in keeping an aura of  holiness, uniqueness and exceptionality around the Holocaust which would  continue to put it above any historical event, preventing researchers  from examining how this event has been used, and how it enables our  occupier to continue to use it as justification for what they do in  Palestine.

The Holocaust ought to be studied as a historical event with a  historical narrative that has NO sacred or exceptional dimension. The  emotional, dogmatic and sacred luggage that has been attached to it has  been systematically used and is still used by Zionists to justify and  minimize their ongoing heinous Crimes in Palestine, as well as the claim  of special status with special benefits in their respective countries.

Thirdly; there is absolutely no link -strictly none, between the  so-called Holocaust and Palestinians. Nowhere can Palestinians be  incriminated in the abhorrent oppression committed by central Europeans  against Jews during World War 2.

I, as a Palestinian, am not prepared to live in guilt, nor to pay for  crimes my people haven’t committed. We refuse to accept and will reject  forcibly if necessary, pathologically violent and racist Jewish  occupiers. Military conquest, terrorism, robbery, torture, ethnic  cleansing and slow genocide ongoing since the arrival of the first  Zionists in Palestine almost one Century ago (i.e. before the Holocaust)  does NOT make someone the rightful “owners” or “co-owners” of my  Homeland, it makes them abject and violent occupiers.

I and with me my People are not accepting any more to keep having to listen to this narrative shoved down our throat with the repetition of tragedies about legendary love stories, human-fat soap or human-skin lamp shades in order that the Zionists continue to trade with and reap the profit by deception and theft of a historical crime that has already been dealt with, and while they  continue to use it to justify the ongoing theft of Palestine and  extermination of Palestinians.

When someone claims to be in the solidarity movement with Palestine,  but then at crucial time when the Palestinian struggle for Liberation  gains momentum, to engage in such blatant cover up and concealment of  vital information and analysis that would enable people to better  understand the core problematic issues and how to effectively deal with  them, I and with me every member of the FoP and the Palestine Solidarity  movement, have the right to question the dubious intention and  motivations of such acts, and to evaluate the damage such people are  causing to the movement, hence to Palestinians.

I would like to add a few thoughts about the accusation of RACISM and ANTI-SEMITISM used as a method to muffle debate.

Anti-Semitism is nothing else but one form of RACISM. Jewish  Supremacism is yet another form of racism. All forms of racism are vile  and ought to be rejected.

Intimidating words such as “urgency” and “non-negotiability” were  used to coerce the website manager to remove my articles and the link to  my blog from the FoP group’s website. So here we are, a Muslim woman  -herself victim of racism in the first place, and the only Palestinian  in this local FoP group, finds herself Ethnically Cleansed by some  self-claimed “Friends of Palestine” but whose actions hint to dubious  motives.

An aggravating factor makes their motives appear to be even more  dubious. Indeed the vocal lies and false accusations of me purportedly  writing racist articles, is incompatible with their deafening silence  about the mountain of evidence of the wide-spread existence of the  ominously racist “Jewish supremacist ideologies”. In contrast to their  attack on “my article’s racism”, this utter silence is a glaring attempt  to deflect from the REAL racism about which I happen to have done  extensive research during 2 years.

Also, I perceive their attack as an attempt to block intellectual  debate about the problem of global Jewish-Zionist networking and  lobbying, which to me is very dubious, -to say the least, when coming  from self-claimed “Friends of Palestine”.

What I find really mind-boggling and hard to fathom in all this is the inconsistency with regards to RACISM.

On the one hand they do not hesitate to throw such felonious label  against me and against many honourable activists, scholars and  intellectuals. In fact they label as “racist” and “fools”  anyone who exposes the revolting yet well concealed Jewish supremacism,  anyone who notices the effect of Jewish-Zionists networking or objects  to their disproportionate over-representation in key positions with all  what it entails of conflict of interest and promotion of the interest of  a foreign entity at the detriment of the interest of their national  constituency.

Yet, on the other hand, mystifyingly the same people, who without  hesitation accuse us of racism, stay utterly mute about the massive,  revolting and offensive racism that fills thousands of pages in the  Talmud, and in major Jewish religious books! And I am not talking about  some fringe lunatic fundamentalists who use these always mutating texts  as tools, what I am talking about is the inter-connective network of  people deeply entrenched in the main centers of government, power and  capital, and who are verifiably driving policies, war-mongering and  hate-mongering!

This sharp contrast between the fervent reaction of those disloyal  activists to my alleged “racism” on one hand, and on the other, their  apathetic deflated reaction or lack thereof, to the sickening anti-human  racism emanating from Jewish sources with its correlation with  Zionists’ activities, leaves me speechless, beyond words.

Since I started exposing this racism, and over the past two years, I  heard NOT ONE WORD about their outrage, opposition or willingness to  expose or fight Jewish supremacist ideology, such as seen in the writing  of one of the most respected, most reputable Jewish philosophers Moses Ben Maimon. also known as Maimonides.

“Maimonides’s Mishneh Torah is considered by traditionalist Jews even today as one of the chief authoritative codifications of Jewish law and ethics”. source Moses Ben Maimon sees no problem with subjugating and enslaving gentiles

“They shall be your subjects and serve you

“The subjugation they must accept consists of being on a lower level, scorned and humble. They must never raise their heads against Israel, but must remain subjugated under their rule. They may never be appointed over a Jew in any matter whatsoever

He also talks about the right of the Jewish king to “ wage a milchemet hareshut, (war of aggression) i.e. a war fought with other nations in order to expand the borders of Israel or magnify its greatness and reputation“.

This “chief authoritative codifications of Jewish law and ethics” does not see any ethical predicament with “Jewish wars” of extermination and annihilation either.

Since this notorious ideology is the unequivocal underlying animus  and root cause of the Zionist aggression and occupation, and since the  “Facts on the Ground” prove the cross-pollination between this  degradation and the secular Zionist aims, including the irrefutably  slow-genocidal zionist military policies, scrutiny and criticism of this  racist supremacist filth is not a matter of fringe theology, but a  vital matter of totalitarian politics.

Now, where is their outrage against such blatant JEWISH RACISM And SUPREMACISM and terrifying nihilistic ideology?

Don’t they claim to be against racism wherever it comes from?

Why don’t they have the guts to condemn and campaign against such racism?

Is it not ludicrous to hear them condemn instead, those who expose and vehemently oppose racism???

Without using any commonsense they jump into the ADL bandwagon and rub shoulders with Zionists!

If someone obstinately objects to the massive control and unwelcome  influence and the robbing of others rights and property, under the  pretext of divine entitlement, does that person become the unreasonable  “bigot” !

What kind of skewed logic is that?

This inconsistency in the views of my critics about racism is  incomprehensible to me, especially in the light of long lasting years of  friendship in which they have come to know Nahida closely, personally  and intimately.

If they believe that I have suddenly morphed into a “racist” for  whatever imagined reason in their heads, be it as they claim my  experience as a Palestinian, or that I have been misguided, why didn’t  they have the dignity to get in touch with me, as good caring friends  do, be open and honest, have the integrity to stand up for what they  claim to believe and discuss their views and objections against my  writing with me directly?

Why choose instead to to stab in the back, using methods of defamation and slander?

Why feeling entitled to classify people and to dictate to people what should they read and what they should avoid?

Why this condescending attitude that appears to be claiming to know  what is best for people and selecting their intellectual diet for them?

Why deprive people from the right to read a wide range of opinions  including my own writing, and allow them to make up their analysis, and  conclusions without manipulation, repression or restraint?

YES, in my writing I vehemently criticise RACIST JEWISH IDEOLOGY, but  contrary to T. B and G. D’s claim I NEVER accuse ALL Jews of being  racist, never put them -or anyone else for that matter, in one basket,  EVER. To pretend the contrary is absurd.

In my writing I point out to verifiable international networks; but  contrary to T. B and G. D’s accusation, I have never claimed that ALL  Jews are part of these networks, and I never claimed to know the numbers  in these networks, I merely point to the fact that the size, power and  influence of these malevolent networks are enormously larger than those  of our microscopic Jewish anti-Zionist groups. Just consider their  lavish conferences, budgets and the astronomical amount of funds they  raise and compare it with the national anti-Zionist groups, like for  example our local group with stunted-growth with its mighty handful of  seven members and a budget that one feels embarrassed to even mention.

In my writing I quoted the poll that 95% of USA Jewry support Israel as a Jewish state and 90% of British Jewry believe that Israel is the ‘ancestral homeland’ of the Jewish people , and concluded that MOST world Jewry are supportive of the theft of Palestine.

Would anyone in their right mind conclude from the above polls that  only a minority of Jews in UK and USA are supportive of a Jewish state/  or a state for the Jews on STOLEN Palestinian land??? Never mind T. B and G. D’s pathetic claim that many Jews accept the 2  state solution or don’t support the expansion of existing settlements …  It is of NO IMPORTANCE or consequence whatever percentage of them are  “kind enough” to “share” the land with the Palestinians, what matters is  that Palestine is NOT theirs to start with, yet the majority of them  see no problem in claiming it for their people!

Truth is that the majority of world Jewry insist that Jews have a  right and claim to the land!! including some of our Jewish anti-Zionist  friends under whatever pretext. Their claims are NOT ACCEPTABLE and  UNJUSTIFIABLE!

In my writing I point out to the influence of these organized  networks, such information are available for any serious researcher, it  can be easily verified, yes it is troublesome to find such a tiny group  extremely overrepresented in so many vital areas of public affairs, such  as finance, media, security and policy making, more so when the  interests of such group are in conspicuous conflict with the interest of  the larger group, and when this minority supports a genocidal entity  that has not evolved in six decades.

Over-representation is as unfair as under-representation, and if  anti-racists take it upon themselves to defend the rights of the  under-represented minorities, it is of equal importance to do the same  with over-representation.

Perhaps such question of over-representation might have not surfaced  had the behaviour of those in question been shrouded with morality and  humanity. Had they been working to establish social justice, building  homes, schools and hospitals instead of destroying and polluting the  planet for generations to come, and instead of law of the jungle where  the super-rich eats the poor to the last bone, had they chosen  cooperation instead never-ending conflicts, and promoted Peace and  Justice instead of fomenting perpetual wars.

No one should be slandered for observing and objecting to such blatant mockery of morality, equality and justice.

In my writing I do not spend much time on referring to the Christian  Zionists because their ideology is almost entirely sourced from the  Old-Testament which is none other than the Jewish Torah! Most authentic  Christians consider the Christian Zionists as worshipers of “Israel” and  of the “Jewish people” rather than God, and in that sense they share  the same ideology as Jewish-Zionists supremacists, in terms of their  reverence and idolization of the Jewish people as the “Chosen”, they are  one and the same. Furthermore, those who occupy my land, those who  drove me out of my homeland, and those who are still depriving me from  going home are exclusively Jewish Zionists.

In my writing I criticise the deafening silence of anti-Zionist Jews  with regards to the racism that thrives amidst many Jewish communities. A  silence which I believe will backfire one day, as they would be seen as  not only complaisant but also complacent by deflecting away and  concealing horrendous truths.

My criticism is motivated purely by my concern and genuine care for  the good Jewish individuals that I have known and those whom I don’t  know, because of what I perceive of the danger that would befall upon  all of them if they continue to ignore the supremacist ideology, the  growing influence of the adherents of this ideology and if they continue  to ignore all the warning signs that points to accumulating bottled  rage against such villainy, which no doubt would one day manifest itself  violently as an inevitable backlash to much unsaid, yet felt,  oppression and unspoken, but lived, subjugation.

I find it rather pathetic that the only defence mechanism that the  accusers come up with is the smear, slander and the accusation of being a  “racist” against anyone who pokes the boil exposing the pus infesting  inside one of the most vile racist and supremacist ideologies thriving  at the heart of some Jewish teachings as per Mishna Torah, Zohar, Tanya,  and Talmud.

My critics plough though my writing, childishly counting how many  times I used the word “Jewish”, ignoring the irrefutable evidence  provided, and instead of challenging and refuting my arguments  intellectually, they chose to “deal with me”, “privately”, behind my  back with condescending sleaze and dishonesty by sticking a dirty label  that they know fair well in their hearts that it does not belong to me,  and they hope it would stick, hence they hope to scare people away from  reading or being associated with me, using a method, yet again used by  Zionists they pretend to condemn.

If indeed truth is what they are after, why don’t they come up in  public and challenge my opinions with their “facts” and let people judge  for themselves?

Whereby by refusing to do so, and by insisting in dismissing Jewish  supremacy and Jewish-Zionist networks, they only promote the most cruel  and degenerative racism to be found on the planet by means of  concealment and shifting attention away from the real racism that I  vehemently fight and deplore.

The persons who resort to accusation, suppression, character  assassination and smear campaign very cunningly and dishonestly omit to  mention that those who expose and condemn the racist concepts of  “chosen-ness”, “exceptionality”, “superior morality”, “superior  intelligence”, and “Jewish entitlement of world leadership” do not  invent these concepts. It is not racist to expose or quote such  abomination, it is not a crime to bring such Jewish-claims to the public  awareness. Any honest criticism should be directed against those who  believe such filth and make such revolting claims.

To those individuals who take part in such ADL style smear campaign of racism accusation, I say:

I accuse YOU of acting as a smoke screen to cover up REAL RACISM as manifested by JEWISH SUPREMACISTS.

I accuse YOU of acting as protectors and gatekeepers of the global  Jewish Zionist Networks and Lobby groups by denying its existence and  effectiveness.

I accuse YOU of complicity by insisting to conceal planned crimes  against humanity as manifested in the supremacist nihilistic Chabad  ideology.

Any Solidarity Movement with Palestine should take the opinions, the  interests, and the future well being of PALESTINIANS at heart,  otherwise, it speaks only for itself, NOT for Palestinians.

Palestinians have the right to fight for the FULL LIBERATION of their  country, those who are willing to march with us ALL the way are  welcome, those who are not, may look for another more convenient and  less controversial campaigns to support.

I denounce any person or group who pretends to speak in my name as a  Palestinian, yet behind closed doors, they plot and whisper on how to  mute Palestinian voices and curtail the spread and impact of daring  Palestinian opinions.

I denounce any person or group who claims to work for Palestine, yet  their actions are contrary to the legitimate interest and aspirations of  Palestinian people. Allowing themselves to be used as a vehicle to  secure the future of the Jewish-Zionist invaders by facilitating the  permanent takeover of Palestine with the pretext of “two peoples, one  future” blather or “equal rights to both sides” nonsense.

I denounce any person or group who turns a blind eye and reacts with a  deafening silence to the unimaginable repulsive racism that oozes out  from some Jewish supremacists groups, yet instead, hysterically and  shamelessly react to someone who accidentally came to discover such  horrors.

Finally, I fully trust the Palestine Solidarity movement to have the  intellectual integrity and capacity to see through the fog of  manipulation, and to have the assertiveness, the respect to their own  intellect and enough open-mindedness to look at many sources of  information, and that they have the courage to READ for themselves and  EVALUATE what they read INDEPENDENTLY, without having some gurus  spoon-feeding them with filtered, processed, misrepresented or  manipulated information.

Source: Uprooted Palestinian

Nahida Izzat is  a Jerusalem-born Palestinian refugee who has lived in exile for over  forty two years, after being forced to leave her homeland at the tender  age of seven in 1967, during the six-day war. She has a degree in  mathematics, but art is one of her favorite pastimes. She loves  hand-made things and so makes dolls, cards, and most of her own  clothing. She also writes poetry, participates in written dialogues and  believes in building bridges, not walls.

The wandering who- Gilad Atzmon


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Gilad Atzmon is an Israeli-born British jazz saxophonist, novelist, political activist and writer. Atzmon's album Exile was BBC jazz album of the year in 2003. Playing over 100 dates a year,[4] he has been called "surely the hardest-gigging man in British jazz." His albums, of which he has recorded nine to date, often explore the music of the Middle East and political themes. He has described himself as a "devoted political artist." He supports the Palestinian right of return and the one-state solution in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. His criticisms of Zionism, Jewish identity, and Judaism, as well as his controversial views on The Holocaust and Jewish history have led to allegations of antisemitism from both Zionists and anti-Zionists. A profile in The Guardian in 2009 which described Atzmon as "one of London's finest saxophonists" stated: "It is Atzmon's blunt anti-Zionism rather than his music that has given him an international profile, particularly in the Arab world, where his essays are widely read." His new book The Wandering Who? is now availble at