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Monthly Archives: October 2013

The War for Small Scale Bio-Diesel for Africa

Though oil exports from a half dozen nations in Africa lead the world and fuel vehicles on every continent, Africa is one of the most "fuel poor" regions on earth.

What are the Advantages of Binary Trading with OneTwoTrade

Binary trading online has been around as a concept since 2008. And while there are many binary trading platforms on the market.

7 Best Ways to Prevent Major Budgetary Catastrophes

Once again I want to point out the catastrophic results of poor management of planned budgets. Read the post to increase the knowledge.

Colonel Gregory “Pappy” Boyington

El Toro Marine remembers rifle inspection by Colonel Gregory "Pappy" Boyington.

Colonel Gregory "Pappy" Boyington

El Toro Marine remembers rifle inspection by Colonel Gregory "Pappy" Boyington.

US Shutdown Closes Iconic D-Day Cemeteries in France

The US government shutdown on Tuesday affected military cemeteries worldwide. In France, the famous Omaha Beach cemetery, where thousands of US troops who died in key battles during the First and Second World Wars are buried, was temporarily shut.

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – October 03, 2013

Have questions about the Affordable Care Act? Below are two sites for you.

George Galloway: The Killing of Tony Blair

"Some people make a living, others make a killing" - an exclusive new documentary on Tony Blair which will break unexplored ground

Brentwood School “Bratville USA”

How did the Brentwood School, whose tuition rivals Ivy League universities, end up with a billion dollars of land designated for the 20,000 homeless vets of Los Angeles? Simple, a single VA employee turned it over to them.

Brentwood School "Bratville USA"

How did the Brentwood School, whose tuition rivals Ivy League universities, end up with a billion dollars of land designated for the 20,000 homeless vets of Los Angeles? Simple, a single VA employee turned it over to them.

3 Ways Budgets Fail (And How to Overcome Them)

This is my other point out towards how to manage your budget effectively. This is also an art. Please read these 3 points and follow them to ensure best money management.

America’s “Netanyahu Shut Down”

"The real betrayal of Israel is Netanyahu’s continued mindless belligerence. Time and time again, Netanyahu has stated that Israel’s real military power is based on its ability to manipulate America to fight unjust wars of aggression. However, those wars never do anything for Israel or its people, they only aid organized crime, drug runners, human traffickers and financial criminals."

First Government Shutdown in 17 Years. If Only It Will Last?

How can this happen and what does it mean for the small investor?

Getting Out of Student Debt Using The Bankruptcy Code

Students loans are a debt burden many people accept in order to excel in their academic and professional lives. Sadly, a large chunk of these borrowers struggle with the repayment of this debt, which is often not forgiven under normal bankruptcy proceedings. However, this article shares a way out for those suffering from financial hardship.

NSA and Jewish Bankers: Two Zionist Monsters

Glenn Greenwald: “The cardinal point is that part of the goal of the NSA is to completely eliminate privacy everywhere in the world.”

Get The Much Needed Financial Aid Easily

When one is caught up in a legal hassle, it could cause much more damage than one might have every thought of or planned for in case of contingency. In such times of trouble and distress

How to Save Money on Your Commute?

If you live within a few miles of where you work, then walking or biking could be a cheaper and healthier answer. Ask your employer if they have a cycle scheme in place, where you could get a cheaper bicycle and regular maintenance through your place of work. Read this post to increase your understanding..........

Five Recession-Proof Classics

The classic car world isn’t afraid of seriously large numbers, and after a while it stops becoming surprising when cars sell at auction not...

Top Risky Backup Finances for Hard Times

Having your paycheck on time is probably the main concern when you remember all those bills that need to be paid. Most people rarely...

Best Credit Card for the College Students

College does not only teach you the course you had applied for but they teach you a lot of other things too like taking decisions and going through the good and the bad times.

America's Drug Empire

"Heroin trafficking is the lubrication that keeps the wheels of Western politics moving as intended.”

Dynamic Duo #2: Barrett & Fetzer slam Netanyahu

Not your usual TV news show.

Dynamic Duo #2: Barrett & Fetzer slam Netanyahu

Not your usual TV news show.

Virginian Veterans Raise I-95 Battleflag

- America's most discriminated veterans have their day in the sun

Renminbi Soon to Be a Reserve Currency

The doom and gloom predictions that the dollar is finished gets a rebuttal argument.

American Exceptionalism? – Let’s Take a Peek

- Who is True Blue - and Who is with the Huckster Crew?

American Exceptionalism? – Let's Take a Peek

- Who is True Blue - and Who is with the Huckster Crew?

ACE Midwest Joins Hireveterans.com


Divided States of America

Let us not fool our self, we are a nation divided, with more things dividing us than uniting us, and the recent failure of both House and Senator to agree on a budget and the shut down of the government is but one of the facts that we are a truly divided nation.

5 Tips To Save Money On Online Shopping

Online shopping is a popular past time and great time saver for millions of people across the globe. Shoppers love to be able to purchase items.

NYC is my Mecca

There was something in America and NYC that brought about jazz, that unique combustible mixture of imaginary freedom confronted with harsh oppressive capitalism, urban complexity, all sparked by a lot of talent

VA Low Balling Vets Daily Suicide Rate

Supposedly every day in the United States at least 22 veterans commit suicide but this stark figure is obviously a low ball number because three of the largest states did not make data available to the VA for this report.

Books to Prisoners

Books to Prisoners is a Seattle-based, all-volunteer non-profit organization founded in 1973 under the sponsorship of Left Bank Books. BTP ships books to prisoners – at their request.

Conservative Civil Liberties

- "It is better to cherish virtue and humanity, leaving much to free will...than to make men machines and instruments of political benevolence" - Edmund Burke

VA “Administrative Expenses” Subject to Sequestration

Today, Representative Mike Michaud (ME-02), Ranking Member of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee, reacted to the federal government shutdown’s impact on veterans and warned his colleagues about the future impacts of sequestration on the administrative expenses of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – October 01, 2013

October is National Energy Action Month! The Green Management Program encourages you to do your part to reduce energy at work, home, and during the commute.

Cal State L.A. Boosts Educational, Career Opportunities for Student Vets

California State University, Los Angeles and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) are now working together to expand the availability of services to military veteran students through the VA’s VetSuccess on Campus (VSOC) Program.

Government shuts down! Drones grounded, NSA shuttered

When the government announced it was shutting down, dogs, drone victims, Syrians, and pot-smokers all breathed a sigh of relief.

How to Avoid Paying More Than You Need to For Home Insurance

Buying a home is expensive enough as it is without throwing unnecessary expenses into the mix. Unfortunately, some homeowners are paying much more than they need to for home insurance.

How an Entrepreneurial Life Can Affect Your Family

Entrepreneurs may invest a large amount of time, effort and money to get their businesses rolling, but they often forget about investing time in their families.

Earn Extra Money Using Your Skills

In the current economy many home owners are struggling to make ends meet. If you have a skill you’re not using why not start making it pay for you.