by Preston James
A very Big Split Is Now Occurring in the Hived, American Group Mind.
Even though the American Group Mind (AGM) has been successfully “Hived”, it’s hard for the Big Lies of the US Government (USG) to last forever thanks to the advent of the alternative news provided by the worldwide Internet.
As more and more USG Big Lies are exposed, the USG reacts by staging additional Gladio-style false-flag attacks (GFFA) in desperate attempts to bombard the American Group Mind back into submission and compliance with their completely false narratives which are dispensed through their Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM).
Although an obviously very painful personal experience, more and more average Americans are waking up each day thanks to the Internet and are personally starting to connect the dots for themselves and are failing to accept these false narratives designed to recondition or re-hypnotize them back into the hived American Group Mind (AGM).
What is the hived AGM? It is a perversion of normal community solidarity which was recognized by French sociologist Emile Durkheim as the conscience-collective (CC), or also known as the “moral density” of a society which results from folks living together in a community.
The Conscience-Collective (CC) is the set of normal, expected common moral beliefs of the community, the force which can arise to form vigilante actions when law enforcement is corrupt or unwilling to act. It is the common community normative outrage that results from anti-social or criminal acts that threaten the community’s solidarity.
When functional, the conscience-collective (CC) is typically quite useful to the general community at large, but when hijacked and perverted by very crafty covert operators serving a corrupt central government, it can be transformed into a mechanism to hive the AGM and produce an environment that supports fascism, tyranny and suspension of normal rights which are supposed to be guaranteed by the US Constitution and its Bill of Rights.
The quickest way for any central government to elicit this transformation of the normal CC into a hived AGP which allows and supports tyranny by the USG is to institute major staged Gladio-style false-flag attacks (GFFA’s) like the Nazis did with their staged Reichstag fire and their false flag attack on their radio station at Gleiwitz, Germany. This worked well for the Nazis to create a false but believable pretext for their invasion of Poland just as the staged 9-11 GFFA provided a new Pearl Harbor type incident which also served as a false but believable pretext for numerous unprovoked, illegal, unconstitutional, undeclared wars.
Now thanks to the advent of the Internet provided alternative news, many folks are now able to detach themselves from this hived AGM and begin to think independently. These folks are now attuned to the obvious facts readily available that the USG has been very busing criminally conspiring to defraud the American People, stage these GFFA’s and create an internal police state that rivals the East German Stasi.
True-Believers who learn the truth about deep black covert operations and staged GFFA’s and become open-minded Truth-Seekers usually suffer strong and immediate rejection from others who refuse to listen because they are closed minded and cloned members of the hived AGM.
When a person who has been a true-believer in the false USG narratives begins to understand all the Big Government Lies and creeping police state tyranny inside the beltway and tries to share it with other peers, such individual is usually quickly met with put downs, discounting and a label of being a conspiracy theorist which is a nice term for being viewed as a whacky conspiracy nutcase.
Yes, in reaction to their awareness that many of the populace are catching on to these Big Government Lies, USG continues to stage more and more GFFA’s in attempts to counter this splitting off of more and more folks from the hived AGM, and by doing so has hoped to successfully re-strengthen the hive mentality of the populace. But alas, this strategy is now starting to fail and thanks to the extremely botched GFFA at the Boston Marathon by the DHS, many folks are catching on and waking up for the first time.
Sophisticated and deniable multi-level, layered trade-craft is used in the deployment of these staged GFFA’s.
Of course intel agencies have developed very sophisticated fall-back strategies and the “sting-gone-bad” one can be invoked as needed, since almost all these GFFA’s are usually embedded in training exercises in the first place which are then covertly taken live (as was done at the Boston Marathon by DHS). If too much incriminating evidence comes forth, they let things shift to a “sting gone bad” position based on usual USG incompetence rather than very skillful deep black covert stage GFFA-type operations.
It’s like the little boy crying wolf too many times, the power of these staged Gladio-style False-flag Attacks (SGFA) is lessening and the USG is progressively losing its ability to re-hypnotize the collective American mass Mind. So to counteract this, once again, the USG is likely to stage even more frequent GFFA’s and even perhaps more serious ones like the use of small nuclear weapon detonations in major US cities or dirty bombs.
Let’s face it, if the USG will murder about 3,000 innocent Americans on 9-11-01, they are evil and capable enough to do the most evil additional GFFA’s unless stopped cold by a major mass awakening of the masses or a very high level, effective coup de etat from the high military command.
With the advent of HD video devices in so many hands and instantly available from so many sources, the Big USG Lies are now being quite easily unraveled within mere hours and days of these GFFA’s.
Thanks to the worldwide Internet, a major split in the hived AGM is now well under way and cannot be stopped without instituting complete martial law, something which would undoubtedly trigger a serious armed rebellion.
Despite the use of these coordinated USG GFFA’s on the rising American Spirit to re-establish the hive mind in full strength as before, a major split in the American Group Mind (AGM) has now occurred and can be expected to increase and intensify as the economy crumbles in open view.
[youtube PLCwOeBQvK4&feature=player_detailpage]
The American Group Mind (AGM), a sophisticated “hive-mind” or conscious-collective of the American group psyche, was constructed by the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) using sophisticated mindkontrol technology known as the ancient Babylonian or medieval “Black Arts allegedly based on luciferian, demonic or dark side spiritual influences.
Experts in these matters who have had contacts with “insiders” have claimed that the overall purpose is to seize and “hive” the whole world for Lucifer into one mass of group thinking mental clones, create a luciferian Globalist NWO one-world Government system and bring all this about through a process of first creating massive worldwide chaos, death and destruction, the ashes from which their NWO Phoenix will arise. Along the way the game plan is to instill this hive mind through thought cloning, engaging in “soul snatching” of the average person and replacing their soul with the demonic group hive-mind.
Yes, such a concept as the “hiving of society” seems absurd at face value, but becomes more believable when one fully examines the evidence for it which suggests that the USG has engaged in massive long term Mindwar against the American people based on highly sophisticated mindkontrol technologies including the mass persuasion Madison Avenue techniques of Edward Bernays as well as a Controlled Major Mass media (CMMM) and use of ultra-high tech psychotronics through the police radio system and cell phone systems as well as other even more sophisticated psychotronic means (1).
It is easy to diagnose when a person has been “hived” or cloned into the American group Mind (AGP). All one has to do is ask them about key litmus test questions, such as do they believe Oswald was a lone-nut assassin of JFK and do they think the Warren Report was correct, or “do you think 911 was an inside job” done by the USG with help from foreign and domestic Intel?
Breaking free of the hived AGM requires learning the truth about at least one major staged Gladio-style false-flag attack (GFFA).
It is almost impossible for a person to know the truth about the JFK Assassination, who did it, and who ran the cover-up, and still remain part of the AGP, the hived group-mind or perverted Conscience-Collective (CC) of American society. And that is why ever since American intel and the JCS assassinated JFK they have spent millions of dollars each year working hard to keep their treason completely covered up and withheld from the American people.
Thanks to Professor James Fetzer and numerous other such highly respected JFK Assassination researchers, folks like Jim Marrs, Noel Twyman, Harrison Edward Livingstone and many others, this crime of the 20th century has been completely cracked and a great deal of significant valid Grand Jury ready evidence exists which could be used to indict and try numerous surviving folks who were part of the plot and those who have continued to be major accessories after the crime even today. The names of all those still alive are now known and the evidence is readily available, but for the massive cover-up remaining in place today by the SSG and American intel. And of course there is never any statute of limitations on murder or crimes involving fraud. (2)
Once a person become informed and is “hip” to the reality of USG staged Gladio style inside-job false-flag terror, it is impossible for them to ever trust any news from the CMMM ever again or almost anything any politician says. They have truly been broken out of the Information Control Matrix (ICM) which is a by-product of the hived American Group Mind (AGP).
[youtube eIm1VDWR64s]
Another recent phenomenon is the formation of the USG hive concept “the Federal Family”. This concoction is a special attempt to create a new political class of the law enforcement protected and privileged actually quite like the German SS or the East German Stasi, both of which were constructed and managed by the hidden but quite real International Zionist Crime Syndicate (IZCS).
If you are federalized Law Enforcement or work in any capacity of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) you are considered to be “oh so special” and treated with privileges not available to ordinary citizens, such as fat paychecks, liberal benefits, great retirement and lots of slack as far as disobeying the laws that ordinary citizens must. You are also engendered with a superior authoritarian attitude that breeds disrespect of the citizens who pay your way, folks you are supposed to work for and serve rather than tyrannize as many of you do, while rationalizing it under “national security” or “fighting terrorism” or “keeping the homeland safe” which is exactly what you are NOT doing.
This current American hive-mind aka the American Group Mind (AGM) was constructed by the USG concocting and dispensing propaganda through the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) under the well-financed long term Operation Mockingbird which Bill Colby once stated was the CIA’s greatest achievement. Obviously the CMMM has become little more than a dispenser of USG propaganda and serves as the USG’s jumping jack.
The Vietnam war was the first time a large proportion of the public began to fully realize that the USG was seriously corrupt and engaging in war profiteering for the large defense contractors, as was warned about by President Eisenhower in his last speech in political office.
[youtube A_II0H7X5O4]
Obviously the Vietnam War was for some Americans the first time they were able to break out of the AGM hive thinking and see that something was very, very wrong with the USG dispensed narrative about the claimed reasons for the war. A classic song by Marvin Gaye in 1970 reflected this recognition by some whom could no longer accept the USG narratives which were comprised of lies, realizing that things were terribly wrong in society.
[youtube f39Zs0gB87c&feature=player_detailpage]
Perhaps a great deal of the blame for the recent accelerated cloning or hiving of America can be attributed to establishment of a national policy of “political correctness” which is the always the main enforcement system for elicited perversions which are thus forced to be accepted as normal.
So we see kindergartners taught that obscene perversions are normal and cannot be reacted to negatively. And we see adults forced to accept various types of perversions and deviance that obviously are destructive to normal society but quite useful in the establishment of a hived American Group Mind (AGM).
And at the same time we see the emergence and high level promotion of “twisted sisters” with obvious AIS and numerous closeted politicians and judges blackmailed into submission by crafty foreign and domestic intelligence agencies who specialize in the “fine art of human compromise”. Of course these teachings are actually trademarks of the International Zionist Crime Syndicate IZCS’s Bolshevism which has been used for about 100 years to debase a society and soften it up for hijacking, disarmament, invasion and take-down before the “red terror” style mass murdering begins.
All tyranny and mass murder of war the last 100 years appears to have originated from the IZCS who are the main enforcement arm of the Old Black nobility (OBN). For whatever reasons those that run the IZCS have an out of control blood lust and love to mass murder millions of civilians. This has been their pattern for at least 100 years. Some have claimed that the IZCS is actually the main action arm of the world luciferian system of interlinked cults who work secretly behind many organizations which present themselves as public servants.
Political correctness is a cancer on the body politic and a sure means of eventual descent into a central police state tyranny and mass murder of the populace by central government.
Political Correctness is the flip-side and enforcer of the highly dysfunctional, community destroying “perversion and diversity is normal” narrative which is being force fed to folks at all levels of American Society including inside the public school systems.
Political correctness was the fear-force that kept East Germans “under the boot” of the greatly feared and highly murderous and abusive Stasi. Folks there lived in constant fear of neighborhood snitches “dropping a dime” on them, which often would mean their sudden disappearance to a work camp or prison for years.
Since DHS was designed and built by IZCS choice Markus Wolfe who was hired as a consultant two years before he died, one can easily understand why DHS is a clone of the East German Stasi which he ran on behalf of the IZCS which is a well-known fact in the higher echelons of intel.
Yes, DHS was designed to create an internal American police state tyranny for terrorizing normal law abiding citizens. And each years the US Congress which is filled with bought, owned and deeply compromised public non-servants, passes hundreds of unConstitutional Liberty and Rights robbing so-called laws. These laws are all invalid from the get-go based on the famous Supreme Court decision of Marbury vs. Madison and are obvious and clear cut violations of common law as well as completely unConstitutional despite what a bought, owned and highly compromised Supreme Court rules.
Political Correctness robs personal Freedom and Liberty and breeds totalitarianism and central government police state tyranny.
Political correctness allows little freedom of thought and truth-seeking. It is a hard slave driver and demands near 100% cohesiveness of beliefs to the hived AGM. And if that was enough now we have the Director of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano calling for community snitching as a way of life with her absurd Stasi paranoid program “If you see something say something”, another attempt to erode basic community trust, the glue that holds society together. It’s obvious to anyone that understands history the true purpose of DHS is to destroy the American Republic, and beat American citizens down into complete childlike submission so they can be completely asset stripped and then mass murdered by red terror.
It’s obvious to anyone that does some basic research that DHS is little more than an agent for the International Zionist Crime Syndicate (IZCS) and its associated central Banksters run out of the City of London Financial District, a separate country with its own ambassadors and police. It is the enforcement arm of the ADL and the SPLC which are constantly identifying normal mainstream American groups and organizations as hate groups, when this is all psychological projection because they are the real hate groups and progenitors of hate and tyranny in America as well as agents of foreign intel hidden in plain sight. So we have the ADL and SPLC indoctrinating and training our police with biased, incorrect information that leads to tyranny against the ordinary law abiding citizen. How’s this for hypocrisy and irony? How’s that for a real threat to our national security, freedom, Liberty, Constitution, Bill of Rights and way of life?
Accusing others of what one is doing themselves even more is one of the oldest deflection tricks of history. Once it is exposed, the cat is out of the bag and the jig is up.
This big trick of accusing others of what is one’s mainstream activity is the oldest game used to justify tyranny in history. It is taken right out of the Bolshevik, Nazi and Stasi playbooks which were actually created by the IZCS, although few realize this since it seems to counter-intuitive. Sometimes fact is stranger than fiction and it is in this case. If you think this is perhaps one of the greatest dark secrets of history, you are perhaps getting warm.
Keep peeling the onion and you will understand “their plan” to bring about worldwide chaos, death and destruction and create “hell on earth”, mass murder about 80% of the world’s population through eugenics, soft-kill, war and red-terror, in order to bring about their Globalist NWO to rise as a Phoenix from the ashes of a destroyed world. Of course this is why we see history moving ahead to clear signs of a future World War 3 based on massive nuclear exchanges. The folks who hijacked America and much of the world are a hidden but very real worldwide “death cult” that worships the ministering of death to the world as a means to purify the race and create their own interlocked massive power systems.
Destroying basic community trust is one of the key goals of DHS under Janet Napolitano, key action agent for the IZCS.
[youtube Czoww2l1xdw]
How’s this for helping to destroy basic community trust which is needed to keep any society cohesive? Can any normal well adjusted person take this obvious absurd propaganda seriously. It completely discredits DHS as it should and shows it for what it really is, nothing but a doofus tool of tyranny for the IZCS. If you like the idea of Bolshevik Red Terror, you are going to love what DHS has planned for the sheeple. Unless stopped they plan to mass murder most of us as the IZCS finishes asset stripping America, and all major institutions of America fail. DHS will provide the final stop to protect the super-elite deviants who run the SSG and the USG while they set up and move into secure compounds or leave America for South America.
Of course anyone who checks knows that Homeland Security is basically a foreign spy apparatus that has hijacked and organized American intel and Law Enforcement including the alphabets into a single group that is now much easier to control and use as an agent of the IZCS. (3).
So basically we have a foreign based intel service serving as a main Cutout for the IZCS and its London Banksters that has hijacked almost all of our American LE and Intel. How’s that for the gross misuse of the staged terror of 911 to hijack the essence of the USG?
Propaganda is an essential requirement in constructing the hived AGM.
In 1928, Edward Bernays, “the father of public relations,” wrote in his book Propaganda:
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in a democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power in our country.”
The SSG has worked very hard to successfully establish the hived AGM over the last 100 years.
The Secret Shadow Government (SSG) has worked very hard to create this unitary, collective and hived American group Mind (AGM) over the last 100 years to be comprised of “true believers” who have accepted these false narratives supplied by the USG through the CMMM as Gospel Truth, when even a superficial examination of the actual related facts shows them to be bald faced lies.
The Problem is that most folks are so mindkontrolled they are unwilling to even examine or discuss any of the background facts and details of these false narratives which would easily expose them as phony.
Normal disbelief must be suspended. In order for Americans to be successfully hived, they must be conned into suspending normal disbelief that would ordinarily occur when inconsistent or contradictory statements which are made by the USG and communicated by the CMMM. The habitual ability to suspend disbelief has been facilitated by a lifetime of TV and Movie watching for a strong social need to escape reality and temporary suspension of belief and reality is necessary in order to project oneself into the plot for the duration of the shows.
When most folks watch TV and movies and get deeply into a show this is actually a type of self-hypnosis and resembles what happens when folks read, hear and believe phony USG narratives dispensed through the CMMM without any critical evaluation from those with actual factual knowledge and serious research skills.
Hiving folks to create the AGP involves Pavlovian and operant conditioning as well as the dispensing of sophisticated propaganda by the CMMM.
Yes, the use of these Pavlovian and operant-conditioning techniques to mindkontrol the American populace and produce a hived AGM has been so successful that most folks quickly exhibit a recoil response when confronted with any real facts which show any USG narratives are likely to be false. This of course prevents almost any real conversation about the real facts or issues of any of these staged terror matters or any questioning of the official narrative dispensed by the CMMM.
Denial and the Knee-jerk reaction to label Truth-Seekers as conspiracy theorists and whackos.
When confront with the basic facts of USG staged GFFA’s, the typical hived American shuts down and rejects the message and the messenger with no critical consideration of any of the evidence.
When the average “hived” person who is part of the AGP is confronted with even basic minimal facts, their typical response is to shut down and react like mindkontrolled dummies, typically labeling any such person who present such facts as a “Conspiracy Theorist”, when they are actually a Truth-Seeker and a free thinker, able to examine all evidence and claims.
This automatic recoil response to any intrusion into their accepted narrative in a hived individual is typically an unconscious and conditioned knee-jerk reaction instilled by USG based mindkontrolled technology based on frequent repetition of false narratives dispensed from CMMM sources regarded as credible by most viewers when actually comprised of well rationalized lies, deception and clearly false narratives.
One wonders, how did it ever get to this? Here’s how.
Classically in American early times, truth was a product socially constructed by one’s immediate nuclear family, local community and the church. This was Gemeinschaft society based on homogeneity where common interests resulted in common group morals and beliefs. With urbanization, mass production the society shifted to a Gesellschaft model based on heterogeneity, where many businesses make money off of other people’s trouble.
Central Government became based on this principal and found that it could generate big revenues and gain more and more centralized power by capitalizing on the people’s trouble and thus became interested in generating more and more “people’s trouble” to increase power and tax revenues, since they found that the naive public could be easily manipulated into seeking increased safety and help from the central government, wrongly assuming that the government gave a damn about them.
So poverty was capitalized on and transformed into a very expensive centralized war on poverty which helped the enrichen and empower the politicians while doing a very good job spreading poverty.
And the drug problem which was small and controlled was capitalized on and transformed into the War on Drugs, also helping to enrichen and empower the USG while providing huge off-the-books funding for deep black covert operations to assassinate leaders, take down foreign governments, provoke foreign wars, and bribe and compromise American politicians.
This phony war on drugs has resulted in dramatic increases in drug abuse and addiction and huge growth of the drug cartels which are all in business one way or another with the USG, the CIA and the major Wall Street Banks. It keeps the private prisons profitable and filled with harmless non-violent offenders who would be better served by medical supervision in a state with legalized and controlled drugs and appropriate treatment made available.
Certainly as shown in the book “Underground Empire” by James Mills the CIA was involved in the background of every major drug cartel supplying illegal drugs to America. There were several intel attempts to discredit the book, but senior insiders say that Dennis Dayle of Centac told his story accurately. And a sensitive, little known Congressional hearing many years ago showed conclusively that many high ranking US Customs officials were on the taker and allowing intel to traffic the cartel’s drugs into America across border inspection points.
And the new and equally phony War on Terror is a concocted cover narrative, a big lie dispensed to the American People by the USG in the CMMM as a tool of state to increase central police state power just like the Nazis did during the 1930’s
Government Staged terror can be used to gain the passage on draconian, freedom robbing laws which would never otherwise be possible.
If a government can secretly elicit massive subconscious primal fear in a populace, it is really quite easy to sell them the idea of increased police state powers for the central government in order to promise more protection and safety, when of course just the opposite will occur as Tyranny ensues.
And so, instead of the Reichstag Fire, we have 911, and instead of the Enabling Act we now have the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act and NDAA, all of which are completely illegal, completely unConstitutional and actually constitute international war crimes and crimes against humanity just like those prosecuted at Nuremberg.
So the USG entered a phase where its main objective was to become as big and powerful as possible in order to further the interests of those offshore Banksters who hijacked it in 1913. To do this these folks knew that they would have to engage in perpetual, illegal, unprovoked, unconstitutional, undeclared wars to attain these goals and that is exactly what they have done.
And the back-up plan was as the public started to catch on, to bring the war home by waging it against the groups outlined, defined and accused by the intel agencies of the IZCS such as the ADL and SPLC.
And an essential part of the SSG plan to do this was to destroy the classical American family and replace it with a Globalist NWO one. In the NWO Globalist American Family, the new Daddy is the USG, the new Mommy is the Controlled Major Mainstream Mass Media (CMMM) and the new church is the public school indoctrination system. This is the reason so many adults seem so childlike and suggestible after the 911 attacks and the phony War on Terror ensued.
[youtube fOUNllswJgY&feature=player_detailpage]
Breaking up is hard to do, very, very hard to do.
In years past before the advent of the worldwide Internet, when folks try to expose the Big Lies of the USG dispensed in the CMMM it was typically an uphill battle, since any True-Believer” who decided to “jump-ship” from the hived AGM sensed and feared unconsciously that they would suffer rejection from mainstream society which is hived and substantially mindkontrolled by the CMMM. Naturally this has classically been almost always an uphill battle, until the advent of the worldwide Internet which is a major game changer on many fronts.
It’s hard work for any government to set up the pretext for wars they deem necessary in order to maintain and expand power and this where the effective use of covert black ops is essential and staged terror is essential. If the public was actually 100% informed of what the real truth was of that the USG had been doing in the background almost every top USG official would be tried under RICO or for Treason and Sedition, convicted and hung on a military gallows like the assassins of Abe Lincoln.
Thus we have the fake Gulf of Tonkin incident used to wage a criminal war in Vietnam. We have Operation Northwoods which fortunately was stopped by JFK before it could be used to start WW3 over Cuba. Of course the JCS tried again with the JFK Assassination and that too failed but they did get to continue their war in Vietnam which JFK was withdrawing from.
“All warfare is based on deception,” wrote Chinese General Sun Tzu in The Art of War more than twenty-five hundred years ago.
And it has now been completely established that the so-called terror attacks of 9-11-01 were actually staged by the NeoCons, the USAF and the International Zionist Criminal Syndicate as a pretext for the American people to willingly to give up many Constitutional rights for promises of more safety and to enter expensive, criminal wars in the Mideast under false pretenses which were unprovoked, undeclared, unconstitutional and clearly war crimes like the Nazis invading Poland (4).
This was all possible because it is well known by USG propaganda planners that any such major blood shock such as the twin towers collapse of 911 produces incredible suggestibility in the populace, allowing deep programming to occur. This is a well-established principal of mindkontrol and is exactly what happened. Thus the American Group Mind (AGM) was programmed collectively to falsely blame the Arabs in the Mideast and to be willing to attack them in a clearly illegal war which constituted clear cut war crimes and crimes against humanity. This would have not been possible without the elicitation of massive primal fear at a deep subconscious psychological level and the stage terror of 9-11-01 attained this in spades.
Once a True-Believer understands the truth about any USG staged GFFA, the game is over and they become Truth-Seekers and are no longer part of the hived AGM.
Now, thanks to the first time penetration of the alternative “truth” media via the worldwide Internet, many folks are gaining access to the basic facts which quickly expose many recent USG narratives reported in the major mainstream media, making them “truth seekers” rather than the usual cloned “True-Believers” which most Americans have been. So essentially there is a new internal information/truth Civil War now going on inside America between the old guard True-Believers and the new Truth-Seekers.
Truth-Seekers can no longer accept the phony war on terror or the numerous USG narratives which are Big Lies once they fully comprehend at least one staged GFFA (i.e. any US Intel covert operation inside America) such as the Murrah Bombing, First World Trade center Basement Bombing, or 911, or any of the staged mass shootings such as Aurora, Sikh Temple or Sandy Hook. Once a person understand even one of these the “jig is up” and they have knocked themselves out of the hived AGM forever.
Truth-Seekers know they do not have all the facts behinds these so-called Terror Events, but they have accessed enough truth that the official USG narrative supplied through the major mainstream media are based on “big lies” and that somehow the USG is deeply involved and responsible.
Some Truth-Seekers have inside information from many years of experience and firsthand knowledge about the various USG covert operations behinds these events and are coming forth and disclosing those facts for the first time.
And various former USG officials and experts who are highly credible have now come forth and provided massive amounts of facts showing complete USG complicity and responsibility for these acts of terror which are now known to be Gladio style, indie job, staged terror event to induce the public to give up more and more of their Constitutionally guaranteed rights.
As many truth seekers now realize when they attempt to inform others of the facts of the matters of the recent so-called “terror attacks” to show them they are staged terror done by the USG itself, the typical reactions is “oh, you are a conspiracy theorist”, and their minds quickly close off from any truth input.
Reality is always a socially constructed phenomena.
Reality is a socially constructed phenomena and the SSG gained control over the major mass media via Operation Mockingbird, a sophisticated and quite expensive covert operation of American Intel. This has allowed near complete control over the narratives supplied to the public by the major mainstream mass media to construct this American Collective Consciousness or Group Mind, thereby constructing a nation of True-Believers in almost everything the USG claims.
When you have the means to print or issue all the money you want or can raise black funds from the massive sale of illegal drugs and weapons, it is not too difficult to buy up and control almost every politician and media editor you desire, thereby making complete control of the major mainstream mass media attainable.
True-Believers who break away from the hived AGM become Truth-Seekers and marginal men and it is best for them to socialize with others truth-Seekers who have left the hive too.
There are always “marginal men” who are resistant to the installation of this artificially constructed reality from the SSG’s media propaganda dispensers. These folks are then free and independent thinkers (Truth-Seekers) who walk to their own beat and are far too skeptical to ever sell out to any group or ever become “true believers” of any USG dispensed propaganda. The worldwide Internet has provided these free thinkers (Truth-Seekers) unbridled access to the facts of the matters behind major world events as never before.
Classically such truth was limited to late night talk radio and occasional paperback books. Now it is widely available for all and many who have been good USDG mindkontrolled clones are now seeing it and reading it for the first time. And some are quickly realizing they have been fed a pack of lies and mindkontrolled by false media dispensed USG narratives, thus starting to “wake up” for the very first time.
And once a person wakes up and gains the knowledge that the USG lied to them about one major assassination or terror event, the jig is up and these folks will no longer believe a known liar anymore such as the USG or their propaganda mouthpiece the major mainstream mass media. This quickly splits them off from the rest of the American group mind which has been cloned or “hived”.
This of course can create some stress and separation conflicts with peers and other family members who refuse to examine or even listen to the real evidence which exposes the USG “Big Lies”. When folks fully realize for the first time that the USG is the world biggest liar and has fed them nothing but Big Lies, obviously this is a major life changing realization and one that has major future ramifications (5).
Until one breaks free from the hived AGM, one is remains a victim of numerous false USG narratives dispensed by the CMMM.
The collective group mind of the average American which has been provided by the narratives of the USG via their controlled major mainstream media has served to create a complete firewall and cover for the SSG’s long term criminal and unconstitutional activities, creating an instant wall of denial to any folks who discover and try to expose any of these activities.
But now thanks to the Internet, major cracks in this unitary American group Mind which is an artificial construct to control minds and limit truth, is now developing major cracks and splits.
And as the economy continues to worsen and the numerous BIG Lies of the USG are starting to unravel in the controlled major mass media for the first time as with the Benghazi affair, a major split is now beginning to occur in the American Group Mind, which offers great hope for real change for the first time in a very long time.
Induction of important suppressed stories into the CMMM by the Internet provided alternative media is becoming a common occurrence, as the CMMM is becoming less and less popular.
And for the first time, there are now cases where the coverage of certain forbidden stories in the Alternative media on the Internet has raised so much attention that these stories have been driven into the major media. One example is the massive procurement orders of DHS for ammo as a ploy to deny the citizen any. At first the USG vehemently denied this, but the alternative media has become so prominent that its exposure of the actual DHS documents has driven this case into the public spotlight and even into Congressional Hearings and proposed laws to prevent this.
Even though the JFK Assassination attained many of the SSG’s goals, it also began an actual process of splitting off folks from the hived American Group Mind which has continued and intensified with each of the staged Gladio False Flag covert operations such as Murrah, the first NYC Trade Towers Basement Bombing, the 911 attacks, Aurora, Sikh Temple, Sandy Hook and now the Boston Bombing op.
And as folks are split away from the AGM, itself initially a painful event, they typically become very angry at the USG which has fed them years of constant media dispensed Big lies and pretty much duped them across the board. Once an entity such as the USG and its main partner in crime, the controlled mainstream major mass media (CMMM) is fully understood to be based completely on USG dispensed propaganda and Big Lies, these entities must never trusted again, ever. Anyone who examines their ownership quickly comes to an understanding why those comprising the CMMM are habitual liars and USG propaganda dispensers.
Litmus Tests for truth.
There are important Litmus tests which will clearly indicate whether an individual is part of the hived American Group Mind (AGM), a True-Believer, or whether someone who has broken free of the hive-mind of the AGP, a Truth-Seeker and Free Thinker.
The first and best Litmus Test is whether or not the person thinks Oswald was a lone-nut assassin of JFK and the Warren Commission was correct. Hived AGP folks typically believe that Oswald did it alone and the Warren Commission was correct despite the fact this crime of the 20th Century was completely solved and proven beyond any reasonable doubt to have been done from deep within the USG, and the American Military and Intel with the FBI working overtime to cover it up.
Another key Litmus Test concerns the 9-11-01 attacks. Folks who fully believe the phony USG narrative and the 911 report are clearly still hived members of the AGP and are unable to process truth and are seriously effected mindkontrolled victims or chumps without knowing it. The evidence available now clearly shows that 911 was a Gladio-style inside job false-flag attack beyond any reasonable doubt. Each of the following was a USG covert deep black op despite what the USG and the CMMM and the hived members of the AGP claim:
The Murrah Bombing, the first World Trade Center Bombing, the 9-11-01 attacks at the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, the Aurora Mass shooting, The Sikh Temple mass shooting, the Sandy Hook mass shooting, and the Boston Marathon Bombing. The USG, state government and CMMM claims about these events are all blatant bald-faced lies and based on phony, concocted narratives which serve to support the public’s willingness to give up more rights and support a blatant Nazi/Stasi style police state.
Fortunately, numerous high ranking American military have now realized that 911 was a USG staged Gladio style False Flag attack and know which elements inside and outside of the USG did it. This of course is going to result in the eventual complete exposure and disempowerment of the International Zionist Crime Syndicate (IZCS) and many of those NeoCons and dual citizenship alliances responsible as well as their intel assets who serve the IZCS such as Aipac, the ADL and the SPLC.
And with the deep penetration of the Internet and the facts about these deep cover covert black ops now being revealed in the alternative media, it’s only a matter of time that we will see the complete collapse of the IZCS, the SSG and the world wide secret Babylonian central bank “money-magick” fiat based usury system. It is a house of cards that will be trashed by the Third Force who has been using it to obtain its own secret goals.
Yes, it’s pretty obvious from all the signs which suggest a complete central bank collapse is coming when one considers the massive issuing of too many US Dollars, the BRICS nations clear damage to the US Petro-Dollar system, and the secret centuries long plan of the Third Force to use and then dispose of their main cutouts, the IZCS and the central Banksters when finished with them (and that time is quickly approaching).
[youtube 4RF3Lr4XI4w&feature=player_embedded]
As Mystery Babylon Falls, the great City of Commerce, London, and its whole worldwide Central banking system will go down the tubes with it much to the surprise of these USG/SSG/IZCS entities which are now cornered, desperate and hanging on for dear life.
As this all occurs it can be expected that the Big Split within the hived American Group Mind (AGM) will continue to occur and will increase in intensity, liberating many from the USG dispensed lies and phony narratives, and from the homogeneous group-think of the cloned and hived AGM. It’s always a somewhat painful process to break free from the hive, but once well underway there is a new found Freedom of thought which is exhilarating.
Social Psychologist with Doctorate from Major Midwest Big Ten University. Retired after serving the community for over 36 years during which time there were numerous contacts with those associated with Intel and Law Enforcement.
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