Prisoner-X’s Death – The Cover Story Unravels

Who was Ben Zygier really working for – and why?

Israeli, Australian and International Pressure are Forcing Cracks into the Real Story


            … by  Jim W. Dean, VT Editor                         … with Press TV


The big news in Australia – What did their government really know?

Our sources have finally revealed the inside details of how double agent Ben Zygier died in maximum security. He tripped over his bidet, hit his head on the edge of his hot tub as he fell in and drowned.

Due to the large volume of bubbles from his Victoria Secrets skin care package sent by Abe Foxman the jail guards were not able to locate him in time to revive him.

The guards strangled then him to make it look like a suicide. Why?Because the Israelis did not want it to get out that their maximum security cells for rogue Mossad agents were really five star accomodations, part of a psychological pampering operation to entice them to plead guilty and avoid a trial record.

Now I know some of you are thinging right now that my satire was in poor taste, and you are both right and wrong. It is satire, but it was not wrong to use it. I did this as set up for what I am about to cover next on what the Israelis are disclosing now about Prisoner-X due to the continuing domestic and international pressure. And this is real official notice stuff, folks. I am not pulling your leg.

The AP reports official sources saying that:

“According to the new information released Tuesday, Israel concluded the prisoner killed himself at 20:19 on Dec. 15, 2010, by hanging himself with a wet bed sheet from the bathroom window in his cell. The investigation, conducted by an Israeli judge, suggested negligence on the part of the prisoner’s jailers.”

Was Zygier really in super max for security reasons or to hide him?

Now lets stop here. At the end of this AP story the editors or whoever runs AP made no attempt to explain what a fairy tale this is. First, there are no sheets in any high end maximum security detention anywhere on the planet, especially in Israel.

You don’t believe me? Ask a Palestinian. Ask someone who has been rendered how they liked those Egyptian cotton sheets in super max.

You get a plastic mattress only. The Israelis have been in the detention business for a long time, both as guards and prisoners. They know that sheets can be used for escape attempts out windows (more on that later) and for hanging oneself. So Zygier had no sheets, period.

If you watch the Australian ABC Foreign Correspondent program that broke the story you will see their Zygier actor on such a plastic covered mattress. They had done their homework and earned their credibility, whereas others have done just the opposite.

You also don’t get a pillow and pillow case, not even with frequent flyer miles. If you want one you can take your pants off and roll them up. Welcome to the anti-suicide super max motel. The ‘wet’ sheet part, that was cute…what we call a diversion in the trade, like the knot would be tighter or something.

But I am not done yet. It gets better. We have more from the AP.

“The cell was supposed to be under constant surveillance but it appears part of the bathroom was out of camera range when he took his own life.”

This incredible ‘revelation’ is what triggered the idea about using the bidet and hot tub to do a satire opening for this update. It’s a writing technique where you treat silliness with something even more silly to spotlight the charade. Now pay attention. They said ‘bathroom’…in a super max holding facility for a high value detainee.

So I am going to ask all of you, do you really think there is a super max cell anywhere in the world that has its own bathroom? Those of you who said no have just qualified as an intelligence analyst, but that disqualifies you from working for AP…sorry.

No private bathroom

But the charade still gets better. I am going to double back to the ‘window’ in his ‘bathroom’. The next test for your first analyst promotion is do you think there is a super max cell anywhere on the planet that has a window, much less one in Israel?

All of you who said ‘no way Jose’ just got your first promotion.

There are long standing reasons for this. Prisoners could then signal other inmates in a variety of ways to let them know they are there.

And believe me, Mossad people are highly trained in all of this. There are satellites that can pick up a prisoner signal from a window.

So what we have here is no sheet, no bathroom, and no window, especially one that could be opened or provide anything to hang yourself on. After all, this is a suicide proof cell and the Israelis are no dummies, right? So the AP was fed a bunch of baloney, and as usual, corporate media saw no reason to point that out to you.

But I am not done yet as I saved the best part for last. We still have the missing camera to deal with. Which one is that you say? It’s the extra one that the Israeli could not afford to put the in super max cell for the VIP Mossad guy with no name.

Why in the world would they want a camera to cover his private bathroom with the window he could open to tie a sheet (that he does not have) around the bars and hang himself. The guards must have something in their union contracts about not having to watch people using the bathroom, right?

Prison cel flush mount camera

Yes, Mossad prison budget cutbacks forced them to leave a blind spot which just happened to be the only place where a detainee could  hang himself. They simply could not afford the extra camera, right, so they would have two in opposite corners for 100% coverage?

There is another issue emerging in the story in the last two days, reports that Zygier was a double agent of sorts.  He had informed Australian security about operations where their passports were being used again for Israeli offensive espionage operations, and this being done AFTER Dubai.

That is something that the Aussies would really want to know. After all, they and Canada are well known to be doormats when it comes to using their passports.

And if the Mossad got onto their Mr. Ben Sygier working, heaven forbid, for Australia, then that is an indication that they got tipped off by a Zionist spy within the Australian security services or their political bosses and staffs. Don’t feel bad Aussies, we have tons of them over here. They must hold recruiting fairs somewhere.

That the Aussies let their guy twist in the wind was a mistake. They might have been thinking that with a plea deal he would be sentenced and then they could work on getting him released somehow down the road when things cooled down.

In my first article on Prisoner-X,  I used the murder word… the only journalist or editor to do that from all the coverage I have seen so far. The only release Zygier got was his dead body. Where Australia screwed up is they did not snatch someone important to the Israelis. They would have then had a card to play.

The Israelis decided that it was game over time. They also killed getting any bad media on how the Diaspora provides an annual harvest of young Jewish Aliyah kids to serve in their military. They have two years to carefully screen and train the chosen ones before going home or elsewhere to work as Israeli Intel assets. We have divisions of them here in the U.S.

Ben Sygier – in better days

Despite my mentioning this Aliyah spy recruting in my first Prisoner-X article not a single media source has called to make an inquiry.

That is one of the things the Israelis are protecting, their organized disloyalty in the Diaspora against friendly countries. Everybody knows Israel runs operations against ‘enemies’, but operations against allies are all time bombs waiting to explode, and none ever has to date.

Would they kill to prevent that?…of course they would.

I have said this many times and will say it again here. Israel is no one’s friend, and never has been. Those countries who think differently are either fools or in denial, both of which make them a national security risk to their fellow citizens.

I ask all you friendly countries of Israel out there, when is the last time your security services broke up an Israeli espionage operation within your political class, media, entertainment, academia, military or among your dual citizen Diaspora groups?

I thought so. The answer is zero, isn’t it.  So do you think the Israelis are too good to get caught, your counter Intel so pitiful, or is there a ‘stand down’ against busting up their networks and prosecuting them?

We actually make Israeli spies do time here in a way, time waiting for their flight to take off for Tel Aviv as they are being deported. That is the usual penalty. In special cases, we send them to Congress.



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Jim W. Dean was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022.  He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews.