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Monthly Archives: May 2013

Meet U.S. Veteran Folk Singer and Author Lem Genovese

Integrity, authenticity and longevity are "OLD SCHOOL" values. Yankee Medic Records motto is "Old School rules with high-tech tools." No one personifies this better than veteran tunesmith LEM GENOVESE.

Israel Attacks Church of Scotland

In May 2013, one can't help but watch astonished a media attack conducted by the State of Israel on the Church of Scotland. On May 22, Israeli newspaper Haaretz—the unofficial Voice of the Shin Beth secret police—published an opinion article by Ben Cohen, titled "The Church of Scotland's parody of Judaism."

Unsaid Issue Behind Veteran’s Rising Suicide Rate Is Shame Based Guilt

No one really talks about the psychic damage that combat veterans feel when they take someone's life, regardless of the military situation ~ but the effect is real and usually manifests itself as shame based guilt whereas the innate deep need to love and accept love is quite often permanently disabled.

Unsaid Issue Behind Veteran's Rising Suicide Rate Is Shame Based Guilt

No one really talks about the psychic damage that combat veterans feel when they take someone's life, regardless of the military situation ~ but the effect is real and usually manifests itself as shame based guilt whereas the innate deep need to love and accept love is quite often permanently disabled.

Israel Digging Own Grave, its Death Very Close

"Those who live by the sword, die by the sword and Israel is very close to dying by the sword.”

United Against Scholarship

In the last few years we have been witnessing the emergence of a self-gratifying populist culture in the midst of the Palestinian scholarly discourse.

USA WatchDog: Global Hyperinflation coming

More than 17,000 views on YouTube for my recent interview with Greg Hunter at USA Watchdog.


As I revisited this whole nuke thing after all these years and was mulling over the photos of all those singed and bent vehicles, my friend Connie Smith — a long-time 9/11 researcher some of you may know — dropped me a note reminding me of something I’d completely forgotten about: the fascinating case of EMT Patricia Ondrovic.

Johnson & Johnson Joins Hireveterans.com

Johnson and Johnson began in 1886 when three brothers, Robert Wood Johnson, James Wood Johnson and Edward Mead Johnson, found the company in New Brunswick, New Jersey, U.S.

Abolish the Anti-American People IRS

The real big scandal is that we the people are living in an adversarial relationship with the IRS. It's time to end this stupid silly old antiquated system. We are the IRS. We are the people!

Time to Abolish the IRS

In this 21st century, we still have to endure the us versus them IRS system designed by old people that have never heard of the internet or technology. Time to fire IRS!

Are Japanese Bonds Signaling Trouble?

Japan's bond market is the world's second largest. If sovereign debt keeps falling, rates rise. Higher levels affect global finance.

Saving Private Alfi

I grew up next to the Jordan River. Its western bank had a minefield blocking access to the river, denying even stolen glimpses at its historic waters. Nearby, our kibbutz was surrounded by several concentric circles of barbed wire; landmines had been laid in between them.

Fetzer Questions Holocaust – Call the Spanish Inquisition!

Jim Fetzer says "six million" is a gross exaggeration.

Paper gold sales create a buyer's paradise-physical gold is on sale

Read this week's Bullion Buzz for a synopsis on recent, intriguing articles of relevance to investors.

Fail: Zionist Video Ambush of Atzmon (video)

If you didn't know Zionism was a mental illness, this should make it clear:

Revenue Budget Projections

The essential questions that persist about a stalled economy and a suffering middle class still remain unanswered.

Is This The Best That Christianity Can Do?

The Holy Land needs advocates for the truth. “It is the truth, and only the truth, that will lead to peace and justice”

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – May 21, 2013

Now you can help the Veterans we serve to become career ready and find jobs. VA for Vets is an innovative new career management program from VA’s Veteran Employment Services Office in the Office of Human Resources and Administration.

VA and Veterans Service Organizations Announce Claims Initiative to Reduce Claims Backlog

Today, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Disabled American Veterans (DAV), and The American Legion announced a new partnership to help reduce the compensation claims backlog for Veterans.

Israel Expands Western Wall

"Diskotel" was coined by Yeshayahu Leibowitz by merging "kotel" with "discotheque." In Hebrew, "kotel" means "wall," and is the short referral form to the Western Wall in Jerusalem. "HaKotel HaMaaravi"—the Western Wall—is the full name. Using this phrase, Professor Leibowitz, an Orthodox Jew, made fun of the Jewish veneration of old stones in that site.

Dzhokhar’s boat ‘confession’ the most unbelievable part yet of Boston psyop

If you liked "Death to America, Death to Israel, Allah is great" on the anthrax letters, you'll LOVE "Dzokhar's boat confession."

Dzhokhar's boat 'confession' the most unbelievable part yet of Boston psyop

If you liked "Death to America, Death to Israel, Allah is great" on the anthrax letters, you'll LOVE "Dzokhar's boat confession."

Nigerian army blockades Boko Haram base

NIGERIA -What do these seemingly disparate events have in common? Relatively small groups, operating under the radar of national and international intelligence gathering and monitoring organizations, are having or preparing to have a significant impact on their country’s policies.

Is it Nakba Time for Zionism?

- "Truth is heavy, therefore few care to carry it"...the Talmud

When Π Equals 3: The Battle for a Zionist Chief Rabbi

I can't imagine the Indian government attempting to change the value of a mathematical constant by law. They are too civilized for that. This type of legislation is restricted to colonizers. Indiana legislated in 1897 what is known as the Indiana Pi Bill

Markets Soar Leaving Economies Poor

Central banks run today's world. Major ones matter most. Money printing madness controls everything.

Graham Fuller, Uncle Ruslan, the CIA and the Boston Bombings

One of the many unexplained (at least not officially) anomalies of the persons claimed to have carried out the Boston Marathon bombings is the presence of key CIA figure in the direct family of the accused brothers.

Impertinent Complaints Politely Sidestepped

The Church felt obliged to change some of it after Jewish leaders sought to interfere, one complaining that it was "an outrage to everything that interfaith dialogue stands for... and closes the door on meaningful dialogue".

Boston and the CIA ‘Snafu’ Part II:

The open press statement of denial by senior reportedly former CIA official Graham Fuller in April of a link between the Boston Bombings and the CIA, labeling the reports “absurd,” may go down in history as one of the worst intelligence blunders in the past century.

Vernon Hershberger trial puts food freedom “on the table” !

One brave Wisconsin farmer stands tall against the toxic corporate takeover of our food supply.

Vernon Hershberger trial puts food freedom "on the table" !

One brave Wisconsin farmer stands tall against the toxic corporate takeover of our food supply.

Despite Pro-Cannibal Voting in the UN, Syria Is Resisting

On May 15, the UN General Assembly approved Qatar’s initiative for a new anti-Syrian resolution, as it did in August 2012. It addresses actions by the armed forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad and expresses support for the coalition of opposition forces.

Media Once Bitten, Forever Scorn

Hurrah, the worm has turned! Or has it? The corporatist controlled mass media love affair with the puppet spinmeister seems to be on the rocks.

Israel: “We Are More Anti-Semites!”

I can seldom claim to be delighted during my daily tours within the Hebrew media darkest corners; the offensive image I reproduced in yesterday's article is a good explanation why.

Israel: "We Are More Anti-Semites!"

I can seldom claim to be delighted during my daily tours within the Hebrew media darkest corners; the offensive image I reproduced in yesterday's article is a good explanation why.


The AP broke the story yesterday that Camp Lejeune could have used a simple test mandated by the Navy in 1963 to learn that its water wells were seriously contaminated.

The Rise and Fall of the Holocaust Industry

When Norman Finkelstein wrote The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering in 2000, he argues that Holocaust “hoaxers” and “hucksters”—namely Jewish organizations—have exploited what happened in Nazi Germany in order to get millions of dollars from Swiss banks.

Subject: Internet censorship – not only for matters Holocaust

I did not bend to Jewish pressure but so many in ‘power positions’ are willing handmaiden to Jewish interests.

Belgian Police Investigate Millions of Counterfeit Euro Coins

BRUXELLES -During the last month the Belgian Federal police has confiscated several tons of counterfeit Euro Coins that were shipped from China via the Belgian territory into the European Union.

The Sunday Read

The man responsible for tracking billions in U.S. taxpayer money spent on projects in Afghanistan claims he’s under pressure to keep silent about fraud, waste and abuse he turns up.

The Saga of the VA Supply Fund

Vindication feels so right sometimes. But without the vengeance, it feels hollow.