US Al Qaeda Founders/Controllers Exposed


US Ties to Al Qaeda Official

Reputed former al-Qaeda ringleader Osama bin Laden

By Gordon Duff and Press TV

Al-Qaeda was established under the authority of President Reagan on March 27, 1985, with National Security Directive 166. This established a broad cover organization that could engage in arms and financial transactions otherwise prohibited by US law.”

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High-level sources inside America’s intelligence community are totally flabbergasted by recent administration policies, particularly regarding Syria. The consensus is that the Obama administration is operating “totally blind” and doesn’t care.

Top policy advisors opposed to the new Russian-Iranian alliance, on advice from Israel, are shifting America’s position in Syria’s now “three-sided” foreign-backed insurgency.
Israeli Ambassador to Washington Michael Oren, acting as de facto White House spokesman, explains why the Obama administration has now abandoned its support of moderate forces for those of al-Qaeda.
From the Jerusalem Post:

“’Tehran-Damascus-Beirut arc is the greatest danger,’ says outgoing Israeli envoy to US Michael Oren.
’Bad guys’ backed by Iran are worse for Israel than ‘bad guys’ who are not supported by the Islamic Republic … the initial message about the Syrian issue was that we always wanted [President] Bashar Assad to go, we always preferred the bad guys who weren’t backed by Iran to the bad guys who were backed by Iran,’ he said.
This was the case, he said, even if the other ‘bad guys’ were affiliated to al-Qaida.”

The fact is al-Qaeda militants are actively wiping out moderate rebel factions fighting the Assad regime, now clearly with Israeli backing. That means another “arc” exists: Tel Aviv, al-Qaeda and the globalist cabal of neocons, Zionists and financial criminals.
Assisting them every step of the way is the controlled corporate media and the governments they have bought and blackmailed.
Wikipedia claims al-Qaeda was founded by Osama bin Laden while in Peshawar, Pakistan during the late 1980s. This is an outrageous fiction.
Al-Qaeda was established under the authority of President Reagan on March 27, 1985, with National Security Directive 166. This established a broad cover organization that could engage in arms and financial transactions otherwise prohibited by US law.
It was never intended as a vehicle for false-flag terrorism. That would come later. It was a cover operation meant to allow clandestine operations that required a high degree of deniability.
Al-Qaeda is an organization totally under the control of the intelligence agencies of the US, Israel, Britain and France. The real foundation of al-Qaeda and its oversight, its very real hierarchy, is outlined below.
A similar organization had been formed to deal with the danger of Soviet expansionism in Europe. It was called “Gladio.” Eventually, Gladio became a very real terror organization, operating in Europe for over a decade.
Chosen to head that what we now call “Al Qaeda” was Osama bin Laden or “Colonel Tim Osman,” as he was known.
Bin Laden worked directly with White House national security advisors and the Central Intelligence Agency. From his headquarters in Islamabad and Peshawar, bin Laden coordinated American activities in Afghanistan and across the Islamic world.
In August 1989, bin Laden met with White House intelligence advisor Lee Wanta and CIA station Chief Jimmie Chee to arrange the repatriation of the last 116 Stinger missiles in inventory in Pakistan.
Details and transcripts of that meeting are available, a meeting held in English.
In early 1990, bin Laden, suffering from advanced kidney disease, was flown to an American facility in the Persian Gulf.
From there, bin Laden flew to Los Angeles, landing in the Ontario airport, met by Albert Hakim, representing President Bush (41), Ollie North (free on appeal bond), Admiral William Dickie, attorney Glenn Peglau and General Jack Singlaub, one of the founders of the CIA.
Hakim was the personal representative of President Bush and in overall charge of the project. “Bud” McFarlane, an Iran-Contra figure pardoned by President Bush in 1992, was also a part of the group.
Bin Laden then left Los Angeles for Washington DC. There he stayed in the Mayflower Hotel. Meetings were held at the Metropolitan Club in Washington. Attorney Glenn Peglau stayed at the Metropolitan.
While there, Peglau’s room was broken into and “items” removed.
At no point is there record, classified or public, that this “working group” was ever dissolved nor is there any record that Osama bin Laden’s status as a security operative working for the US government ever ended.
In 2001, Osama bin Laden’s last public statement denied any involvement in the 9/11 attacks. There are no classified documents tying bin Laden to 9/11 or citing him to be a “rogue CIA operative.”
The CIA’s “bin Laden Unit” and the “hunt for bin Laden” are as fictional as “Zero Dark 30,” the Oscar winning fairy tale outlining the alleged murder of one of America’s most important intelligence assets, a man who died in 2001.
Today, Ambassador Michael Oren, in his last public statement, has admitted Israel’s full and continued relationship with al-Qaeda and the White House working group that helped found that organization so many years ago.
The paragraphs above contain more classified intelligence of a higher level than ever before released.
“False Flag”
With the acceptance of the “false flag” mantra by the powerful Tea Party wing of the opposition party, tapping in on broad public distrust of decades of government lies, the Obama administration has chosen unilateralism, not just as a global policy, but at home as well.
Now that the genie is out of the bottle and “false flag terrorism” is recognized as something other than “conspiracy theory,” the door is open for broad reassessment of a number of nagging issues, particularly 9/11, but much more as well, including the well-orchestrated financial disaster that has destroyed the economic well-being of millions of American families.
Advisors have told Obama he needs something to unite Americans and distract them from an awakening that will destroy all confidence in American leaders, rigged elections, phony terror wars and a scam economy.
Yesterday’s inexplicable incident at the Navy Yard in Washington, 13 dead, no motive, vanished suspects and conflicting accounts, will only add to the loss of credibility.
Military Backlash
They are making America the “laughing stock” of the world, something top military leaders are frightened by. “America is burning down its credibility, humiliating allies.”
This week, while talking with a senior army intelligence officer, I was told the following:

“We reviewed the CIA report they gave Congress and the president. It was pure “amateur hour.”
What else can you expect from a pack of drug dealers?
This is right out of the Bush era, using NSA intercepts to create traffic analysis patterns and simply inventing a hypothesis to fit a policy.
We have long known that “traffic analysis” intelligence is worthless, Israel is the world’s expert at creating phony radio traffic and they are in this up to their eyeballs.”

What Obama’s team is doing has been done before, filtering out any information that doesn’t fit and spinning the rest to support what is clearly America’s “last gasp” in the Middle East.
The reports contained no mention of six rebels indicted in Turkey for buying ten tons of chemicals to make sarin gas and no mention of earlier arrests with sarin-filled canisters.
Whatever Washington is telling the public, a public totally opposed to a war in Syria, it is now dedicated to regime change, the policy Israel announced today.
Intelligence meltdown
It is quite possible that the last well-informed American was former Vice President Dick Cheney. His years in Washington gave him direct access to real information. Cheney knew who the fools and liars were, President Obama and his top advisors certainly don’t.
The problem with Cheney wasn’t that he was stupid, far from that, it was his agenda, a life dedicated to serving totalitarian powers, a life dedicated to chaos and conquest.
It has become increasingly clear that Cheney was president, not Bush. History has shown Bush to be little more than a rich boy on an ego trip, an untreated alcoholic and addict, dangerously impetuous, with no grasp of policy, no intellectual capacity and the attention span of a gnat.
His role as a 21st century Napoleonesque figurehead will be his enduring legacy.
Now, America’s “ship of state” seems headed back in that same direction, all evidence of course correction erased while America plans for a Syrian invasion, building another “coalition of the willing.” Has President Obama chosen to take his own “road to Waterloo?”
Those close to the president have advised him to do everything possible to undermine talks with Russia over Syria. The agenda is clear. Syria is to have a regime change, even at risk of World War.
Obama’s advisors tell him Putin will back down as Russia’s program to rebuild its military into a credible conventional deterrent in the Middle East is a decade from realization.
Obama is being told this is the time for a confrontation with Russia and Syria is his opportunity; otherwise, America’s influence in the region is over. What he is not being told and what his intelligence reports have had carefully excised from them is the regional reality that General Martin Dempsey, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, had been trying to convey for months.
America has been manipulated into taking on a position in Syria that will lead to a full-scale civil war, one that will make the hundred thousand casualties of the last two years seem insignificant in comparison.
The original goal was Balkanization with Turkey seizing Northern Syria, Israel expanding to the suburbs of Damascus and al-Qaeda setting up a jihadist state extending into Iraq as a base for taking down the Baghdad government.
In the process, the Christian population of Syria and Iraq/Kurdistan will be slaughtered.
Lebanon would be isolated and destroyed as well with Israel exacting revenge on Hezbollah for their humiliation in 2000 and 2006.
Sea of Lies
How many in Washington are aware of the real history, the founding of al-Qaeda, of Gladio, the coup of 2000, of 9/11 or the fantasy world of orchestrated false flag terrorism, revolutions “on demand” or drone murder?
Before the end of the Reagan presidency, most real military and intelligence operations had moved outside official channels. In 2001, the rogue cabal that had operated above and beyond any government became the government.
We are now seeing evidence that it is still “alive and well.”


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Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades. Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world's largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues. Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than "several" countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.