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Combat Vets Last Hope is often Man’s Best Friend

- When combat veterans with PTSD lovingly relate to their special needs pets ~ they are in essence setting the stage to fully love and forgive themselves

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – October 18, 2013

Kellie Lafave, a VA Suicide Prevention Coordinator, crisscrosses Montana in her Ford Escape, teaching people how to detect the warning signs of suicide in Veterans they care about.

Suicide Prevention Month

September is Suicide Prevention Month. As such the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is getting the message out about the Veterans Crisis Line.

The Suicide of Daniel Somers (Video)

The fact is, for as long as I can remember my motivation for getting up every day has been so that you would not have to bury me.

Veterans Affairs Sets Sights on Suicide Prevention

Twenty-two veterans die by suicide every day in the U.S. Any suicide statistic is too great a number, but taking into consideration the total U.S. population (315 million) and the number of veterans (22 million), that percentage is disproportionately high.

The Warrior Saw, Suicides After War

“These programs could undermine coping mechanisms developed by the troops who already successfully handle stress.”

Prisoner-X’s Death – The Cover Story Unravels

- Israeli, Australian and International Pressure are Forcing Cracks into the Real Story

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – February 13, 2013

The Veterans Affairs Department said Monday it has added more than 1,000 mental health professionals and 200 support staff over the past eight months to meet the needs of returning veterans, but still has more to do to meet the requirements of an executive order issued by President Barack Obama.

VA kicks off Massive Study of Veterans Deaths

A veteran commits suicide every 80 minutes, according to recent estimates from the VA. Suicides by active duty military personnel in 2012 hit 349, more than the 295 Americans who died in combat in Afghanistan.

VA Mobilizes Veterans’ Supporters for Suicide Prevention Month

In recognition of September as Suicide Prevention Month, the Department of Veterans Affairs is calling on individuals and communities across the country to show their support for Veterans in crisis and help raise awareness of the VA mental health services Veterans have earned.

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – September 05, 2012

Life on a college campus can be a very self-contained environment. Students generally live in dorms and spend the majority of their time within the campus.

Can Nasal Spray Help Prevent Military Suicides?

In the midst of a crisis that saw its highest rate of suicide in July, the Army has greenlighted a grant for Dr. Michael Kubek, an Indiana University of Medicine professor, to dig deeper into whether a nasal spray could be a safe and effective way to administer a specific antidepressive neurochemical to the brain and help calm suicidal thoughts.

More Costs of War: Suicides and Mental Trauma of Military Family...

Seven months ago, in December, 2011, Brian Arredondo, age 24, hanged himself in a shed in his mother’s backyard. Brian was the brother of US Marine Corps Lance Corporal Alexander Arredondo, who was killed in Iraq in 2004.

U.S. Army Suicides Reached Record Monthly high in July

Twenty-six active-duty soldiers are believed to have committed suicide in July, more than double the number reported for June and the most suicides ever recorded in a month since the U.S. Army began tracking detailed statistics on such deaths.

Checklist of Environmental Hazards Helps Reduce Inpatient Suicides in VAMCs

When receiving care in a hospital, suicidal patients could take advantage of anything from bedding to belts to kill themselves.

A New Component of US Military Combat Preparedness: Meditation

Between 2004 and 2008, suicide rates among U.S. Army personnel increased by 80 percent, according to a study published in the medical journal Injury Prevention.

Cartel Murder Suspected, Military, FBI, ICE, Homeland Security Flood Area

Miltary trucks are arriving at the murder scene in Arizona, The FBI, ICE, Homeland Security.

Military Suicides, Duff on Press TV

Gordon Duff, Senior Editor at VT slams the U.S. military for doing “very little about” the rising suicide rate among troops, blaming multiple deployments and faulty medications as to why soldiers resort to taking their own lives.

Marine Corps Communiqué: Smoking Gun In Colonel Sabow’s Murder?

Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) finds no support for homicide, despite forensic evidence and experts who found homicide the likely cause of death.  (Updated...

Veterans Suicide – Ken Smith on Iran’s Press TV

Military suicides have increased since the start of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to a study conducted by the Center for a New American Security.

The Suicide of Sgt. Senft

There was opposition to Senft’s name carved on the memorial in perpetuum because he committed suicide allegedly making his service to country less honorable.

Darkness Behind Deceptive Screen of India Shining

On one hand India claiming to be champions of democracy, secularism and human rights propagates that India is shining, on the other it suffers from highest rate of poverty, illiteracy, infant mortality, inequalities in society.

Army Releases August Suicide Data

The Army released suicide data today for the month of August. Among active-duty soldiers, there were 19 potential suicides: three have been confirmed as suicides and 16 remain under investigation.

Suicide: The War on Poverty…Poverty won!

Suicide…the War on Poverty…Poverty won!

Understanding Suicide

Understanding suicide is the first step to conquer it

Suicide Prevention: Reach Out and Talk to Someone

Thoughts about ending one’s own life are among the most fleeting forms of human thought. It happens to many of us, whether we are mentally healthy or mentally ill and some would say that it happens to all of us, sometime in our lives, whether we care to admit it or not.

Suicide Prevention

September 4th – 10th has been designated as Suicide Prevention Awareness Week.

2011 Suicide Prevention Week

The Veterans Crisis Line connects Veterans in crisis and their families and friends with qualified, caring Department of Veterans Affairs responders through a confidential toll-free hotline and online chat.

Army Releases June Suicide Information

The Army released suicide data today for the month of June.

What Are The Warning Signs For Suicide?

The Veterans Crisis Line is a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs resource that connects Veterans in crisis and their families with qualified, caring VA professionals through a confidential toll-free hotline and on-line chat

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – July 07, 2011

Neither rain nor wind, nor heat and humidity dampened the enthusiasm of participants and volunteers during the first national VA2K, held on June 2 across VA.

Army Released May Suicide Data

The Army released suicide data today for the month of May. Among active-duty soldiers, there were 21 potential suicides

Army Releases Suicide Data for April 2011

Among active-duty soldiers, there were 16 potential suicides: none have been confirmed as suicide, and 16 remain under investigation.

400,000 Calls to Veterans Suicide Prevention Hotline and No One Asks...

The Veterans Affairs Department’s Veterans Crisis Line received 14,000 calls in April, the highest monthly volume ever recorded for the four-year-old suicide prevention program.

Female Iraq Veteran committed suicide after traffic stop

The headline read "Woman" but when you read more of the report you see the words "US military in Iraq" and you know that there is much more to this story we may never know.

The USAA Educational Foundation and Department of Defense Collaborate to Combat...

To help combat the growing trend of suicide by servicemembers, The USAA Educational Foundation collaborated with the DoD Suicide Prevention and Risk Reduction Committee (SPARRC) to produce a publication focused on suicide prevention.


ISRAEL SIMPLY NOT TO BE BELIEVED By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor When children are murdered, and so many are and so many have been, it...

Female Veterans Much More Likely to Commit Suicide

The suicide rate among young female U.S. military veterans is nearly three times higher than among civilian women, a new study has found. Researchers analyzed...

VA Suicide Prevention Life Line: 1 800 273 8255, Press 1...

Veterans in crisis needing to call a suicide line don't need to fuck around with phone keys and replace T-A-L-K with 8255. You get it? Time matters.

Redeployed after two suicide attempts, Army investigating possible suicide

Staff Sgt. David Senft tried to commit suicide twice but he was redeployed anyway. Now he is gone and the Army is investigating his...

Amy Goodman on War’s Hidden Death Toll

- As of this month, over 5,700 American soldiers have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. - That count does not include those veterans who...

VA Taking Life-Saving Campaign to Streets

This week, nearly 1,200 life-saving advertisements will go up on city buses, bus shelters, rail and subway stations across the Nation displaying a message of hope for those who have served their country and may be facing an emotional crisis. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is advertising its Suicide Prevention Hotline through Jan. 9, 2011.